Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 114

Chapter 16 .Blessings of the World

The guys who can become heroes, regardless of whether they are on the magic side or the physical side, at this level of strength, the evolution of the five senses is actually not much different. Of course, there is still a slight gap, such as hundreds of distances. At the place of rice, Tyrande and Woking could clearly see every hair on Dick’s face, while Grom and others could only see one figure.

But this actually doesn’t change much, especially when seeing the nightmare breath like a torrent of black and green everything along the way, even one-third of the towers of the World’s Sleep are corroded and destroyed, even the gods are talking. His deer helmets have become much older at this moment.

No one can survive that kind of attack, maybe an epic hero can, but Dick… anyway, he’s dead.

Thrall and Grom closed their eyes in pain, Tyrande pursed his mouth and grasped the flowering bow in his hand. A dozen guardians silently took off the owl helmet and moved towards this in a unique way. A tribute to a heroic human being.

Just as Yijian cut off the head of a badly wounded dragon man, Liadrin turned her head abruptly, her eyes falling on the top of the tall tower in the distance.

“Dang Cang…”

The beautifully decorated phoenix epee slipped from Liadrin’s hand.

The strength of the body is rapidly losing… The high elf realized that something was wrong. The breath of the guy who was forcibly linked to her soul by the mysterious force was weakening. He… is he going to die?

Liadrin bit her lip, struggling to prop up her painful forehead with her hands, staggering, step by step towards the sleep of the distant world, the dragons’ offensive is still crazy, but under the superb commanding skills of Jarod , The defense line of elves, humans and orcs united together, is simply inexhaustible.

“It looks like you are going to a far place.”

The huge body of Lord Delia Serra, the Green Dragon girl who was saved by Dick, flashed across the sky, and the dark green light was shining. She changed back to the night elf form and blocked the desolate Liadrin. In front of you.

“I can’t let you pass, Master Eranikus has been dominated by the nightmare, and his great existence, crushing you and me, is no more troublesome than crushing insects.”

“I’m going… I’m going to see him, I don’t believe… I don’t believe that **** just died like that… I don’t believe it!”

Liadrin seemed to have her soul removed, and only a body remained. She staggered forward and was held in her arms by the green dragon girl, but even so, she was still struggling. Moving forward, seeing this scene, Lord Delia Serra raised his head and looked at the World Sleep Tower shrouded by the dragon’s breath, a trace of loneliness flashed across her face.

“I will take you there, but you have to make sure not to hurt yourself!”

Liadrin was holding Delia Serra’s arm, choked and speechless, a few seconds later, the shadow of the green dragon skyrocketed from the defense line, and the end was the sleep of the destroyed world.

But just as Delia Serra was flying halfway, a silver beam of light that was so brilliant that it could not be added suddenly rose in the sleep of the world that was about to collapse, leaving only two-thirds of the tower. In this silver light, he stopped tilting!

The holy and quiet song rang in everyone’s ears.

The warrior who was holding the long sword aloft heard the battle song that let the exhaustion dissipate!

The druids and priests who were healing their companions heard the hymn of quick recovery of mana!

The wounded who were bowing their heads in prayer heard a healing song that calmed their minds and suppressed pain.

As for the heroes who are more sensitive to power, what they hear is the sound of bells!

It is the bell of hope! Every sound strikes in their hearts!

What kind of beam of light is that.

It is like the first silver ray that rises from the ground when the world opened up. It pierced the heavy clouds of the emerald dream, as if it was about to divide this phantom world into two. The separation between the dream and the world was broken, in the sky. In the afterglow of the light, sharp-eyed people can even see the sight of the world.

It is like the reflection of the two worlds, and it is like a door that runs through everything.

A white and dreamy solitary moon appeared in the sky of the emerald dreamland, always the unchanging day, and also turned into a shining galaxy. In a single thought, the sky and the earth change, the sun and the moon alternate. This has already transcended the dunya, and even traveled through it. The power of myth.

At this moment, in the entire Emerald Dream, the eyes of all creatures were attracted to look at the beam of light. Even the dragon men and soldiers who were fighting each other desperately stopped the attack in their hands.

Tyrande’s mouth has grown even more, and the manners of other people are not much better.

