Beneath The Crimson Tides

Entry 7


"One Piece" and all related characters, settings, and concepts are the intellectual property of Eiichiro Oda, Shueisha, Toei Animation, and any other entities associated with the creation and distribution of the original manga and anime series. No copyright infringement is intended.

The afternoon sun filters through the dome surrounding Fishman Island as I make my way to the Fishman Karate dojo. Silas, my faithful snake companion, is draped comfortably on my head, his scales glinting in the light.

It's been a year since I began learning under Grandmaster Namur or Namur-Sensei as it is now, and what a year it's been. I'm eleven now, and while I may not look much different on the outside, the changes within me are profound. My secret Seimei Kikan training has yielded results I never imagined possible at this stage, but I've been careful to keep this hidden from everyone, including Namur-sensei as he just attributed it to me getting more proficiency wielding fishman karate.

As I enter the dojo, I take a moment to focus inward, feeling every muscle, organ, and part of my body responding to my thoughts. It's not perfect, but it's progress. Even so, with this minimal progress, just the feeling of being in tune with both body and mind as one is almost indescribable. If I did, it would be like this: before unlocking Seimei Kikan, my mind was the marionette, and my body was the puppet.

Moving my fingers or legs was instinctual, something I did without thinking. But now, after using Seimei Kikan, every muscle fiber, bone, and piece of skin is under my direct control. I have become both the puppet and the puppeteer. Every move is deliberate, every action intentional, and I am in complete control of each part of my body. It's as if I have transcended the boundaries between thought and action, merging them into a single, harmonious force.

Just simply meditating and feeling my body while in deep meditation is euphoric. Over the past year, I have been practicing my control over my body, and I have many ideas I want to experiment to see if they are possible when i can do it. So far, I've learned to rapidly process the food I eat and use my body with maximum efficiency—a game-changer, to say the least. It didn't magically make me stronger or faster, but it did give me deadly precision in how much strength I use and control over my body. However, it also came with the drawback of having to "relearn" my martial arts. That has been the most challenging part, especially with the more acrobatic moves of the Astra Discipline.

Learning to perform martial arts while controlling every inch of my body was both an obstacle and a boon. It was akin to trying to write poetry while simultaneously learning a new language. Each movement had to be reinterpreted and relearned with a new depth of understanding. The struggle refined my skills, pushing me to new heights of mastery and precision.

Not just for my body either, but for my innate abilities as well. Since they are technically a bodily function of mine and not a Devil Fruit power, they were affected by my unlocking of Seimei Kikan. My control over them gradually improved exponentially, and I can tell even now I am only just dipping my toes into the ocean of potential they present to me.

Besides my martial advancements, the year had been relatively quiet on all fronts. The world continued its routine: Yonko territorial disputes, Marines capturing pirates—the usual. However, two events shook things up significantly.

The first was the birth of Princess Shirahoshi last year. Honestly, how a baby as large as her could come from the comparatively tiny Queen Otohime is beyond me. Nonetheless, the joyous occasion had the entire kingdom celebrating, a stark contrast to the previous gloom and doom—a welcome change indeed.

The real game-changer, though, was the legendary Fisher Tiger's raid on Mary Geoise earlier this year. The shockwaves from his audacious attack were immense, to say the least. Even if the World Government had tried to keep it under wraps, news outlets like Big News Morgans and every other paper with working machines spread the story far and wide to their dismay.

I had to respect it, honestly. Despite Fisher Tiger probably being an ant compared to the titans hidden within Mary Geoise, or the nearby Admirals, or even worse, Garp, he still had the audacity to scale Mary Geoise and free countless slaves. The sheer boldness of his raid, and the chaos it undoubtedly caused, was nothing short of remarkable.

Over the year, I had grown closer to him, sharing the common bond of being former students of Namur—though in his case, it was from a time past. This connection made what was about to happen later today all the more soul-crushing.

I shake those thoughts away as I make my way to Namur-sensei's personal training room, donning my familiar garb before stepping inside.

