Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 10 – Jamir

Seika POV - Indian Ocean - 1984

I woke up early in the morning refreshed in the warm embrace of my lover, Jayr, thinking about my life 'It is strange how much things changed, first living with mom for a few years, then Seiya is born and mom died and we found ourselves into the Star Children Academy, the orphanage of the Graad Foundation, then 4 years ago they separate me from Seiya, and soon after, I find out that they sent him to Greece, and so at the age of 10 I sold everything I held to follow after him, of course, I used the money only to feed myself, I hid in differents cargo ships to reach Greece as a stowaway, once there I seached information about the Sanctuary the place where I heard they sent Seiya, but I had problems comunicating with the others but thanks to some basic english I understood that they only knew of a touristic place in Athens named a such, so I went out of the city hoping to find it there... Then the accident happened and I lost my memories'

My mood was worsening as I remember all the unhappy events of my life, but then I felt Jayr unconsciously tightening his hold on me as his finger caress my hair, and I once again feel the usual feeling of calmness and protection that he usually projects, it is like nothing in this world can hurt me as long as he is next to me, and with a smile remembering this last month.

'Then 4 years later he came and restored my memories, told me about my brother's situation, and how I couldn't meet him at the Sanctuary, and in the end, he proposed to join in his journey... And that was probably the best decision of my life, passing time with him I quickly found myself attracted to him, his caring side, his kindness, and his willingness to help others, many times during our journey he stopped to help those that needed medical attention, and he healed them no matter who was it, even a bank robber who few minutes before was threatening a child, sure after healing him, he made sure that the person in question was caught and punished for all his crime by forcing him to tell only the truth when asked and be unable to remain in silence for the rest of his life, before giving him to the police... Then it came the time for our voyage on the sea... And I practically spent all my time with him, eating with him, learning from him, protected by him, having fun with him... And in the end, it happened, after more than one week together, we made love, the spark that was there quickly became a blazing inferno and swallowed us... And now I'm living some of the happiest moments of my life, I don't know how this will end... But all I want now is to enjoy my time with him!'.

Feeling his hot rock-hard member pressing on my stomach, with a wry smile I think 'The only problem with this blissful life is that Jayr has way too much stamina... Are all Saints like this?' then quickly my thoughts moved to a more serious topic 'Speaking about Saint... On Death Queen Island and Andromeda Island, for the first time, I saw how much these men and women trained and suffered to become these formidable protectors... And most of them will never become a Saint... Just how many hardships have Jayr, Seiya, Shun, Ikki, and the others gone and are going through just to protect humanity?'.

As I was in deep thought, I felt his warm lips kissing my forehead, then I hear his comforting voice "Good morning, love... Why the long face first thing in the morning? Did someone bully you? I will deal with him..." and with a sly smile I reply "The only one bullying me is you, it took you only a few days to finish the box of condom...".

Hearing my words, he looked flustered for a few seconds before he says "It's true... I did say that I would hold back... Let's do this today I will show you my massage skill... You will feel reborn after my massage!" then he gave me another peck on my lips and went to prepare breakfast, and as he left the cabin a smile appears on my face.

Jayr POV - India - 1984

Five days passed since we left Andromeda Island, and we finally reached Mumbai's port, after docking, taking care of the usual customs, and exchanging our currencies into Indian rupee, we stood in front of Athena's Bidoof, as Seika ask me as she looks at the place where we made many happy memories "What are we going to do with it?... I don't want to leave it here...".

I look at her with a smile, then I move closer to the boat and putting a hand on it, I focus my intent and carefully send it to my Soul Bound Territory, which until now was only used to grow some rare medicinal ingredients, and now also as a bootleg Item Box, then I once again turn my head and look at Seika who is looking at me with her eyes wide open, and with a grin on my face I say "Don't worry, I just send it to another dimension connected to me... It is safe and I can pull it out at any time!".

