Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 32

Chapter 1 .another world



Two crisp weapon clashes sounded in the empty black crypt, followed by another storm-like combo. The golden warhammer and the black rune sword crossed by, and the two figures stopped. Behind each other.

Dick, who was full of golden light all over his body, lowered his head and saw the trajectory of the holy light on the ground. He would squeeze the fire of justice under him like a burning flame, and moved his arm with difficulty. There was an extra scar on his chest, a black one, like a scar from a worm that kept rolling. The blood could not flow out, so it was evaporated by the boiling power.

When the corrosive energy collides with the golden light, it will make a sizzling sound, which looks very strange.

Behind him is a black figure riding a tall horse. After passing by with Dick, the skeletal war horse under the black knight’s crotch wailed and burned to ashes. The knight on the horse shook his body firmly. Stood on the ground.

He is wrapped in a long black hood, holding an epee shining with red and green runes in his left hand. Under the hood, he is wearing hard armor, black, hideous and exquisite in shape, wrists and shoulders. Black skeletons are painted on the abdomen, as well as the surface of the boots.

The whole person looked like a destroyer walking out of the darkness. At the place where he was hit by the fire of justice, that is, in his heart, a depression appeared on the black armor, and the gathering light stayed on In the depression, the dark body under the armor is constantly burning.

In this gloomy black crypt, every second, Dick suffers from a ring of corrosive energy. Although there is already a lot of holy light blocking his body, he hits again and again. It still consumed a lot of his energy.

Especially after the fighting time was prolonged, the residual energy of this wave of shocks gathered together and brought a serious burden to his body.

Dick turned his head and glanced at the black knight standing still, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, but the sword had already pierced his heart. Before reaching the legend, there was a fatal wound here.


Dick’s body hit the ground, and he twitched in pain. The heavily injured black knight turned around and looked at Dick’s armor and weapons. He seemed to be puzzled. This could hurt him. How did bugs appear in your city?

But at this time, Dick had no way to tell him these things. The black knight knelt on the ground, raised the rune sword in his hand with both hands, pointed it at Dick’s body and pierced it down.

But at the moment he touched Dick’s body, Dick lying on the ground suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke and quickly disappeared beside him.

At the same time, the rune sword that had collided with the fire of justice many times, at the moment when it touched the ground, the pieces shattered. Under the blessing of the great power of the black knight, these pieces were flying around, and there was even one piece, straight. Flew towards his face.


The sharp blade slashed across the face and cut a large wound, but there was no trace of blood flowing out of the wound. The black energy escaping from the wound was wrapped around the face of the black knight. Soon, Complete the injured part of his face.

The Black Knight didn’t care about these things. He raised his head and felt the abhorrent army out there, his indifferent face was still cold, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

At the moment when he raised his head, an ice blue face appeared in the faint light, thin, dry, and a pair of blood-red undead fire and black hair.

Although it has been deformed, it can still be clearly distinguished that this…this is Rivendell!

On the other side, the pain in the chest was still there, and the heart seemed to have been pierced, but Dick had already opened his eyes, he sat up from the bed, stretched out his hand in the dark, and touched his palm. At the moment of the hammer handle of the fire of justice, the golden light suddenly illuminated the whole house.

Dick put the lamppost-like warhammer on the table, then sat down, poured himself a glass of water, and drew out a black pipe. While familiarizing himself with the spicy tobacco in this world, he recalled what was just now. fighting.

Yes, that is not a dream!

It was a real duel! He and Rivendell’s duel, such duel has been carried out 17 times, but each time, he was defeated in the hands of this not powerful death knight.

He took out the fragile key from his arms. It gradually turned from light blue to pale white, as if it was rusty. As long as you put the Buddha on, the key will be Break off. This is how he and Rivendell duel, the key to the “Storm dungeon”, the number of entries 20 times, only 3 times left, but he still failed to clear the level alone.

Dick knew that they were all Rivendell in other timelines. He entered those timelines in a special way of projection. The places he entered were the main entrances of Stratholme, and he would never be able to get out of Stratholme. Outside of Mu’s area, monsters will not drop equipment and have no so-called experience.

In short, this is a place for him to sharpen his combat skills.

Rivendell… This guy at the end of all the well-known death knights may not even be a hero, but Dick still can’t beat him.

He thought for a long time, and he had no clue about the understanding of the battle. Looking at the already white sky outside the window, Dixon put on his clothes, put the fire of justice behind his back, opened the door, and started the “morning exercise” every morning. .

“Break from here today!”

Dick hummed a song, followed the alleys of Stratholme, came to the deepest part of the city, chose a random direction, took the fire of justice in his hands, and walked towards those aimlessly wandering around. Elite undead.

What can be put here by Rivendell, even if it is a dead bone, it is definitely an elite dead bone. The ghouls are dangerous guys who understand the skills similar to the “Plague Claw”, let alone here. There are also high-level hatreds wandering from time to time, and you will never know in which dark corner a hideous female demon will suddenly jump out.

