Babylonian Empire

Page 27

Looking vigilantly, there was no other team moving around except himself. Zhang Feng carefully stepped down the knee-deep rut. Underneath, a layer of reed bundles was spread. After being washed in the middle of the road, we still saw the traces of the unique track pressure, the branches were broken, and mixed with the soil, which effectively increased the passing capacity of the vehicle.

It turns out that the Persians are not stupid, they actually came up with such a way!Zhang Feng admired them a little.In places that cannot pass, some dry reeds can be used as a base to increase the passing capacity. This is still used in some rural areas of China until now. It is simple but practical.

Since there are the opponent's ruts here, as long as you follow the ruts, you will be able to follow the vines and find the hidden tank troops of the Persians.

More importantly, after finding these ruts, my own judgments were finally confirmed. The Iranians really wanted to pass through here and stab the Iraqi army in the rear.

The purpose of my visit this time has finally been achieved, God bless.

"Quickly, along this road, we can find the armored group that attacked the Iranians." Zhang Feng said.

The rest of the special forces also understood all this, and couldn't help admiring the man who led them. It was amazing, and they found traces of the Iranians.

The exhaustion of the past few days was swept away, and they were all full of energy. They followed Zhang Feng and walked along the rut.

In some places, the traces were washed away by the heavy rain, but those bundles of reeds mercilessly exposed the correct direction. It is estimated that when Rajavi used these bundles of reeds, he never dreamed that it was these The bales of reeds that assisted the passage of their own armored forces completely ruined their dreams of attacking:.

Zhang Feng didn't know, as they took the wrong path, they inadvertently crossed the base that was already very close to the other party, and came to the east of the swamp that was almost out of the border. In the process of returning west, there must be a swamp between east and west , just enough to intersect with the opponent's traveling line.

"What? Qusay is missing? How did you become the brigade commander?" In Basra, Izzat was furious when he heard the news from the phone.

Idiots, what a bunch of idiots, I shouldn't have allowed Qu Sai to join the army in the first place, this Qu Sai seems to have changed a lot recently, he is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

Muhammad was full of bitterness, but he didn't dare to speak out. Which of these people would he dare to offend?

Your Excellency Qusay, that is the son of President Saddam Hussein, what did he say, dare to say no?What's more, if in that damned swamp, if the Iranians really prepared to attack and bear the brunt, even if they escaped from the battlefield by chance, they would not be able to escape the court-martial. Who would care about you at that time? Resting?

Searching the swamp was a must. The only thing I did wrong was that I shouldn't have allowed His Excellency Qusay to take his so-called Rattlesnake Special Forces to investigate the swamp in person. However, in my own capacity, would I dare to refuse?

A heavy rain from the sky completely plunged Muhammad into a trough. Early the next morning, he sent a large number of troops into the swamp to search, and lost a few armored vehicles, but found nothing. He didn't dare to delay any longer and reported directly to the military region .

"Your Excellency Qusay went to the swamp to investigate. There may be an Iranian armored attack group there. Unexpectedly, there was heavy rain last night, and the swamp was difficult to pass through, so..." Mohammed said.

"The task of your team is to rest and recuperate. At the same time, take care of the safety of Your Excellency Qusay. There is also a heavy rain in that damned swamp. Can you contact me by radio?" Izzat asked.

"We were able to get in touch last night, but then we lost contact. Maybe their armored vehicle broke down," Mohammed said.

"You idiot, just roll up your bed and get out!" Izzat put down the phone angrily, God bless, but please don't let anything happen to Qusay, when the time comes, I won't be able to explain to the president up.

"Notify immediately, take off a squadron of helicopters, enter the Susangilde swamp to investigate, and make sure to find His Excellency Qusay and his team." Izzat and the staff said.

After finishing speaking, he sat on the chair a little tiredly and fell into deep thought. The biggest impression he gave himself when he saw Qusay this time was that Qusay's eyes had changed. Before, they were gloomy and silent, but now , but became a bit cold-blooded and wise, it is simply a collection of contradictions.

He was lost in the swamp, so he had to send a plane to search for him. This seemed to be his strategy. The purpose was to let him send a plane to search that area. Could it be that there was really something hidden in it? What?

Impossible, the Iranian Chieftain tank will never pass there, this is simply nonsense, Izzat put aside these thoughts.

Abadan has been under siege for a year, so let's think about how to take Abadan down. Recently, for some reason, the opponent's resistance seems to have weakened. I can just deploy more troops and capture Abadan as soon as possible. It is not the arrival of Qusay, it is also a good choice to transfer the 35th brigade.

The huge five-bladed propeller has already started to rotate. Inside the huge fuselage, two search and rescue personnel are already sitting in chairs. In the two bubble-like cockpits in front, the two pilots are ready for everything before flying.

The side of this Mi-24 armed helicopter was painted to look like a falcon circling the sky. They are the famous Falcon Squadron, and they carried out the mission of searching for His Excellency Qusay just arrived from the military region.

