Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 26 – To the Sanctuary

Jayr POV - Japan, Kido Mansion

Once inside the mansion, I lead Aiolia to Saori's studio, once in front of the door, I notice that Aiolia is clearly nervous so I say "You have nothing to worry about, Saori is really easy to get along with...", and then I knock on the door, and soon hear Tatsumi's voice from the other side "Come in!", receiving the permission, I open the door and walk inside, and see that Saori is now standing near the window with the Sagittarius Pandora Box next to her, as the last light of the sunset, illuminating her beautiful figure.

Once inside, as soon as Aiolia sees Saori, he gets on his knees and says "The Gold Saint Leo Aiolia, greets the Goddess Athena!! I'm ready to follow your every command! And to tell you that my fellow Gold Saints, Taurus Aldebaran, Scorpio Milo, and Aquarius Camus are ready to do the same!", Saori turns around and with a small smile, she says "Good, I'm grateful for your trust and support, you may rise...  Leo Aiolia, you and the other Gold Saints' strength will be fundamental for the coming fights! Now I think that someone else wants to talk with you...".

And right on her cue, the Gold Pandora Box, opens on its own, and the true Sagittarius Cloth makes its appearance in its Constellation Form, this Cloth represents a winged centaur, with a drawn bow, and the arrangement of the pieces is, the human body is composed of the chest and the waist pieces, and the centaur is formed by the back pieces, the strangest part is the headpiece in the form of a crown, which simply rests on the pectoral, without giving the impression of being a human or animal head, the arms are made of what looks like the inner layer of the arm pieces, the smooth cylindrical part on which the various external protections rest forms the front legs, with the elbow pieces forming the sockets, the back legs are formed by the knee and shin pieces.

(Image Here - Sagittarius Cloth)


And soon from the Sagittarius Cloth a strong and warm Cosmo comes out that links itself with Aiolia's one, and I notice that he is standing rooted on the spot looking at something invisible above the Sagittarius Cloth, 'Probably Aiolios Spirit is talking with him right now, for sure something about how he is proud of the Saint he become, and to keep protecting Athena', and indeed after a few seconds, the Cosmo vanish and the Cloth reseals itself into the Pandora Box.

At the same time, I notice that Aiolia's gaze changed and I now can feel his resolve is stronger than ever, in fact, even his Cosmo feels a lot stronger than before, then after thanking Saori he asks "Goddess Athena, what is our next move?" and Saori with a resolute gaze says "Next, we are going to the Sanctuary and finally end this internal war that started 13 years ago, and free Saga from that evil spirit influence! We just have to wait for my private jet to be ready and we can go... Tomorrow morning we will fly back to Athens!".

Then Saori turn to her trusted butler and says "Tatsumi, can you please lead Aiolia to one of the guest rooms, and tell the others to get ready for tomorrow", Tatsumi lightly bows and leads Aiolia, out while Saori turn to me and says "You know this is probably the last peaceful day you will have in a long time, and we don't know if we will come out alive from the coming fights, you shouldn't leave behind any regrets".

Knowing what she is talking about, with a wry smile on my face I say "I'm not sure I'm the right one for her... Truthfully speaking I am quite the greedy one, she deserves much better... This is also why, I didn't insist too much, and that isn't the only problem..." and at that moment I stop unsure about telling her the truth, 'Know what? Fuck the classic trope of keeping everything a secret! Hell if there is someone I can trust in this world is this Goddess that always sacrificed herself to protect humanity, love, justice, and freedom since the age of myth of this world!'.

And after thinking so, I choose to tell Saori everything, about me being a reincarnated individual from another Universe, about the Concepts and their competition, about the Champions, about the blessing and what I think are its effects, about the fact that the next year as soon as I have my 16th birthday, I can travel to other Universes to grow stronger and hunt for the other Champions, and about the fact that when I'll have my 18th birthday, our Universe can be invaded by the other Champions and their allies, practically I told her everything without holding back anything, in fact, I let myself go too much because I also told her the fact that in my previous life, some people were able to peer into the myriad of different Universes and wrote, draw and told stories about them, just like the anime, movies, books, and etc. that we have in our world, in fact, some of them are also the same like Star Wars, the Lord of the Rings.

