Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 192

Chapter 192 - Dark Assassination

In the stillness of the night, an urgent cry for water startled most of the sleeping occupants awake.

“What's happening?” A voice from the courtyard inquired. Shortly, another voice replied, “Sir, the water supply in the backyard has vanished.”

“Oh? Is it deliberate or accidental?”

“I shall investigate immediately, sir.”

A group of North Yue soldiers hurried to the backyard and beheld a line of houses engulfed in a raging inferno.

Typically, very few ventured into the backyard, where only two sentries usually guarded the rear entrance. At this moment, both of them were conspicuously absent.

“Quickly, douse the flames!” ordered the commanding general.

“General, the fire is fierce, and there are no wells nearby. Extinguishing it may prove difficult,” one soldier reported.

“Curses! Then we shall find a way to dismantle the adjacent structures. Prevent the fire from spreading to the front yard.”

A contingent of soldiers sprang into action, wielding their swords and hacking away at the thick wooden beams that linked the backyard to the main complex.

Yet, while their blades were deadly, chopping through a sturdy wooden beam required a quarter of an hour of strenuous effort from two men. Progress was painfully slow.

With the fire advancing, the soldiers grew increasingly panicked, their coordination faltering.

“This won't suffice. Call for additional assistance. There are South Jin guards stationed outside the post house, aren't there? Bring them here! This is their inn. They cannot escape responsibility!”

“Yes.” A soldier dashed off to relay the order, and soon more than half of the inn's guards were mobilized.

In the front yard's chambers, the envoys who had heard the commotion rose and hastily donned their attire. They assigned individuals to monitor the fire's progression closely, ready to retreat if necessary.

After all, it was the South Jin post house that was ablaze, and it didn't concern them. They could even file grievances against South Jin for mistreating their guests or accuse them of foul play. They were eager to see how South Jin would justify delaying the peace negotiations.

The officials dispatched as ambassadors were far from foolish. Simultaneously, several of them conceived a plan.

All of them emerged from their chambers and dispatched messengers to the backyard with a simple message: “Extinguish the fire and make preparations to vacate the inn.”

They were curious to witness the explanation the South Jin officials would offer when they discovered the charred remains of the inn on the following day! free webno vel

High in a tree beyond the inn's walls, a marksman held a crossbow, tracking the messengers exiting the inn one by one.

“The young master specified only one target for elimination. Whom shall he choose?” Shan hesitated momentarily, then took aim at the individual who had emerged from the inn's central door. With a quick release of his finger, the razor-sharp arrow streaked through the air and disappeared into the man's forehead in the blink of an eye.

Blood spurted forth, a shocking sight that stunned all onlookers.

As the lifeless body fell to the ground, one person regained their senses. “Assassin! There's an assassin! Quick, alert…”

The soldiers from the inn's backyard swiftly responded and pursued the assailant, but on the broad road, they found no one. The assassin had vanished in a flash.

The surviving envoys gazed at their fallen comrades, whose eyes remained open in death, and a surge of fury overcame them. “Let us go and knock on the palace gates. We cannot allow this matter to be swept aside so easily!”

A belligerent group of North Yue delegates stormed out of the inn, sparking a confrontation with the palace guards and raising the alarm within the palace.

“King… King…” Soft calls roused the King of South Jin from his slumber.

He opened his eyes, their fiery intensity as he inquired in a deep voice, “What has occurred?”

An inner servant promptly relayed the situation, his tone tinged with anxiety. “Currently, the envoys are clamoring outside the palace, demanding an explanation from Your Majesty!”

Hearing that an envoy of North Yue had been killed at the inn, the King of South Jin grasped his fist and emitted a cold snort.

“Ah… My King, you've wounded me…” A seductive voice emanated from behind a curtain, and a pale arm extended from beneath the quilt to caress the King of South Jin's chest.

“My King, fear not. It's just one casualty. Does North Yue dare challenge us still?”

The voice was melodious and captivating, resembling that of a songbird. Yet, the King of South Jin was in no mood for such distractions. He gently pushed aside his new companion and rose to don his attire.

With the death of the North Yue envoy, it was evident that North Yue wouldn't immediately declare war. However, they could leverage this incident to demand compensation and exploit South Jin's culpability.

“Men, inform Prime Minister Ye and Xue Tingwei that they are to enter the palace!”

Inside the Crown Prince's Palace, Tang Yue had yet to close his eyes. He lay on the bed, counting imaginary sheep for a while, but his gaze remained fixed on the unfolding news.