Then we restart our journey toward our next destination, Jamir located in the Himalaya Mountain Range, to reach the Indian Northern Border, we took 3 days and used 3 different trains, and after one day of rest at an inn nearby, where I was almost tortured, as I couldn't do anything with Seika as her period came, so I just focused on taking care of her, the next day we once again start our journey.

Jayr POV - Jamir - 1984

After 3 days of trekking, I and Seika reach the 8000m tall mountain that stands near the border between India and China, we've climbed over 6000m above sea level, the air here is incredibly thin, and Seika is having some trouble breathing, even if I am carrying her in my arms the whole time, then as I'm slowly walking, I feel something out of place and quickly stop 'We have reached the Cloths Cemetery... It is better to put on my Cloth... Remember what you've read... It's is an Illusion, in front of you there is a subtle stone bridge under which there is a ravine full of sharp rocks...'.

Seeing me suddenly stop she slowly asks "What is going on, Jayr? Why did you stop?", and I gently put her down and open my Pandora Box, and burning my Cosmo, I quickly wear my Cloth, while Seika looks at me with a longing gaze muttering "So cool..." but soon recover and starts looking around clearly nervous, as this is the first time she saw me don the Cloth, it means that something dangerous is close, but I quickly reassure her and crouching down I says "Don't worry it isn't so dangerous, I only put on my Cloth because, In a few moments I will need my hands free, now, come and climb on my back we are almost there...".

Once ready, as soon as I take one step forward, a really thick fog comes out of nowhere making me see only some indistinct shape of my surroundings, but with a Cosmo charged punch, I quickly blow away the fog and notice that everything around us changed and a countless number of bones are now on the ground, seeing this spectacle Seika in a worried tone says "Jayr..." but I quickly reassure her "Do not worry, it is only a trial to gain entry... While dangerous for others, for us it isn't a problem".

Then as I take another step forward many ghostly voices say one after another "Where do you think are going, brat?", "You are about to trespass the territory of the great Mu!", "Nobody gets through here!", "You better get lost, unless you want to die!" and a few flying skulls surround and start circling us at the same time.

Keeping my gaze straight ahead is yell "I came here to meet with Aries Mu!" then one of the skulls says "Huh? Does that mean that you are a Saint, like us?" and still calm I reply "Precisely, I'm the Saint of the Crateris Cloth... Jayr!" hearing that the skull starts laughing and another one says "What a treat! How long has it been since we had a Saint come by? Well, it doesn't matter, Saints, doesn't get to pass through here for free!" then all the skull moves and joins to their bodies, while hundreds of Skeleton Warrior still dressed in badly damaged ancient Cloth appears.

(Image Here - Skeleton Warrior)


And one that seems leading them says "If you are looking for Mu his mansion is just up ahead, but only those who are skilled enough to make it past all of us are able to go there, Hyahahaha!", to deal with them, I get ready to use the second technique I created, burning my Cosmo so much that a clear blue aura surrounds my body, and the phantom image of cup appears behind me, I cross my arms, then yelling "Pouring Rain!", I quickly spread my arm wide, and release massive amounts of clear blue Cosmo droplets in every direction at once, almost like heavy rain, that hits everything around me, reducing the skeletons around me in bone dust.

This technique allows me to fire up to a hundred million blows per second at my opponents, I took as inspiration, Aldebaran and Aiola's techniques to create this one, it combines both their principles but I put my spin on it making it an omnidirectional attack good for when you have to deal with a lot of enemies, the only downside is that it hits everything around me, allies included.

As soon as all the skeleton warriors were destroyed, the illusion dissipates to reveal the path leading to the tower of Mu, and while walking on the stone bridge I explain to Seika "Every time a foreigner arrives, the skeletons congregate to clash against this one, the souls of the dead knights imprisoned in this place preventing anyone from gaining access to the residence of Mu".

