Before Prying Away the Small O

Chapter 16 - thank you

The first area of ​​scientific research institutes is mainly engaged in weapons research and development, of which the technology related to missiles accounts for a major category. The Yunfu Laboratory specializes in missile guidance.

And what made Yunfu the first-class merit and laid the start of his brilliant career was an anti-missile system.

It was aimed at a missile with the latest technology from the country at that time. It was successfully developed and the interception rate could reach 100%.

Yun Wan still clearly remembers that year, her father was not yet an academician, but the most ordinary scientific researcher in the scientific research institute. After she came home from school, she could still hear mica’s gentle chatter.

Her grandfather, the Kong family, also travels frequently with her family…

It was also a summer. In my memory, the cause was that the missile project of an old laboratory was about to land. After the acceptance of the theoretical research and development stage, it came to the field test, which was also the final stage to determine the success or failure of the project.

Missile launches and field tests are all done at the base on the edge of the desert.

There are fifty or sixty people in this old laboratory of the First Research Institute. They go to field tests, and many small laboratories will be arranged by the scientific research institute to follow.

The big laboratory is for the experimental conditions, and the small laboratory is for close observation, communication and improvement with the big cows.

There was no Father Yun in the original list.

However, my grandfather felt that the opportunity was rare. For Father Yun’s long-term development, he found a relationship to add his small laboratory to the list. After the Spring Festival that year, Father Yun packed up and went to the base on the edge of the desert.

After walking for several months, I can’t call home.

When the watermelon was first sold, the scientific research institute arranged a unified family visit, and mica signed up.

Yun Wan was sent to her grandfather’s house, and when they parted, Mica promised her that she would come back soon, and she would take her to buy a new little dress when she came back.

At that time, Yun Wan didn’t know that it would be the last time she saw her mother’s smile.

The sudden change happened half a month later. My grandfather’s house received a phone call. My grandmother kept crying. My grandfather sat on the sofa silently for a long time. Yun Wan asked what happened. say.

Uncle came the next day and took Yun Wan and the two old men to the base on the edge of the desert.

The case was also handled by the National Security Bureau.

When Yun Wan saw mica again, the first thing she saw was a few pieces of mica. She was puzzled and asked the adult in military uniform, where is her mother?

Then they told her in words that she didn’t understand very well at the time, mica was killed, no complete body was found in the explosion, the only thing that was preserved, and confirmed by DNA, was only one arm and one calf…

Yun Wan refused to accept it, she felt that she must have made a mistake, and insisted on seeing it. She was so young that she dared not take her there, but Yun Wan was stubborn.

I don’t know whether to call her lucky or unlucky.

Not only mica was killed, but there was a special room for the victims to be identified for their families.

Yun Wan still saw it after all, she was familiar with it at ordinary times, helped her get dressed, and held her hand across the road.

But this time, the hands were full of blood and stains, and there was no mother’s gentle smile anymore.

Yun Wan cried out loudly.

She doesn’t have a mother anymore.

The grandfather’s family and Yun’s father had a big quarrel, and Yun Wan didn’t know the details until a long time later.

But knowing, she would rather she never understood.

At the beginning of this case, the spy who was lurking in the year of the scientific research director was actually rushing to the results of the big laboratory.

Unfortunately, after staying in the desert for half a year, the field test in the large laboratory failed, and no one was optimistic.

And the latent identity of one of the spies is the assistant of Yunfu Laboratory.

The progress of Father Yun’s project was unknown to others before it was reported, but it was impossible for those in the same laboratory to not know.

In this way, the big laboratory project has been unable to land, and the stealing operation has been launched, and it is impossible to return without success. The target of the spies finally fell on Yunfu.

So after the relatives of visiting relatives were controlled as planned, the spy threatened Father Yun, asking him to export all the core data overnight and hand it over to their correspondents to take away.

Father Yun apparently agreed, but he turned a corner on the way to the laboratory at night and knocked on the leader’s door…

“At that time, my dad’s project was not optimistic at all. Only the people inside the laboratory knew the progress. Except for an engineer specializing in hardware, it was only him and the assistant who checked all the data. If he wanted, he could completely transfer the data. Give it away, when your own project has never been successful…”

“The scientific research institute conducts a thorough investigation. As long as the spy is not caught, and there is no comparison of the data in their hands, they will only go to the key laboratories that are producing results soon, and I would never think of my dad’s head…”

It is precisely because of this that the grandfather’s family resented her father very much.

The first time it was reported, the spies inside the research institute were wiped out, and most of the relatives of the same group were rescued, except for a few who died.

But only mica, and only mica, was tortured and died tragically—

That was the exposed spy’s last revenge against Father Yun!

