Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 183

Chapter 184 Veresa’S Reconnaissance Operation! Thermaplugg’S Death Is Approaching!

Gnomeregan, the corridor leading to the flight zone.

Lancelot, Vereesa, and Jeremy stood beside a step with a detailed map of Gnomeregan that had just been rubbed by the sorcerer.

His younger brother was working in an aircraft factory in the Mechanical District when the disaster struck.

Vereesa frowned when she heard that the 4 teams did not return, and then tapped the map.

“The whole of Gnomeregan is divided into upper and lower layers, while the Stonejaws are mainly concentrated in the lower layer. 55

Shattered Wheel bowed and left the room.

“Assemble our troops now!”

“You are right! 99

Mekkatorque is clearly more concerned with the safety of his people.

“Don’t detonate first, send a copy of the map of the burial and surviving points to the Grand Knight Lancelot.”

Lancelot, who was back here, walked in with a map.

“I’ve had enough of grovelling next to that idiot!! 99

A black figure put his toes on the corpse and dragged the corpse to a corner.

“how is the situation?”

They can smell the ‘human smell’ about 50 meters away.

A blue stonejaw, different from the other grey stonejaws, stands in front of a huge siege tank.

“In less than a week he will be sentenced to death in front of all the dwarfs!

“I will personally carry out the death penalty against him! 55

“I don’t want to delay anything because of them!”

“Intentionally put in?

There’s no need for that anymore, broken wheels.

Lancelot pointed at the map and said to the two of them.

Kelsey Steelspark pulled out like a machete.

The dwarf said with hatred for the traitor on his face.


Somewhere in the Artisan Quarter, Gnomeregan Rogue Training Ground.



“I bet he’s out of his mind.”

A dull blade tip pierced the chest of the stone palate monster, brown blood came out of the stone paw monster’s mouth, and it was soft to the ground.

The rangers saluted Vereesa, then left the room and rappelled to the bottom of the city.

The other stone paws raised their heads in astonishment, the arrows magnified in their eyes.

“They are also high-level technicians of the Tinkers Guild, and I didn’t expect to get involved. 995

“Also, there are currently 4 squads that have not returned.

“But it won’t always be safe.

“There has been some progress in our investigation.”

Artisan District, at the city generator.

Lancelot kept drawing the route on the map to show Vereesa.

“In two days at most, I’ll be able to crack this damn unlock code.

Stonejaw monsters live underground for a long time, so they are almost no different from blind people.

Lancelot didn’t do much politeness, and put the map directly on the table.

“In the entire mechanical area, a total of 4 survival spots and 7 stonejaw monster nests have been found, and fireworks have been buried.”5

The female dwarf asked with an expressionless face.

“Tell me about the plan.

“Already reported, the Great Artisan let us continue the plan until all the traitors are found!

“Captain Fire Drill!

Mekkatorque looked at a one-eyed dwarf with a blindfold behind him.

“Now that we’ve figured out what’s going on here.99

“Information just received.

“but me!

The dwarf looked at his ‘colleague’, and he knew that her brother had also disappeared in this disaster.

The concealment of the room is very good. After Veresa led people to clear the surrounding stone jaw monsters, she took this place as a temporary stronghold for the rangers.

Crusher has blue engineering eyes, and his face is a little bad.

“Get ready, leave in ten minutes.”

“Follow your orders, Your Excellency the Great Artisan!”

Vereesa and the other rangers began to clean up the room, and ten minutes later, silence returned.

So the rangers had to smear their blood and certain bodily fluids on their bodies to mask their scent.

“At that time, no one can stop us!”

“The stronghold here is also abandoned, our mission is not here.”


For Thermaplugg’s statement.

“They may have noticed!”


A trace of madness began to appear on Thermaplugg’s face again, waving his hands and saying.

If two password crackers are discovered, it doesn’t matter.

“The perimeter of the lair has been buried, but we’re not sure what effect detonating them would have on the city.”

Vereesa nodded, and she turned directly towards the ranger team.

Waving the steel rod to open the stab, it was about to make a sound of warning when another arrow had passed through its throat.

“There’s no way that idiot in Mekkatorque has discovered our plan.

A ranger pointed to the map on the table, which looked like a simple combat map that had been drawn, with only the shape of the city on it.

With another gesture, Vereesa pulled the bowstring with three arrows between her fingers.

“Let Lanka and Briss speed up the cracking of the code of the city’s defense system, and others too!”

“Also, you need to find the survivors of the gnomes and remember their location.”

“It’s all dispatched.

The short bow made a short muffled sound, and the four stone-jawed monsters suddenly lay on (cbci) the meat.

“Then go ahead and plan.”

She made a gesture to the ranger in the shadows, and continued along the corner of the wall.

Vereesa walked into a dwarf room, which had been cleaned out very cleanly, whether it was stonejaw monsters or mechanical parts.

The cut pieces of meat were placed in front of the blue stone-jaw monster, and it picked up the pieces of meat that were just enough to swallow and still chewed in its mouth.

The reported ranger captain nodded, and nodded to the rangers next to him.

It avoids the hard bone, passes through the artery in the neck, and is quickly pulled out.

Vereesa made another gesture, and three rangers, all covered in runic leather armor, sprang from the shadows beside the tank.

“I need you to find the biggest lair of these stonejaws.”

“All leads point to him.

The cry of the blue stonejaw was interrupted by an arrow, which it blocked with a steel rod.

“If possible, find out why they appear!”

The three rangers nodded, and the silver cloak behind them suddenly wriggled.

The two hands crossed and stabbed into the neck of the last stone palate monster at the same time, and the stone palate monster’s trachea and arteries were cut off at the same time.

Lancelot asked Vereesa who was memorizing the map.

