Aurora Scroll

Chapter 13

Wollter made his entrance after an intense battle against the Cockatrice.

His aim was Lena, as long as Lena couldn't pay her debt then she would become his. The failure of her quest was something he wanted to see, not success. However, a Cockatrice suddenly appeared. And what’s more unbelievable, Lena’s group managed to kill it. With the materials left behind by the rare monster, Lena would be able to clear her debt, which would put Wollter's dream into jeopardy.

He couldn't just accept it.

So he would make sure the Cockatrice wouldn't be their gain. Wollter said some bullshit like the Cockatrice was originally his and he was hunting it but Lena and the group "kill-steal" Wollter’s prey.

Naturally, Lena and the others disagreed but they had just finished a hard battle and were exhausted. Wollter and his cronies appearing at that time put the loan shark in a very advantageous situation. Cain’s Level 1 reveal was unexpected but in the end, Wollter’s side still had the upper hand.

Both sides refused to budge and bitterly they fought.

During the fight Wollter did as all villains do, gloating, taunting, mocking, the usual practices. It was three Level 1 versus three injured Level 1 and two Level 0.

The battle was going well at first but just as villainous characters do, they started gunning for the weaker ones. With that Paul and Lena moved to the defensive, losing their initiative. After a drawn-out and costly round for both sides, Cain and the others gradually pushed the attackers back and would have emerged victorious, but Fate must have its drama.

During the battle, Lena was in danger and Paul jumped in to protect her, suffering a grievous injury. Cain managed to defeat and kill Wollter but the good villain didn't fail to convey threatening curses and foreshadowing last words before moving to the afterlife.

Paul lay in a pool of blood and bid the tearful Lena a touching farewell before his last breath leaving him. The younger trio solemnly offered prayers to the departed while hearing Lena’s sobbing cry.

The mood was dark as the remaining four made their way back to Mokash town. And yet tragedies shaped characters, those left behind grew stronger, wiser, and more prepared for the challenges ahead.

End of arc 1 — Journey’s Start.





Or that’s what would’ve happened.


“-and Cain leaped to the sky! His sword shined watery blue, like a fang from the azure heavens! He unleashed a phenomenal downward strike that cut the monster’s head clean off! An attack worthy of legend!”

A round of cheering and merry shouting rumbled the tavern. Air of merriment enveloped the guild’s tavern this evening, where the five celebrated their success.

Lena and her group were carting the corpse of a Cockatrice in broad daylight. Their entry was very eye-catching and memorable. It was high noon and the street was busy while a giant headless chicken’s corpse was being hauled into town.

The body of the Cockatrice was no different from a pile of money. They could carve parts of it for easier transport but felt it was too much of a waste so they made a simple wood cart and brought the Cockatrice back whole. Paul, the blacksmith aspirant contributed greatly in the making of the cart.

The monster was so big and heavy. Although it made their travel time longer and more troublesome, it was overall a smooth journey to Mokash town. No extraordinary thing happened. Nothing unexpected happened.

Smooth journey?

Smooth journey!

The five reached the gate of Mokash town tired but their heart was full of satisfaction. They stopped at the guild to report and let the guild staff handle the dismantling.

“I’ll handle this. Let's meet again at the tavern in the evening. Go get some rest, you guys well earned it.”

Lena said to the group but Paul insisted on accompanying her. Her face was a bit red as she accepted. Seeing this, Cain, Oliver, and Irene read the situation and left them alone, agreeing to meet again later. Cain returned to the inn, cleaned himself up and relaxed until the promised time.

“To us!”

The five clucked their wooden mugs together as they sat on the same table. This tavern was where they had breakfast and it was also suitable for having dinner.

“How did it go with the guild?” Cain asked.

“Good, I made sure they did not skimp on us. The guild offered a fair price for the monster materials. Oh, oh, thanks to the three eggs you recovered, we not only completed our original request but got a hefty bonus too!” Lena explained.

“Hey, aren't you guys the ones that hunted the Cockatrice?” A young adventurer interrupted. The five had eyes on them since the time they entered the tavern.