"Good afternoon, sensei," I greet Namur, bowing deeply as I enter his room.

"Lucian," he nods, a warm expression on his face as he sets aside a cup of tea. "Ready to continue your training?"

"Yes, sensei," I reply, straightening up. Silas slithers down from my head, finding a comfortable spot to coil up and watch.

Namur-sensei's eyes are soft and relaxed, a stark contrast to the sharp gaze he adopts during our sparring sessions. We begin with a review of the Fishman Karate techniques I've been learning. As we move through the forms, I'm hyper-aware of my body, careful not to reveal the full extent of my control.

"Your progress with water manipulation has been impressive," Namur-sensei comments as he observes my movements. "You're getting closer to learning the Five Thousand Brick Fist technique."

I nod, while replying, "Thank you, sensei. I've been practicing hard."

Namur takes a sip of his tea, sets the cup down, and turns his full attention to me. "Let's refine your technique further. Precision with your water manipulation is crucial for the Five Thousand Tile True Punch. This step is vital as it prepares you for the real challenge and gates of Fishman Karate before final belt: the Arabesque Tile True Punch and the Shark Tile True Punch."

He steps closer, beginning to instruct me "First, focus on the consistency of your water flow. It should be smooth and unbroken, like a continuous stream rather than intermittent bursts. Imagine the water as an extension of your arm, flowing seamlessly with every strike."

I adjust my stance and attempt the movement, trying to match his fluidity.

"Good," Namur observes, nodding approvingly. "Now, pay attention to the timing of your water release. It should coincide perfectly with your physical strike. If the water is released too early or too late, it will disrupt the impact."

I practice the coordination, working to synchronize my movements with the water's release.

"Lastly," Namur adds, "practice controlling the volume and pressure of the water. For the Five Thousand Brick Fist, the water must be concentrated enough to deliver a powerful blow, but still flexible enough to follow through the full range of motion."

I follow his guidance, adjusting the pressure and concentration of my water manipulation. 

"Excellent," Namur says after observing my improved technique. "Your control is becoming more refined, and your integration of your water with your strikes is becoming more fluid. Keep practicing these adjustments, and you'll be well on your way to mastering the Five Thousand Brick Fist."

"Thank you, sensei," I respond, "I'll continue to refine my technique."

Namur smiles, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Good. Remember, when it comes to martial arts mastery comes with both patience and persistence. Let's continue to push your limits and unlock that potential I know you have."

"Show me your current level with the technique," he instructs.

I take a deep breath, centering myself. I focus on manipulating the water around me, channeling it onto my fist. The water swirls and condenses, and I strike out at the practice dummy.

The impact is significant, far more powerful than what I could achieve a year ago. The dummy rocks back violently, water exploding outward from the point of impact.

I catch my breath and glance over at Sensei, who studies me intently. I force myself to meet his gaze steadily, hoping he doesn't see the secrets hidden deep within me. After a long silence, he finally nods.

For the next few hours, Namur-sensei guides me with meticulous care.

As the session winds down, Namur-sensei offers a few points for improvement. "Your progress this past year has been remarkable, Lucian," he says. "Keep up the hard work, and you'll be a master of Fishman Karate before you know it."

As Namur-sensei and I finish our training session, a young fishman bursts into the room, his gills flaring with excitement.

"Grandmaster Namur!" he exclaims, bowing hastily. "It's almost time. Fisher Tiger is preparing to leave the island!"

Namur-sensei's eyes widen slightly, a mix of emotions flickering across his face. "Thank you for informing me," he says, his voice calm despite the news. He turns to me. "Lucian, would you like to accompany me to see Fisher Tiger off?"

I reply, trying to keep my own excitement and apprehension in check. "Of course, sensei."

As we approach the docks, a heavy weight settles in my chest. I know what fate awaits him, the tragedy that will unfold in the coming years. The urge to warn him, to change the course of history, is almost overwhelming.

We arrive at the docks to find Fisher Tiger surrounded by his initial crewmates - Arlong, Hatchan, and others that were most likely comprised of the former slaves from Mary Geoise. The atmosphere is charged with excitement and anticipation.