“I think you’ve been away for too long… Your Majesty the King!”

Vereesa counted in her heart the time it would take for the Stonejaw to eat another piece of meat.

It means that there are thirteen stone palate monsters, two entrances are left, three entrances are right, and the others are gathered together, close to the inside of the factory.

A dwarf frowned.

Crusher felt that it was not very reliable and still looked worried and said.

‘Our city defense system was completely useless when those stonejaws invaded. “”

“Then we can clear this place directly.”

“All the early warning robots seem to be malfunctioning.”

“Are you sure?”

Vereesa first pulled the corpse of the Stonejaw Monster.

Thermaplugg is a little dissatisfied with the current progress.

“Does the master craftsman know about this?”

Its blood has not yet splashed out, and it has been inserted into the other neck.

Vereesa retracted her dagger and jumped lightly onto a black smoke tank. The bow in her hand made an inaudible sound, and the arrow passed through the black smoke.

“The Steel Needle Brothers have been out of contact since yesterday.”

“It’s just that the battle was urgent at the time, so the great craftsman never thoroughly investigated the matter. 99

The Artisan Quarter, the Great Artisan’s quarter, is also the headquarters of Gnomeregan.

“But our people just found out yesterday that several of the high-level technicians responsible for maintaining the city’s defense system were his people!

As if some force twisted the air, the Ranger suddenly disappeared into the air.

But they still have weak eyesight, and their sense of smell is quite sensitive.

Vereesa took out two dull daggers, activated the invisibility spell on her cloak, and followed the shadows into the factory gate.

“Also, my people have been evacuated from there and started exploring like the next town.

983 They stuck to the steel wall, and Vereesa made several gestures at them.

“But my people had no blasting experience, and they were afraid of the unpredictable effects on the city, so they didn’t detonate.

“So your task is to scout the whole of Gnomeregan along the lower levels of the city.

“After leaving some weapons and food for the survivors, let our squad continue to the next urban area.”

Vereesa approached the factory door and pressed her ear against the cold steel wall.

It held a steel rod that looked like a mechanical part, and next to it were several stone-jawed monsters cutting fresh meat from unknown sources.

Approaching the back of the stone jaw monster’s head, the greasy sticky hairs suddenly curled up a few times and accelerated sharply.

A stone-jawed monster lingering at the gate of the factory fell forward while clutching its throat.

“Their ‘lairs’ are also concentrated in the lower layers!”

“Send all our thieves, I’m going to speed up!”

Vereesa took off a short bow from behind, made several gestures, and the rangers took out their short bows one after another.

Then he smeared blood on his face and leather armor expressionlessly, and left the factory with the three rangers.

PS one more!.

“No finds here, smear their blood and move on.

“I’ve been to their place and there’s no one there with Ben!35

The female dwarf nodded.

He arranged for several groups of people to decipher these things, and they didn’t know each other’s existence!

“By the time they started working, our city was almost down!”


“Don’t worry, Kelsey, I reckon we’ve caught half of them.

“Three locations with dwarf survivors were found, and seven tunnels like the lair of the Stonejaw monsters have been marked on the map.”

Seeing the abnormal flushing and frenzy on Thermaplugg’s face, Shattered Wheel knew that persuasion was useless, so he could only nod his head and say.

“Okay, Your Majesty the King.

The female dwarf widened her eyes.

Thermaplugg maintained a high-pitched voice that sounded like several ducks quack.

The dwarf patted the female dwarf’s arm and said affirmatively.

Vereesa nodded and said.


The pink-haired female dwarf made a crazy look on her face, imitating Thermaplugg’s look.

The stonejaw monster with blue fur picked up the meat and put it in his mouth.

“The specific plan is this.”

Lines of Argent Dawn soldiers were piling up the stinking corpses of the Stonejaw to burn.

The gnome took out a document full of gnome words.

Magni and Mekkatorque are here.

“These idiots have been blinded by illusory power, you should really see Therma Plugg’s expression when he speaks.

“Aren’t you surprised?””

“Normal people can’t do such a thing.”

After a while, she raised her palm and made several gestures.

“I’m going to get our people ready, and the ‘secret passage’ next to the factory will be opened soon.”

The toes gently padded, and the corpse cushioned, lying on the dwarf’s corpse, turned around, and pulled it out.

“Lanka and Brice?”

“It appears that the different coat colours represent their class.35


“They are safe.”

“The Needle Brothers may have been sent on a mission. They are members of the Tinkers Guild after all.”

Approaching quietly, the killing intent in his heart was deeply hidden, and he sent the dagger gently and slowly.

Its hands stopped in midair, and suddenly shrugged its deformed flesh nose.

A strong sense of unease appeared in his heart.

A shadow flickered in the corner behind him, and Shattered Wheel looked back, then turned and left.

Falling down with a grunting sound.

“We’re going to save our people!”

“Sure enough, there are survivors.”

To the right of the entrance, three stonejaws surrounded a dwarf’s corpse and did not know what to do.

“Let those idiots hurry up!”

“You are now Mekkatorque’s adviser after all. 35

“We suspect these stonejaws were deliberately put in by Thermaplugg.”

The dwarf officer gave a salute and walked out of the headquarters…

Vereesa looked towards the opposite side, where the two Stonejaw monsters had also been dealt with.

This room is located on the upper floor of the mechanical area, and there are several planes that don’t seem to be fully completed.

An hour later, in front of a tank factory in the mechanical area, a stone-jaw monster wrapped his arms around his body and cut a piece of rotten meat with the stone in his hand.

It purred inexplicably from its mouth, because the stone was so dull that it could not cut the rotten piece of meat.

“As a consultant, it’s a little suspicious not to help the Great Artisan with his affairs at such a time.


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