Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 210

Chapter 211 Treasures Of The Storm Peaks! The Attack Is Invalid! The Dignity Of Life!

“All in all, I personally think that it would be a waste of money to let the goblins of venture capital companies exploit such strategic resources as Saronite!”

“We have to use strong means to control these resources. 99

“To ensure that Saronite does not fall into the hands of the enemy!”

“So I hope that you can let your children of the storm support us in the Argent Dawn’s work in the area of ​​the Storm Peaks to mine Saronite.”5

“what do you think?”

Raphael said these words to Hodir in an orderly and seductive manner, only to see a hint of doubt on Hodir’s face.

“So, you’re going to send someone here to mine the mountains?”

Hodir said to Raphael in a deep voice, obviously, he himself did not like Raphael’s suggestion very much.

“I promise you, I will mine within limited limits!”

“And will protect the original appearance here to the greatest extent.”

“And after the war, my people will stop all mining operations immediately, how about that? 99

Raphael said sincerely to Hodir.

Hodir looked at Raphael’s sincere words, thought for a while, and finally nodded.

“Well then, since there are always mice to make trouble, I’d rather welcome some well-behaved mice! 99

“Haha, I thank you Mr. Hodir!”

“In a way, you are once again protecting Azeroth.

Raphael was wearing a high hat to Hodir, but the copper beard beside him couldn’t listen.

“I said, Your Majesty!

“Whatever you want to gather in Storm Peaks, you have to get it before the world is destroyed, right?”

Brian Bronzebeard reminded Raphael “060” eagerly, and now Azeroth is on the verge of being destroyed.

“Oh, Bronzebeard, you’re right.

“We should hurry up!

“Then! To the observatory!”

With a big wave of Raphael’s hand, he led the crowd to kill Odur’s observatory.

But the enemy of the Observer is different from Azeroth, or all the enemies Raphael has encountered in the past.

“You say, when we meet that observer, will he reason with us?”

While walking on the road, Raphael asked Brian Bronzebeard.

“This… I don’t know about this, High Lord.”

“But to have such an enemy is really not something to be thankful for!

“He’s a titan…

Brian Bronzebeard looked at Raphael with an uneasy expression on his face.

“I don’t care who the big brother behind him is!

“If reasoning can’t convince him, then don’t blame me for making him rough!

Raphael clenched his fists with a sneer on his face.


Brian Bronzebeard looked at the famous lord with a helpless smile on his face.

I don’t know whether this big lord is too strong, so he doesn’t take the Titan’s envoy in his eyes, or because he doesn’t know the identity of the Titan at all.

Ten minutes later, Raphael and his party came to Odur’s observatory.

It’s a big circular square, and no one can read the text when it is filled with 1 on the surrounding golden walls.

In the core area of ​​this square, an azure planet model floats in the sky.

Raphael saw at a glance that the planet was Azeroth!

“But what about the observers?”

Raphael looked around and said aloud.

“He should be here.

“The Guardians have no reason to deceive us, do they?”

“But High Lord, look at that thing… it’s so beautiful! Is this Azeroth?”

This is the first time Brian Bronzebeard has seen the 3D version of Azeroth.

Intoxicated eyes shot out of his eyes, and the whole person was completely obsessed, and walked towards the Azeroth graphic.


“We live on this thing?”

Liadrin looked at the ball curiously.

“Don’t you know?”

Raphael asked curiously, but as soon as the words came out, he regretted it.

Nonsense, although Liadrin and the others can control the Holy Light, none of them should have flown into space for the time being.

On the other side, Bronzebeard has walked in front of Azeroth’s graphics.

“I think we should be right here.

Bronzebeard spoke and reached out to touch Azeroth.

At this moment, a powerful force shot out from that planet in an instant!

This power is not like any power on Azeroth!

Even Raphael himself did not feel the power of figuring out or similar to this power!

All at the same time, the same thought arises in the mind.

“Come the watchers!

“Everyone beware! Bronzebeard! Come back!”

Raphael shouted loudly to Brian Bronzebeard.

Then, I saw a silver-white light sweeping across the entire hall, and the hall originally made of bronze and rock suddenly changed into a different look!

I saw that the stars were shining all around, and all kinds of unfamiliar nebula were all over it!

For a time, Raphael even felt as if he had really entered the universe.

“This is… what’s going on?”

Brian Bronzebeard, who fell to the ground, ran to Raphael’s side with a look of horror, looking left and right blankly.


“The Lord we are looking for is here. 39

Raphael said to Brian Bronzebeard in a flat tone.

However, when such words fell into Brian’s ears, they sounded like thunder!

Soon, a nebula gathered in front of everyone, and then, a humanoid creature composed of stars appeared in front of everyone!

He is the watcher, Algalon!

“Stranger, you broke into my studio.”

Algalon’s voice sounded, and there was a chilling rationality and ruthlessness in his voice.

“We are here to find you, Observer!”

Raphael shouted to Algaron loudly.

“Is it?’

Although Raphael wasn’t sure where the eyes on Algaron’s face were, he could clearly feel that something was staring at him.

Then, his whole body became cold, and it felt like he was drenched in the rain.

Just when he was surprised, Algalon continued to speak.

“Bug creature, you shouldn’t appear in various places.

“I don’t know which link went wrong, but your presence will definitely affect the whole of Azeroth.”

