Beneath The Crimson Tides

Entry 11


"One Piece" and all related characters, settings, and concepts are the intellectual property of Eiichiro Oda, Shueisha, Toei Animation, and any other entities associated with the creation and distribution of the original manga and anime series. No copyright infringement is intended.

Tearing my eyes away from the now lifeless body of Captain Ryder, I turned and reached behind my back, where a sizable sack rested beneath my wings. Pulling it forward, I opened it and peered inside, analyzing the various fruits that sat within - fruits I had brought with me just in case. After a few moments of silent contemplation, I began to doubt whether any of them would actually be of use.

Suddenly, my eyes locked onto an apple, watching as its deep red hue shifted to a vibrant green, akin to bamboo or jade. Swirls etched themselves onto the surface, and the stem lengthened, turning green as well with a spiral at the end. A smile spread across my face as I recognized the reincarnation of the Wind Logia that Voss had once possessed - now the literal fruit of my preparation, in case I had faced a Devil Fruit user while coming here.

As tempting as it was to simply take a bite and claim its powers, I knew better. As a fishman, consuming a Devil Fruit would be like to attaching lead to my wings and attempting to fly. It's a mismatch that would undermine my natural abilities and strengths, even if I wouldn't drown in water since I'm a fishman. Fishman Karate and any techniques along with haki is more than enough for me to reach the heights of this world, without needing the power of a Devil Fruit.

I've know and have seen normal humans in this world ascend to the pinnacles of power through sheer skill and determination alone. With my somewhat special nature as a Mink-Fishman hybrid, I know I can surpass them, using the sea and my own body as my spear and shield, rather than relying on a Devil Fruit's abilities.

Reaching down, I unsheathed the claws on one hand and quickly swiped the pirates head easily coming undone from his body. The wound not spurting any blade having been quickly cauterized the wound , I prepared to stash the head in the sack until a loud commotion caught my attention as my head snapped towards the direction and my observation haki honing in on it. Stashing the head quickly I spread my wings wide blasting off of the ground and soaring through the air towards the source of the commotion.

My keen eyesight quickly spotted the ongoing battle below - a group of militia-like fishmen, led by a towering, crab-lobster fishman, clashing with what seemed to be the remnants of the Crimson Tempest Pirates.

As I dove down, the wind rushed past my face, and I let out a thunderous yell, grabbing the attention of all the participants below. Reaching into the sack on my back, I pulled out the severed head of their captain, Ryder, and held it aloft for all to see.

"Your captain is dead!" I screamed, my voice carrying across the battlefield. "Lay down your weapons and you might live to see tomorrow."

A hush fell over the pirate ranks, their morale visibly dipping at the sight of their leader's decapitated head. But to no one's surprise, they did not surrender or flee. Instead, they fought on with a newfound desperation clashing against their fishmen opponents with everything they had.  Afterall, who would be willing to lay down and die?

Diving into the fray, I nodded to the crab-lobster fishman, who I presumed was the leader of the squad, before joining the battle as our combined force tore through the pirates and together, we whittled down their numbers quickly.

As the last of the Crimson Tempest in this area fell, the crab-lobster fishman approached me, his imposing figure towering over my own.

"That was some impressive work, stranger," he rumbled, his deep voice resonating. "I am Garron, the district's militia commander. And you are?" Holding out his claw for a handshake.

"Lucian, Lucian Astra." I replied, taking the hand. "I came to help only to find the district under attack. As for their captain as you know i have taken care of him already."

Garron nodded, a hint of respect in his eyes. "Well, Lucian, I appreciate the assistance. Come, let us report to the district leader. I'm sure she will want to hear about this victory."

Without another word, Garron turned and led the way, his militia in tow. I followed closely, my wings folded neatly against my back as we made our way through the streets of the Fishman District.

As we walked, I couldn't help but take in the dismal state of the surrounding area. Compared to the vibrant main island, this district had an unmistakable air of neglect and decay. Dilapidated buildings lined the streets, many crumbling though here and there i could see hints of repair. The people we passed were somber-faced, their gaunt features and hollowed eyes hinting at food shortages and hardship. Even the laughter of children seemed muted, their smiles fleeting.

It was a stark contrast to the majestic, towering presence of Noah - the titanic "Ship of Promise" - which loomed over the district in the distance floating in the water.

As we approached the ornate town hall, I could see a stern-looking tiger shark fishwoman waiting to greet us, her whitish-gray skin and black stripes giving her an imposing, almost regal bearing. Her clothes were stained with the blood of battle, a grim testament to the trials this district had just endured. Despite that stern outward expression, in her eyes i could see the relief evident in her eyes at Garron's word and report of the battle against the invaders, especially about the captain being handled, care for her people of the district being obvious.

When the commander had finished, the district leader turned to me and whatever positive emotions were there disappeared from her eyes like mist with them instead becoming a piercing gaze as she addressed me.

