Batman in the MCU

The Chase

The bat mobile was speeding on the buildings chasing after Mr. Cheng, who had begun to fire at the car. 

The commotion was enough to draw the attention of the NYPD who was now rushing to the scene.

The car took a turn heading down a less busy route.  Seeing this as an opportunity Batman fired at the car's wheels causing an explosion which in turn caused the car to flip over.

the bat mobile pulled up by the car, Bats jumped out and began to walk over to the wreckage.  Just as he did he spotted Mr. Cheng making his way out, he stopped and took a good look at him. Mr. Cheng did same before speaking out, "so your the batman, hehe my master has been interested in you lately." " Who is your master?" Batman questioned but he just laughed and charged at batman with a sword.

Batman moved just in time to avoid the swing of his sword firing a few batarangs as he did so. Cheng was skilled enough to block each one with his sword, at this point batman's scowl became more evident the feeling that he wasn't just against Street thugs increased.

He rushed at  Cheng delivering a roundhouse kick to his head.  The two continued to exchange blows with bats using his braces to block the sword strikes. After a few more rounds Batman finally kicked his sword and socked him hard in the jaw.

He moved over to continue his interrogation but the man had bitten down on poison and was gone. Batman was stunned for a moment before searching him but he found nothing.

He was about to conduct a search on the car when he heard the sirens. He gave up and jumped into his bat mobile disappearing and just like any good movie the police arrived just as he left.

"Damn it! we missed him!" the captain exclaimed seeing they missed him, when he saw Mr. Cheng's corpse he was shocked then made a call " we have a problem".

meanwhile batman had returned with the mind to question Collins as to what exactly he gave Cheng but when he arrived the scene he saw was not what he was expecting Collins was found dead and pinned to the wall with two swords.

Just then Batman received a call from detective Stacy "we need to talk"

In a certain club.

A man walked in, he was in a neat suit with a hat covering his face his appearance contrasting with the sort of people in the club.

The man ignored the stares and moved closer to a man who looked to be of importance. " I'm here to see the lady." hearing what he said he gave a nod and led him to an office where a lady sat enjoying her own personal strip show.

she turned when she heard them enter and smiled "My my my It's been a while."  the man took of his hat revealing to be none other than Sebastian "not long enough"

"leave" the lady spoke only one word and everyone was gone leaving just her and Sebastian. " I thought you didn't want to see me anymore after your prince returned" " I'm here for business Eve" " Aren't you always ".

She spoke as she poured a glass of scotch for herself " want some...your loss".  " I'm here for information" Sebastian got straight to the point "that's not how this works Sebastian." Sebastian gave her a look of confusion.

"You know, when you contacted us and said let's form this group of ours, I was first to jump on board but recently you have been ignoring us." "I've been busy"  " well the others are starting to talk, their starting to get ideas..." " I deal with it."

"hmm ok so what do you need handsome."  " do you know Mr. Cheng" " I thought we were letting them be?" " Things have changed,  what are they after?" Eve took a good look at him before placing her drink down.

"I don't know what but I know where it might be...." " And?" " Sebastian you should know this is a give and take relationship. " Sebastian glanced at her once more "I owe you one"  she smiled and took a chip from a drawer " here you go and don't forget, you owe me."

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