Saori stood in silence listening to me and after I finished my story she stood still for a few seconds, then she lets out a sigh and says "To think that there is a greater force than the Gods... I don't know if being glad or scared of this fact, but now I understand some of your actions, and cleared my doubts about some of your actions and behaviors, and also about how you knew about some of the past events that happened before you were born when your Cloth only allows you to see the future...", hearing that I start scratching my head thinking 'Damn!! I didn't think of that... But sure she is sharp to catch on to that when the others didn't notice anything! Well, she isn't Athena reincarnation for nothing!'.

Then she continues ignoring my embarrassment at the obvious flaw, "Anyway, I still think that you have to tell Seika the truth and let her decide if she wants to stay with you or find her happiness somewhere else, keeping the things between you two this way will only hurt both of you", hearing that I can only nod and think 'She is right, I can't continue to run away from this problem, even if with Seika I got lost in my lust and advanced too fast with her, I did enjoy our time together, and I do care for her', I thank Saori for her advice and walk out of her studio after saying goodbye to her and excusing myself, and once out of the mansion I teleport to the dorm of the Star Children Academy.

Jayr POV - Japan, Star Children Academy - 1986 *

I'm standing in front of Seika's door for a few seconds now, and I admit, I'm more nervous than I thought I would be, so I try to hype myself 'Dai, Jayr(Come on, Jayr)! You are literally planning to fight against two of the strongest Gods of the Greek Pantheon, and now you are nervous about talking to your girlfriend/ex-girlfriend... What is the worst it can happen? Caccia le palle (Grow a pair)!!' and so I bite the bullet and knocks on her door.

After a while she opens her door and surprised by my presence she says "Jayr!? What are you doing here at this time?", to her question I simply reply "Can we talk?", she simply nods and invites me inside her room, and once inside, she nervously asks "So, why are you here?", and looking at her beautiful dark brown eyes full of curiosity and a little expectation, but also worry and even a hint of fear about what I'm about to say, I let out a sigh and speak "Today is probably the last peaceful day, that I'll have in a while as tomorrow we will go to the Sanctuary to try to save Saga... And I want to make things clear between us, as I don't know all of this will end or even if I'll survive against Poseidon and Hades...".

And hearing that, Seika's mood lowers, and the worry and fear in her eyes grew stronger, "... So, I decide to be totally honest with you and tell you everything about me, without holding anything back", and that's is what I did, I told her everything, and after hearing the full story, Seika stands in silence for a few seconds, with her face and body revealing nothing about her thoughts, before asking "Can you take me with you in your journey through the other Universes?".

To her question, I reply "I can, but I'm not sure if I want you to... You have to understand that some Universes are really dangerous, and not all the Champions will be good people... I don't want to put you in danger, sure I could hide you in my Soulbound Territory, but in case I'm defeated or killed, I'm sure that my territory will be merged with my enemy's one with everything inside it... and that is the best prediction, I could also simply be erased... So even if you decide to still be with me, I'll still leave you behind in this world as here it is safer for you... And I think I can use my Teleportation to return to you at any time once I'm strong enough!".

And with a wry smile, Seika says "And add to that the fact that even if I accept this, I probably won't be the only one in your life, right?", and to that, I could only look at her in silence and a little of shame, as she continues "You have told me about the effect of your Blessing, that you are greedy, and I have seen how you look at Saori-san, but if I decide to stay with you, will you still always have a place for me in your heart?", hearing her question I can only ask back "How could anyone accept something like that? Only the thought of you being with someone else hurts me so much! How can I ask you to go through the same pain for my own selfishness!!?".

Seika, with a small smile on her face, moves closer to me and asks "Jayr, tell me honestly... Since we separated, with how many girls did you do it?" and I quickly reply "No one... I truly only feel really tempted when I'm near you or Saori, to the others I'm not attracted...", then she hugs me and gives me a deep loving kiss, and I start to once again lose control and take the initiative to push her on her bed.

