Beyond Average Prequel [DiceRPG]

112. Adam and Politics

Adam will probably stay out of trouble.




The Prince was a tall, lean frost giant. Adam had spent enough time with the giants to note that Prince Oglok was one of the older people, not quite Aksak’s age, but not many decades away. The man wore heavy furs, and his entire face was scarred and covered in runes. No doubt he believed himself to be magnanimous in his approach, offering Adam a mercy with his options, but Adam could feel an ember spark inside of him. 

“I hear you Prince Oglok of clan Frostwind, but it seems you are unable to state a single lie which I have told. Since I have heard your words, I will continue to the next Prince.” Adam smiled politely as his eyes went from Prince Oglok to another giant Prince. He could feel the cool anger of the giant, who held his tongue for the moment, remaining standing. 

“I am Adam and I see you,” he said. This Prince was clean shaven, and where as beard would have been were various runes. Adam had heard of this Prince, his family were in charge of keeping the whitewood supplies high. The Prince also held a staff made of whitewood, which all but confirmed his suspicions.

“I hear you, little Adam,” the Prince said. Little was not an offensive term, but rather a signifier that Adam was not a giant. The word didn’t translate very well to the basic language, and technically meant ‘one from the smaller races, he of half fey and half human descent’, but that was a mouthful. “I am Prince Oshik of clan Whitewood. I wish to ask of your relationship between the one known as Galahad and yourself.”

“I hear you Prince Oshik of clan Whitewood, and I am uncertain of how to answer the question without revealing some secrets. We can say that we are kin who grew up in the same region, though his position seems to be closer to a Runeguard, and I would have been closer to your average fellow.” Though Adam had answered the question, the Prince remained standing. “What else does the Prince Oshik have to ask of me?”

“This Galahad, you say he is extremely powerful, so powerful that he was able to cut a mountain in half. You say Chief Joti was with you, will he step forward and confirm your words under our oaths?”

“If Chief Joti is willing.”

“I hear you Prince Oshik, and I, Chief Joti of clan Frostborn, will swear the oaths.” Chief Joti stepped forward, walking the long trek to Adam before cutting into his hand. “If I knowingly speak a lie, I will accept exile.” The blood dropped onto the floor and a previously unseen rune glowed. 

“Chief Joti, you were not with little Adam when the mountain fell, but you saw it fall?”

“I saw it fall, as did my Runeguard. We do not know truly who cut the mountain, but this power is not one which Adam or I possess.”

“If Chief Joti has confirmed the sight of the mountain, then it is the only conclusion that it was this Galahad or this creature. You say that an item of this Galahad remains?”

“The hat which is currently in Freya’s possession,” Adam said. 

“What significance is this hat in your culture?”

“It’s a popular hat, usually worn by the common folk, especially those of the older generation. Sometimes, those with heavier pockets feel like wearing it in order to pretend…” Adam cleared his throat. “They wear it to give an aura of casualness.”

“Why is it that he has given it to you? Is it magical?”

“I just think he likes it, but I haven’t checked if it’s magical.”

“I would like to discern its properties.”

“This hat was gifted for us to protect. Whether it is magical or not has no relevance to the discussion, and it’s not my property to share around.”

The Prince nodded. “I will relent.”

“Do you have any more questions?”

The other Princes each reacted with their weapons, planting them down and pushing the handles outwards to allow Oshik to continue to speak.

“You were tasked to protect the Winterdotr by the Goddess of Swords. Do you know why?”

“I believe that it was a request on behalf of the Winter Mother. Beyond that, I am uncertain. I am to assist Freya as well.”

“You say you have met gods. Which gods?”

Adam had been rather vague about it all. “As I meantioned, Belle and Sozain. I also met with a few more, including Elaveil and Bandlor.”

The Prince stood upright and clasped his staff a little tighter. Adam noted the mood had grown full of chill. “The black sun is a symbol of Baktu, but it seems we were lucky that he did not step onto the world. However, Paktu has been missing for many months now. You say you met with him?”

Paktu was Bandlor, and one of the most revered gods in the giant pantheon, which was essentially the human pantheon but with a few differences. 

Adam sighed. He rubbed his forehead, and he could feel Oglok’s satisfaction increase. Adam had definitely lost some credibility. He looked back to Aksak.

Aksak stepped forward. “I, Prince Aksak, will swear the oath.” He cut into his hand and swore the same oath as Joti. “This boy has certainly met Paktu, for I have seen it with my own two eyes.”

“I hear you, Prince Aksak. How did you see it?”

“Adam had possessed a divine familiar. When I saw it, I knew it was Paktu. The time which Paktu had disappeared, Adam had gone to assist the humans.”

