basketball storm

Chapter 13 Preliminary Plan

Chapter 13 Preliminary Plan

Everyone thought about it carefully and found that the integration of multiple leagues into two leagues is indeed helpful for future development.

asked one of the officers.

"However, how can we make the teams of Class A and B willing to play with the CNBA of Class B or even entertainment performances?"

Chen Xinglian thought for a while and explained: "In the short term, the CBA is not completely closed, and it is still in the state of accepting foreign teams in the future.

A and B play games with teams lower than their own strength, which is equivalent to improving their own strength in disguise.

This is more conducive to their future entry into the CBA, and they may be eager to do so.

In the long run, Class B and CNBA will gradually become equal to Class A B over time.Don't worry anymore. "

Elder Li also spoke out at this time.

"Well said, the implementation of the CBA admission system does not mean that in the future we will close the door and play by ourselves.

As long as you meet the requirements, you can come in, and those who don't meet the requirements can also go out! "

After Mr. Li said that, everyone didn't dare to say things like slow down.

Someone asked how many teams need to be invited to enter this year.

Finally, after a while of discussion, it was initially decided that three teams would enter.

Too much and it will dilute the existing league too much, leading to a drop in the level of the league.Three is just right.

And as far as the current situation is concerned, there are not too many teams in A B that can adapt to A A.

The designated three teams have two in the north and one in the south, which is exactly equal to ensure the same number of games for the north and south teams.

Let me explain here that the two teams in the North District do not mean that the teams will be found from the north, but that two teams that meet the strength to enter the CBA League will be assigned to the North District.

As for how to judge, the final meeting decided to focus on the team's record, with economic strength and other factors taken into consideration.

Chen Xinglian looked at this season's A and B rankings.

If there are no accidents, Fujian Province Cultural Tourism, Xinjiang Province Guanghui and Hong Kong City Flying Dragon will enter the CBA next season.

However, considering that Pengcheng Yikang may withdraw from the CBA like history, so one more team may be assessed at that time.

After discussing for a while, the access plan and the league integration plan were basically finalized.All that remains is to add some terms.

Chen Xinglian and the basketball management have been discussing the improvement of relevant plans and resolutions for the next few days, and decided to announce the plan at the end of February.

However, many teams secretly already knew the content of the resolution, and they all began to quietly move in their own favorable direction.


It wasn't until the end of February that the announcement was over that Chen Xinglian was able to take a break.

It's not so much a sneak in, it's better to say it's a disguised job.

The team leader of the Capital Ducks invited Chen Xinglian to watch a game between the Capital Ducks and Pengcheng Yikang.

Chen Xinglian readily accepted the invitation.As the leader of the league, what's the matter if he doesn't watch his own league games.

By the way, you can also examine the current level of the A-League.

After a light meal, I asked the driver to take me to the Capital Duck's home stadium.

Now the home arena of the Capital Ducks is not the center of the famous soliciting arena in later generations, but the old arena - the Capital Ducks Arena.

It is not as big as the 18000 seats of the new arena in later generations, but it can accommodate about 7000 people.

The team leader, Manager Qi, has been waiting at the door for a long time.

The two greeted each other for a while, and then Chen Xinglian was dragged into the gymnasium by Qi Dong.

If Chen Xinglian describes the Capital Ducks as a powerful player with historical background, as one of the first teams to build a team, this is what the Capital Ducks are proud of.

However, the Capital Duck has not ushered in its glory yet. Only when the lone wolf arrives will it be the real Capital Duck.

As a gymnasium for a powerful team, the natural supporting facilities are good, much better than some small teams.

This made Chen Xinglian very satisfied, so that the follow-up financial aid can remove the capital duck from the list first, or reduce the financial aid.

Chen Xinglian: "System, how many diamonds can be exchanged for an NBA-priced arena in the mall?"

"Boss, the system doesn't have the ability to give you an arena with an NBA price. It's impossible to just hide it from the world."

Chen Xinglian said that he also saw NBA-level arenas on the mall a few days ago, why is this not for sale?

The system explained: "Host, what is displayed on the mall is the entire set of technologies involved in NBA-level arenas, packaged and sold to you."

Chen Xinglian immediately became interested, and quickly asked, "What technology do you have?"

"BOSS, there are arena construction, materials, environmental protection, lighting, electricity, referee system, VR, camera system..."

"Sounds good! How much is it?"

"1000000 Diamonds"

Chen Xinglian choked, "You can buy my life!"

"Boss, your life is not that valuable."

"You!" Chen Xinglian was choked by the system once and couldn't speak.He always suspected that the system was installed by that future fan,
Future fans said: not so idle ()

The system comforted: "Boss, although you may not be able to afford a complete set of technology, we can disassemble it and sell it."

This made Chen Xinglian let the system go.

As for the odds ratio, the system plans not to tell Chen Xinglian yet.


The stars of the Capital Ducks in this period are also famous, as long as they are fans of the China national team.

O'Neill's destruction and fetters - Bart

However, he has already entered the NBA this year, so the Capital Ducks only have Shan Tao inside.

As the main star of the Capital Ducks, he is the cornerstone of the team. After his departure, the team's record plummeted. It was not until his return in 05 that the team's record climbed up again.

Chen Xinglian did not interact with the players, but sat directly in the audience and waited for the start of the game.

In fact, the box office of the team has always been good. Chen Xinglian observed the arena and had an attendance rate of more than [-]%.

Manager Qi watched as Chen Xinglian was observing the Capital Ducks' home arena.

Laughing: "Mr. Chen, you work in the NBA. The arena in this NBA is much better than ours, right?"

Although it was nonsense, Chen Xinglian would not refute the other party's face.

"Working in the NBA for so many years, I have been to all the arenas.

Like the Lakers' Great Western Forum, the Bulls' United Center...

Either technologically advanced, or full of cultural heritage because of the existence of stars like Jordan. "

Chen Xinglian talked eloquently.

"However, Manager Qi, although the above-mentioned arenas are all good, it doesn't mean that we are inferior to others."

Manager Qi was a little surprised by Chen Xinglian's remarks. After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see the gap between the CBA and NBA arenas.

Chen Xinglian explained.

"There are many considerations for the quality of an arena, including the number of seats and the lighting atmosphere.

But in my opinion, the most important thing is not these superficial things.

but people! "

"When the people in this arena have the spirit of striving for improvement and making great strides forward without stopping, I think these superficial things in the arena will also improve."

After listening to Chen Xinglian's words in silence, Manager Qi knew that Chen Xinglian's words had a second meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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