Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 108

Chapter 10 .Save Queen Ysera

“Oh, it’s so lively!”

The door of the command room was pushed open, his whole body was stained, his hair was messed up, and his armor was severely corrosive. Dick walked in slowly. Liadrin followed him and carried him. Wearing a female elf in a green robe.

When the two walked into the command room, Dick made a gesture, and Liadrin threw the elf she was carrying on the chair nearby, and Jarod’s eyes widened immediately!

“You…you captured a green dragon!”

Tyrande’s eyes were also narrowed. As the priest of the moon, the elect of the moon **** Elune, she keenly felt the breath from Dick, which is in the same line as the breath of the moon, but the nature is completely different. Breath.

As for the Paladin bringing back a seriously wounded green dragon girl, Moon Sacrifice didn’t care.

“Ann, it’s not a prisoner, but some unexpected circumstances.”

Dick sat down beside the round table. Ms. Liadrin brought him a glass of water intimately. Dick looked at Jarod, then looked at Tyrande, and then said,

“The Green Dragonflight is in trouble.”

“What do you mean?”

Garrod asked.

“Go ask her, anyway, it’s very troublesome.”

Dick slammed the green dragon girl who was holding her abdomen difficultly, and the latter closed his eyes and said before Jarod could ask a question.

“The Emerald Dream… was polluted, and the dark nightmare eroded our minds. Master Tyral took us out of the Emerald Dream, but the Queen… The Queen was imprisoned by the fallen people of Lythone, and Master Eranikus, it…its soul is divided, the nightmare tyrant, it is it who presided over this rebellion!”

“Nightmare? What is that?”

“The King of Nightmare, it calls itself Harves, we don’t know where it came from, but it has been lurking in the dream, and even Sleep of the World has not been able to detect it.”


Jarod’s palms lined up on the table fiercely, his whole body trembling with anger, and he reached out and tremblingly pointed at Tyrande, whose face became more and more ugly.

“Look at the good deeds you and Malfurion did. I asked you to kill Harves, but you said that all sins should have the right to repent, exile? Open your eyes and take a good look, your exiled prisoner. , Is strangling our companion to death!”

Dick held the pipe in his mouth. It was picked up from the ruins of Dalaran. It belonged to the relic of the archmage according to Antonidas. The old mage cherished this ebony pipe and applied an exquisite spell to it. The tobacco leaves are always full, and only a password is required to light it.

“Wisdom is priceless!”

Dick grumbled, the pipe was filled with tobacco, and then he ignited himself. He took a deep breath of the fragrant smoke, stretched out his hand, and pressed Jarod’s palm down.

“Well, Jarod, it’s not the time to talk about this. Let’s find a way to enter the Emerald Dream to save people. Ms. Delia Sera and I provoked the war between the mad dragon and the devil. Before it subsides, we must Find a way to rescue Queen Ysera.”

After speaking, Dick turned his head to Tyrande again, he looked at the ten thousand-year-old wife and pursed his mouth.

“If I guessed correctly, the sleeping druids can’t wake up, right?”

Tyrande looked melancholy, hesitated and nodded.

“Very well, then it’s not just a matter between me and Jarod.”

Dick moved his exhausted body. In order to heal the dying green dragon girl Delia Serra, he almost drained all of his energy. He leaned on the chair with his hands spread out.

“The Holy Light has a certain suppression effect on the nightmare. You can discuss the countermeasures, and we can help at any time! Oh, yes, maybe you can find a way to contact the orcs. Those who have thick skin and immortality can be used as a meat shield. But that’s it!”

————————————————– —————————-

The night elves are out-and-out longevity species. When Tyrande violated the agreement with the guardian dragon and did not use the energy of the world tree Nordrassil to resurrect the dead demigods, this thriving world The tree brought the blessing of eternal life to the night elves of Mount Hyjal.

Their character is very lazy. This is a common problem of all immortal species. However, in the face of real extermination, these elves are still very efficient. Early the next morning, the huntresses and surviving druids of the brigade Driving into the Starfall Lake not far from the Ashenvale line of defense, Dick even saw a dozen ruthless characters wearing iron owl helmets, wearing knife-edged cloaks, holding knife wheels, walking like shadows around the camp. .

That is the watchman. During the War of the Ancients, the sharpest shadow blade of the night elves was composed of female elves who had been trained since childhood. They were fierce and skillful. They were able to manipulate the power of shadows. They were first-class assassins. , When necessary, you can also become a battlefield slayer.

However, according to Jarod, it seems that Tyrande felt that the number of watchmen was decreasing, and the training method was too cruel, so thousands of years ago, the establishment of the watchmen was cancelled, and the result was Now, only a small part of the Secret Guardians can fight.

This kind of compassion, in Dick’s view, is simply an incomprehensible Notre Dame disease. If he has the training method of the watchman in his hand, he will train as much as he can definitely train. This kind of big killer, Dick never Too little.

But now Dick had more important things to do. He stood alone in the command room, and Liadrin was guarding the door, not allowing anyone to approach.

Dick sat in a chair, calmed his mind, and called out softly,

“Mr. Nozdormu, I need your help!”

A face called for nearly ten minutes, a light yellow light gleamed across the entire camp, everyone fell into a static state, the familiar time was still, the familiar way of playing, but every time it was so shocking.

“Dick, time traveler, what’s the matter?”

“In the second demon war, we are going to rescue Ysera. The green dragon is basically done. Can you free up? Send some bronze dragons over to join the battle.”

