Chapter 26: Recruit 79, That's Me!
POV: Recruit 79
We had finally made it over to one of the farther back sections, this time to test my nexus capacity.
The walk was short, but long.
Interactions were plentiful, as everyone in the facility had heard about it in a matter of minutes even if they weren't watching. And, of course, they all had to stop by and start a conversation somehow.
Of course, they didn't want anything to do with me 15 minutes ago.
The man that was in charge of my evaluation also seemed to treat me a lot better, but he didn't really know how to act with me.
When his tough guy charade is shattered, he doesn't like to... talk.
To be fair, he doesn't anyway.
For the nexus capacity test, all I have to do is gently rush nexus energy throughout my body as I'm inside of a special chamber. While I don't know the specifics, this technology seems far beyond our age.
I wonder it's from before the fall...
Entering the testing room, the man shut the door behind me, leaving just me alone in here.
Shortly after, he came on a muffled speaker that blared inside the tiny test room. "Once I say we're all good here, just go ahead and gently rush the energy through your body and hold that for just a few seconds," the muffled voice spoke.
"Got it."
I began getting quite nervous, as I didn't really know what to do.
In my initial evaluation, I couldn't even complete this part all, since it was impossible for me to even move nexus energy around my body.
Even now, I don't know how to.
But I know it's there.
I can feel an abundance of energy just dormant inside of me, like it's overflowing in an oddly small sphere stuck inside of my chest, deep inside. I just have to figure out how to release that, let it flow through me.
Closing my eyes, I began to concentrate on that little spot that ached in my chest.
'What the hell do I do? They make it sound so much easier than it actually is!' I thought to myself, nearly blurting it aloud.
"Whenever you're ready," the muffled voice in the speaker came out.
I stopped what I was doing, instead taking a second to properly zone out anything and everything. Nothing is important outside of this.
Taking another deep breath, I tried again.
Instead of trying to push against it, I decided to... feel for it.
Finally, I felt a shift in my body.
Not like being shoved, or something turning inside of you. Something that felt natural, powerful, and it reminded me of something.
That's right!
It reminded me of that one day, when I went to go put out the fire...
This is it.
Instead of fighting against it, I let it all out.
A smooth warmth enveloped my body quickly, and I felt the nexus energy embrace every droplet of blood that swished around in my system.
"Perfect! Hold that for just a moment," the muffled voice spoke once more.
However, I soon realized this would be bad.
For a few seconds, everything was fine. The energy was washing around my body in a beautiful harmony, an amazing sensation that feel like total euphoria. However, eventually, it became... too much.
Way too much.
All of a sudden, nexus energy began seeping out the corners of my body.
Through the tips of my fingers, through my feet, and even through my eyes, until my entire body began glowing uncontrollably.
"Oh god..."
All of a sudden, the total euphoria, pure bliss that I felt turned into an agonizing pain within moments. Unbearable, to the point where I began screaming in pain. "A-Are you okay in there?" the muffled voice came on one again.
Finally, I couldn't contain it anymore.
In once, an entire surge of nexus came bursting out from my body.
The entire room, not only me, was enveloped in a yellowish glowing light, to where that was all that I could see.
Finally, the surge fully released, decimating the room around me. As the light cleared up, there was no room. All the walls that surrounded me were totally destroyed, shredded to molten, smoking pieces that scattered the facilities floor.
"What the hell happened?" I asked.
However, as I was preparing to fall unconscious, this time... I didn't.
'I'm not passing out!' I thought, practically jumping for joy.
Finally, my examiner as well as two other faculty members came rushing over in such short notice I was almost surprised they cared.
As they observed my totally uninjured self, along with the broken room, they began scratching their head in unison out of pure confusion.
I couldn't blame them.
Even I still didn't fully understand it.
However it seems like I have a lot of untapped nexus energy now... and I was excited to make use of that, any way I could.
"A-Are you okay, sir?" One of the ladies, who appeared to be blushing for some odd reason, stuttered.
'Why is she...'
I looked down, and I noticed that my entire shirt was blown off.
'What the hell? I have abs now?' I thought.
My entire physique was entirely refined, not the sloppy mess of a figure that it was before. All my scars, heat burns were gone, and I no longer looked malnourished, so skinny that my ribs were visible through the skin while stretching.
'Well, this all just got a whole hell of a lot better...'
"E-Excuse me," the lady stuttered once more. "What was your tag again?"
"Well, recruit 79, we weren't exactly able to analyze you,"
"Oh, was there not enough time?" I asked.
"No no, it wasn't that," she replied, making me confused. "We were able to get the results back just before...this. It's that your results exceeded our capacity to examine. You'll need to go to a bigger facility."
'So you're saying my nexus is stronger than what your machine can handle?"
"Y-Yes, that is correct sir," the lady spoke once more as she bowed.