Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 166

Chapter 167 The Son Of Glory, The Plague Of Gnomes, The King Of The Undead!

Westfall, Glory City.

A room in the high lord’s mansion.

Alleria’s miserable screams could be heard incessantly from inside.

Even as powerful as Raphael at the moment, he can only anxiously turn around outside his house, looking at the closed door with a worried look. Inside lies his wife and the priests who came to deliver the birth.

In human belief, human beings are born from pain, carry the sin that makes mother suffer, and use kindness to wash their life.

But the birth of flesh and blood is not filthy, it is a sacred ceremony, representing the inheritance of life and blood…

And now Raphael is waiting for this sacred ceremony to be completed…

The underground city of Gnomeregan, the home of gnomes, is probably the most developed city in the entire Azeroth mechanical civilization.

Gnomes have inherited the mind and wisdom of their ancestors, the mechanical gnomes, who are obsessed with mechanical creations.

And their cerebellar seeds are also very good at dealing with mechanical problems.

Hundreds of years ago, when the dwarves used crude iron to build Ironforge, the gnomes were already flying in the skies of Khaz Modan in primitive wooden planes.

In general, although the technology of gnomes is a beginner in the eyes of the Titan guardians, it is already a proper black technology for other races.

But dwarfs have a price for their brains, and these short people are shorter than dwarves.

And they are not as muscular as dwarves, their individual strength is very weak.

5 dwarfs can’t beat a human in total, these Azeroth’s technology dead house, is to eat with wisdom.

During the Second Orc War, the gnomes also joined the alliance with the dwarves.

But their timid and neurotic nature makes them reluctant to communicate too much with other races.

Except for some dwarfs who are very daring and adventurous, most dwarves stay quietly in their own technological cities, studying their own simple pleasures.

Gnomes live in the mountains in the northwest corner of Khaz Modan, and have small towns on the surface.

Between the surface and the underground city, there are steam elevators as a means of going back and forth.

In the underground city, the gnomes have built complicated subways to transport materials and personnel between various urban areas.

This huge underground city is full of mechanical creations made by gnomes, many mechanical guards, and some strange things.

Gnomes have exaggerated characters and like to be lively, so the whole of Gnomeregan is in a happy noise almost every day.

Plus there are huge battery packs buried even deeper to power the entire city 21.

This city buried deep in the ground is like a noise generator that never stops, but the gnomes who live in it have become accustomed to this kind of chaotic liveliness.

And when the city continues to enjoy this bustling and lively time.

A sudden loud noise made the noisy city suddenly quiet down.

All the little men who heard the sound looked at the source of the sound.

Then saw the solid stone walls of the underground city of Gnomeregan…collapsed.

The far north, the mysterious continent of Northrend, the north of the Dragonblight, the Forgotten Ice Cave.

This is a place that freezes the souls of those who enter.

Arthas was leaning on the golden warhammer “Light’s Revenge” standing not far from a stone platform.

In front of him, a black-blue long sword was suspended above the stone platform.

On the stone platform, there is also a line of inscriptions that can make people dizzy at a glance.

“Whoever holds this sword has eternal power!

“This sword bleeds to show its sharpness, and this sword eats the soul to show its power!

A dwarf with a battle axe and a war hammer on his waist was lying on the stone platform, with a heavy book in his hand.

The dwarf’s thick fingers stroked the inscription little by little, and said the translated meaning word by word.

“Alsace, this is a magic sword!”

“This is definitely not what you’re looking for!”

“We’re getting out of here, and I have a… an ominous premonition!

After reading it, the dwarf himself was probably taken aback by this line of inscriptions full of murderous and evil spirits.

He took a step back and looked at Arthas hesitantly.

A dwarf with a beautiful orange-red beard spoke to Arthas. The dwarf was named Muradin, Muradin, and Bronzebeard.

He is the current Ironforge Dwarf King Magni, Bronzebeard’s younger brother, Brian, Bronzebeard’s elder brother and an honorary director of the Explorers’ Association of Ironforge.

Arthas met them when he landed.

I have to say that these two brothers are the biggest troublemakers in Azeroth, unlucky ones, plus a Ronin.

The three of them seem to be humanoid self-propelled machines, and if they go there, something will happen.

At that time, the dwarf’s camp was being attacked by a group of undead, and Arthas took the soldiers to kill and scattered the group of spider-like undead without hesitation.

In order to repay Alsace’s kindness, Muradin asked the reason.

He immediately stated that he would help Arthas find the legendary sword that could control the undead.

History changed here thanks to Raphael’s intervention, and Arthas explained to his father, King Terenas, the reason for his trip to the North.

Although the old king was reluctant to give up, he did not force Alsace to retreat as in the original history. Naturally, the vicious incident of burning ships and killing people would not happen.

After asking Falek and Mavien to take care of the camp, the two powerful guys embarked on a journey to find the Excalibur.