"Tiger!" Namur-sensei calls out, his voice carrying a note of respect and concern.

Fisher Tiger turns, a grin spreading across his face. "Namur! And young Lucian too. I'm glad you both came to see us off."

As we exchange greetings, I can't help but study Fisher Tiger's face, trying to memorize every detail. Will this be the last time I see him alive? The sight of his genuine smile is painful, knowing that the next time I might see him could be in a casket. The heavy feeling in my chest rises to my throat, a phantom pain almost as if trying to punish me for not speaking up.

Suddenly, a commotion erupts from behind us. Jinbe comes running towards the group, his powerful form parting the crowd effortlessly.

"Brother Ti!" Jinbe calls out, slightly out of breath. "Is that space on your ship still open? Can I still...join your crew?"

Fisher Tiger's eyes widen in surprise, then soften with understanding. "Of course, Jinbe. There's always room for you."

As the crew begins their final preparations, I find myself struggling with the weight of my knowledge. I want to warn Fisher Tiger, to tell him of the dangers that lie ahead. But how could I explain such knowledge? How could I justify knowing his fate without revealing truths that could unravel everything?

Instead, as we say our goodbyes, I grasp Fisher Tiger's hand firmly. "Be careful out there," I say, trying to infuse my words with all the warning I can't explicitly give. "The world can be... unpredictable. Stay true to yourself, no matter what."

Fisher Tiger looks at me with a curious expression, perhaps sensing the weight behind my words. He nods solemnly, then bursts into a joyful laugh. "Thank you, Lucian. I'll remember that. But you don't need to worry about me. With my crew at my back and the sea, my home, in front of me, nothing will stop us. Instead, let's meet out there. I want to see you make the difference you promised you would."

As the Sun Pirates' ship begins to pull away from the dock, I watch Fisher Tiger's retreating form, the conflict within me raging. I've done what I can, however small it might be. Now, all I can do is hope that somehow, someway, it might make a difference.

That was a lie, of course. But it's one I can almost willingly believe, even though I know deep down that the course of history cannot be altered. Instead, the tides of time will move forward as they always have, swallowing everything in their path.

Namur-sensei places a hand on my shoulder, his touch grounding me in the present moment. "They're embarking on a great adventure," he says softly. "But their journey will not be an easy one."

I nod, unable to voice the true extent of my agreement. As we turn to leave the docks, I can't help but wonder: in this vast, complex world I'm navigating, how many more impossible choices will I have to make? How many more fates will I have to watch unfold, knowing I could have changed them, but didn't?

The weight of the future settles on my young shoulders as we walk back to the dojo, the cheers of the departing Sun Pirates fading behind us.


I find myself in a vast, dark space. Shelves upon shelves of books stretch as far as the eye can see, their spines glowing faintly with an otherworldly light. This is my Mind Library, a manifestation of my inner world that I've cultivated over the past two years through rigorous Seimei Kikan training.

Along with creating this mindscape, I have also been endeavoring to control my hair just as Kumadori did, though for now, I am light years away from it being combat-ready.

It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to access my mental scape, likely because I was already accustomed to deep meditation, even without having unlocked Seimei Kikan. This experience was akin to receiving a key to the kingdom, which has manifested in the mental mindscape I am currently in.

Initially, it was just a blank, barren space until I started to organize it into what it is now. The books lining these shelves are visual representations of my memories from both my past life and current life, giving me the boon of a pseudo-photographic memory through efficient categorization and quick recall of those experiences. Once I unlocked this ability, I immediately burned my future diary—I can't be too careful.

Closing my eyes for a second and willing it, I move away from my library to a more open space, a sparring ground I had modeled after my backyard. Closing my eyes once more, I open them to see someone standing across from me—the form of my teacher, Grandmaster Namur. However, there is a stark difference between this one and the real one: this version looks like someone had sucked the color out of him with a straw, leaving him like a blank slate.

