Becoming Legend

Chapter 322: To The Same Place

It wasn't clear if what were the guidelines of the Hunter's Exam until someone declared what were those or if someone discussed it. Sure, there was someone who might know a thing or two of details about the Exam which would give their House an advantage. But for those who were doing the Exam alone, like Ned, was harbored of these details.

But not that it matters to Ned. He was ready, for whatever the Exam would be. He was more than ready now that he created spells added to his arsenal.

Four more days before the Exam—or so Ned thought.

"By tradition, Master Claire?"

Master Claire took a long breath with his smoking pipe, trying to savor whatever elements made his eyes dilated. He then ran his fingers to his buzz-cut hair as he walked towards the table.

"Depending on the region." Master Claire started with a voice hinting of excitement as though he was the one doing the Exam. Good old days, perhaps. "Hunter's Exam is different." He then pulled a chair over the other table and flipped it around for a cool effect and sat with the back of the chair he was leaning with his arm. He then rams the wooden jug against the group's table as though he can't contain his excitement. "Take Knighton for example. Their Hunter Exam does not permit killing. But they have the highest body count through the Exam." His eyes glared at the group, especially at the twins. A glare they all knew the meaning, that most of the time, rules do not apply anymore. "Yet, they have also the one with the highest participation for aspiring Hunters and creates Diamond Rank Hunters. Why is that?"

Hunter Quentin leaned over the table as though interested in what Master Claire was sharing for the first time since the Exam was announced.

Stares were their response to Master Claire.

"Why is that?" Ned said with a sigh. Does he love to keep things hanging? He thought and waited for Master Claire.

"Royal Knights." Master Claire continued but as soon as he does, he paused. Gaining another silence from the group.

The effect does not last long after Teklavit hissed hearing the Royal Knights. Which prompted Master Claire to continue.

"You may not know it. But some participants were Knights of the Royal Kingdom which take part to look for promising candidates. But be aware, each Exam was different from the last one. The information this time was tight shut by the Association. That even me as a Provider does not have an idea what the Exam will be."

Everyone listened. These pieces of information were crucial to them that they must not let it slide, even Teklavit seemed to quiet down as he listened to Master Claire. He fingered his brownish-dark hair as he leaned closer just like his Master. "But you said the Exam will start today," Teklavit said.

"By tradition."

"Yes. By tradition. What does that mean, Master Claire." This time it was Su'aya that asked.

Master Quentin looked at Master Claire and nodded then his eyes went back to Ned.

Ned scowled from his glare but the latter seemed to have something going inside his head as he shrugged his shoulder looking at Ned. He then tapped the table with his fingers.

"Aside from the Capital, which was surrounded by mountain ranges." Master Claire held a finger while the other arm leaning over the back of the chair. "The rest of the Hunter Exam was and will be held on an island. Usually far from the region to avoid bystander accidents and to isolate the participants."

"And the content is different every time," Hunter Quentin said in addition to Master Claire.

Which made Teklavit smiled as he nods to his Master.

It seemed that these two knew something that Ned, perhaps the rest of them, does not know yet.

"Then what does it mean when you said that the Exam starts now?"

"Nothing. The Hunter Exam is yet to start." Master Claire drunk the remaining ale. Once again, he rammed it against the table. "Not the official one, but every participant is expected to be on an island before the official Hunter Exam Started. Which means—"

"Which means anyone who gets on the island within four days will be considered an official participant."

"And anyone who doesn't make it to the island is considered disqualified." Master Claire nodded to Ned with recognition then his eyes went to the twins.

Aside from the twins, who were wearing their outfit—their battle outfit. Teklavit also wore a brown leather outfit with leather strappings on his wrists and a leather band around his neck. But his chest, the middle part of his chest was covered with a material that Ned hasn't seen before. And he's got no weapon at hand, or over his waist.

Roguish type, Ned thought. But he fought like a warrior and got the speed. His mana is not normal either. Hybrid perhaps.

"So…" Su'ayun's silence broke for a long time. Between the twins, Su'ayun was the one that determines things before acting while Su'aya was the one that goes into battle uncaring whether she was going into a trap. A lady that goes with the flow. "Where is this island?"

As Ned thought things through, he got a glimpse of Su'aya ogling at him. She then lowered her head after Ned caught her attention.

