Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 26 – The two’s levels

‘Final shot!’

‘Eclipse Thunderburst.’

Red lightning engulfed the spear, with a dense amount being concentrated at the tip as it left her hands.

It zapped through the air and pierced the chest of the Archerex, creating a blinding flash followed by a thunderous explosion that obliterated the monster’s body.


At that same instant, the final light arrow the monster poured both its energy and life force into, tore rifts through the air as it reached her within a second.

When the Archers died, it was sure that its attack was definitely going to take her down, given that it had aimed right for her heart.

Unfortunately, it could not be more wrong for two reasons.

One was that the runemaster Wanete, who quickly sent five defensive floating runes that formed a star-shaped shield of light in front of Davina’s body right before the arrow could hit.

The second, was her older twin brother who created a whip with his aura which he flung upwards.

The whip looped around her waist, yanking her body down in sync with the arrow’s collision against the star shield.


The explosion from the arrow's impact resonated through the air, creating a blinding burst of light and sound, which Davina gazed at from below, her heart pounding heavily from the close call.

“Aren’t I the best brother out there?”

David’s voice partially snapped her out of her daze, making her realise she was now being held up in princess-carry style in his arms.


She nodded meekly and David could not help but chuckle lightly as he set her down on the ground and unfurled the whip from her waist.

“Now then, this whip is harmless to my dear sister…”

His pupils darted to the side, locking onto the forms of the seven incoming Scream weavers, nightmarish creatures that blended elements of arachnids and humanoid figures, with elongated limbs that ended in razor-sharp claws and faces that looked like a combination of human and spider features.

“…but for eyesores like you. Not so much.”

Crimson flames engulfed the whip that slammed onto the ground, causing the earth to rupture and release torrents of molten earth that spewed forth in a chaotic eruption, engulfing the bodies of the scream weavers.

The monsters released echoing screams that had paralyzing properties as the flames and molten earth ravaged their bodies, filling them with so much agony that they could not even form proper defences with their energies.

Wanete then chipped in with a simple damage bonus rune, doubling the potency of the flames.

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

“Oh, two levels? Those Scream weavers were pretty high level then.”

David remarked as he opened up his status and looked at his new level, noting that his strength stat had maxed out and become ‘S+’.

|Name- David Evangelista

Race- Pureblood Noble Vampire

Gender- Male

Age- 18

Level- 418

Existence Level - Grandmaster (Superior)

Titles- Eldest Young Master of the Evangelista Clan, [...]

Class- Spearlasher

Health– S-

Energy- S

Strength– S

Agility– S-

Durability– S-

Intelligence- A

Condition- Normal

Magic Tiers- Fire Tier 3, Blood Tier 3, Earth Tier 3, Wind Tier 2.

Skills- Spear Mastery (E), Whip Mastery (H), Hellfire Rupture, Earthen Sentinel, Earthshaker Slam, Molten Blood Surge, Tempest Strike.

Unique Skills- Infernal Bloodfire. |

“Hey, Davina. What level are you now?”

“Huh? Come to think of it, I haven’t checked.”

And when the younger twin did check, it turned out that she was three levels higher than her older twin brother, much to his shock.

“How?! I killed more!”

“And I killed higher levelled ones.”

The girl remarked as she walked up to her fallen sword and picked it up, doing the same to her brother’s spear before tossing it back to him.

She also did her best to ignore the gaze on her coming from a certain Hybrid standing at the top of a collapsed building while scanning her status board.

|Name- Davina Evangelista

Race- Pureblood Noble Vampire

Gender- Female

Age- 18

Level- 421

Existence Level - Grandmaster (Superior)

Titles- Eldest Young Mistress of the Evangelista Clan, [...]

Class- Crimson Stormblade

Health– S-

Energy- S

Strength– S-

Agility– S

Durability– A+

Intelligence- S-

Condition- Normal

Magic Tiers- Earth Tier 3, Fire Tier 2, Lightning Tier 3, Blood Tier 3, Wind Tier 2.

Skills- Time Difference, Sword Mastery (E), Crimson Lightning, Storm's Resilience, Eclipse Thunderburst, Earthen Resonance, Crimson Whirlwind.

Unique Skills- Queen's Blood, Sanguine Symphony. |

Looking around afterwards, she saw that her other companions who had made short work of the remaining monsters, were now harvesting the magic stones from them and tossing them into their spatial rings.

“You’re a resident of this city, right? Mind filling us in on the details of how this situation came to be?”

Jamie’s question towards the adventurer he saved from the Shadowstrike Ravager earlier attracted their attention and had them perking their ears up to hear her answer.

The woman didn’t hesitate to give him a quick rundown of how things were when the dungeon suddenly exploded, also citing that it was strange considering a team of Legendary Realm adventurers had reached the deepest floor a few weeks ago, clearing out most of the monsters in the process.

“There should not be this many monsters…it’s still too early.”

“You say Legendries went into the dungeon...what’s the level limit?”


The moods of the Vampire quintet turned dark as the fact that it was a dungeon with a limit of 700 that broke, meant that there’d be monsters on that level rampaging around soon enough.

“Clurg’s done for. No way this city can survive being the battleground for multiple Legendries.”

“Even Epics can level it with ease, much less Legendries.”

Just as she said that, a heavy aura suddenly surrounded the area, with the dense energy pressing down on everything non-humanoid within a radius of several kilometres.

Immediately after, giant cross-shaped constructs of light manifested in the sky, each one filled with a dense amount of light universal law energy.

The blades then rained down onto the ground, an action that preceded a symphony of screams and agonized wails of pain coming from countless monsters, and then silence.

“…all the monster presences we were sensing disappeared…”

Nelo muttered lightly as he could not sense even a single monster within his perception range, which as a grandmaster, was wide enough to cover many kilometres.

The overbearing aura disappeared like it was never there, and right after, Jamie who had a pensive look on his face all this while suddenly released a short burst of energy.

This action sent shivers down the spines of all those present, except the Vampire quintet who had more of questioning looks than fear on their faces.

But the answer to their unspoken questions was revealed in the next moment when a streak of light suddenly descended from the skies and onto the ground right in front of them.


Its collision with the ground occurred with enough force to crater it lightly and kick up a small cloud of dust, which quickly cleared up to reveal the streak of light’s true identity.

“Was that you?”

A feminine voice rang out, from the lips of the short-haired tall woman with a pair of silvery-white animal ears and a similarly coloured tail emerging from her lower back.



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