Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 1471: Game-Total Killer 8

  Chapter 1471 Game - General Killing Talisman 8

  Turn around, twist.

   It is not difficult to dodge a slow object.

  The player who rushed in smiled contemptuously, showing little skill.

   next second

   A sharp steel needle was inserted into his eye, and a long needle was passed through the back of his head. The player's smile still remained on his face, but his body had already collapsed heavily.

   At the same time, there were more corpses behind the teaching building.

  The players behind passed by the corpse, jumped in from the window, and slowed down in unison.



   Someone accidentally triggered the trap again.

   There was a bang and something rolled down from upstairs. The man took two steps back quickly, and then dumped a bucket of water on his head.

  The player picked up the stool next to his head with his backhand to cover his head. Unexpectedly, the "water" instantly corroded a large hole in the wooden stool, and the strong acid flowed directly to the top of the man's head. His hair fell out and his scalp was corroded. The player's screams almost pierced the roof.

  Everyone knew that there was a problem in this building, everyone became more cautious, and became more convinced that Fu Anan must be somewhere here, secretly trying to ambush them.

   He is indeed the most shameless player in the survival game, even if he has no abilities and props, he cannot be underestimated.


  On the building

  Fu Anan, who was wandering around in the best position of sight all the time, was counting the results below.

  A total of 14 players came in

   There are 3 people in the east area, 5 people in the south area, 4 people in the west area, and 2 people in the north area.

   2 people died, 4 people were injured, 6 people messed around in the building, and 3 people disappeared after entering.

   Fu Anan's first target was the four injured people.

  She went down with the fire axe in her arms, and with one axe, she eliminated the person who was splashed with concentrated acid, and then set off to kill two more, leaving only one wounded.

  The sun is shining outside in the afternoon, and all kinds of bacteria are growing.

  The corpses rotted on the ground, all kinds of soft insects crawled around and flies flew around.

  The people downstairs learned to be smart, imitating Fu Anan's appearance last time, and tied a fire hose or cloth strips to their waists to search for supplies on the ground. After all the close ranges were searched, someone simply untied the safety rope tied around his waist and went to a further place.

  Fu Anan could see them with a glance from the window, but she didn't have time, so she trotted down the corridor holding her weapon.

  Others are for living, she is for living.

   Now you have to face ten people at once, and you really have to tie your head around your waist.

   Just when she reached the last injured person's position, there was no one there. There were only lumps of cement and a pool of blood on the ground.

  Fu Anan looked at the blood on the ground, and slowed down to follow the blood.


  A long stick on the opposite side swung towards her head, and hit the door with a strong wind.

  Fu Anan bent down the moment the long stick hit him, and grabbed the attacker's injured leg with one hand.

   She grabbed the attacker's bleeding place fiercely. With a scream, he raised his stick again and threw it at her head.

  Fu Anan quickly let go of his wound, rolled sideways several times, and finally hit the wall behind.

   "Fu, An, An!"

  The player's face turned pale from the pain, and he gritted his teeth and called out her name word by word.

   "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

  Fu Anan stood up and raised his hands, pretending to be innocent and repeating the trick, "I thought you were Fu Anan, that's why I attacked you, I'm a player!"

  She admits that this approach is despicable, but at critical moments, survival is the last word.


  The player's hands drooping with the weapon seemed to trust her words, but suddenly disappeared on the spot, and appeared behind Fu An'an in the next second, and the long stick fell towards her.

  He used the teleport egg!

  Fu An'an avoided important parts, but received a solid blow on the arm.

   "Do you think I'm a three-year-old?"

  The player limped back two steps, a small red ball fell from his hand and rolled to Fu Anan's feet.

  The ball exploded instantly, blowing through the corridor. Fu Anan pounced backwards, but still fell from the third floor to the second floor, just in time to be caught by cement stones and ruins.

  She pulled her leg out forcefully.

  The trousers and shoes were all torn, and the flesh was worn out with bleeding marks, and a piece of flesh was drooping on the thigh.

  Fu Anan took out the spray to cover the wound, bandaged it casually, and then climbed up the high **** on the cement stones to knock down the players who wanted to escape not far away.

  Since he has been discovered, he must not be allowed to escape. She raised the knife and fell, and the last injured person was also slaughtered by her.

   Fu Anan knelt beside the corpse, panting from the prolonged tension and strenuous exercise.

  Just as he was about to take a drink from the cup, a gunshot rang out.

  The gun shot missed.

  The bullet pierced the cup, and the milk gurgled out from the bullet hole.

  Fu Anan froze for a moment, then flung the cup violently, and fled quickly when the bullet passed by.

  There will be bullets faster than the speed of a person.

   Several shots from the people behind splashed on the concrete slate, and some bullets actually hit Fu Anan's leg.

  Fu Anan ran all the way with both legs, and didn't feel a burning pain in his left leg until he ran a long way. The big hole under his feet was gushing blood, and his calves and shoes were wet.

  She was about to use spray to treat it, but the people behind followed the blood. Not only did they chase after them, they also exposed Fu Anan's location to other players.

  The man was chasing her, shooting and shouting "Fu An'an is here!"

   Eyes, hands, legs, and mouth are not idle, it is really fortunate for him.

  Fu Anan looked at the players who were going downstairs to surround her, gritted her teeth, turned and ran outside.

   Get off the roof over your head

  The tension of the “Upside Down” influence is always there.

  Playing this round of the game, everyone may have outdoor phobia, as long as there is no roof over the head, it will make people feel nervous.

  A group of players behind were stunned when Fu Anan rushed out, and when Fu Anan was almost out of sight after turning the corner, they chased out without hesitation.

  There are dead bodies all over the ground.

  The liquid from the rotting corpse and the groundwater that was upside down made the ground very wet. There were small puddles everywhere on the uneven ground. Fu Anan stepped on it...

   Sewage mixed with blood splashed to the wound, no pain, but cold feet.

  Fu Anan felt something strange in her legs, and her heart also turned cold—

   Can't be infected with a virus?

   What is more terrifying than contracting the virus is that the people behind are chasing after you.

  A flame cut off Fu Anan's retreat.

  More than a dozen people rushed in all directions and surrounded her, and came to catch a turtle in an urn.

  Damn it, there were more people on the way after him.

  If this is normal, even if there are no props, these people will not necessarily be her opponents five times, but now...

  The survival system took away the space ability granted to her, and the flames of the enemy turned and licked her arm.

  The left half of his body burned rapidly.

   Seeing Fu Anan burning, the others couldn't wait even more. There is no unnecessary nonsense at all, each of them can't wait for Fu Anan to die quickly!


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