Between Two Worlds: The Mission of the professor rejected by the world”

Chapter 2: “Gods”


Chapter 2: "Gods"


"Where are we? Why is everything white, even the floor?" asked a frightened student.

"This must be some advanced holographic technology. It would be better if you stop it, or I'll take care of destroying it," said Felicia, very angry.

"Holograms? Don't be ridiculous. We've been transported to another place, isn't it obvious?" said Marcos mockingly.

"James, you can check the surroundings. I'll go in this direction. If you find something, come back; don't stray too far. The idea is to keep the group in sight," said Emma commandingly.

"Understood. Since we are both good at sports, it's reasonable that we go first to investigate. Whatever you say, president," replied James as he turned to run.

At that moment, a figure of a woman appeared in the middle of them. Just by seeing her, they realized she was a superior being, and no one could dispute that.

(Celestial being: a divine figure in the form of a beautiful woman, larger than an average human. Her sky-blue hair matches her attire of the same color and her deep blue eyes.)

"Humans, you were called to another world because they need your help there. I understand you have questions and that's normal. That's why I'm here to answer them," said the divine entity.

For a moment, everyone fell silent; they didn't know whether to speak to her or not, as she was a divine being and might get angry. However, after a few minutes, someone dared to confront her.

"Could you tell us your name?" asked Emma with a trembling voice.

"Name? Mmm… it's true, I think I have one, but it's been thousands of years since anyone asked me that. They always started with things like 'I want to go home' and insulted me, although it didn't go very well for them afterwards. Well, answering your question, my name is Kali, goddess of time, death, and destruction, also protector of the devout," said the goddess Kali.

"Damn, that's a great title," said Carlos, with some curiosity.

"This is dangerous. If we make her angry, she could eliminate us because to her, we're just something more insignificant than insects," argued Gabriel.

"Interesting and economical. I see you are very perceptive, Gabriel. The truth is you almost got it right because I don't consider you something more insignificant than an insect. To me, you are the same as an insect. That's why I planned to eliminate at least half of you so you'd understand, but I think that won't be necessary anymore. I see in your faces that you understand the situation," said the goddess Kali.

"So, do I understand that we are prisoners, or will we be judged for our sins?" asked Emma.

"You don't need to think that way. I didn't come to judge you or take you as prisoners. What I came to propose is a deal: you will be sent to another world where you must meet the expectations for which you were summoned. Once you do, I will personally send you back to your world. Additionally, all the knowledge and powers you gain, you will be able to use in your world. In other words, if you learn the ability to levitate and move through the skies in the world you go to, once your task is completed, you will also be able to use it in your world. You can use it for good or for evil; that doesn't concern me. It's not a bad deal, don't you think?" asked the goddess.

"Now that I think about it, it doesn't seem so bad," said a student.

"Yeah, and if it's a fantasy world, we could learn magic," said a female student.

And so, the students began to get excited about this adventure, which they no longer saw with fear but with enthusiasm, well, except for a few.

"What do you think? Do you believe it will be as easy as the goddess says?" James asked Emma with a very serious look.

"Goddess, I hope I don't bother you with this question, but what would happen if we fail the mission or if one of us refuses to follow orders?" Emma asked in a very serious tone.

"Don't worry, I only have the duty to explain the situation and send you between worlds. If someone doesn't want to obey, it doesn't matter to me. But in the world you are going to, rebels are executed. In the event that you decide not to participate, you would simply be expelled from the kingdom, and the rest would be a matter of luck," the goddess replied with a slight smile.

Emma was satisfied with the goddess's answer, and at the same time, she looked at Marcos and Carlos, knowing they could cause more trouble, although Felicia and Bella could also be problematic.

"You don't need to look at me like that; I don't intend to get executed in an unknown world," Marcos said, feeling Emma's cold gaze on him.

"Well, with this, my job is done. This really exhausts me, so I'll send you to the kingdom of Gracia, which is in the Rocky Continent. Once you arrive, you will see the king; he will give you more details about your mission and also a gift to one of the males present. This will be fun," said the goddess, trying to hide her happy psychopath face.

But before the students could ask about the gift, the goddess raised her hand and transported them to another place, leaving her alone in that spot.

