Chapter 6: 6. WHO IS THIS BEAUTY
"I really can take care of you if only you stay by my side" he repeated looking closely into Jae Won's eyes and not averting his eyes even for a second. He lean closely to Jae Won with just a peck distance between them. Jae Won who was also lost in Vincent eyes appearing at a realm of peace with a cold breeze and a beautiful environment "wow you are so handsome" he spoke up without realizing making Vincent snapped out of his daydreaming. "Oh so sorry, I leaned too close right" he asked pulling back while going out of the car and trying to hold his breath. "Now let's go before the food finishes" he chuckled looking down to Jae Won. He made a let's go sign which made Jae Won came down out of the car. They entered the restaurant.
Thirty to fourty five minutes later, Vincent opened the door for Jae Won to come out with their faces grinning with satisfaction and laughter. "The food was so good, no wonder you kept complimenting them" Jae won said while looking up at Vincent "and thank you for what you did there for me" he continued. After they entered the restaurant, Jae Win kept staring at the decorations and interior in the restaurant he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. He bumped into a waitress who was taking an ordered food to a waiting customer. The food spilled on Jae Won and he was had to change into a different outfit. "Oh I didn't thank you for wiping the soup from my lips" he continued. Vincent smiled wildly, his face lights up with a bright and goofy smile that was not escaping soon. "No need, I'm gonna be there for you anytime" he said while going towards the car.
"Now let's go home before my mum really murder me for his parcel" he said while opening the door of the car waiting for Jae Won to join him. He drove off as soon as Jae Won entered the car looking nervous about something which Vincent had no idea. He kept quiet all the way from the restaurant to the middle of their journey to Vincent's home "what's wrong, you are quiet and nervous all of a sudden" he asked looking at Jae Won which made him forgot he was driving almost making him pass the stop sign of the traffic.
Jae Won tapping his feet while biting his nails turned to look at Vincent "what if your parents don't like me" he said looking worried as if he has done something bad that will discredit him. Vincent chuckled so hard he almost choked "why would you think like that, haven't you met me" he said placing his right hand on the back of Jae Won giving him a comforting touch to assure him. "I think I'm the mean one in my family, that I assure you" he confidently said backing it up with a bright smile "oh they are gonna love you" he continued.
Listening to him calmed Jae Won's nervousness down a bit. He could breathe normal because, if Vincent is the mean one in his family and is this kind how will the rest of the family be. "Okay if you say so" he said now a grin of comfort energy emanating from his eyes. "How many are you" he turned to look at Vincent "I mean in your family" he asked looking at Vincent with the face hell yeah I want to know them beforehand. "We are seven including me" he replied smiling like he has achieved something. "Now let's continue for you to meet my family" he said and drove off when the lights turned green.
Thirty minutes later, they stopped in front a black gate. Vincent honked which alerted the security guard out to open the gate. The black gate stood like a protector at the entrance of the huge mansion Jae Won couldn't wait to take a look at it. As Vincent pulled through the black gate, Jae Won caught his first glimpse of the mansion without realizing it he has opened his mouth widely it could swallow a whole crocodile with each columns of the mansion represent a majestic and elaborate details leaving him dumbfounded "it's a masterpiece, you really can take care of me if I decide not to work for my whole life or even eternity " he blurted out still not aware he has spoke his intentions out. "Master, you are back" said by the security guard who lightens up when sees Vincent.
"Yeah I'm back" he replied facing Jae Won who is still mesmerized by the huge mansion that seems to be out of this world. "Uuum, who is your friend master" he asked looking at Jae won suspiciously as if he is not someone to be trusted. "He is my friend, no need to be a detective" he said in childish way to make the security guard burst out laughing his lung out "okay I hear master" he replied closing back the gate while Vincent guiding him to the door of this huge mansion.