This technique, Image Training, was not a idea of my own making but inspiration from it being a widespread concept not just in anime but in other media as well. How it works is essentially I use the memory I see of people fighting or anything else and i can recreate it within my mental scape with whatever resources i need available namely water. With it I can basically run the memory within my mind over and over to analyze and copy it though that being said for example there arent things i could copy such as Sensei Namur's exceptional control over water as even if I visually understand how it looks, it doesn't matter since I don't know how it actually works. 

In addition to sparring with others, I have the unique ability to spar with myself, as strange as that may sound. This practice is incredibly beneficial as it allows me to directly confront my own weaknesses and address them. I can even enter my mindscape during sleep, maximizing my training time through the night. Returning my focus, Namur-sensei stands poised across from me, ready for combat.

"Begin," I whisper, and the mental battle commences.

Namur-sensei strikes first, his fist cutting through the air. I sidestep, my body moving with fluid grace. In response, I quickly form a dense wall of water in front of me. The Aqua Curtain absorbs the impact of his follow-up strikes. Using the momentary cover, I channel my Electro into my next move, creating a familiar Spear Wave that begins to spin, transforming into a spiraling water lance. Coated with crackling electricity, the Whirlpool Drill pierces through the curtain, aiming directly for Namur-sensei's chest.

He narrowly evades, then leaps at me with a powerful kick. I jump back, quickly grabbing the surrounding water and heaving it over my shoulder. The swirling mix of water and Electro in the Ocean Current Shoulder Throw crashes into Namur-sensei, pushing him back and visibly hurting him from the electrical element within my technique.

Not letting up, I follow with a rapid-fire succession of shark-shaped water projectiles, each infused with a crackling current. The Shark Pack homing in on my opponent with predatory precision.

"Namur-sensei deflects most of my strikes, but a few manage to find their mark. He grimaces, then counters with a powerful water blast. I respond by gathering more water, shaping it into a spear wave, which then breaks apart and condenses into countless tiny droplets, each crackling with electricity. With a swift motion, I launch the Spear Wave: Rain Shower towards him. The electrified barrage of water pellets collides with his attack, creating a spectacular clash of forces.

The simulated Namur-sensei, true to his real-life counterpart, doesn't let up. He expertly weaves through my Rain Shower, closing the distance with alarming speed. Before I can react, his palm strikes my chest, the Sharkskin Palm Thrust sending me skidding backwards. I barely have time to regain my footing before he's upon me again, his movements a blur of practiced precision.

I attempt to ensnare him with a Electrified Riptide Vortex, aiming to capture him in its swirling whirlpool, but Namur-sensei anticipates the move. He disrupts the forming vortex with a well-timed Surface Splitter Chop, then follows through with a sweeping kick that sends my legs out from under me.

Gritting my teeth, I realize this mental construct is pushing me to my limits, just as the real Namur-sensei would.

The simulated battle intensifies as Namur-sensei closes the distance, aiming a vicious Five Thousand Tile True Punch that would introduce my face to the floor—along with his fist. Fortunately, I manage to dodge, slapping one hand on the ground to stop my fall before looking up at Fake-Namur.

I quickly coat my feet in water and Electro, then reel in both legs and propel them forward in a hand-assisted dropkick. The Wild Boar's Crash slams into his stomach, sending him flying. As I recover and get back on my feet, I seize the opportunity, pulling my coated fist back and launching it forward with the perfect form I've practiced countless times. For a moment, it seems as though nothing happened, but then the invisible strike of Ocean Drum crashes into Namur-sensei, leaving a visible pressure mark on his body and electrocuting him.

This technique is reminiscent of the Arabesque Tile True Punch, but that's only because I'm currently within my mindscape, where I can simulate any environment needed to practice my techniques. It gives the illusion of being underwater, even though this technique is actually intended for use underwater. It serves as a kind of training wheels, that would guide one toward using the real real Arabesque Tile True Punch on land, where I'll use water vapor as the medium.

