Babylonian Empire

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Chapter 2 A dream for 30 years

It was such a comfortable sleep!Zhang Feng was still reminiscing about the leisurely time lying on the bed, and slowly opened his hazy sleepy eyes.

As a post-90s post-90s, graduated from a military academy, and entered the special operations force, although the daily training is miserable, and the occasional task will make people bear heavy psychological pressure, but once free However, Zhang Feng still likes to play games all night and then sleep all day.

A few days ago, a military operation was carried out on the Vietnamese border, and a few Chinese citizens who went to Vietnam to gamble, owed a lot of debt, and were detained by the locals were rescued.Of course, what Shangfeng said was that he was a Chinese citizen. As for who he was, Zhang Feng didn't know and didn't want to know.An ordinary citizen, as for dispatching special forces to rescue him?Zhang Feng didn't bother to think about this kind of thing. The soldier took obeying orders as his bounden duty. The only thing that made Zhang Feng feel puzzled was that if he wanted to gamble and go to Macau, why would he go all the way to Vietnam?

After completing the task, there will be a few days of relaxation time. Zhang Feng used these few days to revisit several classic games. He doesn't like boring online games. He only likes various war games. Last night The latest is a classic Iraq war game: Desert Storm 2 returns to Baghdad.

Still reminiscing about the dream just now, which was somewhat similar to the game, the scene in front of Zhang Feng gradually became clear.

Damn, why have the surroundings changed?

Obviously I slept in the dormitory last night, the dormitory of the special forces with two people sharing a room, the comrades in arms had already gone to meet their girlfriends, and there was a computer on the table in the middle.However, the bed and computer are gone now, and there is a writing desk in front of it, but its shape is a bit strange, and there is still a faint painting hanging on the wall, which can't be seen clearly due to sleepy eyes.

Are you dreaming?

Zhang Feng touched it with his hand, and it wasn't a hard bed board underneath, but a soft and comfortable mattress!

I squeezed my thigh hard, it hurts, it's not a dream!At the same time, Zhang Feng was completely awake, leaving him dumbfounded.

The painting on the wall is a person with a mustache, wearing a military uniform and a beret. It looks familiar.

This is where?Zhang Feng was confused, he got up from the bed and walked to the window.

It was obvious that this was a villa. My location was on the second floor, with several large pillars on both sides. On the open space under the building, there was actually a huge swimming pool!It's just that the sun is shining hotly on the ground at this moment, and the water in the swimming pool is constantly shining.

Looking into the distance, Zhang Feng was even more surprised that there were many soldiers guarding outside the villa. They were holding guns and looking around vigilantly.

It doesn't matter where he lives, let's go for a swim first, this kind of villa is a mansion, and his salary, even with the glorious pension, can't afford it.

Zhang Feng opened the door and prepared to go down.

As soon as he opened the door, Zhang Feng was stunned again. There was a person standing outside the door. His whole body was wrapped in a white robe, and even his head was circled. Who is this person?

"Second young master, are you awake?" the other party said in a strange language.

Although Zhang Feng didn't know what language it was, he seemed to understand it completely, and the dialogue immediately popped out of his mouth: "Yes, I want to go swimming."

Second young master?I am the only seedling in my family. I applied to the military academy at the beginning, but received great resistance. How can I become the second young master now?

Suddenly, Zhang Feng's face turned pale and his hands and feet were cold. He finally remembered that the person he saw in the painting just now was Saddam Hussein who was hanged a few years ago?

Why is there a portrait of him in his room?How could I become the Second Young Master?Who are you?

When I woke up, I felt that everything was messed up.

"Who are you?" Zhang Feng asked.

The man's face flickered for a moment. The person in front of him usually had gloomy eyes and never said anything. Why did he take the initiative to ask who he was today?I am Gasal who has always been by his side and is responsible for taking care of his daily life!

"Second young master, I'm Gasal!" the man said.

"Then who am I? What is this place?"

The man opened his eyes wide and said, "Second Young Master, you are Qusay Abdullah Ibn Saddam Hussein, and this is the president's private villa in the southern suburbs of Baghdad."

It's over, it's over, why did I come here and become a Qusay!

Zhang Feng felt completely desperate. Could it be that there was something wrong with the game he was playing?Why did I suddenly come to Baghdad and become Saddam's second son, Qusay?

For Iraq, for Saddam's family, Zhang Feng felt a vague sympathy. Their misfortune was because of the oil under their feet. Moreover, Saddam was still a powerful figure with a dream of unifying the Middle East. It is destined to just become the avatar on the playing cards.

