Beginning from an even chance to transcend the world and become a saint

Chapter 20 Red Shadow, Grandmaster Potential!

A young woman.

She looked to be about 23 or 24 years old, wearing the uniform of airport staff. Together with another girl in the same uniform, she stood at the passenger exit with a professional smile on her face.

She looked like the ground staff responsible for reception at the airport.

The girl had fair skin and delicate facial features. She was a playful and cute girl.

However, Liu Zimo's attention was not on her appearance at all.

For Liu Zimo, the red lock shadow shining with fiery light on the girl's head was much more attractive than her appearance.

If it is said that a person with a purple lock shadow has the invincible qualifications and amazing potential to become a martial saint.

Then this red lock shadow, which is only slightly inferior to the purple lock shadow, at least has the talent and potential of a master.


In the end times, no matter which city, every master is an irreplaceable top combat force, the kind of existence that can shake the whole city three times with a stomp of his foot.

At the same time, these masters are also the main targets of Liu Zimo's trip.

Now that he has finally met one, he will not miss it easily.

As the distance between him and the girl gets closer, the attraction of the red lock becomes stronger and stronger.

Lock it! Lock it! Lock it...

There seemed to be a voice in his mind constantly urging him, making Liu Zimo involuntarily approach the other party.

Finally, when he walked about two meters in front of the girl, he heard a "pop" sound, and the red lock fell and locked!

At the same time, a corresponding prompt sound rang in Liu Zimo's ears:

[Binding successful! Your good sister Yang Sisi is online, the current bindable object (4/20)]

Hearing this, Liu Zimo's eyebrows raised.

The bindable objects have increased by ten, and the current total number of bindable objects has reached as many as twenty!

"It seems that the number of binding quotas is related to my own cultivation strength. Every time the martial arts cultivation breaks through a realm, the number of binding quotas will increase by a certain amount!"

Liu Zimo made a guess in his heart.

The last time I bound Lou Yuchen, the number of bindings suddenly increased to ten, as if it was because he had directly broken through from an ordinary person to the Bronze Skin Realm.

And this time, the number of bindings increased by ten again, probably because he had broken through to the Iron Bone Realm last night.

The increase in the number of bindings twice in a row was after he had broken through to a new martial arts realm, which was very telling.

"Yang Sisi, this name seems a little strange!"

Seeing the name on the nameplate on the other party's chest, Liu Zimo couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

He remembered very clearly that among the ten great masters of the future federation, there was definitely no female master with the surname Yang.

In fact, let alone the masters, even among those golden body masters below the masters, Liu Zimo had never heard of a person named "Yang Sisi".

"It seems that Yang Sisi did not survive the first wave of monster attacks in her previous life, otherwise, with her talent and potential, she would not have remained unknown."

Thinking that the other party worked at the airport, and on November 11, when all the electronic equipment failed, it was definitely a nightmare for all aerospace workers!

This little girl probably died in the explosion of the plane crash, or was killed by the monster that suddenly appeared.

It is a pity that a little girl with the potential of a master and who looks so cute had an accident before she grew up!

Liu Zimo sighed softly in his heart.

The total population of the world has reached about 9 billion at the beginning of 2033.

Among them, there are countless people like Yang Sisi who died in the monster disaster before they had time to show their martial arts talents.

Otherwise, if it were not for the fact that nearly half of the population of such a large federation died directly on the first day of the monster disaster, many unknown geniuses would also die in it.

Then, how is it possible that only three martial saints and ten grandmasters were born in the thirty years after the end of the world?

"Such a good grandmaster seedling should not and cannot die in obscurity and become food for monsters!"

"The future federation needs more grandmasters to protect it."

"And I also need this 'good sister' to constantly share opportunities for me!"

Liu Zimo whispered to himself, thinking about saving and recruiting.

He didn't know about Yang Sisi's existence before, so it would be fine if he didn't meet her.