Everyone recognized this beam of light, because it appeared twice today. It was Elune’s power. Thrall and others turned their eyes to Tyrande. The latter seemed unheard of, just staring at that way. The huge to astonishing scale of the beam of light, the hand holding the longbow, turned pale due to excessive force, and the Moon Sacrifice murmured to himself in a dull manner.

“This… how is this possible, how can there be such a degree of power projection… I don’t believe it!”

As the priest of the moon, Tyrande knew better than anyone present what this scene of the transition between the sun and the moon meant, and likewise, she was more shocked than everyone else.

Because Elune, the person of faith who appeared almost at the moment the night elves appeared, was respected as the existence of the “Moon God”. At this moment, he took the initiative and used his true power for the first time. When projecting to the present world, this kind of projection needs a very suitable carrier, and the scale of this kind of projection that covers the emerald dream is something that even the most outstanding moon sacrifice in history Tyrande can’t do.

But by the way, that unlike human, whose entire body was corroded in the silver beam of light, slowly floating in the air did it.

If you put it in the past, if Dick was an elf, then Tyrande would definitely announce the news as soon as possible, because the second elector of the Moon God appeared.

But the scene in front of everyone that amazed everyone, made Tyrande more and more panic, and his whole body was cold!

If the commoners of the elves know that the second Moon God elect is a human being, they know that the elves are not exclusively favored by Elune as they claim. The belief in the Moon Temple has stabilized Cardo for 10,000 years. The thunderous social order will be disintegrated in an instant.

This kind of thinking made Tyrande’s heart frightened, and the eyes of the priest of the moon looked at Dick, and for the first time there was a certain change.

However, Tyrande’s entanglement could not affect the current Dick. To be precise, the next moment Dick floated from the ruins of World Sleep, the silver moonlight became more and more brilliant, as if a The sun that appeared in front of people made everyone couldn’t help closing their eyes or blocking their palms in front of them.

No one can see what happened in that light, and no one would know what happened in it.

————————————————– —————————-

The pure white light, a piece of pure white, was like a clean to the extreme white room, Dick stood in the center of the light dull.

Dick blinked, he opened his hand, saw his palm and body intact, and couldn’t help but patted his cheek. He clearly remembered that facing the dragon’s breath of Eranikus, his whole body was melting in pain.

“Mommy mommy!”

The joyful voice of Lori Anwina made Dick look back. He looked up to the front. Anwina in a white dress was being held in his arms by a woman who couldn’t see her face, always fierce. Dick’s Lolita, that gentle gesture, made Dick almost unable to believe it.

Wait… Anvina’s mother…

Dick couldn’t help taking a step back, not because of excitement, but fear. He knew who the woman who appeared in front of him was and what her identity meant.

“Praise you, Lord Elune.”

Dick lowered his eyebrows and bowed in salute. This was definitely the first time he was willing to bend down since he entered this world. After all, what he had in front of him was a life form that was suspected to be the incarnation of the will of the entire planet. Probably a larva of the Protoss Titan.

In some myths, this kind of existence is generally called the “mother god”, and it is the first life form that actually appears on this planet.

“Dick, I saw you in a dream. You are a brave child, especially when you allow Anvina to live in your weapon temporarily, I know that you are also a kind child.”

Elune spoke, her first words made Dick feel that a warm breath was being incorporated into his body, especially when Elune praised him, a heartfelt pride rose from Dick’s heart. He shook his hand hurriedly.

“No, no, I just did what I should do. I promised to bring Anwina to find you. I originally planned to go to the Moon Temple after the war, but I didn’t expect…”

“Child, don’t be presumptuous, I can feel the breath of Norgannon from you, that is the kind of breath that makes me, and poor Tyre, he was once a brave warrior, just like you now, but especially Ge Saron ruined everything, and I regret that he failed to help him and his brother in time. Ah, the fall of Ulduar, it will always be the most tragic battle in the world. I remember that day very clearly, that One day, the whole world was crying.”

Elune’s voice was a little startled, and Dick said hurriedly.

“Actually, Ulduar has not been completely destroyed. Elune-sama, Yogg-Saron has not completely broken the seal. The guardians left by the Pantheon may still be sober. Maybe at some point in the future, you can still See them again.”

