Be a master through ancient times

Chapter 28

When Chu Ci arrived at the Zhang family mansion, Zhang Wenhai was talking loudly in the room, and he was full of ambition in his words. He presumably succeeded in "finding faults" in Qishan Academy today.

"Brother Chu, you have come back and told me to wait!" Zhang Wenhai stepped out to greet him, looking very excited, he led Chu Ci into the room, and said, "Brother Chu, this is the person I was teaching at Qi A close friend of Shan Academy, his name is Fang Jinyang. Jinyang, this is the Chu Xiucai I told you about."

This Fang Jinyang seemed to have some weak bones, his face was pale in this warm room, and he would cough twice from time to time.With a smile in his eyes, he looked at Chu Ci and said: "I often hear people talking about the name of Chu Xiucai in Changxi Village, and I have admired him for a long time. Today I can see him, and my wish is finally fulfilled."

"Brother Fang is too much for the prize. I am an ordinary person, please don't be too disappointed, Brother Fang."

The two greeted each other and had a good impression of each other.

Chu Ci chatted with the two of them for a while before realizing why Zhang Wenhai was so happy.


When Zhang Wenhai went to Qishan Academy today, he was naturally ridiculed by the students as before.Surprisingly, not only did he not get angry, but he said that he wanted to compete with them in knowledge.

This competition made those people change greatly.This piece of Wen Hai is usually like a lump of elm, no matter what he does, he is extremely slow, but now he seems to have opened his mind, and Mo Yi's answers to the scriptures are fluent, and even the nine-chapter problem can't help him.

After several battles, although Zhang Wenhai did not win all of them, it was enough to embarrass them.They were really dissatisfied, so they had to do a few more rounds.

Zhang Wenhai said with a smile: "The previous few rounds have already consumed more than half of the time. If there are a few more rounds, I'm afraid it will be darker than before."

"Aren't you scared?" A student called out, he just lost to Zhang Wenhai in the nine chapters.

"Of course not, it's just that I have an easier method. If no one in the academy can do it, you all have to apologize to me." Zhang Wenhai made a proud look.

"Big words! If someone can do it, why don't you kneel down and kowtow to us?" These scholars were really enraged.

"Isn't this a little too much? It's just a competition between students. Why do you have to insult people like this?" Fang Jinyang looked angry.

"Then he just admits that he doesn't dare to compete with us, why bother to make such a fuss and talk big!" The man provoked Zhang Wenhai with his words.

"Compare, compare, who is afraid of you!" Zhang Wenhai was really "enraged".

"You come up with the question."

Zhang Wenhai looked at the confident crowd, and smiled at them, no matter the angle or degree, he was suspected of imitating Chu Ci.

"This question is simple. I have a writing brush. If someone can step on it, I will accept it."

"This question doesn't count. If your brush is ten feet long, how can we get over it?"

"It's just an ordinary pen. Aren't you afraid?" Zhang Wenhai took out a wolf brush from his pocket, but it's only as long as an arm, and even a child can easily step over it.

There was laughter all around, and everyone's heart was relieved.They originally thought that this piece of Wen Hai was trying to use some shady trick, but who knew it was nothing more than that?Some people even suspect that Zhang Wenhai is stupid in reading.

"Put down the pen quickly, and let me step over."

Zhang Wenhai ignored their booing, walked to the wall with a pen indifferently, put the pen in the corner, and said, "Come on, who will step over first?"


When Zhang Wenhai recalled what happened today, he couldn't help laughing again.Chu Ci also applauded for him in his heart, he really put on a good show!

That night, Chu Ci took out the question given by Master Qin, which read: The winter is very cold, the snow will not stop for three days, the roads are cut off, the livestock die in the road, and the people are hungry. What should an official do?

This topic is very appropriate. It's winter now. Although it hasn't snowed here yet, the weather is already very cold.

Disasters in ancient times were horrific. One day, Chu Ci listened to the chats of neighbors in his spare time. It was about a winter day when a man near Fucheng went to greet his relatives. Unexpectedly, it snowed heavily on the way back, and a group of people were besieged on the way. in a ruined temple.When the snow melted, the two families went to find someone, only to find that 30 to [-] people from the reception to the wedding had all froze to death.

This sensational tragedy made everyone full of fear of winter, and there were very few newcomers who got married in winter in those years.

Chu Ci thought about it for a while, and then wrote: "There must be traces of abnormal changes in the winter and winter. There is a saying: the sky is the same cloud, and the rain and snow are in abundance. If you are an official, you can listen to it in advance. Send servants to warn them with gongs and drums to reduce casualties... If a disaster has already occurred, the official should send a letter to the superior first, and then open a warehouse to release food to relieve the victims. When the snow stops, the official should still use work As a relief, young and strong men are asked to clear the snow and clear the road. All livestock that freeze to death must be buried on the spot, and they cannot be left alone..."

Chu Ci wrote a lot of words eloquently before stopping.He picked up the paper, blew on the wet ink marks, and started a great project - counting numbers.

When modern students see no less than [-] characters on the Chinese test paper, they often feel dizzy.The ancient imperial examinations also had requirements for the number of words. They paid attention to shortness and conciseness, and the number of words in articles was generally limited to less than [-] words.

Chu Ci counted, and then he was stunned. He actually felt that he still had something to say, but the number of words had already reached more than 700.

He put down the paper and sighed a long time. For the first time, he found out that it was a sin to know how to weave.He said silently in his heart, this is not writing a thesis!No more than [-] words!Exceeding those will not be admitted!Remember to remember!

