Became a Strategist with a 100 Intelligence and 100% Accuracy

chapter 109 - Choice, and the Consequence (1)

The underground prison of Anel Castle, the capital of the Brans Army.
"Here, today's portion of food."
The voice of the jailer handing out meals to prisoners was unusually polite.

But, of course, it had to be.
After all, the person imprisoned here was—
"Thank you."

—Parfalle, the former national strategist.
"Is there anything else you require?"
"No, you've already shown me great consideration. I’m managing well. Thank you."

"I'm only doing what’s expected of me."
"And my lord…?"
"She has yet to say anything directly… but General Chel has asked me to tell you to wait just a little longer—he's doing everything he can to persuade her."

"I see."
Parfalle gave a small nod before responding firmly.
"Thank you for your continued kindness. I will never forget this favor."

"Think nothing of it. Then, if you'll excuse me."
The jailer gave her a small salute before stepping back.
As his footsteps faded into the distance, Parfalle’s thoughts grew clearer.

Her crime: insubordination and abuse of authority.
Despite receiving direct orders to confront the Aishus Army, she had acted on her own judgment, withdrawing the troops near Anel Castle. The consequence was her confinement here.
Lyn, furious at her defiance, had declared, "Disobeying orders is treason, and traitors are sentenced to death!" It had taken considerable effort from the retainers to convince her to settle for imprisonment instead of execution.

Though it was solitary confinement, Parfalle couldn't say it was particularly uncomfortable.
She received meals without fail, was allowed books to read, and even had access to a private restroom. A simple bed had been provided as well.
It seemed that even Lyn, despite her anger, hadn't bothered to deny her these accommodations.

Perhaps, after calming down, Lyn had realized that this was ultimately the right course of action.
That was Parfalle’s best guess.
My lord…

Even now, despite her situation, she had not given up on Lyn.
Lyn was undoubtedly stubborn, arrogant, and unwilling to heed the advice of others.
But if the circumstances improved—if nothing disturbed the fragile balance within her—then she had the potential to move forward with unstoppable force.

Some called Lyn a tyrant, but compared to the bloodshed that followed Serpina von Eingart wherever she went, Lyn was far from the worst.
Parfalle believed that what the world needed was the charisma of a ruler, and among the leaders she could choose to serve, Lyn was the most capable.
Besides, if Lyn were truly beyond redemption, Parfalle’s head would have already been on the executioner’s block.

She let out a quiet sigh.
The issue of Airen Juliet was no longer in our hands.
What mattered now was consolidating their power in Anel Castle.

If Lyn could come to her senses and seek her counsel, Parfalle was ready to stand by her side once more.
Please, my lord… wake up!
For that moment to come, she had to survive.

She forced down every bite of her meal, leaving nothing behind.
If nothing else, she would see this life through to the end.

Anel Castle, the Royal Palace
Chel knelt before Lyn, meeting her gaze with unwavering resolve.
"My lord. It has been several weeks since Parfalle’s imprisonment."

"Please reconsider your decision. She acted purely out of loyalty. And even now, she still has much to accomplish for you. In the face of the looming threat of Serpina’s forces, we must not squander her talents. If we are to survive, we need her."
Chel was speaking candidly to Lyn.

In truth, he was the only one in the entire country who could do so.
Not only was he her older brother by blood, but unlike Baron Carlints—who had little to show for himself—Chel had proven his worth countless times in battle. He was one of the key figures holding the nation together.
Lyn knew this as well.

She also understood that her absolute authority was not guaranteed to last forever.
Objectively speaking, the Brans Army had already lost more than half of its territory. She was painfully aware that the loyalty of her generals had begun to waver due to the recent string of events.
And yet—

She could not afford to show weakness.
The moment a ruler exposed vulnerability was the moment they became the perfect prey.
Her father had drilled that lesson into her over and over again.

"Brother. Don’t you find it strange?"
"Please, speak your mind."
"If Parfalle’s analysis was correct, then Serpina’s forces should have launched an attack on our land by now… but they haven’t moved at all. Instead, the lords and soldiers stationed at the border are growing increasingly confused, thinking they’ve been abandoned. It’s only thanks to your presence that they’re still maintaining the capital’s defense, but even I won’t be able to keep them in line much longer."

If Parfalle’s assessment had been correct, Serpina’s army should have already occupied the outer castles surrounding Anel.

Her reasoning had been sound—Serpina’s forces would continue advancing, and there would be no way to stop them. The only logical choice had been to withdraw and consolidate their strength.
But for some reason, Serpina’s advance had suddenly stalled.
And because of that, the soldiers and commanders stationed along the border had been left in a prolonged state of uncertainty and resentment.