Hearing Dick’s suggestion, Nozdormu was silent for a few seconds, and the voice like the old man next door sounded again.

“Unfortunately, I…cannot.”

Facing this answer, Dick was mentally prepared, but he still asked one more question.

“Is it the eternal dragon?”

“Yes, no matter how careful the bronze dragon is, these guys will always appear in countless timelines. My warriors fight the eternal dragon in countless timelines. This is an endless war. We are no longer able to intervene in matters of this world…but if you don’t mind, I can send some recruits to support, but their combat effectiveness…”

“It doesn’t matter, just have support!”

Dick snapped his fingers and said in a relaxed tone, “I rescued Garrod, and I plan to resurrect the wilderness demigods. The intensity of this war is destined to only be lower than in the original history.”

Nozdormu reminded with a smile,

“I want to remind you that if you do this, the known history will become more elusive, and it is not necessarily a good thing for the demigods to return to this world too early. They can’t make a final decision in the face of enemies like the Great Devil. Role.”

After speaking, Nozdormu’s voice became serious.

“Your idea is dangerous! Dick, you are trying to challenge and drastically change history! And in my opinion, you still don’t understand the true meaning of history!”

“The trend of history has changed drastically. I came to this world, isn’t it just for this!”

Dick shrugged and patted his chest confidently. He feels good now. As long as Ysera can be rescued, after the Green Dragon Legion enters the battle, the demon’s advantage will be reduced a lot!

“Well, Dick, I can’t persuade you, so just go on as you think. This is a chaotic road. I can’t see the way forward, but maybe you are right! But I want to remind you, Tai People like Rand, Malfurion and Thrall must not die here. The second demon war must also be won. You know, if time collapses, I can’t save you.”

The pale yellow light dissipated, Dick let out a sigh of relief, and moved his fist.

This is his third major historical node. Compared with Stratholme and Quel’Thalas, this time the scope for him to ride has become larger and larger. The change of history will not happen overnight. When Dick completes After nearly 20% of the new world history has been reversed, the new history has become more and more stable, enough to support his more active participation in historical events.

Dick believes that one day, even if he kills important historical figures like Alsace or Tyrande himself, it will not cause time to fall. Waiting for that day, that will be the real chapter of new history.

“Dick, Garrod and they are ready to go!”

Liadrin yelled from outside the door, Dick responded, put the fire of justice behind his back, grabbed the sheathed Crusader sword, adjusted his armor and clothes, and strode out. room.

Jarod’s plan was very risky, and this was Dick’s first reaction.

But the success rate is very high!

Jarod and Dick, with the Paladin and the elves, are responsible for delaying the attack of the young dragons and dragons. Tyrande takes the watchman and several other heroes into the sleep of the world and solves the imprisonment of the queen of dreams. The emerald dragon, as for the task of diverting Eranikus, the trickiest nightmare tyrant, was handed over to Thrall, Varok, Grom and Vol’jin whose faces were painted in a hurry.

The trio of orc heroes with thick skin, T, milk and output are the most suitable for this job. But what makes Dick a little regretful is that he heard that another hero, Rexxar, had recently helped the Tauren evacuate in Desolate Land and was unable to participate in this battle.

Although Grom and Varok are still plagued by “toxemia”, if it is only to contain them, they said that they can still do it.

Dick estimated that the orcs came so aggressively, there is probably another plan, so many elite soldiers gathered together, it is better to take the opportunity to make a surprise attack, kill Malonos the destroyer, and completely solve the “toxemia” of the orcs. .

But Dick didn’t tell this speculation. It is Garrod who is in charge of the battle now, and I believe this elf will make due judgments.

To be honest, such an unexpected situation actually disrupted Dick’s original plan, and the elves’ changes also attracted the attention of the demons raging in Ashenvale. Dick estimated that after they set off, the demons would Coming to attack the Ashenvale line of defense, if they can’t come back in time, the First Expeditionary Corps will be in danger of being destroyed.

“Erigor, if… I mean if, if the devil’s offensive is so strong that you can’t resist, you can choose to retreat and retreat to the Barrens. The orcs have a second line of defense in Durotar and let them stand up. In front, we will come back as soon as possible!”

Dick whispered to the Paladin Commander before setting off.

“I understand, Dick, don’t worry!”

Erigore is a veteran and has been active on the battlefield since he was young. Now, the war years have been more than ten years, and Dick has confidence in him and even himself.

In the dim light of another morning in Ashenvale, thousands of true elite teachers set off.

Nightsabers, warhorse chocobos, and druids who have transformed into reindeer, all have solemn faces. Felwood has been beaten into a pot of porridge, relying only on the king of the forest, Cenarius, can’t stop it. It is only a matter of time before the terrible big demon and the all-destroying demon coalition enter Mount Hyjal.

But the large army of elves was blocked in Ashenvale, and they could only use fuel tactics to try to regain the defense line of Felwood. The situation has reached the worst level. If this time cannot be rescued from the trapped in the Emerald Dream Druid Legion, then Mount Hyjal, which is currently extremely empty, can only let the great devil run wild.

Dick rode on the horse, his eyes were clear, but he also had troubles. Since he set foot on the land of Kalimdor, a question had been in his mind.

“Originally, the union of night elves, humans and orcs was built by Medivh in the state of soul. Now that the union is established, where is Medivh, this prophet, on earth?”

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