Beyond M-Eclipse: Easy Mode LIVE

Chapter 7 |Message Board|: Mystery Night

OP: Anonymous: Night Time after the Eclipse

Apparently some dumbass are going outside at night wanting to find interesting shit

Discuss your failures here anon

1: Anonymous

Is anyone here even dumb eno- nevermind

2: Anonymous


no way people are that dumb… right?

3: Anonymous

>Night time is dangerous

>Earth become more dangerous

>Night time is even more dangerous

what are they thinking

4: Anonymous


Some people don’t have brain please understand

5: Anonymous


>people thinking

6: Anonymous



7: Anonymous


What’s thinking? Can i eat it?

8: Anonymous


Brain? Never heard o fit

9: Anonymous

What is it about night time?

10: Anonymous

>assume anons go outside

U good in the head?

11: Anonymous

what is happening during night anyway

12: Anonymous

Quite a rare thread on this

13: Anonymous

so that’s why there are corpses on the street

14: Anonymous

weren’t some Bammer streamers doing weird dares and nothing happened?

15: Anonymous

How the hell did people even get the idea to go around at night when there are monsters and man-monsters about

16: Anonymous


who’s dumb enough to kill or attack anyone recording shit?

17: Anonymous

No seriously what is happening at night is it like Yourbuild

18: Anonymous

im confused is the outside at night as dangerous as a dungeon

19: Anonymous

The hell are you guys talking about

20: Anonymous


These guys are exaggerating I go outside for fresh air all the time

21: Anonymous

If it’s all so dangerous I think my house would’ve been broken in already

22: Anonymous


it’s just crime

23: Anonymous

Fucks are you guy talking about

24: Anonymous


Crime? How long has that been happening?

25: Anonymous


Who’ve you been watching? I saw two got mugged by big burly monster dudes

26: Anonymous

why aren’t you guys talking about the white and blue tower thingy

27: Anonymous

You guys who stayed beyond midnight are psychopaths btw

28: Anonymous


Go to a different thread, anon

29: Anonymous

So what exactly are problem?

30: Anonymous


31: Anonymous

Yall act like this is a video game, deadly night and all

32: Anonymous


33: Anonymous

Feel like there would’ve been more police reports or smth

34: Anonymous


Well. Since the dawn of man, sir.

35: Anonymous



36: Anonymous



37: Anonymous


>police reporting their own crime


38: Anonymous



39: Anonymous



40: Anonymous

No seriously what’s wrong with the night

41: Anonymous

Need a masterclass in this on the thread

42: Anonymous

Whatever happened at night is probably quite crazy.

I remembered sawing a chopped off hand in the middle of the street, looks like it’s been left there for a while

43: Anonymous

You guys are missing out. Night time is the shit

44: Anonymous



45: Anonymous

Why are we talking about night time like it’s a forbidden dangerous thig

46: Anonymous

I think night time has always been dangerous

47: Anonymous


Pic or it didn’t happen

48: Anonymous


Living under the rock anon?

49: Anonymous

Nice thread early birds

50: Anonymous

Someone make a long ass reply to explain all?


51: Anonymous

No one get cctv footage or anything?

52: Anonymous

I remembered seeing an ugly gargoyle creature flying about

53: Anonymous

More confused why anyone would’ve go about at night, there’s nothing but death and more death waiting ain’t it

54: Anonymous



55: Anonymous

Someone on here said there’s a reward for going out or smth i bet

56: Anonymous

Why are monsters even out and about during the night? Why can’t they just silently stay in the dungeons?

57: Anonymous

What’s the point of dungeon if these creatures are just out and about

58: Anonymous

So anyone here actually have a story about their night escapaes

59: Anonymous

Im just gonna say that crimes

60: Anonymous


What’s the point of dungeons in general, really

61: Anonymous

All i know is that there’s gonna be a bunch of boogieman popping up most likely

62: Anonymous

So fucking annoying why is there so little info on anything

63: Anonymous


What’s the point of anything

64: Anonymous


Crimes are what? anon?

65: Anonymous


Yeah when any sort of scandals happen people report it in one millisecond but when a world-chanign event happen it doesn!?

66: Anonymous


You think like that? die

67: Anonymous


It’s only been 2 weeks and a half plz understand

t. The entirety of Earth

68: Anonymous

Das crazy

69: Anonymous

When will these stupidass stop asking questions and wait til someone have some explanaiton

70: Anonymous

Btw had anyone found anyone with info on dungeons?

71: Anonymous


Why are you asking question anon?

72: Anonymous

Dunno where you guys are at but where I am there is cctv footage but they’re blurry

73: Anonymous

We all know there won’t be official guidelines and shit for a while (and who tf follow them anyway) so why are yall not rushing for gold

74: Anonymous



75: Anonymous

Why are you guys talking about night and not the damn dungeons

Who gives a shit about a time of day

76: Anonymous


What fucking gold anon

77: Anonymous

Why were people going out in the night in the first place?

78: Anonymous


79: Anonymous


People do that all the time already

80: Anonymous


Nothing new

81: Anonymous

I remembered a thread where people are making a search party for… something? About dead of night or smth

82: Anonymous

We’re gonna need more testitomy out here

83: Anonymous

Where’s the block of text to tell all!

84: Anonymous

Is the direction of this thread turned to investigating something

85: Anonymous


Not the op but i think he meant dungeons not night time

86: Anonymous

Try throwing some conspiracies

87: Anonymous


Still doesn’t answer my questions anon

88: Anonymous


Dunno but are werewolves and vampire found?

