Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 389 - Audition, do you need to be so hilarious?

Cheng Guohua is a well-recognized veteran drama player in the industry. He is skilled in acting skills, acting brilliantly, and acting like what he does. I was very dedicated in acting and worked in the entertainment industry for many years. His acting skills are highly praised by the audience and he has served as a relatively important supporting role in many film and television works.

Unfortunately, it is difficult for the audience to accurately call Cheng Guohua’s name.

This is a very common phenomenon in the entertainment industry. Popular actors gain both fame and fortune, but other supporting actors often cannot even remember their names by the audience, not to mention the treatment.

But Cheng Guohua knew that this was normal.

Capital is profit-seeking. The producer invests in a film and television work for profit, not for art. If the flow and popular artists can bring sufficient benefits to investors, they will naturally be able to get the best treatment.

And like Cheng Guohua, although it is the pillar supporting the whole in a film and television work, it can’t bring direct benefits to the capital, and the treatment will naturally not keep up.

In the eyes of many people, this treatment is very unfair.

However, the substitutability of the actor profession is too high. This is not only referring to the old opera bones, but also to the little fresh meats.

The world of Little Fresh Meat is a winner-takes-all world.

If you lose, the youth and hard work you put into it will be worthless and meaningless. No one will pay for a small fresh meat that cannot bring traffic.

In the end, there are only a few who can become traffic stars. In the end, there is no one who can make money lying down and become famous. And you have to face a shelf life of only a few years, because other small fresh meats are walking along the way you walked, and are about to step on your shoulders.

But the old drama bones or old artists are another world different from traffic stars.

Take Cheng Guohua as an example. Although most viewers can’t name him, his hard work has been rewarded.

Although Cheng Guohua has not been able to stand at the top of the pyramid in the performing arts circle, has not won any actor awards, or even starred in very popular works, Cheng Guohua can still move forward step by step, and can also rely on acting skills to survive and be active in Film and television circles, and widely respected.

As long as you don’t care about the income gap between yourself and the little fresh meats, accept that this industry is just so unfair, and recognize the profit-seeking nature of capital, then there is nothing you can’t get past.

Cheng Guohua has always been able to see, he only likes acting before entering this circle, not because he became famous for some reason. It can be said that most of the actors of Cheng Guohua’s generation are relatively simple. They have been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and their hearts have not changed much. They still have their own dedication and love for acting.

Therefore, when he saw the audition invitation sent to him by Liang Wen, Cheng Guohua was moved.

It’s been a long time since I saw such a book.

This kind of story and feelings, a strong retro beauty, and a subtle and introverted way of emotional expression, have deeply pierced the softness of Cheng Guohua’s heart.

For this reason, Cheng Guohua specially asked his son to look for the comic version of “A Chinese Ghost Story” to see what the structure of the full version of this story is and what kind of feelings it expresses.

This incident also surprised the son, because in the eyes of the son, his father is a source of information only in newspapers, and his social circle has not changed for decades. He is basically blind to the current small meat and popular traffic stars. Such a person actually told himself that he wanted to read comics!

Still a short love comic!

This is fantastic.

Cheng Guohua ignored his son’s ridicule, but seriously studied the comics of “A Chinese Ghost Story”, and then decisively agreed to Liang Wen and came to audition!

Cheng Guohua entered the audition through the express channel, and did not line up with other actors. This is a kind of preferential treatment of Liang Wen to the old opera bones, and also a kind of trust in Cheng Guohua’s acting skills.

Liang Wen believed that after Lin Fan watched the audition of Guohua Cheng, he would know that Yan Chixia’s role was simply born for Cheng Guohua.

So, when Cheng Guohua came in, Liang Wen resisted the urge to stand up and say hello, but step by step asked Cheng Guohua to choose the clips of the trial show. After introducing himself, he began to prepare.

As everyone knows, as soon as Cheng Guohua entered the door, Lin Fan couldn’t help but straighten his back, staring at each other intently: it looks too much! It’s so alike!

Cheng Guohua and the old drama bone who played Yan Chixia in Lin Fan’s memory are really too similar!

This similarity is not a similarity in appearance, but a similarity in temperament and eyes, and a serious and dedicated attitude towards a film and television work.

Yes, when Cheng Guohua opened the door and came in, he had already substituted his own state into the role of Yan Chixia. At first glance, Lin Fan thought this was a knight who traveled through time and space came in, which shows that Cheng Guohua had previously entered. How much preparation and adjustments have been made for this audition.

Chen Guohua’s selected trial scene was Yan Chixia persuading Ning Caichen to leave the mountain temple, but Ning Caichen refused to leave. Yan Chixia had to scare Ning Caichen that she would kill him.

The difficulty of this scene is that Yan Chixia needs to let the audience see that he is out of good intentions and wants to save Ning Caichen’s life. But in the eyes of Ning Caichen, Yan Chixia is a strange villain. This kind of contrast is not so easy to handle. If it is not done well, it will appear to be too hard, too vicious or not full enough.

However, Cheng Guohua’s interpretation is very hierarchical. Facing the imaginary role of Ning Caichen, he initially used a kind of “full-scale smirk” by adults to coax children to use Ning Caichen’s words. When he couldn’t get the answer he wanted, Cheng Guohua was angry and helpless towards this bear boy, and had no choice but to scare the other party and say he was going to kill him.

I don’t know what others think, Lin Fan himself took on the role of Ning Caichen, and imagined the scene, and it was indeed quite emotional.

Anyway, Lin Fan was very satisfied, and Liang Wen was also very satisfied, but everyone didn’t say anything at the scene, but there was a tacit understanding that permeated everyone’s eye collisions.

Liang Wen smiled and asked Lin Fan: “Teacher Lin, what do you think of this actor?”

Lin Fan smiled: “Very good actor! I just don’t know how to sing?”

Cheng Guohua was stupid: “Huh? Still singing?”

“ There is a song written for Yan Chixia.” Lin Fan picked out the lyrics of “Tao” from the script and handed it to Cheng Guohua. try.”

Cheng Guohua took the lyrics with a blank face: “There is no score on this?”

Although you may not be able to sing if you have a score, you can never sing without a score.

Lin Fan encouraged: “It doesn’t matter, you just sing and sing.”

Since Lin Fandu asked for this, Cheng Guohua did not shirk, sing as he pleased, and I can’t sing according to the score, but I can play freely without the score, so Cheng Guohua is free to play.

As a result, the other actors who were waiting for the audition in line outside heard a burst of ghost crying and wolf howling in the interview room, as well as very wild laughter, and everyone was shocked.

Is it all right here?

I haven’t heard of any audition footage that needs to be so… hi?

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