"Finally, they're gone. It's exhausting to do this every time a world activates the summoning ritual, and as if that weren't enough, I have to watch over them. Mmm... if only I had eliminated half of them, the job of watching them would be easier," said the goddess out loud.

"That wouldn't be right," said an angry voice.

"Eh, who's there? But who are you? You're not a student, how did you get here?" asked the surprised goddess.

"I don't even know, but I've always been here, it's just that no one noticed me. And now that I think about it, that's kind of sad," said Professor Dorian Ashford.

"Impossible, I myself summoned only the students. The conditions were that they had to be in the room at the time of the summoning, and you weren't, I remember well."

"Hey, spying on people isn't right. Even if you're a goddess, you should have principles. But I'll tell you what happened: I was in the infirmary and not in the classroom as you say, but a magic circle appeared under my feet, and a moment later I saw my students in front of you," said the professor.

"Impossible, you're not on my list," said the goddess while checking a strange window floating in the air.

"Could you send me with my students? The classes are not over yet and I need to take them back," said the professor.

"If I didn't summon him, who could have? Was it another god? No, who would dare meddle in my affairs? But if that were the case, although I don't sense the presence of any other god in this place... Or maybe that person in front of me is a disguised god. How frustrating, why can't I detect magic in him? Moreover, since he's not on the list, I can't see his status or manipulate him," thought the goddess, very confused.

"Don't make me wait, send me with the others," said the professor with a serious look.

"Why do you speak to me like that? Don't you see that I'm a goddess? I could destroy you if I wanted to," said the goddess, slightly annoyed.

"Why are you a kidnapper? You took my students without their consent, and since I'm in charge of them, I can't be afraid," responded the professor.

"He's very insolent, but since he's not on my list, I can't do anything to him, that goes against the rules. But if he were one of the gods in disguise, playing a joke on me, I won't allow that," thought the goddess, very upset.

"Fine, I'll send you to them, but I can't use a transportation circle with you since, for some reason, you're not registered. So the most I can do is open a portal for you, the rest will be up to your luck. Does that work for you?" asked the goddess.

"If that's the most a goddess can do, then it's fine, I'll take it," Dorian replied.

"You're very annoying, you know that?" said the goddess as she opened a portal right in front of Professor Dorian.

Professor Dorian, with nothing more to say, crossed the portal. As he walked, he realized that his behavior was not typical. Why had he taken such an arrogant attitude towards a goddess? Although she deserved it, he had never imagined acting that way. However, he decided not to give it much thought and crossed into the other world. Once there, a window appeared before him.

—"And what is this? Some kind of notification?" the professor wondered.

Informational Notice

You have entered the Kingdom of Grace.
You are currently in the forest, south of the city.


—"This window is similar to the one the goddess was checking. I wonder if this world will be like the games I used to program in my previous job," the professor thought.

When the professor brought his finger close to the "Ok" button, he felt as if he pressed something, and in that instant, the window disappeared.

—"Well, I’m here now. Although it’s a bit cold, and I’m only wearing this shirt, I should hurry and find shelter. I don’t want to know how dangerous this place can be at night. But… why am I so worried about my students? I feel like they don’t deserve to be found," the professor said, reflecting on a thought he had never had before.

—That's because of your abilities —said a strange voice coming from nowhere.

—Abilities? Wait, who are you? Where are you? —shouted the professor, a bit confused.

—Don't try to find me. I'll just tell you that I'm similar to a divine entity; you met one recently —the divine entity replied.

—I see, so you're similar to the goddess Kali? —Dorian asked.

—That's right, although I'm not as careless as she is, sending an unregistered human to this world —the god said with a slightly annoyed tone.

—That's what she told me. So, what will you do? Are you here to eliminate me? —the professor asked seriously.

—Eliminate you? Mmm… you're quite pessimistic, you know that? Actually, I'm here to help you, although not for your sake, but so that the gods can enjoy watching your death —the god said in a psychotic tone.

—Your jokes aren't funny. I didn't think gods had a sense of humor —replied the professor.

—We do have a sense of humor, but living for thousands of years makes any simple joke quite boring. That's why what entertains us is seeing people like you cornered and lost in despair. Although in your case, you don't seem to fear me at all, and that's a bit annoying, considering I came to help you —the divine entity said.

—He has a point; I've been acting differently lately. Why is that? —Professor Dorian thought to himself.

