Bao Bao Won’t Die Easily

Chapter 46 - Chiaki and I are drunk (4)


Before Mu Xingchan left home, he was quite a prodigy in Beijing.

General Mu Mu was born in the same army as Prince Jane. He was a horseman all his life. He and Huo Baoyi’s father were called “Xiliang Ironwall”. The general is an old child, and naturally loves this young son. Moreover, General Mu has another habit, that is, love to show pendulum. Before the age of ten, Mu Xingchan, who was a regiment, was often shown by the master to go home and run away, otherwise his reputation would not pass to the palace.

However, the young Mu Xingchan was also very furious. Since the beginning of enlightenment, all aspects of children of the same age have been opened up. Whether it is literacy, literacy or poetry, this child’s talent is revealed. As for the four books read by children of the same age, Mu Xingchan has never forgotten it.

The Mu family was full of old men, dancing with guns and sticks, but none of them read the book. Now a child prodigy even praised by the prince is exclaimed. Unfortunately, the prodigy gave birth to a developed brain, but did not inherit Mu Jianjun’s strong physique. Mu Xingchan has been sick since childhood, a serious illness at the age of ten, and even anxious Mrs Mu’s hair.

Baoyi didn’t expect that Master Mu hadn’t returned home for ten years, but it was because of the illness that he became a true monk. He didn’t know whether Mrs Mu knew about it.

The original owner used to be very repulsive to this marriage, but eventually he was forced to marry into the Mu family, and the original book, Mu Xingchan, did not become a monk … This plot was quite different from the beginning.

“Mu … Gongzi.” The queen mother-in-law specifically asked someone to take her and Mu Xingchan around the flowerbed, and made it clear that she wanted to be alone, but Baoyi didn’t know how to speak.

Seeing Baoyi’s confusion, the young monk thoughtfully and thoughtfully: “The girl can call me Xingchan.”


Mu Xing ’s meditation is modest and modest. He has a dusty temperament since he was a child. He is still Mu Jingyang’s appearance this time, and his facial features are too good, even if he is just wearing a monk robe It’s like coming out of a painting. The most rare thing is that he seems to be extremely transparent and always relieves Bao Yi’s embarrassment in a timely manner. After a short conversation, Bao Yi has been much more comfortable and gave birth to a more intimate feeling.

“Actually, Baoyi girl doesn’t have to be so restrained. Although I was young when I left Beijing, I have already remembered that we have seen it in the Queen Mother Palace.”

At that time, Baoyi was only eight years old. She was still an immature child. She had a red heart and was promised by her mother with a piece of hibiscus cake. At that time, he thought the little girl was cute. He heard his mother’s words as a joke, but he didn’t take them seriously. He thought in selfishness, if his mother would have such a sister in the future, that would be great.

I didn’t want to leave home afterwards, and it was such an awkward scene to meet again. He later also heard some rumors about the lord of the county. She boldly showed affection to the second prince of the pearl, and broke up with her sister for this, etc. He has heard it, but never took it to heart. After all, it’s just a woman who has nothing to do with him, and now I see it, I feel that the rumors are unbelievable.

The girl’s eyes were clear and clear, and she was a person with great understanding.

“Mu Xingchen, I have something to ask you.” Bao Yi looked up, her eyes did not blink, she seemed anxious, “Are you really a monk?”


Without hesitation, Bao Yi felt a little disappointed.


Mu Xingchan smiled: “Because it’s boring.”


Baoyi was ready to withstand the baptism of the Dharma, and she wanted to enumerate the beauty and beauty of the world one by one, but did not expect Mu Xingchan’s four or two pounds, and she was bored with nothing to say.

“I was very weak since I was a child. When I was ten years old, I had a serious illness. After life and death, it was always earlier than my peers. After I got sick, I traveled with the Master in the world, and I saw many sadness, joy, sorrow, and death. Growing tired of the world’s greed and love and hatred, this is the only way to realize. “

In other words, he didn’t enter the empty door just to heal the sick.

Baoyi shook her head: “Tired? Why?”