In this world, there is no justice or evil, only the strong and the weak, and the victims are always all kinds of civilians. In Zhang Feng's era, Iraqi civilians lived in dire straits, and they had no future.

And Qusay eventually ended up being shot and killed by the U.S. military.

I don't want to be a Qusay!God, don't play with me like this, okay?Let me become Bill Gates, become Bush Sr., and finally, I have to become the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, what the hell.

Zhang Feng's heart is full of uneasiness about the future, death is not terrible, what is terrible is knowing that he must die.

But why do I have to die?Must die under the guns of the US military?Zhang Feng thought about it, the real Qusay no longer exists, and he replaced Qusay and came here. Then, will history develop along the original track?

Now that it has come, history must be changed, and the original process cannot be repeated.Iraq's transition from prosperity to decline began with the Iran-Iraq War. The Iran-Iraq War completely stagnated Iraq's economy. The eight-year war made Iraq dissatisfied with the trauma of the war.And Saddam, that is, his father, went to rob Kuwait again, which angered the United States. From then on, Iraq began to lose its country and family.

If you want to rewrite history, you have to find a way to stop the Iran-Iraq War and prevent the tragedy from happening again. Zhang Feng asked cautiously, "What time is it now?"

Seeing such a quiet and peaceful scene outside, Zhang Feng had a little fantasy, perhaps, Saddam has just come to power now, right?

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon," Gasal said.

"I'm asking what year is AD today, bastard!" Zhang Feng blurted out, unknowingly, his temper was so violent, could this be the same for Qu Sai?

"Yes, today is June [-], [-]." Gasal said hastily. Could it be that the second young master took a nap and forgot everything?Moreover, if his temper becomes so bad, he won't become the same as the young master, right?Thinking of that young master's habit of torturing people at every turn, Gasal became a little scared, and his words trembled a little.

[-]?late!A year ago, the Iran-Iraq war broke out, Zhang Feng thought helplessly, but even if it was a year earlier, with his current status, it would definitely not affect Saddam's father's decision-making. sky high.

However, it is still the stage when Iraq is attacking and Iran is defending. The situation is more optimistic for Iraq. As long as I can get my father's approval within a few months, and let him end the war under favorable circumstances, I should be able to Avoid the harrowing experience of the Eight Years War.

Before he knew it, Zhang Feng had begun to adapt to this identity.As a post-[-]s generation, Zhang Feng is a born optimist. Now that he has come here, he will take it easy. At least in the past few years, no one has dared to bully him in the whole of Iraq.

It is also a good choice to enjoy the exotic style of the Arabian beauties. There is such a big villa for yourself to live in. If you don’t hurry up and enjoy it, you will be too sorry for your time travel!

Without knowing why, Zhang Yang stripped himself down to a pair of underwear and rushed to the swimming pool.

Gasal stared at Qu Sai dumbfounded, why is the second young master so abnormal today?Suddenly, he remembered something, and hurried forward to catch up with Qusay.

"Second Young Master, you can't go down now, the temperature of the swimming pool is too high!"

It's July now, and it's three o'clock in the afternoon. Under the strong rays of the sun, the water temperature in the swimming pool is at least fifty or sixty degrees.

Zhang Feng retracted his feet abruptly, so dangerous!On the first day of my arrival, I was scalded to death in the swimming pool. When I arrived in the underworld, I would have to be an unjust ghost!

Lying on the balcony on the second floor of the villa, looking at the white clouds in the sky, with Gasal fanning non-stop beside him, Zhang Feng enjoyed the life of the second young master.

Iraq, the second year after the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War, Zhang Yang is recalling everything in this era. As a time traveler, knowledge is a great fortune.

The territorial dispute between Iraq and Iran has a history of more than [-] years, especially the Shatt al-Arab River in the northwest of the Persian Gulf, which is an important oil export channel for the two countries and is of great value to both countries.

Although both countries believe in Islam, 90.00% of the residents of Iran believe in Shia Islam, while 60.00% of the residents of Iraq also believe in Shia Islam, but the Sunnis are in power in Iraq.

Two years ago, the pro-American Pahlavi Dynasty in Iran was overthrown, and Khomeini came to power. The relationship with the United States was very tense, and there was also a US-Iran hostage incident.Khomeini and Saddam also had personal grievances. Due to various factors, the war broke out.

At the beginning of the war, it was the stage when Iraq attacked Iran with all its strength.

Now is [-], which is the era when Saddam's father was full of vigorous energy. At this moment, he is full of confidence.

The surrounding countries, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Libya, all support Iraq because everyone is Arab, but Iran is Persian. In history, there have been countless wars between Arabs and Persians.

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