Then looking down and seeing the sharp rocks below with still impaled skeletons I continue "It is assumed that all the skeletons were Saints in the service of Athena who, while still alive, damaged their armor during risky combats and went to Jamir in the hope of having it repaired by the only being capable of doing so, and if a visitor appears, the souls then rebuild their spoils, gather their remains and rise up, blocking his way, the main danger is that the prevailing fog hides this stone bridge under which there is this ravine full of sharp rocks".

Then calmly continuing forward "In reality, these ancient Saints strayed from the path and fell on the stalactites of the ravine, they attack their colleague to join them in death, perhaps jealousy has grown in them at the sight of other reckless, but still alive, Saints venturing down the same path, so they try to dissuade them and gather their skeletons, dressed in the breastplates of their old damaged armor, with the sole purpose of fighting the newcomer and in turn making him fall down the precipice in turn, so that he joins their ranks in this macabre place, thus enlarging a little more the myth of the ghosts of the resting Saint".

Hearing my story Seika asks "Why all of this just to reach the place where you can repair your Cloths...!?" and shugging my shoulder I reply "Well, this isn't only a test for the Saints, but it is also a barrier to protect the only ones left that know how to repair Cloths and their descendants... It is said that somewhere in this mountain there is a village where the last survivors of the Mu Continent reside... If you think that this also helps in protecting those innocent people you can somewhat understand why it is needed...".

After walking for another hour we finally reached our destination, and in the distance, we can see a five- or six-story tower, with no ground-level entrance, once I walked closer, I yell "Anyone home?" and soon a dozen of stones fly toward me, but I easily stop them using Telekinesis, and gently put them down, then the voice of a kid says "Woah! Usually I'm able to deal with the losers that are able to pass through the Cloth Graveyard...".

I look in the direction of the voice and find on top of the tower a boy of short stature, possessing tousled, reddish-colored hair that he keeps down to just past the nape of his neck, due to his training he has developed a slight musculature for his young age, however, he can sometimes give the impression of chubby limbs, he also has two tilak dots on his forehead, he is Kiki the disciple of Aries Mu.

(Image Here - Jamir, Kiki)


Before I could say anything Seika says "That is a rude way of treating a guest who traveled far to see you..." but before she could continue, I turn to my left and look at the young man that is calmly sitting there, now looking shocked by the fact that I could easily sense him, he is of fine and stylized features, however, they accentuate the nobility, tranquility, and elegance of this high-ranking Saint.

He has green eyes, no eyebrows, and has two tilak dots on his forehead like Kiki, long straight and tied faint lilac hair that denotes his profile as an artisan and intellectual individual, as a "craftsman", he wears bandages on each of his arms, a kind of brown toga over his shoulders that goes down and is tight around his waist, his clothes are yellow and his pants are dark green, he is Aries Mu.

(Image Here - Mu)


Looking at him, with a grin on my face I introduce myself with style "My name is Jayr Pucci. I'm 13 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Sanctuary, where all the Temples of the Gold Zodiac can be seen, and I am not married. I work as a healer for Athena's Sanctuary, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM and make sure I get six hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of intense torturous exercise before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I can tell you there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone."

What greeted my introduction is absolute silence, at least for a few seconds, as Kiki starts to loudly laugh, while Seika face-palm and let out a loud sigh, and Mu looks at me in silence, only blinking his eyes, as if trying to understand if I am some kind of mentally ill patients, and I think 'For sure they aren't Men of Culture... Wait it is  1984... Jojo still isn't out yet!!'.

Mu POV - Jamir - 1984

I look in silence at the pair in front of me who now looks somewhat embarrassed, the young woman is a normal human, while one thing is clear about the young man, he is strong, not only he was able to quickly sense me, but from the Cosmo, I felt when he passed through the Cloth Graveyard, even if he tries to hide it, is clear that he has already awakened his 7th sense and has good mastery over it, in fact from the Cosmo I felt he is more or less my equal and that is an amazing achievement, my only advantage over him is my Gold Cloth and the mastery over the techniques that my master taught me.

