Austin fighters series

Chapter 3: Austin fighters Episode 3

Austin fighters Episode 3

Steven, Jack, Goku and Piccolo arrive at black Universe's location. Steven touches down and

looks at his brother. Black Universe says well, you have gotten stronger. Let's go!! Steven and

Black Universe fly towards each other. They both punch each other in the face. Then they fly

back then they attack with flurries of attacks with Steven holding himself a lot better than before.

black universe looks in respect. Good, but I can go beyond. Says black universe. He begins to

power up. His aura Is dark with white lightning. He gets to about 1 million to 2 million power

level. Steven looks in awe then turns to Piccolo. Use the technique that I taught you, says

Piccolo. With Goku and Jack watching, Steven uses the Kaioken boosting his power to around

1.5 million power level. Woah, Piccolo you taught Steven Kaikoen says goku with amazement.

How did you learn it? Jack asks. King Kai taught me it and I couldn't use it due to its irrelevant

usage after you went to Namek and became a super saiyan. Says Piccolo. Ohhh that makes

sense, says Goku with a newfound understanding of Piccolo's journey. Piccolo goes on to say

Besides, Steven's power can regenerate from injury better than namekians, so he could use it to

its full potential. Steven and black fly towards each other at top speed black and Steven are

even and as Steven and Black begin to battle even harder, they move faster until Steven and

Black are exhausted after 30 minutes of fighting at top speed black uses one hand to prepare a

giant energy attack. Steven barely is standing. In his head he remembers pink Steven. The form

he used in the Steven universe future show. How it was really powerful but drove his mental

health to a breakdown. Can I use it now with the training I have now, thinks Steven. I'll have to

try to, as There's no choice. I can't use Kaioken for too long. So I'm going to try. Steven begins

powering up and he begins to glow pink. Black Universe looks on with a grin. good full power!!

He says they launch at each other when the dust settles Jack, Goku and Piccolo watch as

Steven stands victorious over Black Universe like krillin did over vegeta in the saiyan saga. I

would rather not kill anyone, especially family, says Steven with a tired voice. Black Universe

starts crawling away Steven lets him go with him saying I'll be here if you want to rematch

black!! I will be on your guard. Comes the reply Goku lands and says Steven you won!! you did

a good job!! Piccolo says we should probably use the DragonBalls to restore Steven's friends

and family. Good idea! Goku says then turns to Steven if you want to train with me, you're

always welcome. Steven says thanks, I'm going to have to train to make sure that nothing like

this happens again. Our heroes fly off to find the Dragon Balls.


Meanwhile Lincoln Loud, who is currently in his room trying to figure out what to do with his

Situation. Lincoln had figured how to use ki blasts, and was currently studying Dragon ball

episodes for tips to try to master his new powers.. Lincoln then remembered the phone number

Vegeta gave him while taking out his flip phone. He dialed the number. After a few rings

vegeta's gruff voice answered well, you're eager to learn I see Lincoln. I'll teleport to pick you

up and be ready.. training starts tomorrow.


Current z fighters power levels

GODLY POWER LEVEL or gpl is power level for things like ultra instinct and ultra ego.

GOKU - 250 gpl

VEGETA 207 gpGohan 150 gpl

Piccolo 145gpl

Trunks and goten 500 million pl

Buu 750 pl if not hibernating and is actually trying

Krillin, tien, yamcha, all at 375 million

Other z fighters are either retired and or will not be reliable

Jack sullivan has a base power level of 550 in super saiyan 27500

Steven universe is at a base power level of 750. With his pink form 37500 with the Kaioken

stacked on top, is at 1.5 Million which is kaioken X 40.

Lincoln loud has a base power Level of 150

I'll be sure to do a normal power level update every so often

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