Not to mention that after the follow-up inspection of this scientific research, Father Yun obtained first-class merit and was promoted to the military rank with this achievement and reporting behavior…

In the eyes of my grandfather’s family, this success is no different from stepping on mica’s corpse…

“If he was the kind of person who would go against his principles, he would have done it twenty years ago…”

“In this way, not only will my mother be able to come back, but the two sides will have a handle on each other. Those spies don’t have to leave all of them immediately to cause suspicion. They can leave after returning to the research institute for a few months or half a year, and then complete the evacuation one after another. After that, my father If you can’t do it, give up this project, and maybe no one will notice it from beginning to end…”

“They were very affectionate back then. After my mother died, my father hasn’t looked for them for so many years…”

“He also always felt sorry for me and kept making up for me…”

“I don’t know anything else. He was able to endure it in that situation. Why would he leak data to ruin his reputation? It doesn’t make sense. Fame, money, and status are all that a scientific researcher can get. It has been given to him, why would he dig his own grave?”

At the end, Yun Wan burst into tears in pain.

Unable to bear it, Bureau Chen still asked his last question, “Then your dad said, why did you choose to report it in the first place?

Yun Wan nodded and said hoarsely, “I told you once.”

“If you say yes, it is said that foreign technology has surpassed ours for many years. If you hand over the data and let them improve the missile based on the data, then the new anti-missile system for the improved missile will probably take another ten years. It can’t be done either…”

– “Wan Wan, the noble family enjoys the best treatment in China, but also shoulders the heaviest responsibility to guard it.”

– “I can’t convince myself that because of my own selfishness, I expose the country to the danger I bring.”

Father Yun’s words were still in his ears, and Yun Wan couldn’t forget them.

“He said he was a soldier, and so was my mother. For the soldiers of the family, the country’s rights … are above everything else.”

Bureau Chen left, and You Chenxing went to deliver it.

I’ve been anxious and insomnia lately, and at night I took the medicine for pseudo-estrus again. I barely suppressed the glands to make the state look normal, but there is still a difference between normal and normal. After several disturbances, I recalled that I was the least willing to do so. Facing the cruel past, Yun Wan’s mood completely collapsed…

Unlike howling and crying, she just couldn’t control her tears.

She usually doesn’t think about mica except before and after the Qingming Festival. After today’s talk, Mica promised to buy her a dress when she left, and the images of Mica’s last relics and her body, for some reason, just kept going back and forth in Yun Wan’s mind. Can’t disperse.

Both Chen Ju and You Chenxing could understand, leaving the space to Yun Wan and letting her be alone.

And the two of them had other things to say.

You Chenxing returned to the private room, opened the door a little, and listened to the situation outside the door for a while before entering.

With red eyes, Yun Wan, who still couldn’t hold back her tears well, looked up at her.

It looked pitiful, like a small cat, and You Chenxing couldn’t bear to see it.

Yun Wan subconsciously wiped away the tears that were not there at all, and said apologetically, “I’m sorry, I, give me some more time… I don’t know why, it’s just…”

“I know that you have two kinds of drugs on your body, as well as the interference of glandular discomfort. You can’t control your emotions. It’s normal.”

Yun Wan was stunned: “Really?”

You Chenxing did not change his expression, “Yes.”


Yun Wan put down her hand in a daze, and You Chenxing explained it to her, knowing that the root cause of the problem was beyond her control, Yun Wan seemed to accept it and gave up embarrassing herself.

You Chenxing sat with her for a while, Chen Ju left, and Yun Wan didn’t have to care about her image, she huddled on the sofa hugging her knees, her skirt spread out like flowers.

After a ten-minute silence, Yun Wan thought of something and asked You Chenxing, “What did Bureau Chen say?”

She also knew that they had spoken privately.

You Chenxing: “Go back to apply and check the file. If what you said is true, listening to his tone, you should have dispelled your last concerns.”

You Chenxing didn’t say anything, Yun Wan panicked for a moment, “If…”

“You lied?”


You Chenxing nodded, “Then there is no if.”

The resolute tone did not leave any room, the woman seemed to know what she was worried about. The two looked at each other quietly for a while, Yun Wan was persuaded by the firmness on You Chenxing’s face, nodded and repeated softly, “Okay, there is no if.”

It’s like cooperating to convince yourself.

Seeing that Yun Wan had the ability to think, You Chenxing said, “Do you remember that after the medicine you promised to suppress the glands failed, listen to me?”

Yun Wan nodded slightly.

You Chenxing glanced at his watch and said, “This medicine lasts up to three and a half hours. It’s been one and a half hours now. Before it expires, you have to go home with me…”

Yun Wan panicked, “How can I…”

You Chenxing ignored her and said to himself, “I have an airtight odor treatment and ventilation system for S-class pheromones at home. This medicine is now suppressing your glands. Once the effect of the medicine wears off, the glands will multiply and release it. A few hours of suppressed, generated pheromones.”

Yun Wan suffocated.

You Chenxing: “You are an A-level omega, your level is very high, and your glands emit a lot of pheromones in a short period of time… I have to watch you for your safety and public safety.”

“I don’t want to get up tomorrow and see the news that alphas are affected and go crazy in your community.”

Yun Wan’s lips twitched, but he stopped talking.

“If I wanted to do something to you, I would have done it already, and I don’t have to wait to bring you home. Can we agree on this?”

Yun Wan looked back into those amber eyes and felt that You Chenxing had the ability to read minds.

