Before Prying Away the Small O

Chapter 76 - dazed

Yun Wan drove to the National Security Bureau, and You Chenxing had long been standing at the door.

Opened the passenger door, made a gesture, Yun Wan changed to the passenger, and You Chenxing got into the driver’s seat.

After brushing her face at the door, the woman drove the car directly into the parking lot and parked it, and the two men went to three places side by side.

He brought Yun Wan a paper cup and a cup of warm water, Yun Wan just took a sip, and You Chenxing found another job.

Yun Wan could see that You Chenxing was really busy.

“You don’t need to ignore me, I’m right here on the sofa, just playing with my phone.”

The first employee left the office, Yun Wan grabbed the gap and made a statement.

Immediately, he took out his earphones, and without needing You Chenxing to answer her, he hugged the pillow alone and nestled on the hospitality sofa in You Chenxing’s office, quietly.

You Chenxing was really busy. At first, he wanted to finish his work and talk to Yun Wan again, but as soon as he immersed himself in the documents, his work was like snowflakes flying one by one without interruption at all.

After reviewing a batch of documents in the department, they went to the bureau chief’s office. Xiao Wang’s team needed relatively private documents from two employees who died in the line of duty. It was obviously inappropriate for them to come forward. The bureau starts here, and asks Bureau Chen to talk to the director of the first department.

In the afternoon, Zhu Sui just started to bring newcomers to physical training, and there were some disputes. You Chenxing ran to the training room worriedly. Even if Zhu Er had been dealt with it when he went, You Chenxing still stood at the door and watched her for a while. The process of human training.

“If you want to make trouble, come and tell me, just train according to the strictest standards, and you will be fine in the bureau, just be afraid…”

When leaving, You Chenxing told Zhu Sui like this.

Wearing training clothes, Zhusui nodded and said solemnly, “I know, I won’t let water.”

It doesn’t matter if you suffer a bit in the bureau, I’m afraid that these alphas will go outside, and their physical fitness will not be able to keep up when it is critical.

The worst thing in the bureau is to be punished. If you go outside, you will die.

This truth is tacitly understood by everyone. You Chenxing has been the director for two years, and the training of newcomers has always been in his own hands. It has never been divided before, which is also for this reason.

When you hand it over to others, there is always no peace of mind that you can teach it yourself.

After going back to the office after doing a lot of work outside, Yun Wan didn’t know when to fall asleep on the sofa.

Glancing at his watch, there was still a period of time to get off work, You Chenxing didn’t call Yun Wan, and was busy working again.

When he noticed that Yun Wan woke up, it was Yun Wan who went to the tea to get some water, and by the way helped You Chenxing make another cup of coffee and put it on the table for her.

“Thank you.” You Chenxing took it and took a sip.

“It’s alright.” Yun Wan’s voice was soft and waxy. He just woke up, and his articulation was not very clear.

“Are you going to see Professor Yun? The director has specially approved him. He can move freely in the bureau.”

After thinking for a while, Yun Wan shook his head, “Next time, it’s getting cold, and if he’s not sure when he will go home next week, I’ll see him again when I bring him clothes. Today, no.”

What Professor Yun said was Yun Wan’s father. What You Chenxing could see would only be more familiar to his relatives. Yun Wan hadn’t told Father Yun about the divorce, and before Father Yun left the National Security Bureau, he didn’t want to. Her father saw something and worried about her.

You Chenxing nodded and continued to work.

Yun Wan swiped her phone again, not knowing how many glasses of water she had helped the two of them with, then You Chenxing closed the cap of the pen and said that she was off work.

After leaving the National Security Bureau and sitting in the reserved box, it was completely dark.

Yun Wan, who used to be very quiet in the National Security Bureau, went to the restaurant as if he had opened a chatterbox, chatting non-stop, without any breath.

“You don’t know how exaggerated it is. In the morning, when I entered the Disciplinary Committee, ten people saw me, and ten people greeted me.”

“I’ve been in the job for six years, and I’ve never seen such a battle.”

“Even the interns from other places called me Sister Yun when they saw me, I… please, do I know him?!”

“Not to mention the atmosphere in the office, do you know that everyone is looking at you, and the look is hesitant to say anything, that kind of pity and fear of hurting you, I have seen it today, and I feel numb when I think of it. …”

“But the people in my office are okay, the other offices came halfway, and there is another person who wants to introduce me to someone, what is my cousin who is five years older than me, he is sick, just seeing this, he deserves to be ignored. , I haven’t been able to get a job title for a few years!”

“Fortunately, we came to Liu, and asked these people to hand in the report in the afternoon. I don’t know if it can be handed in. That report was chatting in our work group on the weekend, and it was ideological and moral. It was difficult to write, so I wish them to work overtime today. If it can be done, it’s better to force Lai Lai to do more work.”

