Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 19

Chapter 15 Boundaries

Magenta carpet with gold embroidery.

Floating stones are carpeted in a luxurious design that makes you think it’s a hallway of the royal palace, with exquisitely sized footprints that neither children nor adults can take.

Soil and dirt, whether external or not, stick to carpets stepped on with shoes that are not admirably beautiful.

Someone from the junior servants will clean it up at best.

That had nothing to do with the two saints walking here.

While stepping on the carpet, Saint Takeo Shinagaki began to see the situation where he was now.

He is currently walking in this place as a representative of the saint (class).

Because just now – the Kingsguard Knight under the royal family came to the saint’s training ground, and the two saints came to the reception room briefly to tell him what to do.

From their point of view as high school students, it would be like a so-called call.

Normally, the chairman of the committee, Nobunaga Toru, will be the other one.

Unfortunately, Tiger students were attacked by severe abdominal pain at that time and were not in the training area.

That’s why Shinagaki had no choice but to replace Tiger Seiko.

In a way, this was also useful.

Shinkaki walks well with his nervous expression.

More than 80% of consciousness was directed to classmates walking next door.

An old-fashioned girl with black hair as clean as ink wrapped in ponytail.

Cut eyes are well dressed and narrowed, making them look good on stubborn forehair.

Healthy training attire reminiscent of the original world gymnastics uniform.

The tingling arms and legs peeking from there give the troubled high school boy a variety of seeds of delusion.

Shinagaki sighed in her heart as she gazed at Kanami Inugami, a classmate who walked with her fairly large tits shaking.

–Whenever you look at it, it’s really cute, right?

For justice, for morality.

A Kendo girl who protects her weakness and does the right thing.

Of course that straightforward ambition. Excellent grades and style. Besides, she’s beautiful.

Of course, a neat face, with a rich expression on the back, is cute when you laugh.

Even if the boy student was healed by his smile and narrowed down only to his classmates, it wouldn’t be just Shinagaki.

“What’s the matter, Shinagaki? Is there something on my face?

Still, the fact that she doesn’t realize her own charm is one adorable point.

Even a girl student with a cool, cute, and trio of applauses realizes it and puts it on her nose, the charm will wilt.

Of course, I still don’t think Kanami’s popularity is going down.

“No, nothing.”

I see. If you get sick, tell me right away. It seems to have been a long time since then. I could use a simple healing magic-ah, healing magic can’t cure fatigue. ”

Shinkaki smiled unexpectedly at the word “fluffy”.

I’m not walking loosely due to fatigue or drowsiness.

He kept an exquisite distance between his shoulders, touching or not, and occasionally stood by pretending to be coincidental.

Minutely – or unconsciously – on the verge of touching it.

Reaching out to connect your hands with courage, you were pulled in just in time, and it didn’t even come true.

I’m sure you’ve noticed about half of those messes, and that’s what I’m saying.

If this is another girl student, don’t get me wrong or you can throw up one of the provocative lines.

I want you to realize that Kanami Inugami is nothing else.

I can’t see such a shameful figure because it’s so bright.

“If it’s healing magic, I can use it, so I’m fine. So don’t worry.”

All I could do was bluff and look like I didn’t care.

◇ ◇ ◇

“Excuse me.”

When I entered the reception room, a strange feeling of discomfort caught Shinagaki’s body.

It’s uncomfortable with the unpleasant cold that pulls the clothes you were wearing from behind.

Kanami seemed to have the same feeling and was uncomfortably covering her chest with her hands.

“Something reminds me of when I just took off my underwear.”


Shinkaki keeps a strong seal on his heart, saying that he won’t bother to speak up.

More than that.

Whether or not she has such an experience, Shinagaki captures Kanami with an unexpectedly frustrating look.

Your boobs and tight hips are all wrapped in clothes, Kanami.

Just imagining makes it difficult to stand upright.

She is delusional about Kanami’s unhealthy appearance.

The door on the other side was slammed open.


A beautiful woman emerged from the other side of the door, protected by a few guardian knights.

A beautiful western-looking woman with thin, blonde hair stretched to her waist.

Blue eyes like a patchy sea, red lips are very attractive.

The mole under your chin exudes an exceptional lip presence and is really erotic.

The body wrapped in a bright red dress was surprisingly glamorous behind the scent.

Compared to the girls I usually see in the city, they certainly have an adult body, but compared to overseas sexy actresses, they don’t have a lot of fancy.

