(BL) Saving My Korean Boyfriend

Chapter 3: 3. CAN YOU HELP ME?

After Jae Won lost all hope and gave up for a few days, he got another inspiration to go home. And what was the inspiration you may ask, yes he did by impersonating the cleaner who comes to clean the hospital every now and then. The cleaner stays around the hospital which made Jae Won got an idea by taking some of his clothes so that he could go out without any notice.

The cleaner washes his clothes on every now and then and hangs them on the dry lines. Jae Won notices this on his few days he was admitted at the hospital and made his plans.

He sneaked into the cleaner's house, made sure he was not notice by anyone walked slowly like a thief , looked through all the washed clothes and find the ones that fitted him. He went at the back of the house and changed into the clothes he picked out and put on a cap he saw just around a patient who was brought in by a Good Samaritan at the hospital. "How I wish I could see myself right now" he said to himself.

He walked confidently towards the main gate of the hospital and gave a sign by nodding his head to the security guards guarding the gate. The guards didn't find it suspicious because the person who gave a sign like this has been the cleaner who was actually greeting them and that is what the cleaner does every time he is going out. Jae Won has seen him do it several times when he was checking out all the exit that could help him escape.

As soon as he left the main gate of the hospital he run as fast he could as if he was going to get caught in a few seconds without him realizing there was a road in front of the hospital. Tweeeeeeeh, that's the sound that made Jae Won realized he was in the middle of a busy road. "Can you please watch where you are going, I don't want to be fucking jailed for hitting you" said by Vincent looking at the one scaredy-cat he almost hit with his car who is frozen stiff like huge building our dear Elsa from Frozen who has performed her wonders as usual.

Vincent got out of his car with all concerned eyes on him and the almost hit victim with the thought of are they both gonna be okay thought by the passers by and spectators I must say. Looking scared and worrried at the same time approached the flustered young man who is still out of this world probably in the realms of did I just fucking escape from the death of an accident.

"I'm so sorry, did I hurt you"said by Vincent looking at Jae Won still confused he repeated, "are you really okay" this brought back Jae Won from wherever he was back to reality. Jae Won looked at the God of handsome standing in front of him with his high bridge nose and smooth black skin shining brightly under the scorching sun with his white eyes and brownish iris that was sparkling "huh" said by Jae Won looking at Vincent "I said are you okay" this time Jae Won heard it clearly but couldn't make anything out of it. "I don't understand you" replied by Jae Won who didn't look like he has the strength to go through all the language barrier again but couldn't help himself with his thought "damn he is so handsome". He sighed "do any of you understand Korean, I just want to go home".

Vincent now realized the person in front him was a Korean and not one of them "wow, what an amazing disguise he has up on his sleeve, I couldn't even see his skin color" he thought. He approached Jae Won collecting all his Korean words and processing them to the tip of his tongue "you are a Korean right, I understand a few Korean" he spoke in Korean. Jae Won now hearing a familiar language he moved towards Vincent with smile plastered on his face and a wide grin around the corner of his mouth " where am I, what language were you speaking, and how the hell did I end up here, er er errr" catching his breath "relax, come with me to the car and let's have a chat" said by Vincent. Jae Won nodded his head and and replied "okay". Vincent guided Jae Won to his car and drove to the parking side of the road to continue their conversation.



It's Vacation time and Vincent barely made it out of his University because girls crushing on him were taking the opportunity to get his number and he keeps turning them down. "Can't you find any girl attractive since your last girlfriend" said by Vincent best friend Akwasi, that's his name. "I will get a girlfriend if I meets someone who makes my heart flutter and skip a beat and accept me for who I am and not for my money, I will gladly accept her" replied by Vincent looking intently at his friend with a warning look from his eyes leave me the fuck alone. Akwasi clearly understood the warning his friend gave "oh bro, I'm not intruding but it's been three years so find yourself a girlfriend and leave us alone" he snorted.

Vincent ignore his friend and walked towards his car while Akwasi kept on talking to himself only to realized he is talking to himself "what the hell" he said, running towards him "why did you leave me talking to myself" waiting for a reply only to hear "charley, I need to go home now, my parents are waiting for me and you know it's a two hour drive from school to home" he blurted out without any remorseful feeling towards his friend who kept talking about a girlfriend.

Akwasi accepted the fact Vincent doesn't want to talk about a girlfriend right now and paused whatever convincing he had up to his sleeve. "Okay, then let's go" he said. Within the two hours of driving Vincent kept his mouth shut and didn't utter a word to his friend Akwasi. They finally got to Vincent house whose parents and siblings were patiently waiting for their precious son and siblings whose return is like the visit of a president.

"Finally, my handsome son is home" said by Mrs Gladys, Vincent mother while his father was busily looking through his newspaper as if he is not happy his son is home. His father Mr Jonathan doesn't express his love for his elder son but within his heart he loves Vincent more than anything in the world. "You are home" asked by his father looking at the other side of the living room. Vincent is aware of how his father loves and dotes on him but he clearly doesn't express himself. He didn't take that to heart in fact he smile widely when he heard his father welcoming him.

"Yes daddy I'm home and I brought Akwasi with me, he will be spending a few days here before he goes home" replied by Vincent who looks so happy that he is home. "Akwasi is always welcomed here" said by his father. All his four siblings came to hug him " big brother, we miss you so much" said by them "oh and I miss you so m...." replied by Vincent who was then interrupted by his mom "my baby is so handsome but you've lose weight, who the hell is keeping my son from eating". He acted as if he didn't hear her mum.

"Come come I prepared your favorite meals for you" pulling Vincent to the dining table to check out the meal she prepared for his favorite son, she positioned the chair for his son to sit down to eat. Vincent signaled his friend to go put their belongings in his room. And Akwasi did what he was told to. A few minutes later Akwasi came down from the first floor to the living room up to the dining table to join his friend to eat. While they were eating Mrs Gladys received a call which she took it out. A few minutes later she came back "I'm sorry baby but can you go to the bus station and take a parcel for me, I know you are tired but please" blinking her eyes like a Barbie doll to charm her son to do what she wanted. Vincent always fell victim to his mum request though he didn't want to do but what can he do, he has been charmed by his beautiful dark skinned mum. "Okay mummy but on one condition, I'm gonna need a new laptop if it's possible" he hesitantly said it but didn't expect to hear her mom's approval "okay deal" said by his mom. With his surprised look and unbelievable ears "what" he blurted out.

He then went ahead pick up his car keys and went straight to his car at the parking lot. He drove towards the gate and signaled the security guard to open the gate. "Master, welcome home" said by the security guard smiling foolishly to the young master who has respected him when he was just a boy, "take care and drive slowly Master" he continued. Vincent drove through the opened gate nodding towards the security guard and smiling back.



Vincent looking at this beautiful handsome Korean and couldn't help his thought "why is he so handsome, I bet his girlfriend would be all over h….." his thought was cut short when Jae Won said "I don't know what to do". With his teary eyes he asked "what country is this" Vincent couldn't help himself feeling worried for Jae Won "This is Ghana and is in Africa" he continued "how the hell did you end up here". Trying to remember what happened back in Korea, "I honestly cannot remember anything" he replied looking so dejected "so how did you end up on the road almost making me run you over with my car" asked by Vincent. Jae Won sighed and narrated the moment he woke up and his plan he successfully made to escape. "I can see you are tired but I'm sorry you've gone through all th…." but he didn't get to finish his sentence when he was cut short by Jae Won "Can you help me" he asked looking at Vincent with his cute puppy eyes which made Vincent heart skipped a beat "uh" is what he was able to say, Jae Won didn't hesitate to repeat what he said


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