—You're not saying anything. See, that's what I mean. Listen closely, I'll be brief because I won't repeat myself. You're now in the forest south of the Kingdom of Grace. This is a very dangerous forest, even for experienced adventurers. The goddess Kali sent you here to die at the hands of the monsters that inhabit this place. The gods cannot intervene directly in the lives of humans, so everything is left to your luck —explained the god.

—Are you saying I'll die soon at the hands of the beasts in this place? And your help is just to warn me? —the professor said, somewhat irritated.

—Well, that was Kali's plan, but the other gods made bets on how many days you'd survive. It would be very boring if you died on the first day, so I'm bringing you this as a gift —said the god, as the sound of something falling echoed around.

A golden crystal fell at the professor's feet.

—What's this? Am I supposed to sell it or something? —the professor asked as he picked up the crystal.

—Just place it on your chest and activate your mana; you'll see what happens —the entity replied.

—And how do I do that? —the professor asked.

—Well, that's something you'll have to figure out yourself. Try to survive at least 100 days; if you do, I'll be generous with you again —the entity said as its voice faded into the air.

—Wait, I still have questions for you… —the professor shouted.

The professor waited for the entity's response, but there was nothing; it was clear that it had already left.

—Mana? And how do I apply mana to this? Mmm… —the professor thought to himself.

He tried many different ways until he imagined energy flowing from his hand into the crystal, which then began to glow.

—It worked. Now I should place it on my chest, like this —the professor said, but nothing happened as the crystal became dull again.

—I think I need to place it on my chest and then send my mana —the professor thought.

Dorian took the crystal and pressed it against his chest, closed his eyes, and imagined the energy from his hand flowing through the crystal into his heart. As he did this, the crystal vanished.

Divine-class skill learned

You have learned the skill Chatty Analysis of divine class

—What is this? Just a notification window, but I feel the same as before. Did that god just come to mock me? —Dorian thought, somewhat irritated.

But then, a strange sound began to echo inside his head.

Loading Dorian Ashford’s data.

—Another window… My data. This is starting to feel more and more like a game I used to program —Dorian thought.

Loading Dorian Ashford’s data.

Loading Dorian Ashford’s data.

Loading Dorian Ashford’s data.

Loading Dorian Ashford’s data.

Dorian Ashford’s data has been fully loaded.
Initializing assistant.


—That voice in my head is a bit annoying. Could you be quiet? —Dorian said without thinking.

—I can, but if I do, I won't be able to warn you of possible dangers —the voice inside his head replied.

—Are you my ability? —Dorian asked.

—I am your ability. Do you want to see your other abilities as well? —asked the voice in his head.

—I'm starting to get this. Yes, please, show me my abilities and all the information you can.

________ STATUS WINDOW ___________
Dorian Ashford
Level 1
Race: Human


  • Loser
  • Toy of the Gods


  • Dodge (Normal) (Level 1)
  • Strike (Normal) (Level 1)
  • Loot (Normal) (Level 1)

Passive Skills:

  • Hero (Legendary)
  • Language (Normal)
  • Cold Mind (Normal)
  • Stealth (Normal)
  • System (Divine)

—How annoying. It seems I'm some sort of thief, how is that possible? —said Professor Dorian.

—The abilities of each person summoned to this world are a reflection of what they most desire and what they have experienced —replied the system.

—Then, what do the titles mean? —asked the professor.

Loser: Thanks to this title, you'll be able to avoid people taking advantage of your naivety again. That's why you have double mental agility, processing information twice as fast as a normal person. Additionally, you're granted the passive ability COLD MIND, which allows you to think without emotional interruptions, no matter the situation.

Toy of the Gods: This is a negative title, meaning you have a penalty. You receive 99% less experience when defeating monsters, but in exchange, you receive random items when you defeat them. This means that a simple goblin could give you an elixir or a simple mana stone. However, this also depends on your luck.


—This isn't good... it means I'll only be able to eliminate weak creatures since I won't be able to level up —Dorian said, frustrated.

At that moment, a wolf appears—not a common one, but a very large one, the size of a man.

(Cold Mind activated)

—What is that? —Dorian asked.

Forest Wolf
Level 3


  • Claw
  • Bite

Passive Skills:

  • Minor Regeneration


  • Wolf Pelt
  • ???


To be continued...

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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