Beyond M-Eclipse: Easy Mode LIVE

Chapter 8 |Message Board|: Rushing Post-game Superboss Dungeon

OP: Anonymous: What went so unequivocally WRONG

>Gathering a massive amount of military forces from all the superpowers in the world. They all agree to a ceasefire for this btw.

>Numbers isn’t disclosed but it wouldn’t be surprising if the total forces is almost a million

>Bring in some of their best tech and bombs that aren’t nukes or other stuff that’d just be MAD

>Probably include some prototype weapons they bring out just for this

>Maybe even more stuff that were kept hidden from the broadcast

>Broadcast started

>Find one monster

>Cut off the footage the moment they get shitstomped

Guys what in the fuck was that?

1: Anonymous

My question is why the fuck are they even joining forces when they were at each other’s throat a few weeks back

that just sounds like a disaster in terms of cooperation

2: Anonymous


3: Anonymous

What a massive failure

4: Anonymous

How the fuck does any of that HAPPEN!?

5: Anonymous

>At least 100,000 against one

>Get fucked anyway

Just how and why?

6: Anonymous



7: Anonymous



8: Anonymous



9: Anonymous

Actually grim

10: Anonymous


11: Anonymous


12: Anonymous

Is that seriously the end of the broadcast?

13: Anonymous

I saw some broadcast from other countries and it only end about a few second after the American one

14: Anonymous


There’s no way they can even create a base for more than 100k soldiers right?

Why even join forces in that case, you’re gonna hard cap on how many you bring anyway

15: Anonymous

Bro it doesn’t take a genius to know a place everyone is calling Chaos Tower to be obscenely dangerous how do they not know that

16: Anonymous

What EVEN is the Chaos Tower

17: Anonymous


Better question is why don’t they go for more prep time? Sounds like this was started only a few days ago

18: Anonymous



They were wiped probably

19: Anonymous

That fucking place look like some sort of end-game fantasy dungeon no fucking way they don’t think supernatural shit that can rock their shit doesn’t exist

20: Anonymous

Any nerds in EX-VR had read about this?

21: Anonymous


Aren’t these kinds of operation usually take months? This couldn’t have been more than 2 weeks

22: Anonymous

We’re actually doomed as a species what the hell

23: Anonymous

What even compelled them to do this?

24: Anonymous

At least one of them ought to know this is stupid, right? Like why?

25: Anonymous

I’m surprised this even happened in the first place, let alone them fucking up this bad

26: Anonymous

How did we get to this point anyway

27: Anonymous


No one fucking knows anon

28: Anonymous

it’s so over

29: Anonymous


Something in the south pole

30: Anonymous


The fuck does that have to do with anything anon

31: Anonymous

Anyone actually having any idea why this all goes down like this?

32: Anonymous


I think they know anon. They wouldn’t have do ceasefire and join forces otherwise

33: Anonymous

The only good thing that happen from this is those fuckers stop fighting each other

Maybe they’ll stop fighting period.

34: Anonymous

I hope they all got wiped out just to cripple literally every military in the world

35: Anonymous

So what is even that weird flesh golem robot thing?

36: Anonymous

So here’s the thing.

We knows bullets does work so it’s not like monsters have resistant to non-magic attacks or anything like that

So this thing is just flat out strong enough to tank rains of bullets and MULTIPLE BOMBS

Why don’t they immediately run after knowing that?

37: Anonymous


Actually fucking grim

38: Anonymous

Lol, lmao even

39: Anonymous

Never thought something like this was ever gonna happen

40: Anonymous

I’m shocked they even broadcasted it for a second

This looks like some crazy secretive mission

41: Anonymous


From what I know there are rumors going around that the various books in EX-VR actually have real knowledge on magic and sorcery, something people thought were just flavor text.

42: Anonymous

>It’s bulletproof

>It’s bomb proof

>Let’s continue attacking it

Extreme **********

43: Anonymous


People seriously think that?

44: Anonymous


I know some people managed to learn magic from within VR but isn’t that a little ridiculous?

45: Anonymous


This is like a night time exploration level of stupid

46: Anonymous


Ok proof?

47: Anonymous


No one did anon

48: Anonymous

Will they even announce anything after this? Feels like they’ll kept it under the radar

49: Anonymous


Really need someone with an essay to make sense of all this

50: Anonymous


No way that’s true

51: Anonymous


Not very likely, but people will be pissed either way

52: Anonymous

Somebody get some of those theories going already! Getting bored with people typing lol and kek

53: Anonymous

Gonna wait for more big text

54: Anonymous


55: Anonymous


Soon enough they’re gonna start removing re-uploads

56: Anonymous

One of the biggest historical blunder of all time

57: Anonymous


None that I know of, unless it’s behind the billions of subtexts these books have

58: Anonymous


Mind you there are info on magic discovered, but nothing on how or why something like this eclipse even happened.