Although it is a search mission, because it is still during the war, other dangers may be encountered at any time. Under the short wings of the Mi-24, two uv-32-57 rocket launchers and two at-2" "Fly Swatter" anti-tank missile, and the 12.7mm four-barreled "Catlin" machine gun installed under the nose that can change the pitch angle and azimuth angle in a wide range.

On the battlefield, the Mi-24 is simply invincible to the enemy's army.

The main task of the Mi-24 is to open up the forward passage for the tank troops of one's own side, remove the anti-aircraft firepower and various obstacles, and suppress the enemy's vanguard troops in the airborne zone.

Hariri and Jaber are the lead planes of the squadron.Hariri was the pilot and Jaber was the weapons operator.

Helicopters are very complicated to fly, and the control components mainly include the total moment, rudder and joystick. Speaking of the principle, it is also very simple.

Helicopters can fly because of the lift generated by the large disc on the top of the head, that is, the rotor, while the tail rotor mainly controls the helicopter not to spin in the air, and completes the anti-twist effect by providing lateral thrust:.If you want to fly forward, the propeller on the top of the head is not parallel to the fuselage, but tilts forward to provide side and rear thrust to drive the helicopter forward.

Correspondingly, the collective pitch change lever is to change the lift force by changing the blade angle of the rotor to achieve vertical lift, that is, to increase the power of the rotor, similar to stepping on the accelerator when driving. To control the tilt of the rotor to achieve horizontal movement, that is, to push the joystick forward, the helicopter will lower its head and fly forward.The pedals change the blade angle of the tail rotor through the star-shaped piece, and change the thrust to realize turning.Push the left rudder, and the helicopter will turn left, and push the right rudder, and it will turn right. Through combined control, various flight actions of the helicopter can be realized.This is just the simplest tutorial. Flying is a serious business and requires rigorous training.

The two high-power turboshaft engines above the head started to start, and the two engines were linked. One of them was destroyed, and the other could still maintain a certain amount of power, allowing the helicopter to escape from danger.

Hariri carefully checked all the instruments and found that everything was normal. With his left hand, he gently pulled the torque, and the huge Mi-24 rose up into the air.

After the next three planes also took off, they formed a diamond formation and headed towards the Susangilde Swamp to perform search and rescue missions.

ps: Thank you for the cover made by the starting point cover team, and thank you readers for your unremitting support, especially Facis’ great support, which moved me very much. Next week will be classified and pushed, so next week I must spare time to write more , at least twice a day.We will repay the great love of readers with wonderful content.

Chapter 30 The duel between the doe and the cobra ([-])

Chapter 30 The duel between the doe and the cobra ([-])——

"Falcon formation, falcon formation, please pay attention to search, you have arrived near Susangilde." The voice of the tower came from the radio.

"Yes, we will disperse the formation and conduct a low-altitude search." Hariri replied after hearing the voice in the earphone.

"Falcon Squadron, I'm No. 01. According to the prior arrangement, we line up line by line, lower the altitude, and prepare to conduct a search." Hariri shouted on the radio with the other three helicopters.

"Received on the 02nd."

"Received on the 03nd."

"Received on the 04nd."

Shahid, the pilot of Helicopter No. 04 in the back, is a young man in his early twenties. He graduated from aviation school and was directly assigned to the front-line combat troops. Also lazy.

Four helicopters, separated by five kilometers, flew forward side by side.

The two pilots and the two search and rescue personnel behind were constantly searching the five-kilometer-wide search surface. The helicopter flew very low, and the ground was swept up by the helicopter's rotors.

The helicopter formation didn't know that the danger was getting closer and closer to them.

Binggui is quick. After experiments, it has been confirmed that dropping cement in the air can not increase the strength of the swamp to be as strong as a highway, but it can greatly reduce the muddyness of the swamp. When the cement condenses, it needs to absorb a lot of water. , so that the ground becomes dry enough for the Chieftain to pass.

Abel, who was still in Ahvaz, immediately made a decision: Then do it:!

Almost all the CH-47 helicopters were dispatched to the artificial road construction project. They carried bulk cement from a cement factory in Ahvaz to the front where the armored division was trapped, lowered their altitude, and dropped it in the air.

The weather was fine and there was no wind. This operation, which was enough to be recorded in the annals of history, was carried out very successfully. In just half a day, a passage tens of kilometers long was forced to be created.

After waiting two hours for the cement to solidify, the armored division can be dispatched.

The investigation from the front revealed that so far, the Iraqi Southern Military Region has not discovered its own actions. The armored division headed straight in. Before sunset, an Iraqi armored brigade blocking the front could be defeated. Zigan, Hamid, straight into each other's back, severely taught the hateful aggressor. "novel"

When the opponent mobilizes troops from the front line to stop him, the dozen or so divisions already prepared will launch a counterattack on the front line of Abadan.

This place has never been valued by Iraq. This swamp is a natural barrier for the Iraqis. The armored soldiers of the 35th Brigade are lying on the bed and sleeping!

Imagining that those vulnerable T-62s could be defeated immediately, Rajawi couldn't hold back his excitement. Seeing that the cement had solidified, he couldn't wait to order the armored division to advance in battle order.

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