Mu Xingchan shook his head: “Things are endless. After reading too much, I feel boring. I do n’t understand myself in life. I study the Dharma and practice the mind of the Buddha. Instead, I think it is more meaningful and interesting than the world.”

Baoyi’s heart became quieter and quieter, and she felt more and more like a banshee who colluded with the sage.

“Then what about our marriage?” She asked.

The truth is true, but let’s take responsibility!

“I asked. The queen mother and Mrs. Mu are not joking. This marriage is indeed a matter. Now that you are a monk and you are clean, you have never thought about it. What should I do?”

Abandoned before the door, coupled with the movement of the original owner before, left and right reputation will not be better.

Unexpectedly, Mu Xingchan said frankly: “I thought about it, so I paid homage to another teacher and prepared to go home with you.”



Baoyi thought she heard it wrong.

“what did you say?”

Mu Xingchan smiled brightly: “Did you not find that I did not claim to be a poor monk? I did have been a Sami, but I was not formally ordained. Now that I have the dust, I am not suitable to stay in the temple again. There is spiritual practice everywhere, and I do n’t You don’t stick to the situation, let alone others be affected by your own selfishness. Yesterday, I already knew the original master, didn’t you come to me? Rest assured, I will go back with you. “

Bao Yi was almost blinded by that smile.

“You must not repent!”

“A monk doesn’t talk.”

“You are no longer a monk!”

“A gentleman must do what he says.” Mu Xingchan immediately changed his view. “It’s just that there are many things that I don’t understand in the beginning of the next year, and I hope that the girl will instigate more.”

“It’s good to say … haha, is this a matter of red dust, nothing more than eating, drinking, and unfortunately, I’m very good at it.” Baoyi’s eyes turned and she suddenly asked: “But do you know, you return When you get home, your mother will definitely urge us to get married. Do you really want to get married? Marriage is not just a matter of responsibility. If you don’t like me, I won’t be high— “

“Yue Baoyi girl under my heart.”

Bao Yi froze, looking at the tender boy, his heart beat.

“The girl may not believe it. She became a monk at the age of fifteen and always thought she was firmly committed to the world. She did not fear any temptations in the face of the world. I saw it yesterday, only to know that she was still far behind, and I could not blame Master for not accepting it. I am a disciple. “

“I didn’t have any thoughts in the past, just because those who can disturb my heart have not yet appeared.”

Baoyi held her back.

Mu Xingchan took a step forward, took Baoyi’s hand, and said solemnly: “I used to be confused, thinking that I really jumped out of love and lust, only to see the girl, those are self-deceiving. I think Fanchen is boring, but I haven’t met You, I’m indifferent, but because I do n’t know that there is a girl like you. Now I know that I have missed the girl for many years, and now I return to Hongchen, I do n’t know how the girl thinks. You and I are engaged in marriage, I am certain I will admit it. Take the liberty to ask, girl Baoyi, would you still marry me? “

Mu Xingchan’s eyes are clear, he is clearly speaking the most beautiful love words, but it seems that he is reading some Sanskrit Heart Sutras, and he is so devout that he can’t keep his eyes away.

Baoyi was already red-faced at this moment, but she didn’t know how to speak for a while.

She also thought of various schemes to hook up with this young monk, and even studied Buddhist scriptures all night, fearing that she could not find a common language. Even at the critical moments, the means of casting the evil spirits are ready, and I did not expect that the lover’s means are more neat than hers. It was only one night that he was “well-formed” and ready to go down with her.

What indifference means that when he sees her, he can’t get up? This monk! What exactly does the skin do? You said calmly with such a yellow storm, did your master know?

She just felt that it was so pure and beautiful, nothing different from those overbearing President Wuli in the book.

Mom, this monk is more nagging than me, what can I do?

When the two young people said goodbye to the queen mother, the expression of the queen mother was aggressive.

what’s the situation?

Yesterday, Baoyi was still trying to get in touch with the marriage contract. Why did the two walk around the garden in the afternoon, and now they have to stay overnight? So is the Mu family boy, didn’t he say that he wanted to go to the Buddha with all his heart, why did he have to return home to marry when he saw the feminine side?