Not letting up, I burst forward, tucking my wings in as I dive low, feinting a leg sweep. Instead, I execute a quick spin, delivering a backward sweep with my leg coated in water and Electro once more, like a striking snake. My heel connects with Namur-sensei's ribcage in the Leaping Tiger's Pounce, eliciting a grunt of pain from Fake-Namur.

He retaliates with a sweeping low kick that I jump over, performing another spin midair before my other leg bursts out with a ruthless back kick. The Qirin's Spiraling Hoof forces Namur-sensei to duck and create distance.

The fight reaches its climax as Namur-sensei charges forward, and I do as well. I rear my already Electro-coated fist back, and water begins to clamor onto my hand intensely, like a raging torrent. I use the Five Thousand Tile True Punch, with the restless water roaring around my fist like a furious river infused with my Electro, slamming into Fake-Namur. He faces the attack head-on, using his Sharkskin palm thrust defensively to deflect it to the side. While successful in deflecting, this was part of my plan. I lean into the deflection, letting my hand fall flat before spinning around.

Performing a half spin, my leg shoots out in a spinning hook kick, arcing upward straight toward Namur-sensei's chin. The Jaw Breaker connects, and the feint and counter catch him off guard, sending him flying across the room. The impact of the technique reverberates through the mindscape.

As I lower my leg, Fake-Namur-sensei begins to fade away. He starts to get up, but I dismiss him, signaling the end of the mental battle. I stand alone in my mind library once more, my breath coming in quick gasps despite my physical body remaining still.

It was a good fight, but the limitations of image training were obvious. I don't think I've seen even close to Sensei's full arsenal or physical abilities, so I can't replicate them accurately yet though hat can wait for later for now. As I begin to run the fight back through my mind, analyzing it.

My efforts to use Fishman Karate as a conduit for my Electro have been extremely successful. Since water is electrically conductive, my electricity flows through it effortlessly, significantly boosting the power of my techniques. As i am immersed in my thoughts I feel a disturbance coming from outside of my mindscape as i realize It might be around time for dinner.

Closing my eyes, I focus on the sensation, feeling the edges of my mindscape start to blur. The shelves of my memory library waver, and the sparring ground fades into a hazy, dreamlike state. The transition feels like surfacing from deep underwater, the weight of the mindscape lifting as I rise. The mental constructs dissolve, replaced by the familiar sensations of the real world.

With a final deep breath, I open my eyes and leave the tranquility of my inner world behind. As my awareness shifts to the present, the first thing to greet me is the smiling face of my mother. She had just gently woken me from my meditation session, her eyes twinkling with warmth.

"You better come quickly, otherwise your dad might eat all of the thunder leviathan before you get there," she says with a playful tone.

I stretch and rise, feeling the residual energy from my mental training still coursing through my body. The aroma of the evening meal wafts through the air, mingling with the comforting presence of my mother.

"Not if i have anything to say about it," I reply with a grin, my stomach growling in anticipation.

As we walk together toward the dinner table, the transition from the intense focus of my mindscape to the cozy atmosphere of home feels both grounding and invigorating.

Entering the dining room, I see my father already seated, his eyes lighting up as he sees me. The table is laden with a feast, the centerpiece being the succulent thunder leviathan, its aroma tantalizing and rich.

"Thought you were going to miss out," my father teases, gesturing for me to take a seat.

I chuckle and sit down, beginning to feast on my favorite food. As we start to eat, The evening progresses with battles for the delicious meat and bursts of laughter. However, at the back of my mind, I can't help but think about what might have happened or will happen to Fisher Tiger. I push that thought back to the dark place it came from and focus on enjoying this dinner with my family to end off a good day.


Authors Note: 

Thanks for reading the chapter :) If you have any thoughts/criticisms you'd like to share or ideas for the story be it ideas for powers/techniques, characters, plot points or anything else let me know in the comments, ill try to get to them. Also for any if interested this is Crossposted on webnovel, scribblehub, AO3 and though webnovel is the one i mainly use and have in mind. ill try to post images for characters or gifs for techniques on the sites that will let me. Anyway Bye!

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