"…I believe it’s only a matter of time."
"No. What if Parfalle was simply wrong?"
"My lord."

Chel’s voice was heavy.
Lyn let out a deep sigh.
"…I know, Brother."

She muttered to herself, lowering her gaze.
I know that Parfalle’s logic wasn’t wrong.
For the first time, Lyn was unable to maintain her usual strong facade.

If this had been any other situation, she would have shouted at Chel regardless of his status as her elder brother.
But she couldn’t.
Because even she knew—she was cornered.

"…Brother. Tell me something."
Chel remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

"If… if Swen were here."
The man with silver hair.

The man who could predict miracles.
The man who had defected to Aishus after Airen Juliet’s betrayal.
"If Swen were here, what would he have said? Wouldn’t he have told me what to do…?"

Her voice trembled.
Her blue eyes wavered uncontrollably.
"Because… when I look back on it, he was always right, wasn’t he…? And yet… he was deceived by Airen… and now, because of that, everything’s fallen apart… Because of me…"

She covered her face with both hands.
For the first time, the once-charismatic ruler openly broke down before her subordinate.
Chel had seen this side of her before.

Back when she had not yet become a ruler—when she had only shown her vulnerable side to him, her blood-related elder brother.
"Should I… have accepted Airen?"

"Ever since we were children, I was told that she was better than me in every way—even though she was born solely to serve our family. Did this happen… because I refused to acknowledge her?"
Chel knew that any words he spoke now would only add fuel to the fire.

"…No. I can’t accept that. I should have killed Airen first. I should have cut her down before any of this could happen. If I had, then—Swen too…"
Swen had always been right.
He had sworn loyalty to her.

And yet, he had been deceived.
By Airen Juliet.

"My Swen… would never have fallen for her lies!!!"
"My lord, please compose yourself!"
Chel rushed forward, trying to steady her as she clawed at her own hair in frustration.

"Let me go! I said, let go!"
"Lyn! Get a hold of yourself!"

Lyn’s eyes widened as Chel called her by name.
For a moment, she no longer saw him as her general—but as her older brother.
A look she hadn’t seen from him since childhood.

"Calm down, Lyn. There’s nothing you can do to change the past."
"Brother… I…"
"Think carefully. We can rebuild from the ground up. You are the ruler of this country. If you falter now, everything will collapse. This nation rests on your shoulders. …Do you understand?"

Lyn lowered her head, silent.
Chel, perhaps not expecting an answer, simply stepped back and bowed deeply.
"…Please, my lord. Make the right decision."

With those final words, he turned and left the palace.
Alone in the vast hall, Lyn was finally beginning to realize—
The consequences of her irrational choices.

Valharat Castle, the Royal Palace
"A messenger from Serpina’s army?"

"Yes, my lord."
"Why? Our envoy hasn’t even arrived yet. Did they cross paths on the road?"
Even if they had, far too much time had passed.

By now, Swen and the others should have already reached their destination.
Yuri narrowed his eyes at the messenger, who looked troubled.
"I apologize, my lord. I do not know the details of the situation…"

"Is that so?"
It was unsettling, but—could it really be anything serious?
"Let them in."

Moments later, the envoy from Serpina’s army entered the chamber and knelt before him.
"I greet the ruler of the Aishus Army, Lord Yuri."

"Spare me the pleasantries and get to the point."
"I have come to discuss the matter regarding the prisoner, Anima Ingram."
Yuri’s eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, my lord."

Wasn’t that supposed to be handled by Swen?
Why would Serpina send a separate envoy?
"…Go on."

"Our lord, Lady Serpina von Eingart, has expressed her willingness to release Anima Ingram."
"If she’s willing, then she should just release her. Why go through all this nonsense?"
Yuri’s irritation seeped into his tone, but the envoy remained composed.

"There is one condition."
"We already sent 7,900 gold. Are you saying that wasn’t enough?"

So they figured out how important Anima is to us.
Yuri clenched his jaw.
Damn snake of a woman…!

What was she planning?
Surely, she wouldn’t ask for Raklein or Zelstrom Castle in exchange?
If that was the demand, it was… acceptable.

It would be a painful loss, but considering the circumstances, ensuring Anima’s safety was the better choice.
Even Jinor had advised that maintaining control over three fortresses along the border was an impractical long-term strategy.
"Fine. What do you want?"

What came next was something Yuri had never expected.
"The man you sent as an envoy to our army."

"What? Swen? What about him?"
"Hand him over to us."

Yuri’s expression froze in sheer disbelief.
The envoy, however, remained unshaken.

As if forcing him into the ultimate decision.
"Surrender Swen to our forces. In exchange, we will release Anima Ingram."

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