Becoming Usopp


“Luffy, Usopp why the two of you covered in so much sweat?” Nami asked when she saw the state in which the two of them were.

“Usopp told me that he wanted to show how Observation haki looks like to me before teaching me and he ended up dodging several hundreds of my attacks. It looked so amazing,” Luffy told Nami.

“Oh, is that so?” Nami said with a lack of interest because she currently had no interest in all this brawny stuff.

It was a different case for Zoro and Sanji who came forwards to ask Usopp to teach them aswell along with Luffy. Usopp readily agreed to this as now after having that epiphany he became very clear about the basic requirement for learning observation haki.

After recovering his breath Usopp went inside and brought three blindfolds which he handed to the three of them and gave them the task of just sitting where they were and trying to form a live mental image of their surroundings using the rest of their senses.

Hearing such a boring way of training Luffy was initially disappointed but when he thought about how amazing Usopp looked when he was blocking his attacks, he forced himself to concentrate back on the task.

While the three of them were at it Usopp went to Nami who was sitting on a rock nearby and explained to her how they would be needing to stay on this island for a week before departing as he had ordered some bullets for his revolvers.

Hearing this Nami nodded in understanding as she asked “How many bullets have you ordered?”

“Around a thousand,” Usopp said.

“T-thousand? Are you planning for a massacre?” Nami asked shocked by the numbers.

“When it comes to bullets, the more they are the better it is,” Usopp said as he continued, “Besides I’ll be needing a few rounds for practice’s sake,”

Hearing the word practice, it all made sense to Nami and she nodded in understanding. With that silence ensued between the two of them as they just looked at the trio who were busy following Usopp’s earlier instructions.

“Hey, U-usopp?” Nami asked.

“Hmm?” Usopp responded.

“About that K-kiss that we shared the other day …I was too overwhelmed with emotions and couldn’t think straight. I’m sorry for that…I know that you already have Kaya and then also I ended up doing something like that…” Nami was looking at the ground guilty. She had been thinking over this matter for a while now and as a result, she had not interacted with Usopp much these days.

“You’re sorry that you kissed me? So you don’t like me…” Usopp said while beside her.

His words brought Nami to quickly react to it as she said while hurriedly turning her head to meet Usopp’s eyes, “I-It’s not like that…I like y-you…but I know that we can’t be together and it’s true that I did cross the line…”

“It’s not just up to you to say that we can’t be together Nami…After the kiss we shared I have no intention of letting you go, you understand?” Usopp said looking straight back at her.

“B-but what about Kaya? Won’t that mean that you would be betraying her?” Nami said in a confused manner.

“Liking you means betraying her? Where did you get this logic from? Can’t I like you both?” Usopp smiled seeing Nami’s confused expression.

“B-but…isn’t that unethical? Won’t Kaya hate you for it?” Nami asked but her way of questioning revealed to Usopp that she didn’t have much resistance to the idea that Usopp had proposed.

“From the society’s perspective it indeed is morally wrong but why should we care? We’re pirates and if we had thought so much about society then we would have not become one in the first place. As for what Kaya would feel is concerned, I’ll take care of it,” Usopp said as he looked at the confused eyes of Nami that were trying to make sense of everything.

Usopp lifted his arm and placed it on Nami’s petite waist as he pulled her towards him which brought Nami out of her stupor as he said with only a few inches of distance between their faces, “Nami, so what’s your decision…Do you want to suppress your feelings because of what others will think of you or do you want to accept your feelings at the cost of morality?”

“I-I..” Nami was lost for words as even though she knew that answer she was not able to put it out in words.

Noticing this Usopp placed his index finger on Nami’s soft lips which made her stop saying anything further. With a smile, Usopp said “When you’re confused, just ask your heart for an answer,”

Usopp gently grabbed Nami’s wrist and placed her hand right above her chest and said “What does your heart say Nami?” Sensing the palpitations coming from her heart Nami’s thoughts became much clearer.

“I like you Usopp…I want you,” Nami answered with her hand still feeling her own palpitations as she looked into Usopp’s magnetizing eyes.

“Just the answer I wanted to hear,” Usopp said as his lips soon made contact with Nami’s. Feeling Usopp’s lips once again over hers Nami’s whole body wanted to melt in his arms as Usopp pulled her body closer to him.

The two of them started an exchange of kisses that marked the beginning of their relationship while Luffy, Zoro and Sanji had no clue about what Usopp was doing with their Navigator-cum-treasurer at the moment.

It was just a few seconds afterwards that Nami realized that they were doing this too openly and it only required Luffy and the rest to accidentally open their eyes for them to get caught but she didn’t try to resist but instead increased her reciprocation.

The thrill involved in this was a cherry on the cake for her as the experience raised the passionate feelings in her even more greatly. It was only after fifteen minutes had passed that the two separated from each other. Nami gently adjusted her clothing that had been dishevelled by Usopp’s unruly hands earlier while Usopp got up to make things more difficult for the trio who were training.


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