Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 83

Chapter 8 .The Ride of the Apocalypse

Before the endless years, on a planet in the depths of the universe, the ancestors of Nathrezim, that is, the ancestors of Desailoc, the original Nathrezim cast two weapons, one of them manipulated death , Spread the fear.

The arrogant Nathrezim has the power to manipulate the mind. They act recklessly in the void until one day, they lure an extremely powerful creature into the darkness. It is Sargeras, the bronze Titan, this fallen one. As soon as the Titan entered the darkness, he destroyed the ancestors of Nathrezim and turned them into his own subordinates.

Those two magic swords were also reduced to Sargeras’ collections, and finally became carriers of conspiracy. After tens of thousands of years, a sword fell into the hands of the sad prince Alsace who wanted to save the country and became With the authority to dominate the natural disasters of the undead, it is Frostmourne.

Another sword, that unruly and never possessing master’s sword, Apocalypse, fell into the hands of a dying paladin by chance, and the Apocalypse is like the past tens of thousands of years. As he did, he wanted to devour this sad soul, but Demon Sword found that he couldn’t shake the will of this creature, even a little bit.

So Apocalypse also has a master, although this may be just a part of the journey of this magic sword, but at this time, facing the ancestor blade of Nathrezim, and the death knight holding the sword, Desailuoke, this powerful The dreadlord actually felt a tremor from his soul.

He is scared!

Yes, the dreadlord is actually in fear. The devil cannot be killed outside of the void. He should not be afraid, but Desailoc knows that if he is really killed by this magic sword, he might even have the chance to be reborn. There won’t be.

That is apocalypse! The magic sword that never obeys, devouring souls is only its hobby, although it does not need those souls, its existence is to spread fear to every corner of the universe.

In the dark dense forest, no one spoke, but the atmosphere was frozen to the extreme.

Desailoc stretched out his bone claws, Nathrezim’s talented fear halo was fully opened, he entered a state of combat, he looked at the death knight vigilantly, he knew that if he was not serious, he might never have a chance. Seriously.

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The moment Desailoc was caught by the Grip of Death, he closed his eyes, and Gasris, who was preparing to meet death, was stunned, but then he smiled indifferently.

Losing the command of Desailuoke, the surrounding undead squeezed towards the encirclement. The soldiers on the front yelled at their marshal who wanted to rescue them, but they couldn’t stop the undead’s attack, and the rescue became a joke.

Gasris was lying on the ground. The blow of Desailuoke almost interrupted his spine. He could not move at all, lying humble in the blood, like an old dog with his spine broken, desperately He wanted to struggle, he wanted to fight back, but he didn’t even have the power to hold his weapon.

It seemed that even the sun did not want to see this miserable scene, and did not want to see the sorrow of the hero’s twilight, the sun dimmed, and the whole sky was gloomy.

The generals had imagined many ways of death, but he really hadn’t thought that he would die under the siege of a group of walking corpses.

But since death is inevitable, let it make more sense.

Gasiris closed his eyes, and his heart became calm. In the flashback before his death, he thought of the small town on the banks of Blackwood Lake, the intersection of Corin, that was the place where he was born. I really want to… I really want to smell the Qingzhu by the Blackwood Lake again, and I really want to see those childhood friends again.


Gasiris could feel that the walking corpses were scratching his body, he could feel the blood flowing out of his body, but he no longer felt pain, he could even see the shadow of death appearing in front of his eyes, that It is a fragment of a lifetime, quickly dissipating in front of my eyes.

This is the feeling of death.

“Fourth Legion…Deadly fight, never retreat!”

This is Gaseris’s last command and his promise to the young man. He must make this promise not only to preserve his faith, but to see that after his death, the young man, Will he become the second protector of this land?

“Strongholme battle group! Charge! Charge!”

The vague horn sound, the vague shouting and killing, and the vibration of the war horse trampling the ground, so slight, but like a heavy hammer, hit his heart, making Gasheris’ dim state of mind excited again.

Tears blurred his eyes. At this moment when life was about to end, it was not because of pain, not because of timidity, but because of a successful victory. Before death came, he finally found his successor.

That fool who loves this land as much as he does.

Here comes Dick…He comes with his promise!

Great, I finally…finally can leave without worry.

Lordaeron, here I am!

“Fourth Legion…Charge!”

Two minutes ago, on the shore between Sebochel and Fenris Island, fifteen huge blue portals lined up, as if the sun was ripped apart by the haze. It doesn’t count as if it appeared here. In the wide area, heavily armed paladins, riding war horses, carrying shields and weapons, walked out of the portal.

Herod, Dalyan, Redpath, Davy and even Miss Abidis, Colfax, this time, Stratholme is not acting alone, there is also the Light’s Hope Chapel. They were also assigned to Dick’s command.

With fifteen giant portals, 15 Paladins can walk out every second. Two minutes later, the 2000 Paladins as the pioneers filled the river bank. They rode on horses without a word. Knowing what is about to be faced, when stepping into this battlefield, everyone is also prepared.

Except for the occasional neigh of war horses, the entire river beach was silent.

Dick was wearing silver armor with the iconic fire of justice behind his back, but he still carried a Crusader warhammer in his hand, which looked a bit nondescript, but no one would dispute this.

Dick left the helmet on top of his head. He swept across the dense crowd. There were humans, elves, and dwarves, but now they have a common name, the Silver Hand. Today, they will show it again. Own determination.

“Brothers, knights, warriors!”

“You already know what we are about to face!”

“The Fourth Army persisted on the front for 2 full days, just to wait for our support”

“Now, here we are!”

