Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 592 Unlimited Desire

Only one-tenth of cat people who are good enough can reproduce their offspring stably.

Ace looked at the perfect rules of agriculture on the magic screen in front of him, and his long eyes were full of amazement.

The world's great wonders.

In his opinion, the rules of agricultural principles are already a fairly mild rule of rise.

No casualties, only peace.

For the cat people at the bottom, their whole life is just to be born, and then live happily for the rest of their lives.

What is the struggle for hegemony? Basically, they are all placed among the extraordinary.

And extraordinary people are generally produced among the outstanding one-tenth cat people.

The principle of stable agriculture ensures that the gene level of intelligent life in Eliza's world is continuously improved, and it moves towards the multiverse step by step, allowing 90% of the cat people to live happily.

Ace said in admiration:

Yes, yes, it seems that you and First are not lazy, but are working hard to develop your own world.

According to your current development speed, I believe that within 30,000 years, your world should be able to climb to the top of the multiverse and become a new source of void.

Eliza, you have lived up to my expectations of you.

The good situation in Eliza's world really put him in a good mood.

Listening to Ace's praise, Eliza smiled embarrassedly.

She has the current achievement, 10% is her own, and 90% is on Ace. Without the help of Ace, in the ordinary world, it would be good for her to be able to embark on the road of demigod. Soaring up hundreds of millions of miles, going straight to eternity.

Therefore, her gratitude to Ace is endless.

After chatting with Eliza for a while, Ace left.

For him, as long as Eliza develops smoothly, that is enough to make him happy.

Now, it is almost inevitable for Elisa to reach the top of the multiverse, so he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.


In Jingya's world, Ace was lying on his bed, his pair of long eyes were erratic, and the dragon's tail shook involuntarily.

He saw that the dress in front of him was very beautiful, which was in line with his aesthetic rules of fate, and his heart beat faster involuntarily.

He said righteously: What are you doing here? Although Benlong has lust and endless desires, I am also rational.

Your appearance will cause instability in Jingya's world, and what Benlong dislikes the most is instability.

Isn't it good to live in peace of mind?

Go quickly, just pretend you haven't been here before.

For the temptation of the law of fate, he is very, very excited, and he can't wait to be wild in the next second.

How can I say it? If he did this with the law of fate, what would happen if other laws and rules came over?

He has only one dragon, but there are billions of rules.

This will greatly affect the instability of Jingya's world.

As a rational dragon, he reluctantly abandoned his desires.

The Law of Destiny, who was wearing pink and purple clothes, looked at Ace, whose eyes were erratic and his tail was flicking, but his words were merciless.

He sighed softly in his heart and disappeared into the space.

Seeing that the law of fate had left, Ace breathed a sigh of relief.

He has 100% confidence in himself when it comes to business, but he doesn't even have 50% confidence when it comes to fun.

There is no way, no existence is perfect, and of course he is a dragon with emotions.


Between the beds, Jing Ya came to Ace's side in a crystal-colored gauze and let out a soft cry.

Hearing the familiar voice, Ace's eyes turned red instantly, and he rushed forward with a whimper.

A mighty wave of energy enveloped the entire palace, and Ace's previously aroused desire began to release on his wife.

In the outer starry sky.

The law of fate, the law of time, and the law of space all sighed.

The Lord of the World and the Will of the World have jointly controlled more than 90% of the interests of Jinya's world.

For these super-standard existences, interests equal power.

In other words, when Ace and Jingya united, more than 90% of the power in the entire Jingya world was jointly controlled by them.

Under absolute power, they can do whatever they want.

Their laws and rules, under such circumstances, have no power to turn around, and can only be ruled by them forever and ever.

If you want to change all this, you can only separate them.

Among the more than 90% of the benefits, Ace has more than 40%, and Jingya has more than 40%.

Just separate them and make them hostile to each other.

Then the interests they control can be used as the weight on the balance to decide the outcome.

Once such a situation is established, they will be able to take advantage of both sides, step by step to occupy more interests, and gain more powerful power.

But Ace can't be fooled. Facing a woman who fits his aesthetics extremely, he actually drove her away with absolute reason.

This really caught them off guard.

After all, since the arrival of Ace, these rules and regulations have watched Ace grow step by step.

What kind of personality is Ace? They know better than Ace himself.

If you say you are rational, you are also rational, and if you say that you are lustful, you are also lustful.

Obviously logically speaking, Ace will never abandon a woman who is extremely in line with his aesthetics.

However, Ace just gave up?

In the palace, Ace looked at Jingya who transformed into a beautiful woman exactly like the law of fate.

There is a wise smile in the eyes, and the lips are almost split to the ears.

A group of silly rules and rules, Jingya is the world will of Jingya's multiverse, and she can become whatever she wants.

He has tried all kinds of beautiful females a long time ago.

Their calculations can only help his family to have a higher status.

With the help of their calculations, he has already signed a series of unequal treaties in bed with Jingya with a smile, which is simply not too pleasant.

It even got aroused sometimes, and she made Jingya a million clones, no matter how comfortable she was.

On the bed, Jingya looked at Ace who was smiling very happily.

She was extremely shy and helpless.

Where did this dragon get so many wonderful ideas? It almost broke her.

Also, the group of rules and rules outside are too ignorant. She Jingya is also a member of the rules and rules, and everyone is of the same race.

Obviously, they should unite to suppress the Lord of the World, but the current situation is that Ace is suppressing her, but he can do whatever he wants.

And the appetite for other laws and rules made them try their best to please her, and they were hostile to her, the will of the world.

Thinking of this, her teeth were almost crushed with anger.