After he finished reading, he picked up the pen again, deleted, deleted, and corrected on the paper, deleted some unnecessary words, and changed the blunt words to a little more tactful, and only fell asleep when the moon was in the sky.

The rooster has crowed three times, but the door of Chu Ci's room has not yet been opened.Zhang Wenhai wanted to go up and knock on the door, but was stopped by Fang Jinyang.

"Wen Hai, is it inappropriate to disturb me so hastily? Besides, Brother Chu never said that he would teach me the five-animal tricks. Why don't we forget about it today, and come again when Brother Chu agrees with me."

"Jinyang, it's okay. Brother Chu is a magnanimous man. Not only did he teach me the Wu Qin Xi, he even played with Xiao Chengzi for two days. You are not in good health. If you learn this, it will definitely help you."

Fang Jinyang's heart skipped a beat. During the county examination, the weather was cold, and his body was not up to snuff. He was sent out of the examination room after holding on for less than half a day each time.

Although the family members were helpless, they never complained and criticized him, but he was full of depression in his heart, and he would do everything he could.

When Fang Jinyang's heart fluctuated, Zhang Wenhai had already stepped forward and knocked on the door.After getting along for such a long time, he already knows Chu Ci's work and rest habits like the back of his hand.

When the knock on the door came, Chu Ci closed his eyes and sighed, then got up and fumbled for his clothes.

"Brother Chu, Jinyang is not in good health, can he also practice Wuqinxi with you?" Zhang Wenhai stepped forward to ask when he saw Chu Ci come out.

Chu Ci glanced at Fang Jinyang, who was a little embarrassed behind him, and said, "Of course, anyone who wants to learn by himself can do it. Hua Tuo, the genius doctor who created this set of exercises, must be happy to see it popularized among everyone."

Zhang and Fang were very happy when they heard that, and followed Chu Ci into the house.As soon as Zhang Wenhai entered the door, he skillfully stripped himself down to only two pieces of clothes, and then began to prepare with fluttering hands and feet.Fang Jinyang was dumbfounded, he had never undressed in front of outsiders.

"Jinyang, take off quickly, do your preparatory actions first, and then go out to practice Wu Qinxi after your whole body is hot, so as to ensure that you will not be cold."

Fang Jinyang put his hands on the clothes hesitantly, not knowing whether he should take them off or not.Seeing this, Chu Ci said, "Brother Fang just needs to take off the outer cloak, you are weak, take your time."

Relieved, Fang Jinyang took off the cloak and placed it neatly, and then followed Zhang Wenhai to do those weird movements.

After a successful warm-up, they went out to play Wu Qin Xi.Zhang Wenhai has practiced well now. Fang Jinyang felt cold at the beginning, and his throat was itchy. After he moved, he found that it was not so difficult to accept.

Among the three of them, Zhang Wenhai was the healthiest. After the set of Wu Qin Xi, he was covered in sweat.Xiao Chengzi had already prepared hot water, waiting for him to bathe and cleanse himself.

Chu Ci sweated a little, just wipe it off.Fang Jinyang only had a ruddy complexion, but there was no sweat on his body.His servants waited aside, and when they saw him stop, they immediately put the cloak on him, lest he catch the cold and get sick again.

"Brother Chu laughed. I haven't been well since three years ago. They are all scared." Fang Jinyang smiled wryly, afraid that Chuci would think him a delicate person.

"Brother Fang, have you ever been cold before?"

"Never," Fang Jinyang shook his head, "I didn't suffer from any serious illness. Every time the doctor took the pulse, he couldn't find anything, and he only prescribed some warming and tonic medicine for me."

"As the saying goes, three parts of medicine are poisonous. Brother Fang, it's better not to take too much medicine, so as not to keep the medicine's properties." Chu Ci said.

"Yes, an old doctor I know said the same thing." Fang Jinyang smiled and said, "It's just that if I don't take this tonic, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to even go out."

No matter how Chu Ci looked at it, he felt that Fang Jinyang was not such a weak person.But even the doctors couldn't find the reason, so he didn't want to make wild guesses.He actually felt that Fang Jinyang belonged to the sub-healthy group, and it was probably because his family took care of him too carefully that made him look sick.

After Zhang Wenhai came over, the conversation between the two stopped.

After breakfast, Chu Ci took the article he wrote last night and went to the county school again.

When I went this time, those students were in class, and Master Qin was also sitting in a classroom giving lectures.Chu Ci walked around, looking a bit like the dean inspecting the teaching situation.

"Chu Ci, what are you doing here?"

Chu Ci looked back and found that it was Mr. Kong Shan and an old man standing under a wintersweet tree and looking at him.

He was a little embarrassed, first walked up to Master Kong Shan, bowed his hands to the two, and said: "The student came today to ask Master Qin about his homework. Unexpectedly, the master is giving a lecture now, and the students are inconvenient to disturb, so they walked around Take a look, if you violate the rules of the hospital, please ask the head of the mountain to punish you."

Kong Shanchang said: "No problem, just don't get too close and disturb their reading."

"Thank you, Shan Zhang." After Chu Ci finished speaking, he wanted to leave, not to disturb Shan Zhang talking with the old man.Unexpectedly, the old man suddenly became interested and asked: "Can I have a look at the scroll in this old friend's hand?"

Chu Ci was a little helpless about being called an old friend.But this is the case in this dynasty. Those who have a reputation as a scholar are called old friends regardless of their age, while those who do not have a reputation as a scholar can only be called a junior friend no matter how old they are.

"Of course, it is an honor for the old man to teach me a thing or two."

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