“Paktu was your familiar?”

“There was a situation when I met Bandlor. He offended Mistress Fate and he was turned into a familiar.”

The air grew even colder. Adam glanced between them all, and even Aksak’s gaze fell onto the half-elf. Entalia coughed from the distance, staring at Adam with an awkward look. 

“Mistress Fate?” Oshik asked.

“Yes. When I met with the gods, she had come to speak with a few of them.”

“You have met with her?”

“Something like that.”

“What relations do you have with Mistress Fate?”

“I don’t know. I have both very good and very bad luck, as I have explained.”

“Do you have any proof that you met with Mistress Fate?”

“Other than Bandlor being my familiar, no.”

Oshik threw a look to Aksak and then his eyes fell back to Adam. “How did Paktu disappear?”

“I’m not entirely sure. He tried to form a body in the world and disappeared after. He did it to help me against some ancient fey beings who he had dealings with. He was angry at the time and it allowed Entalia and I to parley with them.”

“If you’re going to ask me to take your silly oath, I won’t. He speaks truly. If you don’t want to believe me then don’t.” Entalia crossed her arms and leaned back casually. 

“Do you have any other questions?” Adam asked. 

Oshik glanced all around, pausing for a moment on a figure. “I will wait for my turn,” he said, and Adam looked to see that the Prince had been looking to the humanoids dressed all in white. 

“I am Adam and I see you.”

“I am Kriss of the White,” the woman said, her sickly sweet voice trailing through the air. “You said you were an adventurer of Red Oak, but you are only Bronze ranked. Why?”

“I didn’t want too much attention on myself.”

“Is that why you gathered the most powerful forces in the north to speak of a greater force which has business with you?” 

Adam flushed, slightly embarrassed. “Prince Aksak asked me to attend the meeting, and since I’m involved, it was best to show my sincerity. If I didn’t do this, how would I be able to face my parents in the afterlife?”

“Then I will ask you to confirm something for me.”

“If I hear you, Kriss of the White.”

“What is the name of the Iyrman family which Paul, the Vice Master of the Red Oak guild, is close with?”

Adam looked up at the woman and then closed his eyes. “Just a moment. Rot. Min. Sot?” Adam remained silent and still. “I remember him having a very big belly. He hugged Paul so tight I thought that his bones would be crushed.” Adam tapped his chin. 

D20 + 4 = 24 (20)

“It was the Ban family. The man’s name was Uruban, and the daughter’s name was Amaban.”

Kriss remained silent for a moment. “I hear you, Adam. I, Kriss of the White Mages, believe in your words.” She then retreated back to the rest of the White Mages, who were all muttering to one another. They even seemed to argue with Kriss, though she remained silent as she sat down.

Adam looked up at her, surprised. The giants didn’t seem to be surprised at all, though many of them withdrew back to their seats. Though they may have had questions, they at least believed in Adam’s words. 

The only Prince who remained was Oglok, whose anger had yet to be stifled. “I still do not believe in your words completely, but that is no matter. I will ask you to pay for your mistake in allowing a Winterdotr to take a seat at the Gathering of Frost.”

“The seat was made for the Winter Mother and her kin in case there was a time where we would settle our differences,” Aksak said. “Though we have yet to completely deal with our grudges, the Winter Mother is also a force in our lands, and this concerns all of us.”

“I hear you, Prince Aksak, but we have yet to begin settling our grudges. For now, she is our enemy.”

“Our enemy?” Adam raised a finger and pointed it to Oglok. “Where were you when the creature came to the north? Chief Joti dealt with its kin, and Freya was there right beside me when I was facing the creature with Galahad. You’ve already disrespected me enough, but if you’re going to say Freya is your enemy, then I will consider you my enemy.”

“You may hold some strength, but what are you to me? Little Adam, your insolence knows no bounds. The Winter Mother is our enemy, it is only right that we expel the evil from our home.”

“Enough!” Aksak called out. “It seems that your differences cannot be resolved with words.”

“Then I will demand a Trial of Battle with this outsider.” Oglok lifted up his greataxe.

“Adam is under my protection,” Aksak said.

“No,” Adam said. “I won’t be able to calm myself until I’ve beaten this brat until he’s on his knees!”

Entalia’s laugh cut through the silence. “That’s right! Aksak is a brat, and this brat is even brattier! Teach that brat a lesson!”

The word brat struck Oglok like a hammer. He furrowed his brows together. “Then you accept?”

“Let’s discuss terms,” Adam said.

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The first season of Beyond Average is coming to a close. 

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