Muradin and Arthas were actually acquaintances. When Arthas was a child, Muradin briefly served as his swordsman teacher.

Muradin knew that Arthas was a man full of justice since he was a child, but it was not until the two of them broke through the blizzard and entered this gloomy ice cave.

It was only then that Muradin realized that something was wrong.

“Alsace? Arthas! Are you listening to me!”

Muradin looked at Arthas who was staring blankly at the blue magic sword and shouted.

“Uh…you go, Muradin, and go back to your people.

“Don’t stay here, this sword… this sword is my destiny, I see it!

Arthas slowly walked towards the magic sword.

“You’re crazy! Come with me, my friend!”

Muradin stepped forward to stop Arthas, who was about to touch the magic sword.

“No…I can’t go…I want to save my people, as long as I tame this sword…’

“Yes, I can tame it! I can…”


But Muradin’s action was too late, Arthas had already touched the sword.

As Arthas muttered to himself like a sleepwalker, walking towards the evil sword, Muradin tried to hold him back.

But Arthas just glanced back at him and made the dwarf let go of the prince’s arm.

Not because Arthas was strong enough to stand up to the 500-year-old Dwarf King of the Hill, but because of his eyes.

Alsace’s eyes at this time, that kind of cold, that kind of ruthlessness, that kind of indifference.

This is definitely not the look of a person who has his people in his heart.

Muradin felt the fear from his heart, and he took off his battle axe and war hammer.

Now, only weapons can give him a sense of security, and the dwarves can feel it, under the shell.

It is no longer the soul of Arthas, it is another person!

No, that’s a monster!

A monster has awakened!

“Don’t go there!

Just as Arthas’s hand was about to touch the hilt of the magic sword, Muradin finally overcame the fear in his heart.

The dwarf stretched out his thick left hand and slammed it forward fiercely, and the warhammer in his hand turned into a thunderbolt with lightning, hitting the magic sword.

If this hammer hits, the magic sword without the blessing of the user’s will will definitely be knocked out from a distance.

But unfortunately, just as the warhammer was about to hit Frostmourne’s blade, a dark magic force suddenly ripped apart the space.

Appearing beside Arthas, while blocking the warhammer, he gently pushed Arthas’s body forward, who was about to wake up from the nightmare.

In the palm, Arthas could feel it, the warm palm touched a piece of cold ice.

There was a flicker of hesitation on his face, but it was immediately replaced by firmness and persistence.

He no longer resisted, but clenched the hilt of the sword.


Arthas wanted to tame this reckless magic sword and use its ability to command the undead to save his country.

But when his spiritual power came into contact with this sword, he knew that he had been deceived!

This is not a sword with a soul at all, and it can’t be said to be tame. In fact, this sword is like a cage specially designed for Arthas.

When he came into contact with this sword, his soul was torn in two by the cunning and mysterious magic of the demons.

Justice, light, perseverance, firmness, kindness, honesty, honor, guardianship, kindness, these beautiful characters.

It was extracted from Arthas’ soul, forming a faint silhouette.

And anger, evil, haze, viciousness, ferocity, darkness, tyranny, slaughter, destruction, these negative personalities are rapidly strengthened.

The dark soul composed of these dark sides took over the body of Arthas at this moment.

His blond hair turned as pale as bones in an instant, and those blue eyes also turned into indifferent gray.

The golden knight armor on his body, under the shroud of black smoke surging from Frostmourne, was changed into the unique skeleton armor of death knights.

The reborn Arthas tilted his head and looked at the golden figure who kept shaking his head beside him.

He took a step forward, and the magic sword in his hand mercilessly pierced the other self.

When the magic sword was raised, Arthas became the sword’s first victim.

“You!…you return Arthas!

Muradin witnessed this despairing and chilling scene throughout the whole process.

Holding his battle axe in both hands, he leaped high, and with the strength of his entire body, slashed towards the head of the newly born king of death knights.

This blow was so vicious that behind Muradin, even the hard, frozen ground was torn apart under the wrath of the dwarves.


The magic sword and the battle axe clashed together, Arthas blocked Muradin’s slash with one hand, and the dwarf’s face showed incredible horror.

But since the warhammer used for defense had been thrown by him, Muradin could only stretch out his left arm to try to block the blow when the magic sword suddenly changed.


The magic sword slid across the armor of the dwarf’s arm, splashed a burst of sparks, and tore his chest.

A terrible wound, even the internal organs leaked out, but when the first drop of blood flowed out, it was frozen by the cold air that followed.

The power of this sword was very strong, and it directly smashed Muradin’s body out.

It smashed the entrance of the Forgotten Ice Cave from afar and fell into the blizzard of the outside world.

Muradin, Bronzebeard, life and death do not know.


At the moment when Arthas smashed Muradin, a large group of purple bats appeared behind Arthas.

