AZI: Burial of a Selfish Lunatic

Chapter 112: AZI Volume 3 Chapter 20

"Yu Ji, I'll gift this to you."

Saying this, Chen Lan hands her a tube-shaped object, causing Yu Ji to tilt her head, while thinking—

(A needleless syringe?)

Inside the display window of the needleless syringe is clear blue liquid.


Watching the situation from behind the cover of a building—


Qing Yue mutters the keyword to ask for reinforcements.

In response to this—

"I guess we got our distributor."

Ye Chen is quick to fire up the truck's engine, and head over.

In the same instance, Li Xue sends Long Hua a text message.



Sensing his phone giving off a vibration, Long Hua wordlessly takes it out of his pocket, and sees Li Xue's message, to which, Li Zi Xiang asks—

"Is something the matter?"

Actively using his divine senses, Long Hua is somewhat surprised to see that there are actually numerous individuals nearby.

(Bingo, I guess? I've found the people we're looking for, but their numbers are a bit too much to handle through ordinary means… Ai, why does our office always seem to get the short end of the stick?)

Thinking of this with the Tranquil Heart Incantation active, there is not a hint of panic on Long Hua's face, as he answers—

"Nothing. If I find the time, I'll drop by."

Saying this, Long Hua shoves both the business card, and his phone back into his pocket.

"How about… Right now?"

The moment Li Zi Xiang asks this, numerous individuals emerge from the corners, and alleyways of the nearby buildings.

All these individuals, irrespective of their gender and age—wore a full-faced mask of some kind, with the hood of their jacket pulled up, to cover their heads.

Thoroughly surrounded, Long Hua narrows his eyes, and remarks—

"Hmm, I guess the cat's out of the bag then?"

Taking out his phone again, Long Hua speaks directly into it—

"Hey, captain, I think… We ended up biting off more than we could chew."


"…What a coincidence, second lieutenant, I'm thinking the same."

On the other side of the phone, Ye Chen and Li Xue are experiencing a roadblock—made up of individuals dressed in the same manner.


Raising a sigh, Ye Chen takes his hands off the steering wheel, and gets out of the truck with Li Xue.


At the same time—


Just as Yu Ji is about to ask Chen Lan something—

"Found a rat nearby."

A rough voice speaks, and detecting the sound of numerous footsteps, Yu Ji turns her head to the side—to see Qing Yue with an irritated look on her face.

Standing behind Qing Yue was a large group of individuals dressed in masks and jackets.

"Chen Lan."

Raising the needleless syringe, Yu Ji asks—

"I'm assuming this is Carp?"

Scratching his cheek awkwardly, Chen Lan nods, and replies—

"Yu Ji, mixing truths into one's lie can make the lie itself better. This, you did well on."

"Thanks, I guess?"

"Hopefully, your little sister will be able to move again like a normal person."


Observing the two's exchange, and taking a glance behind her, Qing Yue can't help but feel a bit uneasy, as she thought—

(The fact that they managed to get this many people into their group… Just what the hell is the military doing?)

As a bead of cold sweat rolls down her face, Yu Ji asks—

"You mind me asking—what it is that you and your group are after?"

Contemplating for a bit, Chen Lan answers—

"You see Yu Ji, from where I come from, Sinners are treated very differently. We're actually respected for our strength, not suppressed because of it."

"And where is this place that you came from?"

"That isn't something that I can answer. Goal wise, let's just say, we want to overthrow the current system, and make it so that the ordinary is put in their place?"


Unsurprised by this, Yu Ji merely blinks her eyes, and asks—

"And what about the Immortals?"

"Do you think with the way the world is divided up—humanity stands a chance against them? Hey, Yu Ji, have you ever seen an Immortal up close? They're monsters that the ordinary person cannot possibly hope to contend against. They're natural disasters incarnated."


Hearing Chen Lan's words, Qing Yue had to agree with him—for she had seen Long Hua's abilities up close.


Seeing the light in Chen Lan's eyes, Yu Ji knows that there is no talking the former out of whatever ambition he possesses—for this person is thoroughly set on it.

Heaving a sigh, Yu Ji asks—

"…So, what happens to me and my squad-mate now?"

Towards this question, Chen Lan snaps his fingers.

Momentarily, Yu Ji's vision darkens.



Closing the call, Long Hua looks around his Sinner-filled surroundings.

If he wanted to, he could easily kill most of them off with ease, but he still has an identity to maintain during the daytime.

Raising a frown, Long Hua asks—

"So, you're inviting me over with this many people? I thought it was going to be more of a one-on-one experience. Can't say I'm into orgies."

"That's some thick skin you've got…"

Towards how casual Long Hua is acting in the face of this many enemies, Li Zi Xiang frowns.


One of the masked individuals walks over to Li Zi Xiang, and whispers something into her ears.

"I got it."

Returning her attention to Long Hua, Li Zi Xiang says—

"I just received word—that two of your squad-mates have been captured."

Towards this news, Long Hua folds his arms in front of his chest, and asks—

"I see, how unfortunate for them. And? What does that have to do with me?"

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