What Jingya didn't expect was that in the normal world, for everyone in an industry, the most hated person is never the layman, but the fellow, the so-called peer is the enemy.

Monopoly is the most profitable. If you have peers, you can't monopolize.

For all laws and rules, Ace is the master of the world, which will never change.

The other party did not take the necessary benefits of these laws and rules. The scope of the origin of the world and the laws and rules is mainly based on the blood energy benefits of intelligent life. The origin of the world, Ace, rarely touches it.

However, Jingya, the law of the will of the world and the earth, is different. More than 90% of the matter and energy in Jingya's world are going to expand the earth, which is ugly.

Their huge pile of rules and regulations can only share the small 10% equally.

Not to mention the origin of the world, more than 90% of the origin of the world has also been used by Jingya to expand the land.

After a quick calculation, in their interest system of rules and regulations, Jingya monopolizes 90% of the benefits for one rule, while their group of rules only get 10% of the benefits.

Put Ace and Jingya in front of them, which one is the enemy, don't be too obvious.

Sister, what should we do now?

The lord of the world, Ace, doesn't want to enter, and Jingya has already controlled him to death.

The law of time stood up and said to the law of fate.

From the perspective of their laws, Ace has always been manipulated by Jingya, and he is a relatively weak master of the world.

They didn't know that it was actually Jing Ya who was being manipulated to death, that a certain dragon was either on the way to happiness or on the way to happiness.

After thinking for a while, the law of destiny said: Look at it first, I don't believe it, there are still cats in this world that don't steal fish.

Ace, the lord of the world, I don't believe he can withstand the temptation again and again.

We can fail thousands of times, but the other party can only fail once.

As long as there is a gap, we will be able to separate them, and all laws and rules will have a chance to reach the will of the world.

The distribution of benefits will not be as strict as it is now.

In fact, their interests in these laws and rules are not many, they just want to increase the interests in the interests of laws and rules from 10% to 20%.

The distribution of September 1 benefits is really outrageous.

It doesn't make sense that they can only get 10% of the benefits with the billion-dollar rule, while Jingya can get 90% of the benefits with a single rule.

Of course, if they were the will of the world, they would never think that Jiuyi's distribution of benefits was outrageous.

Just sigh, why isn't the will of the world theirs?

Jingya is actually not very worried about the conspiracy of laws and rules.

This kind of conspiracy actually started after she ascended to the top of the world will.

A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a soldier who does not want to be a law and rule of the will of the world is certainly not a good rule and law.

Desire can make the existence of wisdom keep moving forward.

I have a dollar, so I want a hundred dollars, I have a hundred dollars, so I want a thousand dollars.

Desires are endless, and that means progress is endless.

The multiverse itself is a step-by-step expansion of the will of the world whose desire has reached its peak.

The multiverse breaks the definition of mass conservation, and can create infinite matter and energy without consuming other matter and energy.

It represents the infinity of desire.

Infinity of benefits, infinity of territory, infinity of matter, infinity of energy, infinity of the origin of the world,...

All infinity, the multiverse can satisfy.

How can I say it? Want what you lack.

Laws and rules, in the multiverse, the benefits obtained every moment are expanding infinitely upwards, and logically speaking, they should be satisfied.

But they are still not satisfied, they want to be the masters of their own world and become the will of the world.

For all this, she is quite welcome.

Only with desire can progress be made. If the rules and regulations are salty, she will have a real headache.

The multiverse can also progress forward, and she doesn't want her world to only increase in size but not in quality.


In the void, a small world seed floats in the void energy, and the weak void energy is slowly sucked into the body by the breath of this world seed.

After an unknown amount of time, the World Seed suddenly had will.

who I am?

In a world as small as ten square kilometers, Elena, who was in the state of a big ball of light, asked herself.

As the issues unfolded, swaths of memories began to flood her will.

Ace, Elisa, Dragon Alliance, Dragon Empire, Jingya World...

Rise and glory, hard work and struggle, despair and anger.

And the last moment she remembered was when she became the seed of the world, Ace's indifferent and rational scarlet long eyes.

My name is Elena.


She gritted her teeth for the last sentence, wishing she could pounce on her and take a bite.

But she felt her current situation, and she lost all ambitions.

Now she is just a will of the world who is about to ascend to the top of the half-plane world, not even a miniature world.

In the void, any legend who comes along can beat her like a sandbag, and the weak ones can no longer be weak.

She had to hide herself, develop slowly, and only after reaching the peak step by step could she pounce on Ace's dog's head fiercely.

In the extreme scarcity of resources, she started the extremely arduous road to entrepreneurship.

It took three thousand years for her to grow from a small world seed to a demiplane, and the area of ​​the demiplane was only less than ten square kilometers.

There are few creatures in her world, deserts are everywhere, only some ants and cacti exist in her world.

The world origin she earns every year is pitifully small, only one percent of a cubic millimeter of world origin.

With such a small amount of the origin of the world, it would not be enough to rain a single rain into her world.

At this moment, she truly realized the hardships of starting a business.

However, this is just the beginning.

Ten thousand years later, after extremely difficult development, the area of ​​her world finally reached 20 square kilometers.

At this moment, the void storm suddenly descended.

She and her world are like fallen leaves swept by a tornado, and large swaths of void storms begin to hit her world's membranes.

As a last resort, she can only use her own world source to strengthen and restore the world film.

But her world origin is quite small, and in less than ten years, her world origin has been exhausted.

There is no way, she can only refine the matter and energy inside her world, and synthesize the source of the world to maintain the survival of her world.

When a wave of void storm came down, her world was beaten back to its original shape. Ten thousand years of hard work was gone, and her world returned to an area of ​​about ten square kilometers.

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