I quickly break the awkward situation "I'm Mu the craftsman that can revive and repair the Cloth... Why are you here?", and putting down the woman, the young man named Jayr replies "Well... First, nice to meet you Aries Mu..." the fact that he knows who I really am, makes me immediately raise my guard, 'Is he here under the order of the Pope?' but before I could think more, he notices my state, and explains "... Don't worry, it is was Aldebaran who told me your identity, I'm not here under the order of the Fake Pope... But one of the reasons I'm here is to talk about him".

'He calls him the Fake Pope... so my suspicions were right! Master Shion was killed and someone else took his place! But it is still too soon to lower my guard around him...' Still ready to act at any hint of aggression I say "Go on..." still aware of my cautious state, Jayr removes his Cloth and turns it back into its Constellation Form, and I quickly notice that while in somewhat good condition, the Cloth itself is old and many minuscule cracks are on it, 'The Cosmo on that Cloth is feeble like it was awakened after a long sleep, in that state in can't display even 1/4 of its usual power'.

Then my focus turn back to Jayr as he speak once again, and start telling me his story, about how the one that killed Master Shion was Gemini Saga, that was corrupted by an evil influence, as this is Hades' scheme to weaken Athena's forces before the start of the next Holy War, and how he found out about this thanks to the abilities of his Cloth, and how he is going around the world now, helping and gathering the support of various Saint, in his plan to help Athena and save Saga by getting rid of the evil influence.

As his story end, it leaves me in deep thought 'If what he said is true, then if we do nothing, when the Holy War will happen in 2-3 years, Athena will only have a handful of Saint to fight Hades's army...' turning extremely serious I ask "Who knows about this?" and Jayr replies "Among the Gold Saints that I trust... Aldebaran, Aiolia, Milo, you, and I think Shaka, but I have never interacted with him, but from some of his actions that I saw from the visions it seems that he knows everything, but didn't act because of some strange reason or idea, I truly don't understand what it goest through his mind... Then there is Guilty from Death Queen Island which was under Saga's control, but I freed him, and Daidalos from Andromeda Island, which was already suspicious... And I plan to talk to Master Dohko and Camus...".

Hearing that I nods, then asks "So what do you require of me?" and Jayr replies "Well technically, the way you acted in the original timeline is fine... You supported the Bronze Saints that were following Athena, repairing their Cloth, warning them about the dangers, and telling them what they lack... In fact, your assistance was essential for their growth... So you just have to be yourself maybe just train a little harder to get stronger for the coming fight, the main reason I came here, is to have you check my Cloth, and to ask if you can teach me how to check and repair my Cloth?".

Once again I look at him in the eyes and feel no greed for my art, but more of a need, so I ask "Repairing Cloths is an almost lost art, not only is very hard to learn but requires great sacrifices! Why do you want to learn my art?" and scratching his cheek Jayr replies "I'm a healer... A doctor, the Cloth in some way are living beings... And the first thing I was taught about them is that they have their own will... I feel like I'm neglecting my partner if I'm unable to take care of it, or at least know if something is wrong with it... And don't worry about the difficulties of learning... I may not look like it but I'm a good scholar!".

Feeling that his intentions are pure enough I nod and say "Very well... I will teach you, but it will be up to you how much you will learn... Now, let's look at your Cloth" and as I walk toward it, I yell "Kiki... Come here! It is about time that you too learn about this!" and teleporting next to me Kiki says "Yes, Lord Mu!".

As I look over his Cloth, I start explaining "Generally the Pandora Box is able to restore in some way, any damage done to the Cloth, but if it was too heavily damaged, even if it does appears restored, many invisible microscopic cracks remain on the Cloth, in medical terms it is like a bone fracture that didn't recover well, so the first thing you have to do I use your Cosmo as a lens to see these cracks... Another thing that you should take note of is that Cloth as living beings can indeed also die, but luckily there is also a way to bring them back to life, I will explain this later...".