Then as I regain my control, stop the kiss and look at her in the eyes thinking 'Damn, control yourself Jayr!! It's true that because of the blessing you always feel like you are in a no-nut period, but that doesn't mean you have to lose control so easily!!', but Seika interrupts my thoughts asking "And if right now instead of me, some other random girl did the same would you answer the kiss and push her down too even if we are a couple?" and to that, I once again reply "No, I wouldn't do that, no matter how horny I'm, even if I'm attracted to her, if I don't love her, or have at least some feelings for her I would do everything to stop...".

Hearing that, Seika's smile grows bigger as she asks "Then do you love me...?" and once again looking at her beautiful dark brown eyes I reply "Yes...", and with a big smile she says "Will you still love me even if you fall another girl?" and a that I reply "I told you... I'm greedy... If you accept me, I'll never let you go, even if I really fall for another, a piece of my heart will always be yours!" then Seika kindly pecks me on my lip and says "Then what are you waiting for? Make me yours, this time forever...".

Hearing that, I stop controlling myself and start kissing Seika, while at the same time, I undress her and caress her body, making sure to stimulate all her erogenous zone, and soon she starts moaning through our kiss and I feel her body lightly quiver in anticipation, lowering my hand, I slowly begin massaging her slit, that becomes wetter and wetter each passing second.

After a few seconds, Seika's breathing got rougher, and her body started shaking even more, and soon she stop our kiss and says between her moans "T-that... too much...!", her excitement reach her peak, and she has her first orgasm, at the same time, he slit releases even more liquid and after she calms down a little, Seika looks at me with her eyes still hazed by her previous peak and whisper "Please... I can't wait anymore...!".

So I quickly undress and slowly start rubbing my hard little brother on her pandora box for a few second, then after Seika gives me the hint to continue, I slowly insert my little brother in her pandora box, as Seika moan "Aaaah, I missed this!", starting moving her tight cave, I say "Well, better that you prepare yourself, because, I have almost a year worth of it saved for you!".

I start increasing the speed of my piston movement, making sure to hit all her weak spots, and after a few minutes Seika reaches once again her peak, and again, and again until we finally reach the peak at the same time and I release everything inside her, and Seika's final orgasm is so powerful that, she briefly loses control over her body, as it keeps trembling and a transparent jet of liquid comes out of her pandora box.

After a while, her senses return and she seems shy about what just happened, but before she could say anything, with my little brother still hard inside her, I turn her body around saying "Sorry, I won't let you rest so easily! This is just the start!", then laying her prone on the bed, I once again start pounding her, making the beautiful music of Seika's moan start once again.

And for the next three hours, the only sound that could be heard in the room is that of flesh slapping, the sensual moans let out by Seika, and her screams of pleasure as she reach her peak, again and again, I didn't hold back on her at all, and I pushed her body to the limit, so much that I'm sure that if this was a hentai world, she would have heart-shaped pupils.

In the end, Seika fell asleep in my arms totally exhausted, with my cum still gushing out of her pandora box, and her stomach a little inflated, but with a content smile on her face, and now unable to move as I don't want to disturb her sleep, I use my Cosmo to eliminate every fluid dirtying our bodies and the bed, and cleaning the air in the room, 'Cosmo for the win! Technically I could also use it in place of a bath or shower, but I find them calming, and there is nothing better than singing while having a shower, so I refrain from using my Cosmo for things like that...'.

Then I make sure to kill all the sperm inside Seika, as today for sure isn't her safe day, in fact, with a cold sweat I realize that I was just in time as one of the soldiers was about to reach its objective and complete his mission, and after that, I made sure to heal any damage I could have caused her body, then I close my eyes and let sleep take over me, as I embrace Seika's warm lithe body.

The next morning, I woke up feeling a pleasurable sensation on my lower body, and opening my eyes, the first thing I see are the beautiful dark brown eyes of Seika looking at me with a smile on her face, then lowering my gaze, I see her hand slowly working her way up and down my little brother, who is already awake and standing.

