Awakening Valentine’s Day, My Lover Is Actually the Nine-tailed Demon Fox Su Daji

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The sixth chaotic religion! Join Minghua! [New book begging for support! 】

The members of the Ming Dynasty laughed and opened their mouths.

Seeing that Yu Qinghan didn’t speak, everyone had no choice but to speak boldly one after another:

“Hello everyone, my name is Tian Li. The solar term for awakening is the spring equinox. It can speed up the growth of animals and plants. It can be regarded as an auxiliary type of ability.”

“My name is Lynch, the solar term of awakening is frost, and the ability is frost and freezing…”

Everyone opened their mouths one after another.

“Hello everyone, my name is Liu Muqing, the solar term of awakening is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the ability is the power to control the moonlight…”

When those members of the Ming Dynasty heard the introduction, their faces were still expressionless. When they heard Liu Muqing’s introduction, their eyes suddenly lit up.

“Mid-Autumn Festival? My darling, that is one of the top solar terms!”

For a while, these Ming members looked at each other, their attitude towards Liu Muqing changed.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the top solar terms.

As long as Liu Muqing does not die prematurely, she will definitely become one of the great figures of the Dragon Kingdom in the future.

Finally, after all the students introduced themselves, it was Chen Chuan’s turn.

Chen Chuan touched his nose and said helplessly: “Everyone, the solar term for my awakening is Valentine’s Day…”

Don’t wait for him to finish.

“What? Valentine’s Day?”

“Is there a hammer? Can I join Mingbe?”

“Hahaha, brother, are you joking?”

For a while, several members of the Ming Dynasty were dumbfounded and laughed out loud.

“Is it funny?”

Yu Qing gave them a cold look.

As soon as these words fell, the members of the Mingbe who were laughing suddenly stiffened.


“…Captain, isn’t it funny?” A Mingbe member asked cautiously.

“Frog at the bottom of the well!”

Yu Qing smiled coldly and said, “Believe it or not, if I wasn’t here today, Chen Chuan would be able to kill all of you with the ability of Valentine’s Day?”

“Tell me, is it still funny now?”

The words fell.

Immediately, the entire Mingbu members were in an uproar.

“Captain Yu, your words are a bit exaggerated, right?”

“Yes, even if this Chen Chuan’s Valentine’s Day ability is strong, he only successfully awakened yesterday, and he is still a D-level solar term warrior. We are all B-level solar terms!”

“Hahahaha, Captain Yu is teasing us again!”

“Captain Yu is so funny today!”

A group of Mingbu members said with a dry smile.

“To make fun of you? Humor?”

Yu Qinghan sneered when he heard the words, and was too lazy to explain anything.

It will be a long time in the future, and it won’t be long before these Mingbu members will know for themselves just how terrifying Chen Chuan’s Valentine’s Day ability is!

At this time, the explanation is pale.

Seeing that Yu Qinghan didn’t say more, these Ming members laughed dryly and stopped talking.

It’s just that the eyes they looked at Chen Chuan became a little weird.

Chen Chuan helped his forehead.

This look, he is familiar!

Isn’t that just looking through the back door?

You don’t have to guess to know that these Mingbu members must have thought that he came in through Yu Qinghan’s back door.

“Okay, I’m officially announcing now that Chen Chuan, Liu Muqing, Tian Li… joined our Mingbu. In addition, Chen Chuan directly enjoys the treatment of senior Mingbu members!”

Yu Qinghan spoke calmly.

As soon as these words fell, Liu Muqing and others knew that Chen Chuan’s ability was terrifying, but there was nothing unusual on his face, but the eyelids of the members of the Ming Dynasty jumped instantly.


This relationship is too much!

You must know that in the entire Mingbu base, there are only a few A-level peak solar terms, enjoying the treatment of senior members!




Yu Qinghan issued a uniform waist badge and combat uniform as a member of the Ming Dynasty.

Liu Muqing and other girls are in uniform black combat uniforms like Yu Qinghan, and half-knee black boots.

Chen Chuan, on the other hand, is dressed in a large black robe, with gold thread on the back of the robe, embroidered with the word ‘Ming Hua’, and layers of embroidered patterns on the edge of the robe!

The same is true for the waist card, the whole body is dark black, and the word ‘Minghua’ is engraved on the waist card!

These represent the identity of Mingbu!

On a podium, Yu Qinghan said in a deep voice:

“Since everyone has joined the Ming Dynasty and enjoys the benefits and treatment brought by the country, then in the same way, you must shoulder the responsibilities that you should shoulder!”

“I hope you understand that the reason why you get more than ordinary people is because you will pay far more than ordinary people! When you join Mingbu, you must be ready to sacrifice at any time!”

“People are divided into three, six and nine grades, but the distinction is not between noble and low, but each performs its own duties!”

“Your current duty is to protect Qingshui City! In addition to preventing monsters from the abyss from going to the town, more importantly, it is to prevent the solar terms of chaos and gods from doing evil!”

“Crazy God?”

Chen Chuan and others frowned, revealing the meaning of asking.

“The sect of the gods, they are traitors and bugs among our human race!”

“They abandoned their beliefs and beliefs, put themselves under the command of the abyss monsters, and did things for those abyss monsters.”

“Because they are human races, therefore, the hidden ability and threat of Chaos God Sect are actually higher than those abyss monsters!”

“Those monsters in the abyss, there are very few monsters that can break through the human race’s defense line and really enter the inland. And these people of chaos gods are hidden in our human race, and they may not seem to have any abnormality on weekdays, but once they act, every time It will bring serious harm to the major cities of our human race!

It can be said that there are more human races who died in the hands of the messengers of the Chaos God Sect than in the hands of the monsters in the abyss! ”

“These people of the Chaos God Cult, who may be teachers, waiters, or even government officials, are usually hidden by our side. Therefore, we need to be extra careful. Remember, don’t trust anyone at will!”

“Besides that, I hope you will strictly protect the news of Chen Chuan and Liu Muqing, especially Chen Chuan, and don’t show Chen Chuan’s abilities!”

“Because of the Chaos God Sect, I often kill human geniuses such as me!”

“If anyone leaks their mouths, don’t blame me for being a rebel of the Chaos God Cult!”

When Yu Qinghan said the latter, his eyes were full of warnings.

As the leader of a city, Yu Qinghan obviously not only has a hot body, but also has a bloody wrist!



[The first shift arrives, and there are four shifts later, I beg for all support! ]*

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