Instead, your chin moles may be more erotic than around your chest or hips.

Shinkaki thought that it was also unusual for people to find places that were not local or limb sensual.

“… you’ve got a long ear.”

In response to Kanami’s leaked words, Shinagaki’s gaze turned naturally to the ears of a woman in a red dress.

Indeed, if you ask me, I think my ears are a little long.

It reminds me of a rare card that came to one of my TCGs when I was an elementary school student and was no longer highly defensive.

Was it an elf, or something?

“The truth is, my husband – the King may be here, but unfortunately he’s not feeling well.”

A man who calls the king his husband.

That means she is the queen of this country.

With their bodies facing the queen, Shinagaki and Kanami correct their posture.

But then the queen quietly shut her mouth.

“The queen is not very strong, either. From here on out, I will.”

A modest minister took a step forward and looked to Shinagaki and Kanami.

Shinkaki didn’t miss the moment his gaze wobbled.

Incidentally, this minister is a faction member who values Kirishima orchid skills at risk. And by the way, I like big ladies. It is no exaggeration to say that the maid who receives some of the buildings in the royal palace is all at his mercy.

It was quite uncomfortable for Shinagaki to see Kanami dressed for training in the eyes of the minister.

However, as for Kanami herself, she stands tall with her attitude correct.

Have you noticed the line of sight?

Or are you accustomed to such a vision?

Shinagaki thought it would be bad if it was the latter.

“What is the story?

“Hmm, it’s not a big deal. As the Queen said, the King is not well. I want you to be ready to leave as soon as possible. What is the current situation of the saints?”

As Shinagaki tried to open his mouth, one of the Kintetsu knights rushed to the minister and began to whisper.

Sometimes she looks at me and nods when she points to the parchment.

“… the exercise of spiritual magic is no problem. The treatment of fighting spirit – is the difference between individuals remarkable?”

On the magical side, the speed of acquisition was unusually high, either because of individual skills.

But physically… Many saints still do not wear combat techniques that utilize the fighting spirit, which is an application of magic.

Incidentally, the names of Kanami and Shinagaki have been cleared without problems in the exercise of spiritual magic and the expression of fighting spirit.

Basically, they have a high ability to adapt to the environment and master new events.

Conversely, if you are a representative example of a student who appears to be lagging behind in his or her mastery of fighting spirit, it is unexpectedly the first to mention Hitomo Toranaga.

Tiger Ikumo Nobu, who has been granted Tigerization skills, and Ryuzaki Wing (Ryuzaki Tsubasa), who has been given Dragonization skills, use incredible stamina when exercising their individual skills.

Fighting spirit is, so to speak, a substitute for flesh.

The magic is pushed out of the “gap” of the body, compacted, and wrapped outside the body as a second body.

Whether you’re running, jumping, or being hit by someone.

The fighting spirit helps the muscles move.

We can minimize stamina consumption.

Apparently, it is somewhat incompatible with the ability to specialize in butcher warfare, such as Tiger Raw and Ryuzaki.

“Some saints have enhanced healing, so it won’t be total annihilation.”

The minister cut off his words there and coughed up to fool him.

“Well, the presence of the saints has become a considerable asset to this country – a very important fact. I’m not going on a journey to defeat the Devil in a semi-subsistent state.”

“What a waste of words.”

Although I was afraid of the attitude alone, Shinagaki felt a little uncomfortable with the minister’s behavior.

If I tell you to hurry because the King is not feeling well, I can tell you that he cares about us.

What was he saying just before the air changed?

– All destroyed. I think that’s what he said.

I wonder if the march to defeat the Demon King will fail from the edge.

Or is something unforeseen going on without Shinagaki’s knowledge?

I had a few doubts. Shinagaki is not a foolish person to ask such a question on the spot.

Simply casting doubt on the unanswered vortex of thought, Shinagaki quickly switched his head.

“Is that all you have to say?

Ah, from me…


The Queen of the Elves raised her hand reluctantly to block the minister’s words.

Can I have one?

A lovely voice like a bell rolls up and stains the reception room in spring.

The elf queen, whose mouth was puzzled by molluscs, softly rounded the long black lashes and drew a thin arc around her mouth.

The glanced sapphire eyes captured Takeo Shinagaki’s eyes.

Shinagaki trembled instantly and withdrew only half a step back.