The queen mother-in-law said that she did not understand you young people well.

“Hey, I don’t know who said to stay with my wife and stay with me, but I don’t want to stay any more for a while now.” Go back? Don’t you have a sweethearted, good-natured, not feminine, clean and self-loving sweetheart? Why, don’t you want him? “

“Big grandma!”

Bao Yi regretted it, she never knew that the man was Mu Xingchan.

Mu Xingchan’s exquisite thoughts have long guessed the mystery in their dialogue, and subconsciously combined the ten thoughts “Ami”, but felt that it was not right, and only arched: “The queen mother-in-law, in fact, confessed that these conditions can also be regarded as worthwhile, but it’s nothing Abstain from this rule, I am afraid that I will keep it in the future– “

“Just talk to you, Grandma didn’t ask you again!” Bao Yi stared.

What kind of virtue does she know?

The love of the third world, he is indeed not close to “female”. Even Mu Aoyang is definitely not a pure product at night! Beast! I can’t control his mouth in this life!

The queen mother-in-law has also seen that there is some misunderstanding between the pair. Now that both parties have friendship, it is also a good story. I just hope that the young people will live in harmony with the United States and the United States, and it will be a good deal to add the incense to the Mu family early The wish of Mrs. Mu.

“No more, go, the wife will not leave you.”

Think about these noisy children leaving, she is still a bit lonely.

“Big grandma,” Bao Yi said neatly, “in my opinion, go with us. With you in the palace, their Mu family dare not bully me.”

“Stupid boy, Mrs. Mu’s temperament is very good. As long as you don’t cause trouble, who will deliberately embarrass you.” The queen mother laughed. “But if you are married, I will definitely go back for a wedding.”

“It’s not early, let’s get off the road.” The queen mother touched Fu Baoyi’s hair, “Xingchan, my girl is a temperament, but her heart is not bad. If you have a trance in the future, you will let She, come and tell me, I’ll help you teach her. “

What is said here is that a caregiver is too short, which directly called Baoyi’s eyes sore.

“And your mother, who has worked hard for you. When you go back this time, you two must respect her.”

Mu Xingchan looked at the kind old man, and he also cleared his face, solemnly promised, “I respect the teachings of the Queen Mother.”

Out of Ciyue, Baoyi sighed.

After seeing the queen mother on this trip, she finally understood why in the original book, the master Yi Jun was so infatuated with Zhao Ting, but in the end she agreed to the Mu family’s marriage. Because this is the marriage designated by the queen mother, in her life, the queen mother is really her closest and elder elder. No matter how willful she is, she can’t rebel against this old man who is dedicated to her.

“Mu Xingchan, wait for the queen mother to return to the palace, we will leave her old man, so she wo n’t let her go back here to endure hardships, okay? We give her old man a good old age.”

Mu Xingchan carefully pierced the branches of the path for her, gently and authentically: “Zi Feiyu, knowing the joy of fish? Since the queen mother chooses to live here quietly, she doesn’t feel bitter here. We still have to respect her meaning . “

Baoyi glared at him: “Why did I forget that you are also a monk, and I said that you do n’t want to listen to your spiritual practice. I am a secular little girl, but I do n’t have you.”

Mu Xingchan smiled: “Everyone listens to you.”

The first lesson of the philosophy of joining the WTO, the daughter-in-law is always right, no doubt.

Bao Yi looked at Mu Xingchan for a while, and suddenly said, “Hey, how much has your memory recovered?”

“What memory?”

“Pretend, continue pretending.” Bao Yi didn’t believe it. If there was no memory, he would follow her when he met.

Mu Xingchan disagreed, but don’t take a deep look at her: “I never lost memory, how can I recover?”

After that, he walked quickly.

Bao Yi was stunned, remembering the performances of acquaintance Mu Xingchan, and thought of how to seduce the monk with anxiety, and flung the playful flowers in his hand to him: “You!”

Well you Mu Xingchan, she played with her from the beginning!

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