Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 222

Chapter 223 Saron Evil Iron Bomb, Surprise

“Have to let him shoot another arrow!”

Sylvanas said to herself like this in her heart, and then she did the same as Vienna’s practice and extended her hood with an arrow.

This trick can be said to be tried and tested, because for most archers, it is very tempting to have a person’s head dangling in front of your eyes, even though the head may be fake!

Sure enough, the opposing archer shot again!

In Sylvanas’ eagle-like eyes, a bow and arrow were seen from behind a large rock, and then a sharp arrow flew out of it!

“Got you!”

Sylvanas smiled slightly and spoke to Vena in the language of the elf.

“Vienna, the fifth big stone from the left in the opposite corridor, the archer is behind the big stone, I will find a way to suppress the enemy, you will kill him when the time comes!


Hearing Veena’s response, Sylvanas took up the star bow in his hand and started shooting at the big rock! The big rock was about 300 meters away from Sylvanas’ position, but However, the bow and arrow penetrated into the back of the big stone without any leakage.

In such a situation, the enemy archer did not dare to show his face easily, because even a single arrow could kill him!

“The enemy archers have been suppressed!

Sylvanas shouted!

Wiena stood up decisively, without any hesitation, raised the bow and arrow in her hand, and looked at the big stone Sylvanas said.

Sure enough, under the observation of her field of vision, despite the chaos in the big stone, Vienna still saw a dark bow and arrow!

So Vienna slightly raised the bow and arrow in her hand, and let go of her hand decisively!

With a bang, the bow and arrow flew out of the rifling, like a small death god wielding a sickle into the big stone and killed it.

I saw a blood flower blooming in the messy big stones!

There was a smug smile on the corner of Vienna’s mouth, this time she won the battle.

“The opponent’s archer has been killed!”

“it is good!

“As expected of my subordinates, come down and join us! We will leave here soon.

Sylvanas was overjoyed and shouted to Vayne.

It turned out that Sylvanas used the magic rune on his body to contact Thrall after he just killed Kazaf and his younger brothers.

After Thrall and others learned the specific locations of Sylvanas and others, they arranged for wind riders to come to receive Sylvanas and others.

As for the iron barrels on the truck, Sylvanas and everyone came to an opinion after discussing, although this kind of thing is a material that can be used to make weapons of mass destruction, although it is not clear whether it is really, but the Lich King Nothing good would be done, so Sylvanas decided to destroy the yellow cakes in place.

Vayna withdrew from the commanding heights to Sylvanas’ side, and looked at Sylvanas with loyalty in her eyes.

Sylvanas nodded to Vayne.

“I have contacted Thrall, a group of wind riders will arrive here in ten minutes, and then we can leave, now all we have to do is retreat to the entrance of Naxxramas! 95

After speaking, Sylvanas took out a set of Saronite Bombs from himself. This kind of grenade was a new sample made by Glory City, and its power was much greater than that of ordinary grenades.

Sylvanas puts the Saronite bomb on the edge of the wall!

“In ten seconds! I’ll blow up this wall! Get ready! 35

Sylvanas lifted Kael’thas on his back, and then fell for dozens of seconds! With a bang, the wall collapsed, and the exit of Naxxramas appeared in front of the three of them.


Sylvanas gave an order, and she and Vaina rushed out together!

The rest of the Rangers follow immediately!

Those undead soldiers who originally chased them were probably because they did not expect that the escape route of the three of them would be so wild, and they did not catch up in the first time.

And there are only a handful of undead soldiers outside the airport, causing no danger to Sylvanas and others at all!

Just when the undead soldiers came back to their senses and chased towards the exit, they saw a group of wind riders appearing leisurely in the sky.

“Can’t let them go”||!

The undead soldiers shouted and rushed over in batches!

Vayna and Kael’thas, who was lying on Sylvanas’ back, blocked their pursuit by casting spells.

Probably because of the death of Lady Deathrattle, the will of these soldiers to fight is far less powerful than before.

This is also inevitable, after all, the soldiers of the Scourge Legion have no will of their own, they just simply obey orders!

But there are always people who still have the will to fight, but they didn’t dare to take the test too close for a while, so they had to rely on various wall bunkers to attack Sylvanas and others.

At this time, the descending Wind Rider army also opened fire, and the bow and arrow hit Naxxramas like raindrops. Soon the entire battlefield became riddled with holes, and many undead soldiers died under the guns of the Wind Rider army.

The Wind Rider army slowly fell to the ground, and Sylvanas and others quickly climbed onto the Wind Rider’s back.

At the last moment when the wind rider was about to take off, Sylvanas took out a remote control button from his hand and pressed it hard!


The entire transport plane was instantly blown up by the powerful Saronite Bomb, and the yellow cake inside was also destroyed.

And those undead soldiers who were relying on the wall to attack the wind riders were bombed and vanished, and even the ashes were nowhere to be found.

The Wind Rider army took off slowly, and several medical staff who came with the team quickly came to check on the three of Sylvanas. After confirming that Veena was only slightly injured, and Sylvanas was actually unscathed .

An orc shaman glanced at Sylvanas with admiration.

“Mighty warrior! Salute to you!!”

“Nothing. 35

“I have seen enemies stronger than this, and it is normal that they are not injured. 35

“Please give them two things to deal with quickly, this task is not easy for the two of them.”

Sylvanas explained without any modesty.

The shaman nodded and organized staff to deal with the wounds on Vienna and Kael’thas.

Sylvanas sat alone on the backs of the Wind Riders’ army, watching the full Dragonblight.