“Oh… the power of the Titans hangs outside the world. Where their power exists, even Nozdormu and I can’t see the hidden truth, Dick, my child, the truth of the knowledge you have Surprising.”

Elune chuckled, and Dick’s mood improved, and then he heard Elune say with emotion, “Ah…it will be tens of thousands of years before I can hear the news that his companions are alive. It’s so happy, but Dick, my child, will you help me?”

“Yes, Lord Elune, Lord Norgannon’s power flows in my body to reverse the fate of the world. This is my sacred mission. At this point, you don’t need to doubt my sincerity. ”

Dick patted his chest. In this condensed space of consciousness, whether it is Dick, Anvena, or even Elune, they are pure spiritual bodies. Dick can keenly feel that Elune is fundamentally Without hiding his thoughts, he could feel the most sincere emotions of the star, but he did not dare to go too deep. After all, it was the incarnation of a world. It only takes a little bit of infestation to completely turn Dick into Part of this world.

In the protection of Elune’s breath, Dick was like returning to his mother. The warmth from the soul even moved him inexplicably, but he soon understood that it was all things to the biological mother. Kindness.

“The Well of Eternity is the wound of the ancient **** Y’Shaarj that corrodes the origin of the world. Every drop of well water is the blood of the world. Dick, my child, tens of thousands of years of bloodshed has made me extremely weak. After one time, I will fall into the deepest sleep. Unfortunately, I have been looking after this thriving world for tens of thousands of years, but now, I have to sleep for a while. I really want to see how you grow up.”

Elune put Anwina in her arms on the ground and walked up to Dick. Her voice was gentle and gentle, with a touch of magic, calming Dick’s mind.

“But I believe that we will meet again. My brave and kind child, please help me heal those wounds so that the world will not bleed again.”

“I know that this is a difficult challenge, and I have nothing to give you. All I can give you is my blessings, my child. I hope that when I wake up again, the whole world will become more beautiful.”

Dick felt a pair of warm hands supporting his cheeks, and a gentle kiss stayed on his forehead. The next moment, the world turned around, Dick only saw Lori pouting angrily, seeming to be jealous of himself?

Then he heard Elune’s voice ringing in his ears,

“Child, I heard your confusion. Don’t doubt the existence of the Holy Light. It is the power of the entire universe order and the power of everyone’s soul. As long as you have kind thoughts in your heart, you are the most sincere to the Holy Light. I want you Become my elect, but unfortunately, you are already the elect of the Holy Light, Dick, the Holy Light has been watching you, go on bravely, my blessing will be with you.”

Dick opened his eyes again. Among the ruins of World Sleep, he was standing on the edge of the collapsed ruins with his gleaming warhammer. The dream scene just now seemed to have not appeared, but when he turned his head, Yi Lannikus’ body was still flying in mid-air.

However, judging from the shock remaining in those scarlet eyes, the dream tyrant was also shocked by the scene just now.

Dick didn’t care about this, his eyes were fixed on the last nightmare chain that bound Ysera, and he shouted in his heart,

“Anwina, it’s going to be on!”

“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I don’t want to talk to a idiot! Mom never kissed anyone! Go to hell, idiot!”

Although Little Lori shouted fiercely, after meeting Elune, Anvina’s worries also changed. So when Dick needed it, the authority of the Holy Hammer was immediately released, and the Paladin asked He rushed forward, raised the hammer in his hand and fell. At the moment when Eranikus’ roar sounded, the golden long sword and warhammer that the Holy Light unsheathed also landed on the nightmare chains that bound the Queen of Green Dragon at the same time.

In the next moment, a demon head cast by a black shadow came out of the dissipated black smoke. It was the incarnation of the nightmare king, but right now, in front of the world, it could only choose to retreat!

In Harves’s angry roar, the yellow dragon pupils slowly opened.

Dick didn’t look back. He crossed the dragon’s pupils. When another wave of unstoppable dark green dragon breath struck behind him, a huge figure standing up firmly stood behind him.

“Enough…Let this nightmare, this shameful nightmare, just dissipate!”

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