Then I hear her say "Good morning, Jayr! I woke up and noticed that someone was already up, and thought it was rude to leave him alone, so I decided to give him a little massage..." and as she said this, Seika increased the speed of her movement, increasing at the same time my pleasure, and I greet her back "Good morning, Seika, how are you feeling? While I did heal you, I'm still worried, as I did lose control a little".

Pecking my lips, she replies "I'm fine, no soreness or pain... But I'm still not sure if I'm able to walk today, as I do feel my legs are still a little weak...", meanwhile her hand doesn't stop, but it increases its speed even more making me very close to my own peak, and as Seika notices my throbbing little brother, she lowers her head, bringing it closer to Jayr Jr, and soon I felt a warm sensation enveloping it, and as she bobbles her head, and work her tongue, the pleasure is too much, so I reach my limit and warn her "S-Seika, I'm....!".

Seika hears me, stops blowing me, and with a final tug of her hand, I release everything continuously for a few seconds, painting her whole face white, and after the initial shock and surprise, Seika asks "How can you still release so much after what we did yesterday!?", and now that I'm in my Sage Mode, I reply "The miracles of Cosmo, plus the fact that I used my knowledge over medicine to turn my body into the max peak possible that a human body is capable of...".

Then, I use my Cosmo to clean me and Seika again, and entering my doctor mode, I check Seika's body, then I reassure her "During the many orgasms you experienced myotonia, which is muscle contraction or tension through much of your body, and after you relaxed those muscles, at last, your legs might feel weak and shake, it is normal and nothing to worry about, just a big glass of water or snacking on some potassium-rich foods would help you recover quickly" and so I get up, kiss her forehead, and give her a glass of water to drink, then I dress and after giving her a deep and loving kiss, I say "Now, I have to go! I have an evil spirit to banish! I love you!" then I teleport back to the Kido Mansion, preparing everything I need, then wait for everyone else to come so that we can depart.

Jayr POV - Japan/Greece, Kido Private Jet - 1986

I'm inside Saori's private jet quickly flying toward Greece, but even with this private jet, we need 16 hours to reach our destination, in the plane with me, there is obviously Saori followed by the always loyal Tatsumi, Seiya, Hyoga, Shiryu, Shun, and Ikki who are now preparing for the great fight ahead, and also my sisters Shaina and Geist with Cassios, and also Marin and the other Silver Saints plus Aiolia and Isaak who's presence shocked the soul out of everyone, while the B group of Bronze Saints is left back in Japan watching over and protecting Dr. Asamori's Lab.

After a few hours of travel, Saori stands up this time in her hand she has her golden staff Nike, which represents the minor deity of victory affiliated to Athena, 'This is one of the true cheat weapons in all the Omniverse if what I read about it is true, its main ability is to be able to lead Athena and her allies to victory, living up to her name as the goddess of victory, therefore, the staff will literally grant victory to Athena, even when it seems impossible, as it manipulates events and fate to lead Athena to victory against her enemies... After all, there is no other reason for Athena to always win since the age of Myth even if she loses almost all her Saints at every Holy War!'.

(Image Here - Nike)


Tatsumi calls for our attention, and soon Saori says "Now, before we reach the Sanctuary, I want to explain to you all our plan of action, we will mainly divide into two groups, one that will move up the Gold Zodiac to reach the Athena Colossus behind the Great Temple, grab the Aegis Shield and use it to exorcise the evil spirit residing in Saga, while the other group will make sure to keep under control the soldiers, guards, trainee, and Saints residing in the Sanctuary... Be prepared for everything, I sent Saga a letter, addressing him as Pope, informing him of the fact that I'm coming, so expect some resistance, and an ambush".