They screamed and converged, eventually forming a guy that Arthas knew very well.

Mal’Ganis, the culprit who lured Arthas down!

But at this time, the fear demon king did not have the slightest desire to fight, it stretched out its sharp claws.

He scratched his ugly chin and looked at Alsace, as if he was looking at a commodity.

“Tsk tsk, look at this sword, this is one of the most perfect weapons that my brother and I forged on the home planet back then. 99

“Ner’zhul’s soul-draining waste only barely matches the abilities of this beautiful weapon.

“But you… tsk tsk, look at you, so weak, so stupid, how do you deserve this artifact?”

Mal’Ganis grumbled, but then it snapped its fingers.

A purple gate appeared in the forgotten ice cave that was about to collapse, and the Dread Demon King didn’t even look at Arthas.

“Hey, come with me to meet that prisoner of Ner’zhul, it’s time to carry out the master’s great plan…”

“Ah, I’ve had enough of the coldness of this damn planet, I’m going to pull out the magma from the ground, that’s enough warmth, hahahaha… ah!! 35

Mal’Ganis, who was laughing wildly, suddenly let out a whimper.

A black-blue blade that seemed to be permanently frozen, pierced its chest from behind.

As the most mysterious Nathrezim blood-sucking demon, the weapons of this world cannot harm its demon body.

But Frostmourne is not a weapon in the world, it is one of the evil artifacts carefully crafted by the previous Nathrezim.

Plus the ability Ner’zhul the Lich King gave it.

Yes, Ner’zhul escaped from the battle at Draenor’s Gorgon and returned to the Black Temple.

And the successive failures of the Burning Legion continue to demand a scapegoat,

There was no better scapegoat than him, and Ner’zhul’s soul wailed in the deceiver’s cage…

Turned into the Lich King…

This sword, in fact, had the power to kill Mal’Ganis when it was buried here.

“You… how dare you… ah!!

Malganis was hit hard and was trying to escape as a bat.

But the expressionless Arthas opened his other hand, and a madly spinning ice storm appeared beside Mal’Ganis.

It interrupted the process of its incarnation as a bat, and then it heard the cold voice of Alsace.

“No one in 967… can control me, you… you can’t, Lich King, you can’t either!

“Also, do you really think… I forgot about your fooling me?”

Corrosive dark power emanated from the blade that penetrated Mal’Ganis’ body.

Soon, the wailing Dread Demon King turned into a black skeleton.

There was also a gorgeous purple armor that fell to the ground.

“You are so reckless!”

An old and tormented voice appeared in Arthas’s heart, he did not respond, he knew who it was.

“The Nathrezim cannot be completely killed. 99

“However, it will take some time for them to revive in the void, so they can barely hide from Kil’jaeden.

“Although you’ve caused me a lot of trouble, I’d say, well done!99

“I’ve had enough of this goddamn idiot!”

Ner’zhul’s old voice was full of joy as he talked to Arthas, though Arthas said nothing.

“Then, dear king of death knights, can you tell me what you are going to do next?

Ner’zhul already knew the answer, and it was part of his plan.

“Go back! The other half of my soul always wants to save Lordaeron, because that is the country he will inherit.”

“I think, I probably have the qualifications to inherit that country.

Faced with this question, Alsace answered for the first time.

“Well, nice idea, a realm of the undead that disrupts the world.””

“Oh, by the way, wouldn’t you mind helping me with something?

Strengthening himself and attracting the eyes of that strong and terrifying man on that continent was originally Ner’zhul’s plan.


Arthas said succinctly.

“Kel’Thuzad is a very good subordinate, I promised to “sublime” for him, and this is up to you!”5

“In exchange, I will give you the control of the Crypt Nerubian I just captured.”

“Go and subvert this stupid world!”

Arthas didn’t seem to hear Ner’zhul’s words, and he walked silently into the blizzard step by step.

Those scattered snowflakes seem to be afraid of this person.

They fluttered in all directions, trying to get away from Arthas, but the white-haired prince didn’t care.

He stretched out his hand, pulled the hood behind him forward, and carried Frostmourne on his back.

Step by step, he disappeared into a vast expanse of ice and snow.

Half a month later, a special fleet docked at Nanhai Town.

It was dark at night, and I looked at the quiet and peaceful scenery in front of me.

Arthas hid in his eyes under the hood, but he no longer had the firmness and persistence he had when he left.

He was as cold as a dead man.

Farrek and Mavien, who were also wearing hoods, were guarding behind Arthas.

They were also silent. Behind them, pale-faced soldiers walked out of the cabin one by one, and the quiet dock became even more gloomy.


A swirling gold coin landed in front of the terrified dockkeeper,

“Go to Lordaeron and tell the citizens that their prince is back!”

“He will save the country!”

Arthas’ indifferent voice sounded, and then walked into the darkness…

PS one more update!! The update at night should be late…..

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