This marked the first time he had given an order to end someone's life. Even though he hadn't carried out the act himself, a disconcerting unease coursed through his body.

“Why haven't you gone to sleep?” An arm extended, drawing Tang Yue into a warm embrace.

Tang Yue nestled his face into the comforting chest and let out a sigh. “I'm not sure if what I did was right or wrong. I just feel uneasy about it.”

Since he had chosen the path of medicine, he never anticipated that, in this life, he'd be taking lives instead of saving them.

Crown Prince Zhao didn't inquire about the details of the situation. He understood what was on Tang Yue's mind and didn't dismiss it entirely.

“Don't dwell on it too much. In this world, there's often no clear right or wrong. Sometimes, sacrificing a few innocent lives becomes inevitable for the greater good.”

“It's akin to a battlefield formation. If the enemy is overwhelmingly strong, and our forces are too weak, we might need to sacrifice some of our soldiers to ensure the survival of the rest.”

“I understand, but… my heart still feels troubled, you know?”

Tang Yue's fingers traced Crown Prince Zhao's face. Years of exposure to the elements had given his skin a rugged texture, despite his youth. Yet, his facial features remained delicate, and this slight ruggedness added to his handsome appearance, bestowing upon him a more masculine aura.

The battlefield was a realm of constant flux. Crown Prince Zhao couldn't win every battle. The trials and anguish he had endured were beyond imagination.

“When was the first time His Highness took a life? Who was it? And why?”

After a moment of contemplation, Crown Prince Zhao answered softly, “She was very young, around four or five years old. A palace maid attempted to assassinate me. At the time, I had little defense. She wounded my arm. Fortunately, she underestimated me, stumbled, and I managed to retaliate. I remember she was stabbed a total of thirteen times.”

“Four or five years old…” Tang Yue sighed with a mix of emotions. Children at that age were oblivious to danger, still in their most innocent and idyllic phase. Yet, Crown Prince Zhao had confronted various perils.

His journey to adulthood had indeed been fraught with challenges.

“What did His Highness feel after taking a life? Was he afraid?”

“Indeed, he was fearful. However, I'm not afraid of taking lives. The palace is steeped in bloodshed constantly. I've grown accustomed to it, but during that period, I often endured night terrors.”

“Who dispatched the palace maid? Have you uncovered the mastermind?”

“I've forgotten. Perhaps it was some noblewoman or maybe a ministerial colleague. Many individuals have coveted my life.” Crown Prince Zhao made the choice to join the military at the age of ten due to his aversion to such conspiracies.

He would rather lay down his life on the battlefield than perish in the intrigues of the palace.

However, currently, it wasn't so simple for these individuals to claim his life.

Tang Yue found some solace. In his current position, adhering to the principle of nonviolence was exceedingly challenging. He could only seek to keep a clear conscience.

Two bird calls emanated from outside the window, the signal that Tang Yue and Shan had previously agreed upon. It indicated the success of their plan. Tang Yue arched an eyebrow and slowly shut his eyes.

Crown Prince Zhao merely cast a glance in the direction of the window, taking no other action. On the following day, upon learning of the events at the inn, he wore a slightly surprised expression.

He probably hadn't expected Tang Yue to take this decisive step, and moreover, to execute it flawlessly.

“Your Highness, the king has urgently summoned the Prime Minister and Lieutenant Ting and tasked them with solving the murder within ten days,” Wang Dingjun reported. He wasn't directly involved in the matter but had a hunch regarding the responsible party. He felt a touch of concern.

He couldn't fathom the Crown Princess's motives. What could they possibly gain from assassinating the envoy from North Yue?

“Then let them conduct their investigation. Deploy two men to assist them. Inform them of my profound displeasure regarding this incident and instruct them to delve deeper into it.”

Wang Dingjun discreetly glanced at Crown Prince Zhao. He wasn't certain whether the crown prince was aware of Tang Yue's actions, but it was implausible for him to remain oblivious to the occurrences in the crown prince's residence. There seemed to be a subtle complexity to the intentions of the two men being dispatched to aid in the investigation.

The true purpose behind these two individuals assisting was a bit convoluted.

“Understood,” Wang Dingjun acknowledged. Ten days later, the two lords wouldn't be able to affect much.

After he departed, a faint smile graced Crown Prince Zhao's countenance. He mumbled to himself, “Indeed… appearances can be deceiving.”

He comprehended that the Crown Princess he had married possessed more than just

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