Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 59

Chapter 28 .Silvermoon City and Dick

“Send them to Silvermoon City at the fastest speed! In the name of Windrunner!”

“Priest! Pastor! Come on!”

“God! How could they be injured so badly? Quickly, send them to the “Life Hall” and inform Master Rothman that I need him to open the forbidden enchantment!”

“Wow, look! The power of darkness that has never been seen before, it is so evil! But fortunately, I should be able to dispel it!”

“Liadrin… Ms. Liadrin, can you hear me? Answer me!”

“She has a nervous breakdown. Although she has saved her life, we can’t restore her mind!”


Intermittent voices and chaotic noises reverberated back and forth in Dick’s mind. He wanted to get a good night’s sleep, but it didn’t work… These annoying voices were constantly interfering with his will, and he couldn’t close his eyes at all.

He is very tired, he just wants to sleep!

“Go away! Stop it!”

“Drip…”Die Another Day” mission completed, all attributes increased by 15 points!”

“Drip… the stage position is changed, the stage position template is officially opened, and the stage position blessing is on!”


Under the silent night sky, in the luxurious hall of life of Quel’Thalas, Dick suddenly opened his eyes. His whole body was covered with expensive mageweave bandages, but this was not the main problem, a special force. Entering his body, the soreness in his bones made him want to scream, but he couldn’t speak.

Because he can’t control his body, he can’t even open his mouth!

That special power flows throughout his body. Every bone, every muscle, and even every nerve, where it flows through, is rapidly heating up, until in the end, Dick feels that his whole body is burning. Get up, it’s like being grilled on a fire.

The difficult time always passed very slowly. Dick simply lived like a year and endured the torment like this until nearly 10 minutes later, the heat inside the body suddenly and quickly dissipated, and a piece of coolness poured into the bones.

“Ah ”

An imaginative moan sounded from Dick’s mouth, and he suddenly felt that he could move!


Dick turned over and turned from the bed to the ground. He moved his body. When he felt that his strength, agility, and even the holy energy had increased a lot, he quickly adjusted his attribute panel.

“Dick Don”

“Rare Elite”

“Human Template”

“Strength), Agility 98 (+30), Energy), Holy Power

“Professional template: Paladin-when the opponent is a non-order creature, the damage is increased by 100%”

“Stage template: the power of the elite”

“Evaluation: I think you have already touched the mystery of the rank system.”

Sylvanas’s “Death Another Day” mission was successfully completed, and he was rewarded with a 15-point increase in all attributes. In addition, there was a weird description called “Windrunner’s Goodwill”, which made Di Ke was a little confused.

However, with the blessing of these 15 points, he finally crossed the “elite” rank and entered the “rare elite”. This was almost the first time that Dick had a rank position after he opened the rank template. However, what surprised him most was that after entering the rare elite rank, behind his all attributes, there was an increase of +30 (the value of energy and sacred power are calculated according to X5.)

This increase should be the blessing of the “elite power” that suddenly appeared.

“The original use of that inexplicable “step template” is here! Once you enter a new step position, there will be an additional full attribute bonus? Now it seems that this blessing should be three points of the highest step attribute. One? No, no, it shouldn’t be counted like that…”

This sudden discovery relieved Dick’s dull mood for a moment. From waking up to the present, the sight of being knocked out by Lor’themar kept reverberating in his mind, facing the real high-level enemy, his heart Inability to make him feel a little at a loss.

Since the emergence of Alsace, all opponents have become stronger and stronger, even including Marduk, who are far more powerful than his enemies. If it is not for the holy hammer in hand, if it is not for the template bonus of the Paladin , He probably died on the escape route of Stratholme or Quel’Thalas a long time ago.

Now that the stage template is officially opened, Dick’s tension and depression have finally dissipated. Although he still can’t fight against opponents like Lor’themar, he at least sees the hope of becoming stronger!

Yes, as long as there is hope, Dick can stick to it!

He stroked his smooth chin, sat on the edge of the bed, combed his thoughts a little, and probably understood the ins and outs of the matter. Sylvanas came alive and took them back to Quel’Thalas, and then again He was severely injured and sent to Silvermoon City.

But these elf priests are too particular about it!

Dick shrugged, walked to the window and looked at Silvermoon City, which was shrouded by night. He felt a little depressed. They even shaved off their neatly trimmed beard, but soon, Dick was Throwing the trace of worry behind his head, because a beautiful sight is opening in front of his eyes.

Silvermoon City, this city has been in the game more than once, Dick has been there more than once, whether as a Sin’dorei Elf or as an Alliance invader. Dick is very familiar with the eight major cities in the game, even the small alleys in the city can’t hide from him, but this is the first time that Silvermoon City has been seen in reality.

When I saw this city, even Dick, who was used to seeing high-rise buildings in his previous life, couldn’t help but take a breath. He should be in a taller building in Silvermoon City, so he could overlook the entire building. The city, this city, can be said to have subverted Dick’s perception of “big cities” in his heart.

Although he had also been to Lordaeron, it was only the capital of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and the population in it was only 70, but Silvermoon City was different. This city was almost like this country! Almost all high elves live in this city, that is to say, this is a super city that can accommodate 200 people!