“It is impossible to judge whether the impact is positive or not, but there are certain risks. 35

“You deserve to be fixed!”

Algaron’s voice was still extremely calm, but his words made Raphael feel uncomfortable!

fix bugs?

Aren’t you going to kill me?!

Raphael didn’t expect his transmigrated identity to be able to deceive Algalon.

But he never expected that Algalon’s attitude towards himself would be so rude.

“I said, can’t we talk?”

Raphael shouted to Algaron.

In his opinion, he does not have any deep hatred and contradiction with Algaron.

And this guy seems to have intelligence. If so, why can’t we chat? You can’t stop until you get a fight.

“I’m curious about your identity and your origin.

“But the world has accumulated a lot, and I suspect that even if you fix your bug, it may still be difficult for the world to return to normal.”

“So sorry I had to resort to a coercive measure. 99

As Algalon spoke, he raised his hands to the sky, and the stars around him began to turn!

That terrifying force strikes Raphael again!

“Holy Shield! 33

“Damn, this guy doesn’t make sense! Do it! 35

Raphael hurriedly summoned a holy shield technique to protect his body and resist the first wave of attacks from his journey.

Then, after receiving Raphael’s order, Sylvanas and the others immediately attacked Algalon!

“The danger index is up!”

“Summon Quantum Shield!”

Algalona’s mechanical voice sounded, and then his body changed!

I saw that the space around him seemed to be distorted, blocking all the arrows fired by Sylvanas and the ranger team.

Including the magic that the mages shot, once they hit Algaron, they disappeared at all!


Raphael couldn’t help but scolded, and then he was about to join the battle!

As a result, his feet just moved when he felt a strong gravitational force emanating from his feet!

Raphael looked down, and was so frightened that his whole soul fell!

At some point in time, a small black hole appeared under his feet!

However, this black hole cannot be a real black hole, but a false black hole summoned by Algaron in this simulated cosmic space.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the entire Azeroth will be completely destroyed by this black hole!

Raphael hurriedly jumped away, and then shouted to Algaron…

“You are not qualified to judge the rights of life on this planet!””

“I’m not qualified to judge my life!

“You and the Titans almost screwed up, I’m helping you clean up the mess you left behind!

After hearing Raphael’s words, Algaron stopped his attack.

This was hardly an attack at all, because Algalon didn’t seem to have any intention of actually killing Raphael and the others.

He is like a child with a magnifying glass, and Raphael and others are the ants in the focus of the sun under the magnifying glass!

That’s right, Algaron is playing with Raphael Moon and his party.

“Interesting, you seem to know Titans and Azeroth well.

“Could it be that you came here from a parallel universe?”

“And in your universe, nothing about the Titans or Azeroth is mysterious.

I have to say that Algaron’s ability to judge is simply terrifying and outrageous. His simple words almost revealed Raphael’s true identity!

Raphael only felt a cold sweat running down his back.

Fortunately, Sylvanas and the others did not understand what Algalon was saying.

“You…you…we should have a good talk!”

Raphael looked at Algaron with a strong sense of powerlessness.

He does possess some power now, but the power in his hands cannot compare to Algalon’s power at all!

Their power is not on the same level at all.

As for why in the previous World of Warcraft, the foot men could hurt Algaron.

In this regard, Raphael just wants to say that games are games after all, but the problems he is encountering now are not as simple as games!

Now there will be no angel sister here to resurrect you, and there will be no running corpses!

Everything is so real here!

And the truth is, if Algalon doesn’t want Raphael to hurt him, then Raphael can’t hurt Algalon at all.

“Talk about it, maybe you’re right. 99

“But I have to remind you that you and I have limited time.

“The infection of this planet is terminally ill, and I have to format the entire planet within the stipulated time.”

Algalon stopped his attack, and all the miniature black holes on the floor disappeared.

“Okay! Then let’s talk seriously!”

“If you really know the world, you should know it.

“I used the power of holy light and magic to save the world more than once!”

“And you? Just because of the mere ancient gods, you have to format the entire planet!”

“Is this fair to the creatures on Azeroth and to Azeroth itself?”

Helpless, Raphael had to carry Azeroth out, hoping that Algaron could give Azeroth a face.

2.9 “You may not know.”

“As far as Azeroth is concerned, is it true that you intelligent creatures exist?”

“As you said, you thought you had saved Azeroth many times.

“But have you ever thought that maybe Azeroth never existed without you, maybe he didn’t need to be rescued by you at all! 35

“As for your power…”

A fishhook made of stars flew out of Algaron’s body and flew into Raphael’s body!

Raphael only felt his whole body tremble, and then, all his powers left him!

“What’s going on?! 35

Raphael hurriedly opened the system and looked at his attribute bar, but unexpectedly found that every attribute of his own had become zero!

“This this……”

A sense of drowsiness struck Raphael, his knees softened, and he fell directly to the ground!

“Look, your power comes from Azeroth.”

“They’re not really yours. 35

“Interesting though…an unexpected way to gain power…”

Algalon’s voice was still so mechanical and cold.

“Anyway, you are right about something. 35

“It is true that Azeroth’s situation has deteriorated to this point because of the mistakes of the Titans. 39

“The power of the star soul itself is lost…the life form is downgraded…”

“These mistakes should not have occurred.”

“And I! came to end this! 35

Algalon has decided that everything that happens on the planet Azeroth is wrong!

So, he used his icy voice, which sentenced the planet to death!

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