After taking note of every crack on the Crateris Cloth, I use my telekinesis to bring to me my tools and the necessary ingredient showing them to Kiki and Jayr "To restore, or even revive a Cloth you need four ingredients, Stardust Sand, a type of metallic sand found in a place where gods lived for a lot of time absorbing their Divine Cosmo, Gammanium, an alloy metal that only the Muvian, the descendant of the habitant of the Mu Continent, know how to produce, Orichalcum, one of the hardest metal in our world, and last the blood of a person comparable to a Saint".

Then I show them the golden tools needed to restore a Cloth "These are the tools you need to restore them, Pointer, it carves the surface of the armor, in this case, reaching the areas where the rest of the tools do not reach, it is used in delicate and detailed works, Chisel, it removes unnecessary elements from the surface to be worked on before starting the carving, Long Needle, used to shape the areas that require undulating or cavity carving, and Hammer, it produces the necessary force to handle the instruments, without the hammer and the force with which they are hit they would be useless... While their form is basic and simple, you shouldn't underestimate them, they are made of the same material as the Cloths, the only difference is that the blood used is the Ichor of Athena herself...".

Just as I was about to pour the Saints Blood on the Crateris Cloth to repair it, Jayr stops me and says "Wait Mu! I'd like to restore my partner myself... I feel it is something I have to do... So could you teach me how to do it and watch over my process when I do so?" I look at him and ask "Are you sure? It could take you years to be able to do so..." but in a resolute gaze he replies with absolute conviction "It will take years to master to your level... but to learn it... I will only need some months!" and with a smile, I reply "Very well, let me see how much you can learn in a few months".

Jayr POV - Jamir - 1984

Four months passed since me and Seika came to Jamir, I spent all my time learning from Mu the art of repairing Cloths with Kiki, training my mastery over the 7th sense, sparring with Mu, helping Mu train Kiki as a Saint, and I got to admit that brat does have talent, he is only 6 and he is already has a Cosmo as strong as a peak Bronze Saint, not only that but he got good control over his telekinesis, and teleportation, a technique that I too picked up while teaching him 'Really, Cosmo is broken you can do almost anything with it...', I also spent my free time with Seika, enjoying the peacefulness of this place.

And now, I'm standing in front of my Cloth, ready to restore it, with Mu and Kiki watching over the process, first thing I pour the Saint Blood over the Cloth, my Saint Blood, after all, I'm comparable to a Gold Saint in strength it should have a better effect, then take the golden hammer and chisel and start removing the excess filth that mixed with Cloth while regenerating itself, then I pour the mix of Stardust Sand, Gammanium and Orichalcum, and slowly and carefully using the various tool I fix all the invisible cracks, while at the same time through the tools I pour my Cosmo into the Cloth that greedily absorbs everything.

After 2 hours of careful work, finally, the last crack is repaired, and as soon as I'm done, a powerful, energetic, and lively Cosmo comes out of the Crateris Cloth, as a gold shine flicker over it, while I feel my connection to it stronger than ever, and for the first time I feel that my Cloth is really alive, in fact, a vague feeling of happiness and gratefulness comes from it, before without my commad the Cloth dissasembe itself, and quickly equip itself on my body, making me quickly feel the changes, not only now it's durability is almost comparable to a Gold Cloth, but a brand new awareness over Comso comes from it, in fact right at this moment the Cloth is teaching me one of the techniques of its previous wielder.

After a few minutes, Mu's voice broke me out of my reprieve "You excelled my every expectation, Jayr! Not only you learned how to repair Cloths, but you were also able to improve and truly awaken yours from its slumber, from what I feel right now the Crateris Cloth is comparable to a Gold one while still being a Silver one... While some of the merits come from the fact that you used your own blood... This result is indeed amazing! It is almost a miracle! Congratulation!".

Have a Nice Day, Ciao

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