“I won’t say more useless nonsense,”

“Raise your weapons and sharpen your teeth.”

“Tell Alsace and his **** army by action,”

“we are coming!”

“Tell us the brothers who are still sticking to it with action,”

“we are coming!”

“Blow the trumpet! Attack!”

Herod excitedly grabbed the horn around his waist, summoned his strength, put it to his mouth, the next moment, the sound of the offensive horn, spread throughout Sebochel and the surrounding dense forest.

Dick urged the horses and began to accelerate slowly. His plan was crazy, to attack from the side of at least 5 undead, to separate them, to support the counterattack of the Fourth Army.

He believed that Gasholis had definitely made a plan to fight back, that man, that man who would not be defeated. Dick gritted his teeth, stretched his hand forward, and a bright halo burst from him, enveloping most of the knights.

Punishment halo!

But this is not the end, the next moment, another round of golden halo bursts out, covering it again.

Aura of protection!

This is one of Dick’s rewards for completing the Quel’Thalas strategy. The second aura to be opened. With the blessing of the two auras, he can guarantee to minimize the damage of the Knights.

“Don’t die! Gatheris!”

The knights shrouded in the halo, when the huge amount of holy light exploded, the dim sky was illuminated, losing the command of the observer and commander Desailuoke, facing the knights charging from the side, The undead can’t do any effective defense at all.

It was like a hot table knife pierced into butter, accompanied by rumbling vibrations, accompanied by the knights shouting to kill, a road of ashes fluttered behind the charging Paladin.

charge! Charge again!

The front of the silver war horse is not a walking corpse. The ghoul still hates it. Nothing seems to be able to stop the charge of Dick and the knights behind him. Dick does not even need to take out a weapon. Under the high speed of the horse, he I can clearly feel the whistling wind, and I can see the undead who have been knocked into flight, burned to ashes by the huge amount of holy light.

Suddenly, the battlefield of the undead was pierced through, but it was not enough! Far from enough!

After steering the horse around a large circle on the ground, Dick did not wait for all the knights to return. After more than 30 knights gathered behind him, Dick began to accelerate again.

The terrible situation on the front of the Fourth Legion and their brave momentum made all the knights participating in the war high in fighting spirit. They could not wait to kill the undead here, the second round of impact, the third round of impact!

Under the leadership of the commanders of their respective teams, the Stratholme battle group launched a unique small group attack system. The Silver Hand and Stratholme battle flags bound by the horses flew on the battlefield. They were originally arrogant and domineering. The undead, who seem to be completely invincible, can only become lambs to be slaughtered after encountering their natural enemies.

The front line of the Skeleton Archer and Skeleton Mage, under the impact of the knights led by Dick, only took less than 5 minutes to declare their destruction.

Dick rode on a war horse, saw the wave of undead being completely divided, and looked at Abydis, Colfax and Liadrin behind him, the first two young men who were the same size as him. Guys, it was all involved in such a large-scale battle. Colfax was fine, but Miss Abidis’s face was pale.

As for Ms. Liadrin, although the “new knight” with a full-face visor could not see the expression, from her panting performance, she still failed to quickly adapt to the Paladin’s fighting style.

However, it was not the time to pity Xiangxiyu, Dick shook the blood-stained Crusader warhammer, using the power of the lord for the first time, giving him a dreamlike feeling, when the power reached another level. , The previous opponents have become bugs that can be crushed at will.

Just now, he smashed an abominable head with a hammer. The relaxed feeling made him feel a little uncomfortable. Dick shook his head, threw this thought out of his mind, and issued an order to his temporary adjutant. Ordered.

“Abydis, you are responsible for leading 10 teams to support the counterattack of the Fourth Army, Colfax, you lead 10 teams and continue to pierce the line of the undead. As for you, Liadrin, I will give you one. Special mission, search for Marshal Gasiris’s trail, if you can…save him!”

If there were doubts about Dick before, today’s big scene is enough to prove Dick’s bravery. Colfax, who was still very unconvinced, saw Dick’s harsh eyes staying on him. After swallowing, he reached out and tapped his breastplate, jumped his horse’s head, and headed towards the battlefield of the melee.

Liadrin may not have recovered. As a high-level priest, she has never seen such a battle before, let alone participate in it madly, even though her strength can crush most of the people present. But she does not yet have the mentality of a true warrior.

So Dick could only let her do these small things. Liadrin did not express dissatisfaction with Dick’s orders, and soon entered the chaotic battlefield.

Abidis had more problems. She held the horse’s rein with her pale left hand and her long sword in her right hand. It could be seen that the recruit commander of Tyr’s Hand was a little nervous. She looked at Di. Grams,

“What about you? Where are you going? You are the highest commander here!”

Dick placed his gaze in the dense forest on the edge of the battlefield. There were two auras fighting against each other. He could feel that it was a dark aura. The level was a little worse, and Abidis couldn’t feel it.

Dick steered the horse and walked in the direction of the dense forest. He patted Abidis on the shoulder and whispered,

“I have my business, Abidis, you have to learn to be a real field commander. I believe you have this potential!”

After flying a hammer and smashing the ghoul that was blocking the road more than ten meters away, Dick rolled over and got off his horse. After thinking for a while, he decisively placed the Crusader warhammer in the horse’s saddle, and drew the Justice from the back with his backhand. fire.

“Anwina, unlock the seal, I need the power of the holy hammer!”

“Don’t… don’t go there, Dick, people can feel it, there is a dark power that I… ahem, you can’t resist!”


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Collection recommends a wave, brothers Collection makes me very anxious So hesitated

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