“I’m so pissed, you don’t know how far I drove at noon, just to have a quiet lunch…”

“There are still people looking for me to go to the cafeteria. I thank her. The office can be like that. I can’t be like a zombie siege when I go to the cafeteria. They all stare at me as a rare animal!”

“Huh—it’s annoying to talk about it, I don’t want to think about it anymore!”

After such a pass, Yun Wan suddenly raised his head, seeing You Chenxing’s expression, Yun Wan was startled.

“What are you laughing at, are you funny?”

You Chenxing said something, “The content is not funny, but it’s rare to see you being so angry, I think it’s funny.”


Yun Wan: “I thank you too!”

“No thanks~” You Chenxing rolled her lips.

Ah bah, it’s also a shameless one!

Yun Wan rolled her eyes, did not differentiate with You Chenxing, and took a sip of tea in annoyance.

Complaining all the time is still beneficial, at least the depression that has accumulated in my heart for a day is much smoother, and everyone feels a little more relaxed.

After talking about what I want to complain about the most, the next words are also a lot smoother.

You Chenxing was always silent, just listened, unless Yun Wan looked at her for a response, and would not comment easily.

Yun Wan likes You Chenxing like this.

She didn’t actually need comfort, she just wanted someone to hear her complain.

You Chenxing was undoubtedly the most qualified person she knew.

When Yun Wan’s speech became slower and slower, and her speech became more rational, You Chenxing felt that it was almost the same, and asked her, “Didn’t it say that Liu Chu found you, what’s the matter?”

Yun Wan’s expression froze, apparently being asked about the key.

Reaching out his fingers to hook his hair, Yun Wan lowered his head, “It’s not a big deal, it’s just…”

“that is?”

“It’s just that I never thought about it in that direction. When he suddenly mentioned it, I had no idea.”

There is nothing that can’t be said, Yun Wan is open and honest, “Liu asked about my living situation and the publicity… I also asked a few questions, but it is not to gossip about why I divorced, that is to say, look at my appearance, and not It’s not like you’re ready to announce it.”

Liu Chu talked with Yun Wan in the tone of an elder.

His judgment was also correct. Yun Wan was a military court with his eyes closed and his heart gone. He didn’t think much about the impact on the follow-up. He didn’t dare to think about it. Determination is another aspect.

At that time, after knowing that Shen Li told Tang Xing about her family…

Yun Wan felt suffocated just thinking about this marriage.

She felt that if she didn’t earn it, she would drown in this desperate relationship.

At that time, she just wanted to end it quickly, and there was only such a thought, and she couldn’t care about the follow-up.

In short, Yun Wan did not have the preparations for exposing his private life to the public level, nor did he have the corresponding psychological quality.

She is not a strong person.

Subconsciously glanced at You Chenxing.

Yun Wan thought, compared to a woman, she is not very tough herself, strong enough to make people around her feel that she is invincible.

She is no different from most people.

She is just an ordinary person.

With long eyelashes hanging down, Yun Wan let out a light breath and lowered her voice.

“Before, I took my annual leave all at once, and then I chased you back to my hometown, and before the announcement, I also took a week off each. The salary can’t be seen, but I don’t live on that…”

“Did you Liu Chu tell you?” You Chenxing’s voice was still calm and steady.

Not only her voice, but she is very stable and credible.

This kind of stability was perceived by Yun Wan, and the anxiety in his heart was suppressed again under the influence of the woman, and he shook his head.

“No, he didn’t say anything.”

You Chenxing: “I don’t think so either. His family is very close to Kong’s family, so looking at you should be like looking at a junior.”

Yun Wan was surprised, “You know this relationship?”

You Chenxing shrugged, “If I wasn’t familiar with the intricate relationships in Shangjing, I wouldn’t be called the intelligence chief by the brat underneath.”

Yun Wan laughed, “This title is suitable for you.”

The smile was fleeting. Thinking of what Liu Chu said, Yun Wan returned to the topic and said, “I didn’t say anything about me, but rather understood me quite a bit.”

“Speaking of something happened at home, my dad is still in the National Security Bureau, and the marriage has become like this again. The pressure should be very high.”

“he ask me……”

“Ask me if I want to stay without pay.”

Liu Chu’s words were gentle and did not mean any coercion.

It has been six years since she joined the company, and Yun Wan has been working under Liu Chu. She knows what kind of person he is.

It can be said that this suggestion is purely from her point of view and has no other meanings.

“As you know, I’m not very keen on work. It’s okay to rely on the old and sell the old and get promoted after the qualifications. It’s okay to work at the grassroots level for a lifetime.”

