Ballon d’or or die [Slice of Life, sports litrpg]

Chapter 17 – Gainford vs Rangers (3)

Wanting to celebrate with the entire team on this occasion, I scampered towards them while performing a couple of uppercuts on the way. Leaping onto the back of an unsuspecting Charlie, who stood rooted to the ground, I basked in the pure bliss of scoring. Enveloped by the din of my euphoric teammates, I chuckled upon overhearing Charlie’s mutter, “He weighs and feels the same, definitely not an imposter”


Donning the crassest tone I could muster, I whispered, “I can manipulate my weight to match my victim’s, boy” supplementing it with my finest villain laugh, “Mwahahahaha” puzzling the others and receiving a snicker from Charlie.





The whistle concluded the superb first half for us, with Rick getting on the scoresheet moments before, after heading my cross into the goal, aggregating the scoreline to 3-0. Regrettably, my tally remained halted, unable to attain a hat trick as our foes, wary of my clinical finishing, would body me off the ball whenever I approached near the goal.


To add insult to injury, the referee judged physical contact leniently, ignoring the numerous appeals from James, seemingly letting them fall on deaf ears. Choosing to take my mind off of his infuriating decisions, I chomped on a banana supplied by Jack while hydrating myself.


My momentary peace was shattered by a pair of hands abruptly jerking me into the air, followed by a thrilled voice exclaiming, “That was phenomenal! The power and accuracy of the first shot! And the magnificent form during the second one! When did you learn those? It was so seamless, like it was just another move in your arsenal!”


Temporarily stunned by Coach Robert’s rapid-fire questions, it took a moment for me to recognize the absence of solid earth beneath my dangling feet. Horrified by the sensation, I urgently flailed my fists, making him withdraw his arms, unceremoniously dropping me in the process. Fortunately landing upright, I whirled around while mentally throwing obscenities at him.  


Facing a veritably delighted Robert eagerly waiting with twinkling eyes not unlike Milo, a golden retriever I knew, I attempted to pacify him, “I just had an epiphany a few days ago, resulting in a slight increase in my skills.” One look at his reaction, bulging eyes accompanied by an agape mouth comparable to a fish, informed me of the success of my attempt, causing me to swiftly retreat. 


Cursing at my asinine explanation in hindsight, I made a mental note to fabricate a better tale as I fled towards James, who was waiting to address the team. With everyone gathered, he kicked things off by commending our play, “That was spectacular, boys! Good job stabilizing the defense that fast, I was expecting you to take more time, honestly. And Nick, that was some clinical finishing! 2 goals from 3 shots is unheard of!” he gushed, before lauding and encouraging each member.


Pleased with the enormous grins facing him, he shifted gears, switching to the instructions for the next phase, “Now that we’re ahead, we are going to lock it in by returning to our tried and tested four-back defense and parking the bus. Ross and Tony will replace Alex and Barry, playing as the defensive midfielders in a (4)-(2)-(3)-(1). Our massive lead will make them try everything to score, so just stay calm and defend. Show them that you’re the reason for our current position at the top!” he finished, screaming passionately.


Turning to me, he carried on, “Nick, I was impressed with your ability to link up. I’ll be trusting you to play as the central attacking midfielder. You can do it, right?”, seeking my confirmation. Adopting a confident demeanor, I hollered back, “Yes!”, earning a satisfied nod.


Choosing to elaborate, he continued, “Max and Arthur, you will be responsible for participating in the defense as Nick will solely focus on attacking. Nick, you are hungry for more right?” he questioned with a smirk, referring to a possible hat trick, to which I responded with a vigorous nod. 


“Good. Everyone, half of the game remains! Go play your hearts out! And come back victorious”





Scrutinizing the altered placement of the Rangers FC players, I unraveled their new formation - a classic (4)-(4)-(2), perhaps chosen in hopes of targeting our flanks, which were swiftly dashed upon inspecting our arrangement, causing whatever remained of their courage to vanish. 


I briefly turned to their coach and stifled a laugh when I witnessed his fuming face, red as a tomato, while glaring at Coach James, no doubt furious at being one-upped. ‘Well, it makes sense that Coach James became the youth coach at Bristol City, he was quite talented even now’ I recalled, impressed at his flexibility and judgment.


Shifting my attention back to the contest, I continued monitoring their movements, discovering that most exhibited telltale signs of giving up - sluggish body language and dismayed expressions - with only a couple displaying determination. Reasoning that an additional goal would be sufficient to utterly destroy their spirit, only fanned the flames of hunger as I actively hunted for an opportunity. 


A chance to score presented itself soon after, when a cross from Gary intended for Rick strayed towards me. My marker who appeared to have already conceded defeat, didn’t even attempt to prevent my jump, probably owing to my shorter-than-average height.


Studying the ball's trajectory intently during my ascent, I deduced, to my annoyance, that it would arrive close to my midriff, too high for a volley but too low for a header. Instinctively leaning forward to orient my body better, I met the ball while descending head-first towards the goal prompting me to crane my neck to make contact with it.


The keeper, blinded due to the crowded box, barely spotted me flying over the goal line, failing to prevent the ball from inching along into the net. Stunned, I lay sprawled on the turf before feeling an intense heat emanating from my chest as realization set in - I had scored my first hat trick! I sprung off the ground, the heat now overpowering, akin to a furnace, as I raced to my parents, leaping into my Pa’s embrace while screaming to let it escape.




I screamed. I screamed so loud that every other sound faded away. I screamed away the years of built-up frustration, loss and agony. I screamed away my fears, old and new. I screamed until my throat couldn't anymore, until I'd obliterated my regrets, and until I had fully accepted my new reality.


There, perched in my father’s grasp and encircled by my mother and teammates, I forged my aspirations into a singular target - to surpass the limits of my potential and become the best football player I can be.


// Author's Notes:


  Max   Nick   Arthur  
    Tony   Ross    
Gary   Oscar   Harry   Ethan


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