Begin Again In Marvel

Chapter 196: Inner Peace


After I left Cynthia I went to the Astral Realm as I was having trouble controlling my power. I had been using 3 of my parallel minds to maintain control. Now I decided to check the System Alerts to see why I was having issues.


[Special Quest Completed Awakening The Bloodline]

[Issuing Rewards

Bloodline Awakening

Stats Are Recalcutalted

Inner Peace Perk

1 Book Of Ascension

250 Stat Points

250000 XP ]

{Bloodline Awakening 

The User's Alicorn Bloodline And Royal Crystal Bloodline Has Been Awoken. Alicorn Bloodline Has Given The User Access To Their Domains. The Primary Domains Are Harmony And Balance. The User Also Has Domains In Life, Solar, Lunar, Draconic, Light, Darkness, Magic, Psionics, Judgement, Time, Space, Reality, Aura, Crystal, And Technology. The User Can Use Other Domains But Power And Control Over These Other Domains Will Be Weaker. Royal Crystal Bloodline Gives The User Access To The Perfected Crystal Eyes At All Times. The User's Coat Becomes Resistant To Physical And Magical Damage. Also Gives A 100% Boost To Endurance And Charisma. Gives Complete Control Over All Crystals. }

[Perfected Crystal Eyes lvl: Max

No Falsehoods Can Exist Before The Crystal Eyes. Allows The User To See Through Anything They Can Imagine. See To The Subatomic Level And Beyond. Increases Comprehension Speed By 500%. Allows The User To Visually Track Anything No Matter How Fast Or Slow They Are. Those Looking Into The Crystal Eyes Will Be Caught In A Mental Stupor Making Them Unable To Move Or React. Grants A Special Unresistable Crystalizing Gaze Ability. Boosts perception Stat By 100%. Eyes Cannot Be Damaged Or Negated. Abilities Can Be Activated At Will By The User. ]

{Inner Peace Perk

Makes The User Immune To Temptation, Mind Control, Corruption, Or Any Other Kind Of Mind Influencing Factors. The User Can Force Others Into Balance Temporarily Or Permanently If The Affected Accepts The New Change. The User Can Still Freely Experience Emotions But They Will Never Be Ruled By Them. }

{Book Of Ascension

The Book Of Ascension Contains Knowledge Of Alicorns And Their Origins. Contains Knowledge On How One Could Ascend Into Alicornhood. Contains Knowledge Of Alicorn Exclusive Spells And Rituals. Knowledge From The Book Cannot Be Written Anywhere Else. Knowledge In The Book Can Only Be Taught To Alicorns. For Anyone Else, It Sounds Like Gibberish. Only Alicorns Can Read The Book For Everyone Else The Book Is Blank. Cannot Be Stolen, Damaged, Or Destroyed. }


[Level Up x 17]

Level: 155



HP: 128000 (Endurance x 100 )

SP: 819200 (Endurance x Agility)

MP: 49900 (Intelligence x 100)


Strength: 300 (+100%) = 600

Perception: 310 (+200%) = 930

Endurance: 320 (+300%) = 1280

Charisma: 320 (+200%) = 960

Intelligence: 499

Agility: 320 (+100%) = 640

Luck: 300 (+200%) = 900

Stat Points: 390


Leadership lvl: Max

Bending lvl: 65/100


Acting lvl: 43/100


Alicorn lvl: Max

Changes The MP Calculus To x 100, Grants Vastly Improved Learning Speed Of All Mana Using Skills. Decreases The Cost Of All Magics By 50% (Max 99%). Boosts The Power Of All Mana Using Skills By 50%. Gives A Boost Of 100% To Strength, Perception, Endurance, Agility, And Luck. Grants Immunity To All Illnesses. Grants Agelessness. Grants A High-Level Healing Factor (Stacks With Other Healing Factors). Ability To Fly Regardless Of Gravity. You Can Change Forms From Full Alicorn To Human And Anywhere In Between. All Equine And Equine Adjacent Species Will Trust And Treat You As Their Ruler. Gives Access To The Astral Realm. Grants Access To Domains.

Indestructible Stomach lvl: Max --->

Perfect Immune System lvl: Max

Users Can Eat Anything And Turn It Into Energy Without Negative Consequences. Eating Will Never Cause the User To Gain Weight. Provides Immunity To Poisons And Toxins Of All Kinds. The User's Body Will Absorb Any Foreign Substances That Enter The User's Body.


'Wow, those are some really good rewards. It also explains why I am struggling to control my power. Most of my stats have doubled. Heck, my health has increased by entire magnitudes. The Bloodline Awakening is very interesting. I guess it makes sense that I wasn't using all of my potential as an Alicorn. But what I find very interesting is the Royal Crystal Bloodline. From the books I have read, there is no mention of the royal family having special powers. At most it mentions having the Crystal Eyes but only when wearing the crown. Which was meant to be proof that they carried the royal bloodline. So does that mean that the records of my bloodline are just lost? Or was it not recorded in the first place? Maybe the Palace Library has something and I have just missed it.'

I went over the Domains I acquired.