59: Anonymous

Kind of a shame we won’t get more out of this, but I understand that even if they want to there’s probably tons of gore they never want to show

60: Anonymous

It’s been like 2 weeks and a half why are people rushing to their deaths

What are they so eager for

61: Anonymous

Must’ve been at least a decent reason this is all so catastrophic

No way they are that dumb

62: Anonymous

Insane flop

63: Anonymous


I think they care more about their reps than some blood and gore, anon

64: Anonymous


Bit too optimistic about their reasoning aren’t you?

65: Anonymous

Thing went so absurdly wrong I can’t help but laugh

66: Anonymous


Too much faith in humanity aren’t ya

67: Anonymous

So why are they even collaborating when literally everyone is in the dark

68: Anonymous

Can’t they find one or two people with magic?

69: Anonymous

Looks to me like they are really not thinking at all

233: Wiina

Okay so I think this is the general consensus of what probably happen and why it all went so wrong

>These global superpowers don’t actually want to even tackle the damn place and make such a spectacle and only send a small amount of scouting units initially. They want to be the first to explore and gain information, and possibly something of value

>Turned out all of them have that idea and the amount of soldiers were piling up with tension building up as more nations joined in

>They then start trying to negotiate with each other since they don’t want to pull out after putting in resources to built up a base of operation and really not wanting to be left out

>They try to compromise by turning the group of troops that were piling up into some sort of alliance army, and then putting more manpower and firepower on site in case they ended up fighting each other along the way. Basically threatening MAD

>It basically turned the whole operation into something akin to alliance between all nations bringing their best (it wasn’t) to tackle this otherworldly place

>It still doesn’t ease tension with each other so they really want to get this over with then go home with at least something to their name

>Quickly rush in to enter the Chaos Tower with very little precautions for the size manpower they have

>they are bitch-slapped out badly in only a few minutes

>Lose a good deal of men and techs and are now furious at each other

>we are here

234: Anonymous

So are the streamers getting banned for watching it

235: Anonymous


So… Basically the whole thing is bad luck?

236: Anonymous


>they were piling on each other and now they’re all dead


237: Anonymous


Insane situation, kinda

I think should’ve just dipped

238: Anonymous


>okay let’s just go in and die together

Couldn’t write a better romance

239: Anonymous


>We can’t stand each other for a few days let alone months so let’s do no planning

I think that’s barely better than the previous assumption…

240: Anonymous



241: Anonymous


>Lets rush to this place everyone else will go to

>There’s other people there!?

Genius i must say

242: Anonymous


Just makes them come off insanely petty.

243: Anonymous


Good lord so there was zero plan since the very start

244: Anonymous


Wait if this was all improvise then they probably haven’t even prepared everything, right?

No superweapons or anything most likely, if it’s really impromptu

245: Anonymous


Would explain the “overkill” amount of troops there

It make no sense to send them all there at once

246: Anonymous


It makes more sense

But also makes them seem a lot dumber

247: Anonymous


Now THIS i can believe

248: Anonymous


any way to verify this?

249: Anonymous


So it’s dumb or dumber with these assumptions

250: Anonymous


So they were trying to start small but it ended up not being the case? I can see that

251: Anonymous


Kinda sucks we can’t verify it but i do believe this

It would explain why this even happen so quickly for no reason

252: Anonymous



253: Anonymous


Guess they might know they’ll get their ass kick but because they went that far already they can’t do anything about it

254: Anonymous


Fucking hell I would’ve loved whatever recordings and transcript is left of this shitshow

Sound hilarious

255: Anonymous


Actually embarrassing if true

256: Anonymous



257: Anonymous



258: Anonymous


If this is true I’d actually be in awe at the absurdity

259: Anonymous



Ok anon do you really think anyone will fall for that

260: Anonymous


Hope this is true

261: Anonymous


Huh I just noticed that

262: Anonymous


Crazy how that all worked out

263: Anonymous


Insane theory

264: Anonymous


>now they’re furious at each other

I think we can just take that as fact without any proof, honestly

265: Anonymous


People put all kinds of names on there all the time and no one ever buy it

266: Anonymous


that’s funny

267: Anonymous


Now I really want to see someone grill these officials for info

Are there insiders on the board rn?

268: Wiina


I’m very much real, anon.

I have seen people saying this is something akin to an end-game dungeon or even the final boss dungeon

From my estimations this is actually something worse than that just from judging the strength of the one lone mook decimating the frontlines without taking damage… This is more akin to a post-game dungeon.

These soldiers are trying to tackling a dungeon with some strong gear and items at level 30 going into a dungeon recommended for at least level 1000

It doesn’t matter how much they throw themselves at the Chaos Tower when they can’t even dealt 1 damage

269: Anonymous


Definitely playing the blame game

270: Anonymous


Truely a clown world

271: Anonymous


Sure anon

Anyway if that’s true then that’s gonna make this fumble even more ridiculous than it already is

272: Anonymous


>Going straight for post-game dungeon

They out here sequence breaking

273: Anonymous


Any proof you’re Wiina?

274: Anonymous


Yeah right

Another kid looking for attention on DieChan

There’s no way to fake it anyone no one has info on her

275: Anonymous


What would be a final boss dungeon in this case then?

