Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 2

Episode 2: Skills given

–If we don’t defeat the Demon King, we can’t go back to the original world.

The students who heard it started remembering their tenderness and ability to express their pity while sending a gaze of pity to the Oto boy who was crying while lying on the floor.

The ability to specialize in combat that comes to mind one after the other.

Sabre Slash, Infinite Magic (Over-Energy), Intelligence Gathering (Ultimate Technology).

Ability to handle swords called holy swords.

Ability to create magic infinitely.

Ability to make all the knowledge scattered around the world yours.

To put it simply, the so-called cheat ability flowered one after the other.

Appraisal was a real hassle skill.

The same Oto friends were comforted by their ability to exploit dragonization (Dragonic Metamorphose) and physical attack reflex (Ippoo Tukoo).

But my mouth is twisted.

I suppose that’s what you think you’re glad it wasn’t you.

It’s the best of the crowd.

“Stream stones are saints of other worlds. I don’t know how easy it is for us to acquire and control abilities that are impossible for us to have.”

“As the legend goes…”

“Yes, Your Majesty! Now is the time for peace in our country!

Seeing the three who delighted themselves, the orchid became asexual and angry.

Twenty-one ordinary people’s lives are twisted, what is that joy like?

Avoid treason with the threat that you will not return unless you defeat the Demon King.

I want you to think about the orchids who are summoned on their own and fought on their own.

Orchids were unusual and revealed anger.

“… and what the hell are my abilities?”

“Family Training (Lunatic Sexual)”

Above the orchid was a big deck and four letters.

The ability itself seems to be a skill that can subordinate monsters and treat them as servants.

But the name and especially the rubies are in trouble.

Lunatic Sexual. Translated as a crazy sex bastard.

My eyes hurt from around me.

It means something different than the eyeglasses that attracted the appraisal.

Girls look at me with strange eyes, and boys look at me like, “Wow, no wow.”

“Hoho, this is Kirishima-kun. What a filthy ability you’ve acquired.”

The appraiser threw his fingers at the orchid just as he found someone to beat him.

I’ll stare at it with abundance of disgust, but the appraiser is shrugging his shoulders.

“Besides, it seems that this ability only applies to women. What are you going to do with a healthy girl student?

The line of sight from the surroundings turns even more unpleasant.

But orchids aren’t the only ones looking at it.

The same line of sight was directed at the expert witness.

You deserve it.

“I don’t think it’s as good for direct combat as I am. I can’t give you the ability to do harm to your people.”

The way she nodded with her glasses peeled.

Of course it means he doesn’t like it.

“I don’t want to be with you. What do you think, girls? While you’re asleep, you might end up like an erotic companion.”

The erotic fellow…

I wanted to get into it, but it wouldn’t make any difference if I said something here.

The fact that he has acquired the ability to train his family remains unchanged.

Even if orchids had a clever way of talking, even if they had been cut through here.

You’ll only feel uncomfortable seeing it with fear and fear all the time.

“Hey, womanizer! Too much for a boulder!

The chairman of the class who had a collision with a girl earlier, Trao Shigenob, put his hand on the shoulder of the appraiser.

Incidentally, Tiger Raw possesses the ability to tighten (Fong Metamorphose). Names are often said to represent the body.

Tiger Shigenob is a good young man who hates bending.

His heart and body are serious and straight, and he is popular with both men and women.

Of course, the popularity from boys does not have a crush on love.

“Tiger Sheng…”

That’s right. Tiger Raw will try to keep orchids in his class for irrational and irrational reasons.

Because it has nothing to do with me, orchids are now getting total scans from all their classmates.

The reason for this is not Kirishima Orchid himself.

Competencies given – I can’t train my family.


“… Tiger Sheng”

I reached out to thank you for your help.


“Excuse me, can you get out of this class?”

The stretched hand was beaten to pieces.

A dark feeling like being pulled back by a prolonged hand.

And mocked humility and discomfort.

“Well, why…”

“Girls get scared when you’re there. It will eventually appear as a lack of war or cohesion. I really want to avoid a breakdown in unity. And…”

Tiger saw the cat mountain bell standing behind him.

Mt. Cat noticed the gaze and smiled with his teeth.

“If my girlfriend touches me, I can’t stand it.”

“Whoa, wait!

He complained and tried to grab it, but Tiger Raw’s stiff arm knocked the orchid’s body back.

The arm that struck the orchid is not as thick as that of a human.

Yellow and black stripes.

It looks like a bikini pattern worn by an alien who has fallen in love with an unhappy person.

It was the arm of a partially tightened, raw tiger shinobi.

My girlfriend.

Mt. Cat – does that angel-like Mt. Cat Bell belong to Tiger Raw Shigenobu?

That sweet, healthy, and cute Mt. Cat bell belongs to Tiger Raw.

You’re telling me you wore that light blue pungent underwear for Tiger Raw!

“You just said you don’t like breaking up solidarity.”

“I told you. What’s wrong with that?”

“Beginning – when you still don’t know what this world is like, abandon the fellow classmates and what solidarity is! What’s the lack of cohesion?

The anger of those three is unleashed on Tiger Raw.

Did I have such a passionate personality?

I wonder if he had such a personality that he would leave it to his emotions to say an extra word.

The orchid’s rage makes the girl student’s fear even more intense.

Even boys look at orchids with disgusting eyes.

No, no, no, no, no!

Don’t look at me like that!

… don’t look at me like that…

“I’ll call you when everything’s done. Defeat the Demon King, and when it’s time to go home, Kirishima will take him home.”

“… shut up”

Take him home.

What the hell? That’s what you’re saying with your luggage.

Family training is the ability to subordinate monsters to their servants.

Who will protect you if countless monsters attack you on your journey to defeat the Demon King?

Isn’t that where Kirishima Orchid comes in?

Isn’t that why orchids used this ability?

But I don’t want to use my powers for these people anymore.

The orchid lives on its own strength.

“That’s enough… I didn’t ask for you guys.”

Turning their backs to Tiger Raw and Girl Root, the orchid walked loosely.

It’s painful.

We can learn together in the same classroom until last week and be hugged by the people we spent together.

The air system is different from before.

I wonder if this is the kind of thing that gets excluded from my class.

“…… Cat Yama-san”

If you notice a rub on your chest, don’t mention it.

I’m just kidding. Have you seen your underwear? I didn’t ask.

Even for the orchid at the bottom of the Class Curst, Mizuki Katayama treated me with an unusual smile.

The orchid thinks about her…

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Even if you think about it, don’t put it in your mouth.

Because when you put it in your mouth, you’re satisfied.

You don’t have to say it, you just have to accumulate it forever – not just at the tip of your mouth, but move on to action.

Never just cry to sleep.

Kirishima Orchid walked slowly through the dark and long corridor.

No one will notice the unbroken vengeance that is contained in his chest.

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