And as the others are asking themselves why did Saori pull such a move, Saori continues "Shaina, Marin, Agol and Isaak, you four will lead the other Silver Saints in guarding and preventing the unrest of the other Saints, while Cassios will take control over the guards and soldiers... Meanwhile, I, Jayr, Aiolia, Seiya, Shun, Shiryu, Hyoga, and Ikki will pass through the Gold Zodiac..." at this point, Asterion raises a question "Wait, Goddess Athena! Why are the Bronzes the ones that will fight with the Gold Saints!? They will be destroyed in an instant!! Shouldn't we Silver Saint move with you through the Gold Zodiac!? It doesn't make sense!!".

With her calm expression still on her face, Saori replies "There are a few reasons for this arrangement, first the difference in strength between you and this group of Bronze is minimal, in fact, some of them are already stronger than you, and they are growing stronger each fight they survive, and I hope that by fighting against the Gold Saints they will awaken their 7th sense giving us others Gold Saint level fighter for the coming Holy War, second, as you now know, Jayr's Cloth allows us to glimpse into the future, and through such vision, we know that Seiya and the others are destined to go through such ordeal... And I don't want to challenge Fate too much, too soon, we have already stretched it thin by saving your lives!".

Hearing that, Asterion calms down, and a somber mood falls inside the jet, at least until Capella asks "Wait! But didn't Jayr contact the other Gold Saints, so they should be able to pass without fighting, right?", but I shake my head and reply "That doesn't matter, because some of the Gold Saints will still at least put a trial to make you pass through their Temples, and not all of them are on our side... Hell, even my friend Aldebaran who knows the truth will still try to kill you because in his words, 'If you aren't able to pass through me, how can you hope to protect Athena when you will meet the ones that truly want to kill her!', and I'm sure that Camus will put Hyoga through hell to make him a better Saint even at the cost of his own life!".

Aiolia then moves forward and says "That is true... Our pride as Gold Saints won't let you simply pass through our temples, even I'm tempted to test if you are really worthy of being Saints of Athena! But that will make you lose too much time, so I will only refrain from helping you pass through the temples and will only take care of the traps that Saga could have prepared... But do not lower your guard, I could still test you if you reach my temple!", and like this, the hours quickly pass until we finally reach the Sanctuary and under Saori's lead, the plane smoothly lands into the Colosseum, that is located very near to the foot of the Gold Zodiac.

And once we all get out, I quickly notice that Aiolia moved at the speed of light and disappeared, surely going to guard his temple, meanwhile, Seiya and the others notice that the place is devoid of people, and at the same time Saori command to Shaina, Marin, Agol, and Isaak to start their move, then looking at a specific direction, Saori reassure Seiya and the others "Don't worry, here's someone now..."

And indeed, a cloaked figure moves toward us and asks "Are you miss Saori Kido, are you not? Thank you for making the long journey to the Sanctuary, the Pope awaits you!", and Saori asks "Had the Pope a chance to read the letter I sent him?", the cloaked figure nods and says "Yes, and he desires to meet with you, please come this way, I shall be your guide".

Shun seeing this says "He seems okay, you think maybe this can all end without bloodshed?" but Hyoga replies "I have my doubts...You all already know how this will end..." and so the cloaked figure guides us toward the Gold Zodiac, and once in front of the stairs of the first temple, he says "What you see before you is the first temple, the Aries Temple... One must begin at the Aries Temple and pass through all 12 temples to reach the Pope's Chamber and the Great Athena Temple, yes there are 12 temples in all!! Naturally, each temple is guarded by a Gold Saint...", and hearing that Seiya lets out a sigh and interrupts him by saying "Here it comes... So if we want to get to the Pope's Chamber, we have to defeat all 12 Gold Saints, eh?".

And hearing Seiya, the cloaked figure let out a creepy laugh and says "Heh heh heh... You're more astute than I expected, Indeed, you have to pass through all 12 temples, but no one since the age of myth was able to do so, and you won't even get to the first temple!" and as he said this he removed his cloak showing his figure, but then I make my move, I quickly move behind him and before he could react, I grab his head and slam his face into the ground with so much force that I bury his head into the ground and say "Really you are too drammatic to work as an assassin... Saga should have chosen better!".

Have a Nice Day, Ciao

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