"Do you have servants to help out" Jae Won asked curiously not getting enough of the building "of course we do, we have at least 10 servants" he replied opening the door for Jae Won. "Come in" he said making way for his princess to enter "welcome to my humble abode" he continued while he bowed to Jae Won which made him laugh hysterically making a fool out of Vincent. "What's funny" he asked with a confused look. Unable to stop laughing he sat down on the couch in the living room to maintain his balance before he collapsed on the ground.
"Why were you bowing, is that how you guys do if welcoming a visitor" he asked still laughing. Vincent gave up on trying to understand what was so funny in that situation he finds himself in. "Whatever, I can see you are still nervous that's why" he said looking around for his mother who didn't allowed him to finish he favorite meal. Still no soul around, he called out one of the servants "Beatrice" no response he called out again "Beatrice". Jae Won heard a beautiful voice expecting the voice to be a young woman but rather a woman who is in her fourties. "What she is beautifully even at this age" he said it out again.
Both Beatrice and Vincent turned to look at him but their gazes speaks of something different. With Vincent gaze giving a warning the hell with you for calling another person beautiful in front of me but with Beatrice gaze it's a surprise on how young master got such a handsome friend like him. "I can bet my life on it that girls go disturb them" she thought to herself while approaching Vincent.
"Where is my mummy" still looking around hoping to see her but couldn't, he again turned to look at Beatrice. "They went to the supermarket to get some goods" she replied while staring at the beautiful man beside his master. "All of them" he asked with a tone of surprised and unbelievable face with why the hell did all of them went together written all over his face.
"Meet my friend, his name is Jae Won and he is a Korean. I met him on my way to take mum's parcel" he introduced him to Beatrice while he spoke in English pointing towards Jae Won who looked like a frozen water in an deep freezer. "Jae Won, meet Beatrice our one and only beautiful old woman here and our head of servants" he said in Korean pointing towards Beatrice who seems to be nodding to whatever he is saying now. With the end of his introduction he went ahead to sit on the couch only to find Jae Won still frozen with no reaction but with a wide opened mouth.
"What's wrong with you" he asked shaking Jae Won to see if he is still alive. Jae Won turned to look at Vincent stammering " can sp…spea…speak English" with a high note on the English he asked in English. Vincent now realizing why Jae Won was so shocked "oh you can speak English too" he said looking at Jae Won with both their faces written with surprised. "How are you able to speak in English" he asked Vincent still coming out of his left speechless moment. Vincent chuckled "I learned it in school like from preschool till now" he replied turning to look at Beatrice " oh she doesn't understand the native language well so we tend to speak English with her" he continued now sitting comfortably on the couch placing his head on the couch. With a confused looked on why Jae Won seems so surprised with their English speaking. "Do you all speak English" Jae Won asked again now moving towards Vincent as if him being closer to him will make him be able to make meaning of what he was about to hear. Vincent chuckled "about 90 percent of Ghanaians can speak English, so why are you so surprised about this" he asked turning to look at Jae Won who is so close to him. "So why didn't the doctors and nurses speak to me in English, and why were they speaking to me in the native language" he asked making Vincent smiled and now anger drawn on his face. "Maybe they thought you couldn't speak English or something. I'm not sure" he said still laughing so hard.
While they were talking, the rest of Vincent family entered the living room watching the two love birds engrossed in their moment they didn't notice the return of Mrs Gladys and the rest. The servant, Beatrice tried to alert them but was signaled to go and not say anything making her leave without excusing herself to his young master.
They only turned to look at their back only when they heard "who is this" sound but not sure who asked. They both got out of the couch walking towards the family who has returned from their shopping. "You've been gone for three to four hours" Mrs Gladys asked while moving towards the pretty boy who seems to catch all the family's attention.
"How did you get such a beautiful friend" she said wile still moving forward to this gorgeous man who seems to be so nervous you could see sweat running down his neck. He now turned to look at his son with a how the hell did you get such a handsome Korean friend here in Ghana look written all over her face. "Who is this beauty" she asked now waiting to hear a reply.