Beyond The Outline

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Thirtieth

The playground after school in Sixth Middle School is the busiest. Sometimes boys don’t even go to dinner and go to the basketball court to take up positions. Xu Sheng occasionally goes to play ball, but his role is not only to play ball. It was this master who led a group of people to open the iron net door of the basketball court, lazily walking inside carrying a bottle of water, no one in the school dared to grab the basket with him.

Xu Sheng went to the playground to show his face, sitting on the edge of the flowerbed with his legs bent and watching Zhang Feng use his very amateur layup technique to make a three-step layup without making a layup. He booed twice as the crowd booed.

On the court, Zhang Feng jumped up and down, meaningless.

Xu Sheng looked far away, left the crowd, and landed on the road across the road from the basketball court and across the road leading to the boys’ dormitory building. The teenager in school uniform carried a bag on one shoulder, and one ear was stuffed. Only earphones, we are walking towards the station.

Xu Shengxin said that there are so many people in this school who wear uniforms, and the uniform he wears at the same table is really recognizable at a glance.

The English recitation in Shao Zhan’s headset was interrupted for two seconds, and then a clear message prompt appeared in the headset.

He slid away from the phone screen.

S: I saw you.

S: I’m in the playground, looking back.

Shao Zhan stopped, and as usual, he must directly express the six words “Do you see me care about you?” After he became Xu Sheng, he would bear the name of the school bully, memories of the past and those people and things. Suddenly swept towards him.

The news appeared too unexpectedly.

Although Xu Sheng didn’t ask much and changed the subject at the right time, Xu Sheng was sometimes more keen than he thought. This keenness comes from the observation of people, which is completely different from the randomness that appears on the surface.

However, the word “return” seemed to have some magic power, Shao Zhan raised his eyes and looked over.

Days are long and nights are short in summer. The sun hasn’t started to set, the sun is scorching hot.

Xu Sheng sat there more swagger than the basketball players.

He was holding a bottle of water in his hand, and the hem of his clothes was blown up by the wind. The earrings in the classroom are usually not conspicuous, and the earrings fold out under the light——seeing Shao Zhan turning back, Xu Sheng smiled. Kong Chong waved his hand.

S: See you next week.

Shao Zhan reminded him: There will be results next week.


Xu Sheng is planning to go back to something.

Zhang Feng retired from the field and wiped his sweat with the hem of his school uniform: “The girl opposite, did you see me just now?”

Xu Sheng returned to his senses: “What girl?”

“Didn’t you just ask you to help me stare?” Zhang Feng was anxious. “The one on the opposite playground, with two braids, she is in our next class in the first year of high school. You don’t care about the life-long issues of your brother at all. ”

“You are chasing more people. Where can I remember each one?” Xu Sheng didn’t dare to say that he patronized and looked at the same table, forgetting this at all. “Just your layup, you still beg to heaven. She didn’t look at you just now.”

Zhang Feng choked, and realized that Xu Sheng’s direction was obviously not right, so he looked along: “No, what were you looking at just now?”

“…” Xu Sheng said, holding the water bottle, “I didn’t see anything.”

“I didn’t look at you…”

Halfway through what Zhang Feng said, he also saw the school uniform: “Learn God?”

Xu Sheng twisted the water bottle and took a sip of water, intending to fool this topic, but Zhang Feng

Sitting down next to him, as if thinking of something, he patted Xu Sheng’s shoulder solemnly: “Speaking of Xueshen, I was not embarrassed to ask you about that matter last time, but I found that I couldn’t ask…”

Xu Sheng was taken aback by him.

The man’s sixth sense tells him that these ten things are the sequelae of the exchange of bodies, which are related to his previous crazy show operations.

Sure enough, Zhang Feng said: “Just post it. Actually you can feel it. I think Xueshen likes you.”

The power of this sentence was as powerful as yesterday’s thunder, and the saliva in Xu Sheng’s mouth almost didn’t come out.

Xu Sheng was very difficult to say afterwards: “What do you think…?”

Zhang Feng: “Isn’t this obvious enough? A person who hardly played Tieba in Xueshen wrote a small composition of more than 500 words for you, with peach-like charming eyes-don’t talk to me about hacking or hacking. Others don’t know that I still don’t understand. I begged Meng Guowei to be at the same table with you and coach you to study. This is not clear enough? On the day of the fight in the Internet cafe, I finally figured out why he hurried over! ☪☪”

He is not.

He didn’t.

But Xu Sheng was unable to argue.

After the exchange came back, he really felt what Shao Zhan’s personality had been broken by him.

Xu Sheng’s speechless response gave Zhang Feng confidence. He felt that he was absolutely magical. The biggest secret of Linjiang Sixth Middle School was broken by him: “Okay, I know there are some things I shouldn’t break, after all. It’s your two private affairs.”