Just from this window, Dick could not even see the whole picture of the city. The dense lights spread from his eyes all the way to the extreme. According to preliminary estimates, this circular city is at least nearly a thousand kilometers in diameter. , No less than the big cities in the previous life, and compared to the reasonable layout of industrialized cities, the layout of Silvermoon City is more random with a hint of alien civilization.

The tall and low buildings are built on this city unevenly. The tops of all the buildings have a round top style similar to Arab buildings. The top is sharp and smooth with sharp corners. Most of the buildings All are fiery red, and some special buildings are purple and pink. In short, from a height, this is simply a “burning” city.

At first glance, the uneven and uneven buildings can definitely make people with intensive phobias close their eyes in horror, because there are too many buildings in it! But after watching it for a long time, I didn’t feel crowded at all. On the contrary, the densely packed buildings and densely packed lights gave this city a special vitality!

Moreover, Silvermoon City is known as the “City of Magic”, and it is not so famous. Looking up from Dick’s position, a layer of golden mana shield envelops the entire city. Under the sun, it reflects something similar. The colorful lights of the Northern Lights, the tops of the towering mage towers, three or four fiery red arcane spheres, moving around the building in different trajectories, full of magical beauty.

Under the night, the magic street lights all over the city lit up slightly dimmed lights, which made the city look like an elf beauty wrapped in a layer of veil, in a glamorous appearance. Below, it adds a touch of unique temptation.

And from Dick’s position, at the farthest point of his sight, you can just see the towering walls of Silvermoon City, which is a building called the Shepherd’s Gate. In the game, this flashy gate is portrayed The kings and heroes of the high elves, just this golden city wall, can be called absolute works of art.

The elves of Quel’Thalas prefer fiery red maple leaves. It is said that the wizards have specially developed special magic to ensure that Quel’Thalas will have the fragrance of maple leaves throughout the year. Therefore, even in Di The sweet and greasy taste of maple syrup on the tower where Ke was, also made him feel a little airy.

This city…everyone who has been fortunate enough to visit this city will call it a “miracle.” Dick also thinks so. In this world of magic, where the overall productivity is not high, it is necessary to rely on the power of wizards to build A Dalaran is miraculous enough.

Now, facing the Silvermoon City of Quel’Thalas, which is ten times more majestic and ten times more brilliant than Dalaran, there are no other adjectives that can be placed in this city except for the word miracle.

Dick withdrew his gaze. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall decorated with various patterns. He wanted to keep this beautiful scene in his heart forever, because he knew that soon, Arthas would take it with him. The evil army enters the city and destroys it!

Even if Prince Kael’thas regained Silvermoon City later, the rebuilt Silvermoon City, the Silvermoon City in his own memory, would definitely not reach this glorious scene.

A few minutes later, Dick walked through the room again and walked to the window facing the north. He found his storage backpack on the table in front of the hospital bed. Although the high elves are proud, their integrity can be guaranteed. Even divine tools such as the Fire of Justice are perfectly placed on the weapon rack in Dick’s room. In this respect, these elves are definitely the incarnation of the most upright gentlemen.

He took out the engineering binoculars he ordered from the dwarf merchant when he was in the Knights of the Silver Hand from his storage backpack. He pulled the binoculars apart and placed them in front of his eyes, and searched the northern part of Silvermoon City inch by inch. Area, on the sea, near Quel’Thalas, where there is a peninsula protruding from the mainland.

Quel’Danas Island, where the famous Sunwell is located, is also the source of magic for Quel’Thalas. The only alternative to the Eternal Well that exploded 10,000 years ago is also Alsace’s target.

Soon, Dick was in the sight of the telescope and found the peninsula that was almost shrouded in a white light curtain visible to the naked eye. It was located just north of Silvermoon City and its area was almost a quarter of a silver moon. The size of the city, Dick knew, the current ruler of Quel’Thalas, the family of Sunstriders that had survived from ancient times, lived there.

That is the greatest secret of the entire Quel’Thalas. Even Silvermoon Councillors like Dar’Khan are not qualified to enter the Sunwell. This is also the reason why Dar’Khan chose to betray the high elves, because even if he pays for this country, Many, there is no way to get the gift of Sunwell.

In the game, there are many high-level dungeons with finely crafted and perfect combat flow. The Sunwell Heights is one of them that can’t be pulled down. It takes 25 of the strongest warriors to enter the dangerous place, the Sunstrider Family Absolutely unexpectedly, besides them, there is actually another person in this world who knows all the secrets of the sun well, and even Dick’s understanding of the sun well is far greater than that of most people in the Sunstalker family. .

But now, Dick can’t say all these things, he needs a chance! Although Sylvanas had vowed to reverse the views of Quel’Thalas’ senior leaders on this war, Dick knew that things were far from simple.

Saved Sylvanas. This is already a great thing. Dick didn’t dare to expect more. As he said before, the destruction of Silvermoon City is definitely a big event. It’s him now. A big event that can’t be reversed.

Therefore, Dick retracted his gaze and lay back on the hospital bed. He closed his eyes. He needed to think carefully about what to do in order to do everything he wanted to do!

After the 6 knights on the way to escape and the 5 knights from Jinwu Village died in battle, Dick and Arthas had added a trace of blood feud to the unending conflict, and Arthas thought he was about to win.

But Dick will let you know… he is far from it!

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