"That my twins." Master Claire stood with both the pipe and the wooden jug he held. He then walked back toward the wooden bar where Lady Githa stood, amused by them. "Is for you to find out. I believe I have said before: by tradition, the Hunter Exam has started. And you've got four days to get to this island."

Teklavit stood and gave his Master a slight bow with his hand raised in awkward angle as though a salute and ran off the Forgotten Pint, leaving the rest a smirk and a glare to Ned.

The twins on the other hand remained to look at Master Claire and Lady Githa.

The twins were only 4 when Master Claire took them, with Lady Githa persuading him, from an orphanage. So, it's only safe to assume that them sitting even though things were already rushed outside was that they were waiting for Master Claire and Lady Githa's permission.

Unlike Teklavit who rushed himself outside. The twins stood and ran towards Master Claire and Lady Githa with their eyes trickling with tears.

As Ned looked at the four crying—to his surprise: Master Claire got the loudest cry of them all—a cough rattled beside him which made him turn, only to see Hunter Quentin leaning over closer to him.

What now? He thought looking at the messy-haired hunter.

"I have a request for you, Ned," he whispered.

"That is?"

"Please watch Teklavit for m—"


"But, I am not finished ye—"

"I said: No, Quentin. Sir." Ned pulled himself away from the hunter and throw his back against the wooden chair, surprised by Hunter Quentin's requests.

"Listen here, kid." This time, his brown eyes turned jarring as he glared at Ned.

"Fine." Curious, Ned leaned back closer to the hunter. "What makes you think I will look after your apprentice?"

"Firstly." Hunter Quentin held a finger, other he swiped to clear his eyes off his hair messing. "He wasn't my apprentice. Someone, who knows someone, that knows someone, recommend him to be my student."

"Ah. Your Order."

"Ghostbloods? No, worse. But it's none of your business. What I want you to do is for you to keep him alive, only during the Hunter Exam. By then, he can die for all I care."

The crying goes louder as Su'ayun: the strong girl type, joined as she closed to hug her two beloved parents.

"Why me? Why not the twins."

"Kid." Hunter Quentin pulled himself away from Ned. "Or are you a kid? Anyway… We both knew the twins were not capable of that. I was amazed by how you easily defeated Teklavit."

"Cut the sweet talk." Ned waved a hand before the Hunter's eyes. "Why me?"

"Cause I've got something that you needed the most."

"And that is?"

"The location of the island. How to get there. Who exactly you need to talk to, to get there safe and sound without using most of your magic."

"I will be doing just fine. You can do better than that."

"I can, actually."

Damn this guy, Ned thought. Hate to admit, if he's got something I needed. Then his Order of assassins was a good resource of information.

"And that is?"

Hunter Quentin hesitated with his eyes scanning the four and back to Ned. His fingers drumming the table were getting louder the more the silence linger around them.

"Your Goblin." Eventually. He gave up as though Teklavit's safety during the exam was his top priority rather than his life. "I found where he is."

Ned was taken aback again this time. Not with surprise but with joy. A joy that he's got the chance, to save and to have Katolin away from the Hive.


The Hunter grinned with his thick lips as though he just hit a jackpot. "How about the requests?"

Ned went silent. If he was saying the truth, then this was his chance. But if not, he could simply ditch Teklavit. And if time was given, he would return to settle things with Hunter Quentin and his lying gills.

"Just keep him safe until the Exam ended? Done."

Hunter Quentin let out a long sigh as though he was relieved of a burden he was carrying the whole time.

"The beast is currently underground of the House Soak," he whispered. "Three hours from now, it will be deported off Bogmoor. Off the region."

"Then I have to leave now."

"No, wait!" The shout was supposed to be a whisper. Luckily, the four had yet to pay attention to them. Hunter Quentin then tagged Ned by the wrists which made the latter scowl. "Listen."

"Let go and I might."

Hunter Quentin pulled his hand off Ned's wrist and said, "You need to know where it is being deported."

"Why do I have to know where it is going? I just need to… see the goblin before it leaves."

"If it's that's easy. Then everyone could come in and out of the House of Soak. If it's that easy, I wouldn't be working with the—pretty sure you're aware. I suggest take a look at him inside the ship."

"Fine. Where is it going?"

"To the same place where the Hunter Exam is going to be held: Wrath Island."

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