“How are the saints? I think it’s best for young people to be healthy and friendly and to live together. If the relationship breaks down, trust will diminish and you will lose your energy. Isn’t it?

Yeah, that’s right.

Shinkaki looked down unexpectedly at the strong distrust that seemed to be peeking into his head.

Help each other. Trust. Everyone’s fine.

It’s as if you were blamed for throwing out only one person and turning them into a hub.

And it seems that you’re being strongly pressed to do something that wasn’t there.

For Shinagaki, it was a fact that she was a little relieved.

Looking at his side, Shinagaki could not notice the change of Kanami bending her mouth in a grumpy manner.

Unable to withstand the sensation of being searched in his head, Shinkaki inadvertently activates the Absolute Defensive Wall (Mirror Force), a unique skill.

If this strange feeling is actually using magic or something to infiltrate the new hedge, his skills will allow him to rebound completely. I was supposed to.

“… ah?

“Oh, you look cool, but you’re surprisingly quick. But, hey, I can’t do that.”

With her red tongue peered out of her red lips, Queen Elf meditated pitifully with one eye.

Seeing the reaction, Shinagaki whispers in her heart.

Because I figured out why this happened before I asked why.

Shinagaki has an absolute defensive wall and Kanami has countless cutting skills.

Two men with incredible specs that can be annihilated by one, such as an aggressive and incompetent Kimikaze.

It’s a funny story that a queen of a country appears without any preparation between the two of them pushing in vaguely whether they can be trusted or not.

Shinagaki remembers the discomfort that first arose when she entered the room.

The uncomfortable feeling of pulling that garment represented a loss of skill.

Since entering this room, Takeo Shinagaki and Kanami Inugami have become only high school students who can use basic spiritual magic and fighting spirit.

“… Inugami-san. Would you knock me on the shoulder for a second?”

“Hmm? I don’t mind.”

Kanami lifted the seriousness in the sheath and slapped Shinagaki’s shoulders at the tip.

Normally, the behavior would be seen as an attack response against Shinagaki, reflecting the same pain on Kanami’s shoulder.

Can you still bounce back?

In the training grounds and bedrooms – which are individual rooms – you should have been able to exercise your skills without any inconvenience.

I broke into Kanami’s room because of Tiger Raw’s skills.

Every day, without a doubt, they activate their abilities in the Training Ground.

No, this is the first time I’ve been played trying to activate it.

Surprisingly looking around, I saw Queen Elf smiling lovingly.

“Don’t rush like that. It’s no wonder. The royal family – including here – has advanced boundaries to seal their own magic (skills) in various places.”

Various places – it doesn’t seem to be the whole thing.

But, of course, it’s only natural.

As long as there are no restrictions on the exercise of skills in this place where the royal family lives.

Saints will be trapped in places like jail or jail and forced to live with the minimum common sense required.

Having people live on their own means that there are boundaries in all places where they need to exercise their skills.

In that case, I think you should give them a tool to play the skill or an amulet from the beginning.

Well, I don’t suppose there’s anything that’s convenient, but it’s not rolling around.

“–so don’t be arrogant even if you make a mistake”

“I remember the liver.”

Finally, the queen accompanied several servants and disappeared from the opposite door.

The sight of the Kondo Knights standing silently tingled and hurt.

Shinkaki bites his teeth to the feeling of being looked down on.

Was there such an intention when I was called this time?

Though a thousand saints on one horse, don’t be complacent here.

–I ‘m really glad there’s no Tiger Raw in that place.

It would have been better for Shinagaki herself to experience this feeling.

Because I don’t get the feeling that I can’t use my skills even if I just listen to words.

–Maybe it’s God’s will. With arrogance and pride, you can’t get what you want anymore.

She scratched her hair and Shinagaki sent her eyes to Kanami.

In this obstructive world with no entertainment, there is no pleasure other than loving a woman.

It’s enough to ejaculate in a lover’s underwear at once.

Next, I want to make her Kanami Inugami herself.

Put your beloved opponent in sight, wiping away the Knights of Kintetsu’s unpleasant gaze.

The beauty of Kanami purifies nausea.

A black-haired fashion girl who will not even know about filth.

Be the first to see where this girl falls into lust.

I left the reception room and gently tried to put my hand on Kanami’s shoulder.

In addition, it was never possible for her hand to touch Kanami’s limb due to her subtle physical conduct.

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