276: Anonymous

People getting baited by anon’s name lol

277: Wiina


Sure you wanna make that bet?

278: Wiina

I’m the actual Wiina actually

279: Anonymous


Open-world game moment

280: Anonymous


Easy bet

281: Anonymous

What’s happening

282: Anonymous


Okay anon I don’t think that’s a good idea…

283: Anonymous


Taking the be(ai)t a little too easily don’t ya think?

284: Wiina


This one is fake btw

I’ll go record something will be back in a few minutes

285: Anonymous

Well this is going in a weird direction

286: Anonymous

Is this for real

287: Anonymous


288: Anonymous


Lmao running away already

Sounds about right

381: Wiina


Oh good, the thread isn’t archived yet.

>>233 >>268 >>277 >>284 here

Here you go  >>288

See you all later

The footage started with the camera panning out showing the scenery of a snow-covered field that is covered in darkness, with the camera soon panning to the person holding the phone who turned out to be a woman with long white hair in a black suit and coat and blue eyes. A recognizable appearance of the woman who was seen rescuing an upcoming influencer from a deadly peril.

“This video is for you, DieChan.” The woman said with a smirk as she threw the phone up into the air, the footage turning blurry as it spun around in the air before coming to a sudden halt, floating in the air and slowing descending down to capture the woman walk around the field, then moving the camera to show a large group of people in chaos, the sounds of shouting can be heard and many injured being transported into the camps. “It was fun watching them struggle. I’ll probably release some footage I recorded earlier at some point. Maybe. Make sure to archive it.”

382: Anonymous



383: Anonymous



>>288 apologize

384: Anonymous



Holy fuck

385: Anonymous




386: Anonymous




387: Anonymous


There’s no way that’s faked. It’s legit

388: Anonymous


I’m praying for your safety >>288

389: Anonymous

o7 to >288 shouldn’t have taken the bait

390: Anonymous



Actually get fucking destroyed

391: Anonymous



392: Anonymous


Actually fucking apologze right now

393: Anonymous



394: Anonymous




395: Anonymous



396: Anonymous


Holy fuck the size of that L

397: Anonymous


Might as well drop dead at this point anon

398: Anonymous


>It’s real

>>288 naked dogeza when

399: Anonymous



400: Anonymous


I’m gonna pass out

401: Anonymous



402: Anonymous


Hold you were recording WHAT

403: Anonymous


Im so confused wtf is happenign anymore…

Also >>288 rip

404: Anonymous


405: Anonymous


More? More what!? I want it NOWWWWW

406: Anonymous


>The mysterious woman everyone thought is unreachable is actually /here/

What is this twist

407: Anonymous


408: Anonymous


409: Anonymous

>She’s in Antarctica rn recording these fuckers fucking up

I’m fucking wheezing what is going on

410: Anonymous



411: Anonymous



412: Anonymous


Falling for the classic blunder

413: Anonymous


Go offline and never came back ******

414: Anonymous



415: Anonymous


That’s so fucking unfortunate

Go die

416: Anonymous


You heard her when she posts more shit make sure to achieve it.

417: Anonymous


Not something I expected to see today

418: Anonymous



419: Anonymous


Wonder how the KaraLei girl is thinking

420: Anonymous


Insanely unlucky actually

421: Anonymous


How the fuck did you even get there

422: Anonymous


I am awaiting for more footage with great interest

423: Anonymous



Okay so I guess these two posts are much more credible?

424: Anonymous


Feel like I’m witnessing history

425: Anonymous


Actually fucking destoryed

426: Anonymous



427: Anonymous


Should’ve known better

The fool…

428: Anonymous


You heard her. Make sure anything she post stayed online

429: Anonymous

Didn’t even know she frequent message boards

430: Anonymous


Is she doing this for fun?

431: Anonymous


Never come back here ever again

432: Anonymous


We flat out don’t know shit about her

433: Anonymous


Okay this is actually insane

434: Anonymous



Actually sending me

435: Anonymous

Pack it up nothing will surpass this

436: Anonymous


437: Anonymous

I fucking swear if jannies erase this

438: Anonymous

If she’s confident about posting this then she probably has a lot in the backlog.

If someone involved sound this and is on alert it's already too late

439: Anonymous


As if those guys didn’t suffer enough already…

440: Anonymous


Heavily anticipating the footage

441: Anonymous


>Getting humiliated almost immediately.

>Stopping the broadcast before everyone call see the full results

>Someone is there to record them anyway

I think at that point just concede defeat

442: Anonymous


Fucking hell…

443: Anonymous


You heard her

444: Anonymous


Yes ma’am

445: Anonymous


>>288 I do not envy you

446: Anonymous


>>288 failing for such a spectacular bait I will make sure the rest of the world know

447: Anonymous


I can’t believe people still got in this kind of situation

448: Anonymous

Thread is filling up so fast now!

449: Anonymous

I guess her name is actually spelled Wiina…

450: Anonymous

Well then >>254 you’ve gotten your wish

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