Just when she thought so, suddenly, the woman smiled, very fast and fleeting.

You Chenxing joked: “The expression on your face ‘how does she know everything’ is too obvious, accept it, Miss Yun.”


You Chenxing got up with a sassy figure, stretched out a hand to Yun Wan and said, “When you wake up tomorrow and your mind is clear, you will know it naturally. For now, let go of yourself.”

Yun Wan put his hand on You Chenxing’s hand.


Yun Wan really didn’t have the strength to embarrass herself anymore.

Put Yun Wan in the car, and before departure, You Chenxing left.

The deputy who arrived at an unknown time was already waiting in front of the omega pheromone isolation room, guarding the unconscious Ren Zhao.

“Give me ten minutes, and when you’re done, send someone to the police station.”

Speaking of entering the isolation room, after a while, there was a sound of howling begging for mercy, and the deputy knew that there was no violent scene inside.

It’s just that it’s hard to say which is worse, being eroded by an S-level alpha with a high concentration of pheromone, or being beaten up by a fat man.

Ten minutes later, You Chenxing came out, just as casually saying what he ate tonight.

“Okay, keep him and you won’t be able to bully people with pheromones for a year.”

Before returning to You Chenxing’s house, at the strong request of the eldest lady, she returned to her small apartment and brought a change of clothes, pajamas, skin care products, towels and toothbrushes…

When he took out the four-piece silk suit Yun Wan had specified from the closet, You Chenxing was very silent for two seconds, and asked her, “I don’t need me to move your bed with you, right?”

Yun Wan sullenly said, “No, I’m just afraid that I won’t be used to it.”

“I see, where is your suitcase, you can’t hold it in your hand.”


When you got downstairs to You Chenxing, the effect of the medicine was nearing the end, Yun Wan’s limbs were weak, and seeing that she couldn’t stand up, You Chenxing took the luggage home first, then turned back and carried Yun Wan away.

Omega’s body was soft like no bones, and You Chenxing was a little uncomfortable.

After walking a few steps, You Chenxing sensed the moisture in the shoulders and neck… Yun Wan was crying.

After a pause, he realized that the drug had failed, and the pheromone accumulated in the glands should already be affecting Yun Wan.

After walking a few more steps, You Chenxing heard the sobbing sound, but couldn’t hold back her voice, “If it’s really uncomfortable, say something, don’t hold it in your heart.”

Yun Wan was probably already very emotional. Hearing that, he didn’t deny it, but said in a very low voice, “I don’t know what to say…”

You Chenxing was silent for a moment, “Did you forgive your father?”

Yun Wan didn’t speak, but You Chenxing understood, but there was still some resentment.

You Chenxing thought for a while, “I think Professor Yun is very noble.”

“It’s not just you who thinks.” Yun Wan whispered, “Except my grandfather’s family, everyone thinks so.”

“But you don’t think so, do you?”

After a longer silence, Yun Wan said softly, “I don’t know.”

“I miss my mom.”

“I really want to.”

“I… can’t always accept it.”

You Chenxing’s cool voice brought a bit of gentleness, and coaxed, “Then don’t accept it, no one is forcing you.”

“But my dad didn’t do anything wrong…” Yun Wan murmured.

Yun Wan’s voice was very soft, if she hadn’t said it close to You Chenxing’s ear, she might not have been able to hear clearly.

“I just don’t know, why me.”

“I can understand my dad’s philosophy of wanting to protect the country. He indirectly protects many people.”

“But, I only have one mother…”

“If the country is attacked, many people will be hurt…”

“But my mother is gone, and I’m also very hurt. For the benefit of most people, is she destined to be sacrificed?”

“Am I being selfish?”

Without waiting for You Chenxing to answer, Yun Wan buried her head on her shoulders and neck, and You Chenxing felt warm tears streaming down her shoulders.

Omega’s voice shattered, “But it’s us who are really lost. My mother is just a dispensable stranger to everyone else, only for me and my family, she is an indispensable existence…”

“It’s us who get along with her, and the one who cares about her is also us…”

“If there is no real loss, why should others be generous for me and accuse me at will?”

“It’s impossible for them to feel the same way as me, it’s impossible…”

You Chenxing took a step and breathed lightly, “You are right, no one else has the right to accuse you.”

“And in this world, there really is no empathy.”

You Chenxing: “So, don’t blame yourself, you can’t let go of nothing.”

“Not everyone is invulnerable, and it’s okay to be vulnerable.”

Yun Wan was a little stunned to hear, “Yes, yes?”

You Chenxing’s words are strange, most people just persuade her to be strong and look away.

But You Chenxing didn’t, the woman seemed to be just listening very seriously, but she didn’t have to instill anything in her.

“Yeah.” You Chenxing affirmed.

After a long silence, Yun Wan buried her face in You Chenxing’s shoulder again, this time she didn’t cry.

The eldest lady’s voice had an imperceptible sincerity.

“thank you.”

“Everything about tonight…”

This person doesn’t seem to be as annoying as she imagined.

“Thank you all, You Chenxing.”

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