In short, few people come to this dark area, even if the two lines of defense have organized three attacks in the past two months, each of them is just a taste of nothing, and they are mostly used for military training.

The plan that Dick put forward at the Silver Hand Conference was almost completely rejected, but unexpectedly, the accelerating the growth of the Paladin was retained. The recruits sent from Tyr’s Hand were almost completely rejected. Dathrohan, who was full of positions that Dick was responsible for, and the deeper line of defense, even suffered from it.

But this is also impossible. The center of gravity of the entire Knights of the Silver Hand is now placed on Andorhal. The 70 undead in that city will not be wiped out a day, and Sidalongmir, the granary of the Empire, will not be wiped out. The method resumed operation. In the past two months, after the recruits had some combat effectiveness, Uther took away all the old knights on the two fronts.

You say that the troops are not enough? Row! You want 1,000 people? I give you 2000 people!

As a result, when the first time with Dathrohan’s military zone to destroy the undead in Stratholme, a group of 200 people was divided out, almost being hated by Rivendell with 4 heads and a small group of necromancers. , The assault team composed of the elite skeleton warriors of the two squads was completely wiped out.

If it weren’t for Dick and Dathrohan to rush into the battlefield with the remaining veterans at the last moment, even the remaining more than 100 people would be surrounded, divided, and eaten away.

Now, these paladin recruits who have been training in the hands of Tyr know the horror of the real war, but Dick’s training for them has just begun, and his training is also very simple. The 2000 people were divided into 100 teams, each with 20 people, one round a day, under the leadership of the veteran, went deep into the city, and could not bring back the heads of 10 undead, so we continued on the next day.

There is a large-scale military training every half a month, and everyone will move together to wipe out the undead wandering in the city. In this kind of high-intensity, real-life training, the recruits grow very fast, even at first they didn’t agree with this. Dathrohan, who was struggling with his life, was also amazed at the growth rate of recruits on Dick’s side. Soon, similar actions were started on the military zone side.

However, for Dick, these can only be regarded as small troubles. He has almost no time to spare. Every day is training, training, training, beating the dead, sleeping, and even sleeping, he will be in another timeline. Continue to hone martial arts skills.

In just two months, Dick completed 5 random tasks, his strength rose to 55 points, his agility also rose to 48 points, and his energy doubled to 80 points. The overall combat effectiveness has increased by almost one-third compared to when he fought against Ramsden, but he was still not satisfied.

There was only one reason why Dick worked so desperately.

Alsace, coming back soon!

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The far north, the mysterious Northrend continent, the north of Dragonblight, the forgotten ice cave.

This is a place where the souls of the entrants can be frozen. Arthas is standing near a stone platform with the golden warhammer “Vengeance of the Holy Light”. In front of him, a black and blue long sword is floating in On the stone platform, on that stone platform, there is also a line of inscriptions that can make people dizzy at a glance.

A dwarf with a battle axe and a war hammer on his waist is lying on the stone platform. He has a heavy book beside him. The dwarf’s thick fingers traverse the inscription little by little, translating the meaning, every word. Said it.

“Whoever holds this sword has eternal power! This sword sheds blood to show its sharpness, and this sword devours its soul to show its power!”

After reading it, the dwarf himself was probably taken aback by this murderous and evil inscription. He took a step back and looked at Arthas hesitantly.

“Alsace, this is a magic sword! This is definitely not what you are looking for! We are leaving here soon, I have a… an ominous premonition!”

The dwarf with a beautiful orange-red beard was talking to Arthas. This dwarf was named Muradin, Muradin-Bronzebeard, the younger brother of the current Ironforge dwarf king Magni-Bronzebeard, and also iron The honorary director of the Explorers’ Guild in Furnace, Arthas met them when he landed.

At that time, the dwarf’s camp was being attacked by a group of undead. Arthas did not hesitate to take the soldiers to kill the group of spider-like undeads. In order to repay Alsace’s kindness, Muradin asked the reason and immediately said that he would Help Arthas find the legendary sword that can control the undead.

Due to Dick’s intervention, history has changed here. Arthas explained to his father, King Terenas, the reason for his trip to the North. Although the old king was reluctant to leave, it was not like in the original history. If Alsace was forced to retreat, the vicious incident of burning the ship and killing people would naturally not happen.

After asking Farek and Maween to take care of the camp, the two powerful guys embarked on a journey to find the Excalibur.

Muradin and Arthas are actually acquaintances. When Arthas was a child, Muradin had briefly served as his swordsmanship instructor. Muradin knew that Arthas had been a man full of justice since he was a child, but until the two broke through the blizzard. After entering this gloomy ice cave, Muradin realized that something was wrong.

“Alsace? Alsace! Are you listening to me!”

“Uh… you go, Muradin, go back to your people, don’t stay here, this sword… this sword is my destiny, I saw it!”

“You are crazy! My friend, come with me!”

“No… I can’t go… I want to save my people, as long as I tame this sword… Yes, I can tame it! I can…”


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