Now, since they have met and successfully bound each other as his "good sister", he naturally can't let Yang Sisi die in the monster disaster a month later.

Again, the world is changing, the spiritual energy is bursting, and the monster disaster is coming. It is still the general trend, and no one can stop it.

People and technology today can't do it.

The Federal Headquarters and the three martial saints thirty years later can't do it either.

Under such a general trend, even if Liu Zimo is willing, he can't save everyone before the disaster.

All he could do was to give early warning, and leak out the life-saving techniques of the end times such as [Guided Breathing Method] and [Five Animals Fist] in advance, and protect his family and friends around him.

And Yang Sisi has now undoubtedly become the person he wants to protect and save.

Because she has this value!

At this time.

Seeing someone standing in front of me for a long time without saying anything, and then he seemed to be in a trance, standing there in a daze, which was very strange.

Yang Sisi couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

[What's wrong with this person? He has been staring at me for several minutes! ]

[Oh my God, didn't I meet a pervert? ]

[Lin Hongying, that damn girl, has mentioned to me many times before that she met a perverted passenger at the airport. I won't be caught this time, right? ]

[What should I do? What should I do if he suddenly attacks me? ]

[Can I fight back directly? What if I get complained? ]

[Huh, don't be afraid, this is in public, and there are other colleagues on duty next to him. The other party may not dare to do anything. There is nothing to be afraid of! ]

[Yang Sisi, you have to be strong and don't lose your composure. Since he doesn't say anything, you can speak first! 】

"Hello, sir!"

After struggling for a long time, Yang Sisi took the initiative to speak to Liu Zimo with a formulaic smile on her face:

"The airport exit is on your right. If you have luggage to pick up, please take your boarding pass to the baggage hall in front of you to pick it up."

"If you have any other questions, you can always consult me!"

Liu Zimo came back to his senses and shook his head slightly, saying, "Thank you, I don't have any questions to ask!"

After that, Liu Zimo politely nodded to Yang Sisi, and then turned around and left calmly.

Just kidding, I was misunderstood as a pervert after standing for such a while.

If he pestered Yang Sisi to say something more, I don't know what the little girl would think in her heart. It is not impossible to call the police to arrest him directly?

Liu Zimo raised his hand speechlessly and touched his face.

I feel that I was quite handsome thirty years ago, a real fresh meat, how could I be misunderstood as a pervert?

Really, the little girls of this era have never seen the world and don't know how to appreciate it at all!

After complaining in his heart, Liu Zimo followed the crowd out of the airport exit.

However, he did not rush to find another future martial saint living in this city as planned.

Instead, he turned around and detoured back to the airport lobby. At the cost of one thousand yuan, he collected all the information about Yang Sisi.

"Yang Sisi, female, 24 years old, 1.65 meters tall, 49 kilograms in weight, measurements..."

"Graduated from Longcheng University of Science and Technology in 2001, Department of Finance, Bachelor's degree. Currently an airport ground staff, affiliated to the baggage service department, one year into the job, basic salary of 5,300, bonuses not included."

"Family conditions are average, in addition to parents, there is also a younger brother who just went to college."

"Cheerful, positive, optimistic, no bad habits, single, no boyfriend."

"Current residence, staff dormitory, roommate Lin Hongying, is Yang Sisi's college classmate, bestie and good friend. Yang Sisi was able to come to the airport to work because of Lin Hongying's influence..."

A very detailed personal information, even Yang Sisi's height, weight and measurements are recorded.

Liu Zimo really read the information from beginning to end, and soon locked his target on Yang Sisi's best friend Lin Hongying.

There is a saying that if you want to capture a girl, the best way is to get her best friend first!

It just so happened that he had limited energy now, and he needed to find two secretaries who were proficient in finance to manage the spare money in his account and help purchase more disaster relief supplies to be prepared.

Yang Sisi and Lin Hongying, two college students in the Department of Finance, were the perfect match.

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