"So, you are the one who dispatched the Crimson Tempest's captain?" she asked, her voice sharp and unwavering.

"Yes, i am" I replied, meeting her gaze unflinchingly. "I came to the Fishman District to help address the pirate problem you've been facing and then some. I believe the threat of the Crimson Tempest crew has been neutralized."

The district leader studied me for a moment, her expression unreadable. "Well done, Lucian. I am Isara, and as the leader of this district, my people and I owe you a debt of gratitude. But tell me this - what motivated you to come to our aid?"

Taking in the slightly suspicious question, I paused to gather my thoughts. Glancing up towards the sky and the deep blue ocean beyond the district's bubble, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of nostalgia. Memories of Fisher Tiger flowed through my mind as I rubbed the black jacket I wore. No pain came with these memories, only a sense of reminiscence and warmth - a reminder that though he was gone, his spirit and legacy lived on.

As Sensei had said, the time for grieving was over. Now, I would call upon those fond memories instead of the cold. Focusing back on Isara, I responded, "As everyone here may or may not know, Fisher Tiger has passed on. I had the privilege of knowing him, of being close to him, and I remember how he always lamented not being able to convince King Neptune and the ministers to extend more aid to this district. That, Isara, is what has motivated me to come here."

I took a deep breath, steeling my resolve. "Tiger's unfulfilled regret has become my own. If you will have me, I hope to help make this district the home it deserves to be - a place of prosperity and opportunity for all Fishmen, just as Tiger envisioned."

Isara's brow furrowed slightly, her expression skeptical. "You claim to have known Fisher Tiger, and that his cause has become your own. I appreciate your sentiment, Lucian, but forgive me if I find it difficult to simply trust the word of a stranger." She glanced around at the dilapidated buildings and the weary faces of her people. "This district has suffered greatly, and we've had our fair share of empty promises and false hopes. What makes you think you can succeed where others have failed?"

Garron stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder. " Isara, if I may. Lucian here proved his mettle in the battle against the Crimson Tempest. He's no ordinary fighter, and his concern for our people seems genuine. Perhaps we should at least hear him out and see what he has to offer?"

Isara considered Garron's words for a moment, then turned her gaze back to me. "Very well, Lucian. I'll give you a chance to prove yourself. But understand that the wellbeing of my people is my highest priority. If I so much as suspect you're wasting our time or putting them at risk, I won't hesitate to show you the door. Do I make myself clear?"

I nodded solemnly. "Perfectly clear, Isara. I appreciate your caution, and I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to help transform this district and honor Fisher Tiger's legacy."

Isara's expression remained guarded, but she gave a curt nod. "Very well, Lucian. If you're serious about helping us, then there's no time to waste. This district is in dire need of rebuilding and reorganization."

She turned to Garron, her authoritative tone leaving no room for argument. "Commander, I want you to take Lucian to meet Halric. He's one of our oldest and most respected community leaders - if anyone knows where to start, it'll be him."

Garron straightened, giving a quick salute. "Aye, Leader Isara. Come with me, Lucian. Halric's been overseeing what little reconstruction efforts we've been able to manage. He'll be glad to have an extra pair of hands."

As Garron led the way, I fell into step beside him, my wings folding neatly against my back. "Halric, huh? What can you tell me about him?"

The gruff commander let out a low rumble. "Halric's an old octopus fishman, been living in this district since even before I and my own my father was born. Wise as they come, and he's got a real knack for organization and community building."

We soon arrived at a modest, but well-maintained building that seemed to be the center of the district's meager reconstruction efforts. Outside, I could see a group of fishmen, some young, some old, working together to haul supplies and clear rubble.

An elderly octopus fishman, his tentacles dragging along the ground, turned to greet us, his weathered face breaking into a warm smile. "Ah, Garron! And who's this you've brought with you?"

"This is Lucian, Halric," Garron replied, gesturing in my direction. "He's offered to lend a hand in rebuilding the district. I thought he could use your guidance."

Halric's eyes widened, and he shuffled towards me, tentacles outstretched. "Is that so? Well, you've certainly come to the right place, young man. There's plenty of work to be done, and every able-bodied fishman is needed."

He grasped my hand firmly, his grip surprisingly strong. "I'm glad to have you on board, Lucian. Now, let me fill you in on what we've been doing, and where we could use the most help..."

As Halric began outlining the district's most pressing needs, I listened intently, already formulating a plan of action. Rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure, organizing the militia, and ensuring a stable food supply - these would all be crucial first steps in transforming this forgotten corner of the Fishman Kingdom.


"There it is!" I shouted, my voice traveling across the underwater environment. "Surround it and strike with precision! Remember your training!" Suddenly, a massive shadow emerged from the gloom, its gaping maw filled with razor-sharp teeth. The Megalodon sea king had arrived, its massive bulk cutting through the water with ease.