Xu Sheng interrupted: “It’s not… this thing may be different from what you imagined.”

Zhang Feng’s eyes were full of determination: “I understand, what are you afraid of with me, I won’t say it.”


Brother, I’m really scared of you like this.

Xu Sheng finally sighed: “Fuck you, get out and play, get out.”

Zhang Feng held the ball on the court.

Xu Sheng sat on the basketball court for a while. Before the sky gradually darkened, he clicked on and read the phrase “come back on the weekend” again.

Then he threw the water bottle into the trash can, and then got up.


A parabola crossed, and it was just thrown right in the middle.

After not going home after a month, the community is still the same, with more green plants, and two rows of plane trees are planted on both sides of the road when entering from the community. The residential area is located on the edge of the urban area of ​​City C, which is not overly lively and the environment is quiet.

Xu opened the door in full bloom, and the light in the hallway was on.

When he got home, the woman had just returned from the company. She was wearing a black vertical striped suit, concise and capable, with long hair and slightly curly hair. She called from the window: “No problem, Mr. Xue, I will have someone change the report tonight… …I’m sorry, I should be more careful, there shouldn’t be such a mistake.”

Xu Sheng passed by the living room and knocked twice at the door of the dining room with his fingers, which was regarded as an announcement that she had come.

Xu Yaping said a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Xu Sheng originally poured himself a glass of water, and when she saw her hung up the phone, he pushed the glass of water in front of her, and then he leaned back in the chair.

On the table are home-cooked dishes packed from a nearby restaurant.

Xu Yaping said: “Suddenly there was work to do, and before I had time to buy vegetables, I ordered some takeaway.”

Women look like typical women in the workplace, they look like

It is very similar to Xu Sheng, especially the eyes, except that the shape of women’s eyes is not as sharp as that of a young man. Except for the fine lines on the corners of her eyes, the years hardly left any marks on her body. Anyone who saw her would think that she was a very beautiful woman.

From the busy working state, the woman looked tired.

Xu Yaping said that her tone of voice was tempered in the workplace, and she was tough without knowing it: “I heard that you did the test yesterday, how did you get on the test?”

Xu Sheng didn’t care, and picked up a chopsticks dish: “Just like that, perform normally, there is still more than 100 points of room for improvement.”

Others took more than one hundred tests. By the time he has achieved this, there is still more than 100 points of room for improvement.

Xu Yaping: “…”

Xu Yaping held the chopsticks and did not move for a long time. She seemed to endure and endure, and finally put down the chopsticks and took the initiative to break the seemingly normal atmosphere: “Are you still thinking about—”

╵The latest chapter of Papaya Huang’s work “This Topic is Super Outline” was first published and updated on the whole network from https:”>a>, domain name ╵

There was a “pop”. Before she could finish her words, Xu Sheng also put down his chopsticks.

The air seemed to stand still suddenly.

It was so heavy that people couldn’t breathe.

Neither person mentioned the word, but it was no different from saying it.

In this compelling air, Xu Sheng subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to unbutton the school uniform, only to remember that he was not Shao Zhan now, and he did not wear a school uniform.

After a long while, Xu Sheng got up and opened his mouth and said, “Mom, I’m full, you can eat by yourself.”

Xu Yaping did not speak, and held back her nails almost pinched into the flesh. Xu Sheng was happy when she came back. She half regretted that she was impatient and made a good meal like this, and half was angry and **** off the child’s learning attitude. : “You stop, where do you want to go.”

Xu Yaping also stood up, and the two faced each other across the dining table: “I know you are still blaming me, even hate me, hate me for interfering with you. But you are still young, and your knowledge of the world and society is not sound…”

“I’m going out and walking around, if you call me back just to tell me this,” Xu Sheng said not very much. “We may not have to sit here and eat together. Also, we don’t have to turn around and ask next time. Meng Guowei, what am I doing recently.”

His current state is no different from when he was called by Meng Guowei for the first time after a thorough examination. He didn’t seem to care about anything and was invulnerable.

Xu Sheng finished speaking and opened the door.

Xu Yaping is a single mother. She spends most of her time at work. Faced with the pressure of survival, she can’t take care of many things. From when Xu Sheng was a child, as long as she came home late, Xu Sheng was hosted in a private studio downstairs in the community.

The studio is not big, with a total of a dozen students. The one who opened the studio was an art teacher. Xu Yaping remembered that when the teacher first praised “this kid is talented”, she didn’t take it seriously.

In Xu Yaping’s concept, how can painting be a serious work? If you like it, no one will stop him from painting in his spare time.