“I don’t live on this job either. The money I invest every month is not comparable to my salary. I don’t even know which card bag I lost my salary card at home. will come out…”

“Liu Chu… Liu Chu just sees that my state is really bad, and the announcement has also been discussed. I’m afraid I can’t stand the suggestion…”

“I’m not in the promotion assessment period either. There’s no argument that he let me stay in the job, to make room for someone. He’s just… kind.”

You Chenxing: “I don’t doubt your superior’s intentions.”

Yun Wan lowered her head and said in frustration, “I’m afraid you don’t know, it’s better to speak thoroughly.”


You Chenxing: “So, what are you struggling with, do you want to stay without pay?”

Yun Wan thought for a while, “Yes, no.”

You Chenxing raised his eyebrows.

Yun Wan was silent for a moment, speaking very slowly, thinking and speaking.

“I don’t know whether to leave without pay, but the problem is not the root of the problem.”

“You say, I listen.”

Just a few words, calm and peaceful, You Chenxing’s calm voice calmed Yun Wan’s emotional frizz.

Yun Wan’s eyes lost focus for a moment, then looked up at You Chenxing.

The lights in the box were not on, and it was difficult for You Chenxing to describe the feeling of being stared at by Yun Wan, but this image had existed in her mind for several years and was indelible.

Everything was dim and dim, except for Yun Wan’s eyes, which were wet and shiny.

Staring at her, her soft eyes seemed to have pinched her heart.

“When I graduated, my dad said that one can’t live without a job.”

“Actually, I don’t know what I like. At that time, except for Shen Li in the future life plan, everything else was ambiguous.”

“My grades have always been relatively average. I don’t like those omegas who say I’m a stupid beauty. My studies are not a burden for me, and if I put in a little effort, it’s pretty good to watch…”

“But it seems that there is no work that can make me sleepless and sleepless, and I feel that I must do something.”

“My dad said that the Military Disciplinary Committee is relatively easy and suitable for omega. It just so happened that Liu Chu was related to the Kong family. I followed my dad’s arrangement and entered the current unit, and I got here as soon as I did it.”

Just like Yun Wan’s eyes, her voice was confused.

Slower and slower.

Lowering his eyelashes, he said with great uncertainty, “After the announcement, I really don’t want to go to work, and I also know that my state is no longer suitable for work.”

“Liu Chu asked me to rest for a few months to half a year before going back. I really want to agree, but…”

You Chenxing: “But?”

Yun Wan wiped his face, frowned, and muttered: “But, I no longer have a family, and I don’t have a job anymore. I don’t know…I don’t know what I have to do in a day?”

“I have a job and I’m still busy, and my previous family relationships have been emptied. If I don’t work again, I will feel… I feel…”

“My life seems to have become meaningless.”

Yun Wan raised her head to look at You Chenxing, her eyes sparkling and confused.

To Yun Wan’s surprise, You Chenxing replied, “Life has no meaning at all.”

“The so-called meaning is given by people.”

“It’s not something essential, or something that exists naturally.”

“Yes, of course it is very good, no, and there is no need to be demanding.”

Yun Wan frowned, “Really?”

There was an unshakable calm in You Chenxing’s eyes, and when he looked at him, he felt at peace.

“Instead of discussing these philosophical questions, I would like to ask you, why did you suddenly think about the meaning of life?”

Yun Wan thought about it for a while, and said, “I just feel that, except for me, everyone seems to be quite clear about life.”

“Xia Xia is a translator, has children, and has a full and busy life; you don’t need to say, the goal has always been very clear, and the work is very busy; I went to the scientific research institute a few days ago and saw Zuo Tian too, feeling that marriage is in her life. Even with Major Xu, she still has a very clear position and understanding of herself.”

“In comparison, I feel like I am superficial and boring.”

Although You Chenxing didn’t want to say it, she seemed to have to point out when she got to this point, “Because marriage has taken up too much of your life before.”

But Yun Wan’s marriage was broken.

The past state of life has been broken, and there is no going back.

And new life…

Obviously, Yun Wan still needs some time to get used to it.

All the meaning of the connotation of this sentence, the two people’s hearts tacitly understand, Yun Wan lowered his head again, and his mood became very low.

Xu Fu, admitted softly, “Yeah, I know.”

In fact, Yun Wan is a very easy to satisfy person.

She is not very demanding.

It’s just that this requirement is not like You Chenxing and Zuo Tian, ​​who can support it alone. A family is made up of people. She does her own part well, and the other part made up of others is not something she can control. .

It’s very realistic and frustrating.

But the fact is that in a marriage, no matter which party makes a mistake, it must be two people who pay the bill in the end.

But You Chenxing didn’t want to preach.

The Dao is vague and lacks practical significance.