89: Anonymous

Nice thread kek

90: Anonymous

Still no info on why monsters are prowling out at night?

91: Anonymous


I’ve saw a wolf man does that count

92: Anonymous


Vampires would’ve been burned in the sunlight already right?

93: Anonymous


Now that I thmk about it do these things exist before the eclipse thing?

94: Anonymous


Who knows

95: Anonymous


What if thye don’t?

96: Anonymous


I think there were multiple threads about that already

97: Anonymous


Would’ve been a little bit more productive and less shitty if true

98: Anonymous

Btw wjat about elves

99: Anonymous

You guys all sound so dumb just so you know

100: Anonymous


What ABOUT the elves?

101: Anonymous


I’ve got my arm ripped off by a demon and replaced with a cool demon arm. Think that’s a win?

102: Anonymous


>t. dumbass newfuck

103: Anonymous


Pic or it didn’t happen

104: Anonymous


Something about people with long sharp ears that were photographed before the rainbow eclipse thing

105: Anonymous



140: Anonymous

Okay so for the people out of the loop. Here’s how the rumor of treasures in the dead of night started.

>The woman named Wiina (The crazy strong lady who rescued a crazy streamer lady KaraLei) exist

>People have no fucking clue who the fuck she is and where she came from

>Since it was so convenient how she showed up to help her some think it was all scripted (Despite the very real blood and the blood-curdling scream)

>KaraLei was banned for a week on Flinch and doesn’t say anything else on her other socials. People are finding other leads and found that one of her classmates called Navvi was streaming later that night

>They tried to ask him about the incident and he blows them off

>Suddenly mentioning that if you wanna find Wiina that they should try looking for her in the dead of night

>The few people watching the stream actually take that to heart

>They posted about it on here and other places with barely a mention of this guy

>It grew bigger with no one knowing how or why

>At least a few injured and unverified amount that might’ve died from this

>We’re here

141: Anonymous


ty anon

142: Anonymous


All because of one guy!?

143: Anonymous


>a highschool boy cause people to run to their death

Kek who tf let that happen to them

144: Anonymous


>failing for the most obvious bait

>bite it

>makes other bite it

they’re so fucking dumb

145: Anonymous


Hold on so there wasn’t even any real merit to the claim!? It was some dude saying shit to get people to back off

146: Anonymous


Really doubt it cause all that

147: Anonymous



148: Anonymous

>i can’t find someone

>go risk your life



149: Anonymous


>fall for an off-hand comment


150: Anonymous



151: Anonymous



152: Anonymous


I lost my original arm for this!?

153: Anonymous


Uhhh… what?

154: Anonymous


No shot that’s how we get to this point

155: Anonymous



156: Anonymous


>Take “advice” from a highschooler seriously

Okay. No. How the fuck does anyone let it go that far.

157: Anonymous


Hope that kid can still sleep at night

158: Anonymous


>take nonsense seriously

That’s internet for you

159: Anonymous


Pretty simple as far as origin goes so HOW DID NO ONE REALIZE THIS UNTIL NOW

160: Anonymous


…So does anyone actually find this Wiina person

161: Anonymous



162: Anonymous


What do you think anon?

163: Anonymous


I think I need a drink hearing this. No fucking shot.

164: Anonymous


>anon couldn’t wait for a week and instead just wants to die

165: Anonymous


I lose IQ reading that sequence of event

166: Anonymous


If someone died because of this I’m just gonna assume natural selection and moved on

167: Anonymous

So the mystery is solved. We don’t need to go outside anymore, right?

168: Anonymous


This needs to be pinned somewhere.

169: Anonymous


>Just go into the dead of night

>look inside


170: Anonymous


Some of you are victim to this btw, indirectly or otherwise

171: Anonymous

Why did that kid even said that?

172: Anonymous


All of you know this isn’t that big of a problem, right?

People getting attacked at night isn’t news sensation or anything

173: Anonymous

Btw isn’t the KaraLei girl gonna stream right after she gets unbanned

174: Anonymous


Probably to get those idiots off his back

It worked


175: Anonymous


Yeah she should stream soon

176: Anonymous


Will that woman even show up again? Kinda doubt that

177: Anonymous


Maybe we’ll get to know more about dungeons for real

178: Anonymous



Was wondering why this thread almost moved as fast as the Chaos Tower ones what the hell is this shit

179: Anonymous


If she did then it’s definitely scripted

180: Anonymous


Welcome to pure stupidity anon

You’re here forever

181: Anonymous


Remember kids. Murder is a solution

182: Anonymous

Btw why aren’t they increasing public security at night then? If it’s so dangerous that people are actually getting badly hurt

183: Anonymous

Do people really have zero clues on her

I don’t think a white haired woman is hard to miss

184: Anonymous


It’s more like letting the problem sorted itself out

185: Anonymous



186: Anonymous


>Is she hard to find

I dunno anon can you find her now?

187: Anonymous


Stop noticing!

188: Anonymous

KaraLei stream should be up in 10 minutes

189: Anonymous


>They didn’t increase public security when the streets were already dangerous

>Expecting them to do it now that there are more danger


311: Anonymous

I’m surprised people aren’t talking about the highschool chick’s stream more

312: Anonymous

Do items drop from monster outside of dungeons?

313: Anonymous


There’s a thread for that, that’s why/

314: Anonymous

Guys the Antarctic broadcast is starting.

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