'Balance and Harmony makes sense and I think it fits me. I do wonder if Inner Peace influenced them or if it was the other way around. As for the other Domains. Draconic is clearly because of my Dragon Lord title and Dovakiin status. Life is probably because I created a new life form and my connection with nature. Solar and Lunar are because of my Day and Night Blessing respectively. Light and Darkness are likely tied to my control of the Force and possibly the previously mentioned blessings. Psionics is also related to the Force and our research into Psionics. Magic is probably because of my extensive knowledge of magic and magic-using skills. Judgment is because of my Judgement Day skill and my ability to judge one's sins by sight. Time and Reality are because I am the anchors for Time and Reality. Crystal is because of my bloodline. Technology is due to the amount of research I do or maybe because I use it so much. That I am less confident about. Aura because I have mastered Aura? Lastly, Space would likely be because of my many connections to the cosmos.'

Besides the last three, I was fairly confident I knew why I had the Domains I had. I next looked at the improved skills.

'Perfect Immune System is very good as now I don't have to worry about viruses or something like Antman. Even if they use the Thanos Butthole strategy I won't die. The Alicorn Skill hasn't changed much. But the healing factor is very welcome. As is the power boost to my mana using skills. I suppose it also lets me fly regardless if I have wings or not. I wonder if I will just start hovering.'

I test it out and sure enough I just lift off the ground with no clear signs as to why.

'According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that I should be able to fly. But I don't care about what others think is impossible. But back to the skills. The Crystal Eyes are really powerful. I get a slight increase in comprehension speed. I can now see things that would be otherwise too fast or slow for me. Combined with my stupifying gaze I am well equipped to deal with Speedsters. The Crystalizing Gaze buff is good as well. The Perception boost is fantastic. Combined with the boost from being an Alicorn I can now predict up to 11 seconds into the future. I am nearly the perfect counter to speed type fighters. The most broken ability is the ability to see through anything. That adds so many options. I could see through dimensions, time, and who knows what else. I am sure it won't be that easy but at the very least it's an option.'

The next thing to look at was the book and perk.

'The book is a great gift as it should hopefully teach me what I am missing with ascension. Not to mention the lost knowledge it contains. It might even contain something I could use to deal with any future problematic Alicorns. The Perk is interesting. I wonder if I could use it to negotiate with Nightmare Moon. I could force her into balance but the real question is would that help? Or would she just get stronger from no longer being consumed by dark magic? It can be saved as a last resort. But I can at least use it if any Je'daii becomes unbalanced. The bonus of not having to fear any psychics or corruption is always welcome. I could use the Helm Of Shadows if it wasn't destroyed for a power boost. Or at least I could theoretically.'

The last thing I do is consider where to put the Stat Points. After some thinking, I decided to boost Luck and Charisma as they are the hardest to increase.


Strength: 300 (+100%) = 600

Perception: 310 (+200%) = 930

Endurance: 320 (+300%) = 1280

Charisma: 500 (+200%) = 1500

Intelligence: 499

Agility: 320 (+100%) = 640

Luck: 500 (+200%) = 1500

Stat Points: 10


'That should make it so I don't have to put any more points into Luck. I think 1500 is more than enough for many years to come. I really need to work on Intelligence as it is now my lowest stat. But I guess it is technically my 3rd highest base stat. I should track down some smart beings in the Trials that I can use Drain Knowledge on. I guess I should see the differences in my true form.'

I shift to my true form and the first thing I notice is how much taller I am. If Before I was around 4.6 feet or 1.4 Meters tall, I am now closer to 7 feet tall or around 2.1 meters tall. The next thing I notice is my mane. Before it was very dark black but now it's dark to the point where it absorbs the light around it giving it a strange and mysterious appearance. It is also very wavy and is constantly moving. I can even see little sparkles in the mane light distant stars in the night sky. I have to force myself to stop looking at it as I could just watch the thing all day. My tail seems to have the same properties as my mane. While I was inspecting the changes to my body I noticed something on my flank. It was an image of a book with a Yin Yang symbol in the center with the Sun taking up half and the moon the other. And in the center of everything is the Crystal Heart with crystalline-like pink accents.

[Image Here]

(AN: I made the image from other images and I am not an artist so it turned out only okay.)

'Huh, I got my Cutie Mark. Ugh, I hate calling it that. It sounds undignified. But what did I expect from a species that named nearly every city based on a horse pun? Not saying that the names are not amusing or memorable but still. Maretropolis. Canterlot. Las Pegasus. Sigh.'

I use the next few hours to meditate and control my power. Once that is done I retire for the night as tomorrow I head to the Crystal Palace to figure out who that being is.


Authors Note:

This chapter was are real pain to write. I had to write it 4 TIMES. Because Webnovel wouldn't save my progress after my computer crashed. Then Firefox crashed. The another crash until finally on the 4th try I finished it. Now does anyone have any Domains Rio could have that I missed I think I got them all but if you can think of some let me know. If anyone is curious Nightmare Moons Stats would be 950 in all stats. That is her base stats. With boosts, it's way higher. Anyway, thanks for reading. Until next time Ciao.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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