She hopes that the child will be safe…

Xu Yaping sighed helplessly facing the empty seat opposite. Due to all kinds of fatigue, she slowly closed her eyes.

Xu Sheng said he was going out for a while, but he didn’t know where he was going. He stood on the side of the street and walked twice, took out his phone to check the time, and the sketch on the phone screen came into view after unlocking.

The signature under this pixelated date is an S.

Xu Sheng didn’t know how to go back to the old place before the move.

The neighborhood.

The studio downstairs in the community is still the same. The studio was half open, and just received a group of new students. Xu Sheng approached the door and heard the teacher explain the basic pen holding posture: “Let’s hold a pen, which is different from writing gestures. Use our thumb and index finger to hold this pen. Hold it in the palm of your hand, and press the pad of your thumb on the pen barrel… Yes, this lesson mainly teaches holding pens and arranging lines.”

There is also a compartment in the studio, which is an open room. Usually, students who have been studying painting in the studio for many years will come over to paint in private, and they will be placed in the compartment before they finish painting. Therefore, this compartment has a nickname “Advanced Room”


A sketch or oil painting can be painted for a week, and the fineness is breathtaking.

It is completely beyond the cognition of those students who just learned to paint.

Just like you are still learning stave, people have already gone to the concert hall.

The teacher is a woman in her forties. She has a slender figure, a white skirt and long straight hair. When she speaks, she whispers softly: “Everyone sends out a piece of drawing paper. The focus of this lesson is to practice the line.”

Xu Sheng stood at the door and did not enter.

After the woman demonstrated to the classmates, she got up and finished the drawing paper, and posted the content of the demonstration on the blackboard. When she turned around, she saw him: “Xu Sheng?”

Xu Sheng walked in: “Aunt Kang.”

Xu Sheng had been calling this since he was a child, and Aunt Kang smiled and couldn’t help but looked at him a few more times: “Is high school busy, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Xu Sheng: “It’s okay, I’ll come nearby… buy something, and come and see you by the way.”

“It just so happens that Xiao Kai is inside,”

Where can Aunt Kang not know “buy something”

It’s just an excuse that the Xu family’s mother and son had trouble doing this at the beginning, but she didn’t stand to say much, pointing to the cubicle, “He was still talking about you a while ago, and he must be happy when you came.”

Kang Kai is the son of Aunt Kang, a few months younger than Xu Sheng, and it can be regarded as the friendship that grew up in the studio together since childhood.

Kang Kai threw down his paintbrush after hearing the sound of “Xu Sheng”. He was very handsome, but he was not tall. Seeing that he was really Xu Sheng, he quickly pulled people closer to the cubicle: “Mom, you go to class. You don’t need to change it, I will ask Brother Sheng to change it for me.”

“That’s how you entertained me,” Xu Sheng picked a sharpened pencil in the pencil case. “Let me change the drawing for you as soon as I come.”

Kang Kai: “You don’t know that my mother is okay, but he is a tigress when he is fierce.”

Xu Sheng’s eyes fell on the portrait of the person on the easel, and he adjusted the partial body structure.

“No wonder my mother always dislikes me, let me learn more from you,” Kang Kai looked at the shape deviation that Xu Sheng hadn’t studied for a long time at the drawing paper, and was caught by Xu Sheng. “…Are you still a human? Is the structure of our hands? Different.”

It’s not clear how the hand structure is different, but Xu Sheng’s fingers are long, and they look better than others.

Xu Sheng said: “Don’t feel inferior, diligence can make up for one’s weakness.”

Kang Kai: “Fuck.”

Xu Sheng: “Face the gap between people and turn grief and anger into motivation.”

Kang Kai: “Okay, stop talking.”

Xu Sheng couldn’t stay here for too long. After changing the structure, he emphasized the light and shade again. Then, when he loosened his hand, the pencil fell into the pen tray: “You draw by yourself in the back. I’ll go out and wash my hands.”

Apart from Kang Kai in the cubicle, there was another classmate who was painting color. That classmate frequently looked at them since Xu Sheng came in.

There is no other reason.

Kang Kai, who says “is the structure of our hands different”, is a recognized painting **** in the studio. He is always the only one who helps people change paintings. Although it is not time for the exam, he is invited to participate in art at his current level. In the joint entrance examination, the results can be easily stabilized in the top 20 in the city, and it is like an open hanging in the studio.

“Painting God,” the classmate was really curious, and asked when he was shaking the pen, “Who is he? It’s in our studio? Isn’t it amazing.”

Kang Kai’s tone was careless, but what he said was not the case at all: “If I am a **** of painting, then there may be no words to describe the person just now. Let’s put it this way, if the master takes the entrance exam, the city’s first guess will have to change. people.”

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