The fishmen soldiers sprung into action, their bodies dancing through the water with a practiced grace. Fists and feet lashed out, powerful water techniques pummeling the sea king's tough hide. I dove in, my own strikes adding to the relentless onslaught.

The Megalodon thrashed and roared, but it was no match for our coordinated efforts. Slowly but surely it began to weaken, its movements becoming more sluggish. With a final, water-trembling bellow, the sea king succumbed to our assault, its massive body sinking lifelessly to the seafloor.

A cheer went up from the fishmen, their faces alight with triumph. "Well done, everyone!" I called out, my gaze sweeping across the victorious team. "Now, let's get this behemoth back to the district. The people are waiting for their prize."

As we began dragging the Megalodon's carcass back to the shore, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. After months of tireless effort – helping Halric with the physical labor and organization of the construction gathering many people to help with the effort, training the militia in Fishman Karate, and combating both pirates to reuse their boats and gather their heads for belly to buy resources on the main island with me getting a multitude of devil fruits from it aswell and hunting sea king's for food – the transformation of the Fishman District was undeniable.

The once dilapidated buildings had been repaired, their fresh coats of paint and well-maintained facades a stark contrast to the decay of the past. Pathways and roads had been cleared, and a sense of order had been established, with a capable guard force and a system of laws making the lawless zone of fishman district no more.

The docks were now bustling with activity, as other hunting teams brought in their game, boats laden with the fruits of their effort and fishermen prepared to butcher and distribute the sea king's meat and other valuable resources. The district was well on its way to prosperity, a far cry from the gloomy, neglected place I had first encountered.

As we dragged the Megalodon's massive body onto the ground, a familiar figure caught my eye – Hody Jones, leading his own team and their sea king catch. My mood soured at the sight of the young fishman, whose very loud and annoying vocal disdain for humans had rubbed me the wrong way.

He had returned 1 or 2 months ago to the district and "coincidentally" news about the national treasure of fishman island being stolen aired right after. I considered killing him, many times if just to shut him up but I knew that his cooperation or unwilling cooperation i should say as he doesn't know he will be helping me yet would be crucial for my plan's on the district's future.

The district had climbed to its feet and was heading towards a more prosperous future but nonetheless if it really wanted to become the best version it could be, the support of Fishman Island and King Neptune himself would be invaluable which was where Hody came in.

Tomorrow, like clockwork was the day Otohime was going to be at Gyancorde Plaze advocatign for people to get signatures where the fated event of Hody's orchestration of Queen Otohime's assassination would happen, with which i would be there to stop him. The goodwill i would accrue from saving the queen would be the springboard I'd use to gain the audience with and hopefully support of the royal family and main island.

It was cynical, i knew to use her assassination as a bargaining chip to secure that alliance but the wellbeing of Fishman District is the top priority. If it means i could save the queens life on top and use the resulting goodwill to build a bridge between here and the main island, then so be it.

Moving my eyes away from hody and baring farewell to the squad I emerged into the bustling heart of the district, the pathways and roads now clear of debris were teeming with activity. Fishermen hauled their catches, people moved along the streets, and children played joyfully in the streets – a far cry from the gloomy, lifeless atmosphere I had once encountered.

Everywhere I went, familiar faces greeted me with warm smiles and enthusiastic waves. Most calling me by my vice-commander title I couldn't help but pause and exchange a few friendly words, ruffling the hair of the young ones who had grown so fond of me during my time here.

The district had truly become a vibrant, thriving community, and the people's gratitude and respect for my efforts filled me with a sense of humble joy. It had taken alot but the the smiles on the kid's faces made it worth it.

Reaching the ornate town hall, I paused for a moment, gazing up at the well-maintained building. This had been the epicenter of our efforts, the place where Isara, Garron, and I along with many others had strategized and coordinated the district's rehabilitation.

Steeling my resolve, I take to the air and pierce through the bubble, propelling myself through the water. As i leave the protective bubble behind and swam into the open ocean I couldn't help but pause, turning to around as my gaze was drawn to the shimmering dome as i took in the full scope of the island.

From this vantage point, the Fishman District appeared like a vibrant jewel nestled within the deep blue expanse of the sea where there had once been despair and decay, there was now hope and opportunity. Come tomorrow, The Fishman District would no longer an afterthought, a forgotten corner of the kingdom but instead a valued part.


Authors Note: 

A little Shorter than my usual 4k i know i know but it felt right to end it here, anyway thanks for reading the chapter :) If you have any thoughts/criticisms you'd like to share or ideas for the story be it ideas for powers/techniques, characters, plot points or anything else let me know in the comments, ill try to get to them. Also for any if interested this is Crossposted on webnovel, scribblehub, AO3 and though webnovel is the one i mainly use and have in mind. ill try to post images for characters or gifs for techniques on the sites that will let me. Anyway Bye!

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