In all fairness, this land is a beautiful place, and it would be even more beautiful if there were no wars.

Just like Quel’Thalas!

Thinking of this, Sylvanas couldn’t help sighing, and in the distance, the dark power of the Ice Crown was showing its outline under the layers of clouds…

Just after Sylvanas and others successfully returned to the orc base.

Thrall and others also took the army to kill Naxxramas!

Because all the leaders of Naxxramas were strangled by Sylvanas and others, the attack of the orc army was a song all the way, almost as soon as it was dark, they completely captured Naxxramas s!

What surprised Sylvanas even more was that Thrall and the others also captured Farina!

After successfully capturing Farina, Thrall and others quickly evacuated Naxxramas, which had been in ruins.

“Back near our hotel!””

“I’ve got an interrogation room ready in there! The interrogation room has all the tools we might be able to use.

Thrall suggested to Sylvanas.

So the troops of Thrall and others returned to the same path and headed towards their base.

Farina was controlled in the car with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Vienna, Thrall and the others supported him on the left and right, and Vienna was holding a dagger tightly against his thigh artery. He didn’t dare to make the slightest move.

“Please let me go!!

“I really beg you, if you want gold coins, I have a lot!”

Farina begged for mercy.

Vienna sneered when she heard this, and she raised her fist and punched Farina in the face!

“Gold coins?!! Do you think we value your little money?”

Farina was punched and honest, and Vienna’s words also caused a lot of waves in her heart

At this time, Sylvanas turned to look at Farina and said.

“I suggest that you better organize your language and think about how you can tell us something about the Lich King in a while.

Farina’s eyes widened instantly, she looked at Sylvanas in disbelief and said.

“The Lich King? You are here for the Lich King? But the Lich King and I know him at all. You are looking for the wrong person.”

“You can continue to insist on your own words like that.”

“But wait a minute and I’m sure you’ll tell the truth. 99

Sylvanas said.

Farina still wanted to argue, and Thrall took out a roll of cloth from his hand and sealed Farina’s mouth.

After Sylvanas and others arrived near the base, they found that, as Thrall said, an interrogation room was not far from the base.

Opening the door of the interrogation room, an iron chair first caught everyone’s eyes.

“Drag him up. 35

“Me and Thrall and Vienna are in charge of interrogating her, and the rest of you are on guard outside.

Sylvanas ordered.

Farina was honestly dragged from the car to the iron chair by Thrall and Vienna.

She also didn’t dare to do anything too outrageous, for fear that whoever would be unhappy would end his life with a knife.

After Sylvanas entered the interrogation room, he directly locked the door of the interrogation room.

There was a dim candle in the interrogation room illuminating Farina’s pale face. Facesal tore the seal from his mouth.

“”, what do I ask you to answer!”

Sylvanas spoke to Farina condescendingly.

Farina nodded hurriedly and begged for mercy.

“But I really don’t know about the Lich King!”


A sneer flashed on Thrall’s face, and then he forcibly tied Farina’s limbs to the chair, and then the element of lightning flashed on his hands.

“It seems that you won’t say anything if you don’t suffer a little!

After saying this, Thrall’s hand opened the iron chair, and Farina’s body was shaking painfully on the chair.

But she still said stubbornly.

“I really don’t know about the Lich King! I’m only in charge of Spider-Man! I don’t know much about him, I’m just one of his ordinary men!”

“Damn it! Still not telling the truth!

Thrall cursed angrily, and then used more lightning elements to stimulate her.

At this time, Sylvanas reached out to stop him and said.

“Okay, let me ask him.”

So Thrall stopped his movements and looked at Sylvanas with interest, wanting to see how he could get information about the Lich King out of Farina’s mouth.

Sylvanas took out a long piece of rag, covered Farina’s eyes with the rag, then squatted down and took out a dagger to cut a wound on Farina’s ankle.

In such a dark environment, blood slowly flowed out from Farina’s ankle and dripped onto the ground.

This sound is like a turning second hand, but this second hand indicates not the time but Farina’s life!

Sylvanas said in Farina’s ear,

“You can say nothing, and I don’t bother to ask you!

“I will leave you alone in this interrogation room and let the blood of your body flow out of your body little by little, the whole process will not be fast!

“(Zhao Zhao) You may regret it in the process, but it’s useless! Because I don’t plan to come back after I get out of this interrogation room!””

Farina’s body trembled slightly, there is nothing crueler than slowly depriving a person of life.

“All right!”

Sylvanas clapped her hands and said.

“Open the door! This guy really doesn’t seem to be willing to say anything. Let’s go out and find out if anyone else has come into contact with the Lich King in this place.”

After saying this, Sylvanas put his hand on the door of the interrogation room.

But she did not open the interrogation room hatch but simply let the interrogation room open.

Finally, at this moment, Farina collapsed and his mouth made a whimper! Seeing this, Thrall hurriedly tore the seal on his mouth. Only to hear Farina shout a word from her throat.

“Adronerube!! King of the Spider Kingdom! That’s all I know! Please let me go!”


A look of doubt appeared on Sylvanas’ face.

“Adranirub! What else is that king?”

Farina said with a cry.

“I know a secret passage to Azronnerub, and I know what to do with their corrupted king!

“Apart from this?”

“What else do you know besides this?”

Sylvanas asked,

“The rest I really don’t know!

Farina said.

“That’s all I know. 35

The three in the interrogation room exchanged glances, and in the end it was Sylvanas Dove.

“Looks like this guy isn’t lying either.

“Looks like we’re going to meet the spider king! 35

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