Knowing is just knowing, and cannot help Yun Wan solve her current entanglement.

You Chenxing just wanted to say something practical and could help the other party, so after thinking about it, she said, “As you said, the job is not your choice, and the work you complete is more like a task, not self-realization. .”

“So I don’t think it’s going to change at all whether you go on or not when the job itself doesn’t give you any meaning.”

“You may feel like you have nothing to do when you are free.”

“But continue, it’s just a dazed state of being busy.”

“What you need to do, maybe later, give yourself a meaning in life.”

Yun Wan looked up again and looked at You Chenxing from a distance, the fragile expression made You Chenxing feel soft inside.

You Chenxing’s voice was also very soft, as if afraid of scaring her, and asked, “What do you think?”

Yun Wan couldn’t say that what You Chenxing said was wrong, but…

“I don’t know how to find it.” Yun Wan heard his own voice fluttering, just like the content, completely illusory.

“It’s ok.”

The woman’s response was tolerant and gentle, taking over all the turmoil in Yun Wan.

“We didn’t find it in a day or two.”

“You are still young.”

“Life has just started, Yun Wan.”

“If you don’t know, take your time, it’s nothing, and no one is forcing you.”

Yun Wan felt that she should say something else, a promise, a promise, or an outlook for the future.

Said this to show that she heard You Chenxing’s encouragement, that she knew what to do, that’s right.


But in the woman’s amber eyes, she didn’t feel that the other party needed any response from her.

she can feel,

It can only be felt.

There is only a sincere concern.

Just, the most basic, and the most scarce, unconditional care.

Looking at each other for a moment, Yun Wan finally said nothing, just nodded and replied, “Okay.”

After he finished speaking, he saw You Chenxing laugh.

confirmed her feelings.

Having said so much, a woman doesn’t need her to promise anything, she just hopes that she can be well.

It’s a subtle, yet addicting feeling.

Yun Wan felt in a trance that he had fallen into a kind of psychedelic that could be felt and loved.

With You Chenxing present, this night, as if to vent all the unhappiness of the day, Yun Wan also ordered fruit wine to drink.

The amount of alcohol is not good, and after dinner, the whole person is in a daze.

On the way back, it was the car driven by You Chenxing. Yun Wan was half-drunk and not sober. When she got downstairs to her house, You Chenxing couldn’t stand upright while supporting the person. Finally, she let out a long breath, and for the last part of the road, she resigned herself to carry the person back home.

“I won’t go to work tomorrow. They can say whatever they want. Gossip won’t kill them.”

“I want to go back in half a year. If you don’t believe me, they can remember it for half a year.”


Lying on You Chenxing’s back, Yun Wan did not forget to mutter.

You Chenxing laughed, “Okay, Miss, you can do whatever you want.”

After making a sound, Yun Wan felt that You Chenxing was in a daze.

He hugged the opponent’s neck, and in the next instant, buried his face into You Chenxing’s shoulders.

The moisture of her breath sprayed onto You Chenxing through her clothes, and the woman paused.

“You Chenxing.”

The Omega’s voice was soft, and the ear of the caller was itchy.

“It’s so kind of you.”

Muttering and slurring words, Yun Wan chewed them very seriously.


also emphasized again.

You Chenxing shook his head helplessly, “Enough is enough, I’ll stay with you for one night, not to hear your good card.”

He said this, but in his heart he felt that the current Yun Wan was very cute, You Chenxing couldn’t hold back, he reached back and wanted to pat Yun Wan’s head.

“Then what do you want to hear?”

The drinker was startled and raised his head sharply.

You Chenxing didn’t have eyes on her back, and the hand that was about to fall on Yun Wan’s hair was caught by the young lady’s sudden action, and finally her fingers rubbed against the other’s face.

Fingertips feel too soft to the touch.

After a second or two, You Chenxing realized that he touched Yun Wan’s lips in a dislocation.

Both of them were stagnant.

After a moment of silence, You Chenxing changed the direction of the finger he wanted to recover.

Slowly, very slowly, the long fingers rubbed against the corners of Yun Wan’s lips, stroked along the edge of the lower lip line, the fingerprints pressed against the red lips, stroked from one side, inch by inch, inch by inch, to the end of the lip on the other side. …

Touch softly, without overstepping the line…

But the meaning of this action made Yun Wan’s already confused mind even more unable to move.

I felt that it was wrong to continue, and I wanted to stop it, but I also felt that the reaction was too intense.

After hesitating for a moment, You Chenxing’s fingertips stroked back from the other side as it was.

This time it was harder, as if rubbing her lips.

Yun Wan’s breathing tightened when she touched it.

The woman’s voice was also hoarse, “What do I want to hear…”

“You know it yourself.”

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