Beggar Cultivation System

Chapter 102: Cup Of Noodles(Part-2)

A seafood-flavored Cup of Noodles—that's what the Beggar chose. Seeing the bits of shrimp tangled in the noodles, Apollo couldn't help but gulp. The tantalizing smell of the sea wafted up to his nose, salty, a bit spicy, and utterly refreshing.

This brought back memories of his college days, alone in his dorm with just a cup of noodles and his books. Back then, he was popular throughout the university, talented in many areas. He also had enough money to eat whatever he wanted thanks to his side hustle, but he still chose to eat a Cup of Noodles from time to time, especially while studying.

With his eyes closed, he reminisced about the past before taking a bite of the noodles. He didn't have to chew much before swallowing; one particularly long noodle was still inside the cup. Apollo slurped, the sound echoing around him.

"Ah," Apollo sighed with satisfaction, the saltiness and slight spiciness lingering in his mouth. "This is amazing." Although he had craved the pizza earlier, now that he was eating the noodles, the regret vanished, replaced by satisfaction.

Looking down into the cup, he saw the golden-yellow noodles swimming in the creamy white-yellow broth, with spices dancing alongside them. Apollo raised the cup and took a sip. The soup flowed into his mouth, down his throat, and all the way to his stomach. For a moment, he felt as though he was standing by the vast ocean, with the intense wind blowing against his face.

"Ah!" This time, he let out an even stronger sigh. The Beggar smacked his lips before licking them. With a smile on his face, he continued to enjoy his Cup of Noodles.

However, while he relished his breakfast, the people around him were less pleased.

Sitting at the edge of the mountain, there were only ten to eleven Martial Students nearby, each sitting a few meters apart. But the distance, coupled with their keen sense of smell, put frowns on their faces.

What's that smell? At first, they tried to ignore it, but as time passed, the frowns deepened. They couldn't help but open their eyes and follow the aroma. The smell wasn't bad; in fact, it was quite pleasant, though it still disturbed them.

When they turned toward the source, they saw a small masked man eating, the slurping sounds loud and clear.

"This guy, how dare he eat during the exam?" one of them muttered. "What is he even eating?"
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They continued to watch, letting out some of their presence to alert the 'oblivious' man. But their efforts were futile, and the smell only made them hungrier. Finally, one of them stood up and strode toward the Masked Man with determined steps.

The onlookers' eyes widened in anticipation. Yeah, teach him a lesson! But what the man said next left them speechless.

"Hey, where did you buy that?" he asked, making Apollo look up, a piece of noodle dangling from his mouth.

"Somewhere far," Apollo replied before continuing his meal.

"Do you have more? Can I have some?" the man asked.

"No," Apollo shook his head. "Sorry, it's not for free."

"Then how much?" the man asked, pulling out a pouch from his uniform. The sound of coins clinking echoed as he opened it.

Apollo raised an eyebrow, observing the man from head to toe. He didn't belong to the Great Serpent or the other two schools where most of the students came from. But the way he carried himself suggested noble birth.

"Sorry, I don't trade for money. I only accept Alms," Apollo said, shaking his head. At the same time, he wondered if this would work. Because he was always busy with other things, he hadn't had enough time to experiment with how he could exploit the system.

What if he tried to make them give him money? Would it still count? Or not?

"Alms?" The man looked at the masked figure from head to toe. Average height, small stature, and clothes made from cheap materials—the only extraordinary thing was the mask. He does look like a beggar, but who would be foolish enough to believe it? There's no way a mere beggar could stand on the same 'stage' as us, the man thought. "How many Alms do you need?" he asked, playing it safe.

Oh? Apollo's eyes brightened. "Six bronze coins."

Without hesitation, the man took out a silver coin and flicked it toward Apollo, who caught it with ease. "Here, keep the change."

"I won't decline then," Apollo replied, smiling as he pocketed the silver coin and waited for the notification to arrive.

But even after a few seconds, the System remained silent. What's happening?

"Hey, you're not scamming me, are you?" the man asked, raising an eyebrow as his eyes turned cold.

"No, of course not," Apollo said. "Just wait a second."

Hey, System! Where are the Alm points? Apollo asked the system angrily. He actually wanted to minimize his interactions with this petty System as much as possible. That's why he didn't ask if his method would work. Now that he thought about it, he realized that he sometimes made choices that were quite immature—something he hadn't done in his previous life.

Shaking his head, he finally heard the System's response.

"You haven't received any Alms for me to convert into Alm points," the System answered, a translucent screen appearing in front of the beggar with the words displayed.

What the hell?! Wasn't this guy giving me Alms? Didn't he say so himself? Apollo protested.

"A true beggar does not scheme. You are a beggar, not a seller. You are bound to receive, without any use of trickery, only patience," the System replied, its voice emotionless but with a tone that felt like a divine message. "However, using the System Store, you can buy items that will help increase your Alm Points."

Divine message, my *ss!

Apollo couldn't help but get angry. Am I going to waste my Alm points for this guy?

The System didn't respond.

Looking up, the Beggar saw that the man was starting to get frustrated. Sh*t, he already gave me the money. Should I give it back?

"If you don't give me what I want, don't blame me if I resort to force," the man said.

"Alright," Apollo sighed in defeat. In the end, he wanted to fulfill their transaction. As an honest person who hasn't committed any crime, he couldn't 'cheat' his customer.

A white light appeared in front of him, and a Cup of Noodles materialized out of thin air.

Seeing this, the man's eyes brightened with understanding. Space Storage? I knew it—what kind of beggar would have access to such an item?

Apollo handed over the goods, waving his hand dismissively. "Here, this is the last one, so I was very hesitant to give it away."

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