“Indeed, you have keen eyes mate,” Oliver crossed his arms and nodded like a sage.

“Come on, tell us the tale!” Another adventurer on the next table added.

“Mmm, there’s a saying that a smart eagle hides its talons…” Oliver looked hesitating.

“Barkeep, five mugs of ale for this table. I’m paying,” the adventurer said.

“Well, if you put it like that. How could I refuse, dear sir? Come, come and know the tale… It began under a lightless sky in a forest of white dead trees…”

Oliver started to weave the story of their earlier experience, but it was longer, had ample exaggeration and artistic interpretation. Cain was actually impressed. Oliver might have talent as a bard.

“Barkeep, change one of the ales into fruit juice, cold if possible,” Cain said.

“Make that two,” Irene followed.

Oliver was in the zone, fully immersed in the story. He took a couple of chugs from someone else’s mug and stood on top of a table while the rest of the tavern listened to the story with 50% falsehood.

“Shouldn't you stop that?” Cain pointed at Oliver.

“It's fine. They know most of it is an exaggeration, but all adventurers love a good story.” Paul stoically sipped his drink.

“So how much did we get?” Cain asked bluntly.

“400 silver coins for the Cockatrice body, feathers, meat, core, the whole package… are you sure you don't want the monster core?” Lena asked again.

“It's fine, just put it all in the pot and convert it into money.”

“We’ve all agreed to give you a bigger cut,” Paul said with appreciative eyes.

“Nonsense. It's a team effort. Let it split five ways equally.” Cain shook his head and showed humility.

Lena and Paul let go of the matter after seeing Cain’s adamant stance.

“There’s also the eggs. The egg poaching quest’s reward plus bonus makes us another 100 silver. Into a total of 500, split into five then we all get a full 100 silver coins each,” Lena clarified.

“1 gold coin for each person… it's a lot of money,” Irene muttered to herself.

“At first, my target was a total of 300 silver after two or three quests but we shot past it in one, 500 silver right off the bat. Again, my gratitude to you.”

“No need to mention it.”

“No, you don't understand. This money means a lot more to me than its monetary value,” Lena’s face bloomed bright.

Well, I heard your talk with Wollter so I know.

When Oliver reached the part where Cain cut the head of the monster, some people turned to look in his direction. Cain only raised his glass and meekly avoided meeting their inquisitive stare directly. Oliver then finished the story but the audience threw him with questions so it was getting rowdier. Oliver’s face was red, was he drinking alcohol?

When the revelry was in full swing, someone charged into the tavern and screamed with a loud voice.

“WOLLTER IS DEAD! He was found dead!!!”

Every head in the tavern turned to the sweating man’s direction. They were so silent, a cluck of a mug could be heard by the whole tavern.

“Wollter the loan shark?” Someone asked.

“Yeah!” The newcomer furiously nodded.





Everyone in the tavern burst out in jubilation, dwarfing the previous revelry in scale.

“Oh?” Cain was surprised. He’d never thought Wollter’s death would be received as a joyous event to this degree.

Lena was petrified as if she was hit again by the Cockatrice’s magical gaze. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“How did he die?” An eager man asked.

“Unknown, someone found lots of blood flowing down the river. When they investigated upriver, they found him and two other bodies. The other two corpses were dismembered to pieces, scattered all over the site, while Wollter’s was arguably worse… He was gutted then his severed head was stuffed into his stomach. Half of his face was burned before the murderer cut his head off. All bones on four limbs were broken and his male parts were charred into black cinders. Intestines adorned its body like accessories. And then there was a plank with writing on it: Wollter, the illustrious money-lender and woman-eater.”


“My Goddess...”


“Whoever did that must have a grudge as big as a mountain.”

Someone drew his breath loud enough for all to hear. Some felt sick about the cruelty inflicted. Most people that imagined the barbaric scene had the urge to vomit.

“As expected, the Blood Skull gang’s boss vowed revenge. Cold-heart Ajoss offered a massive bounty for the killer!”

“So who’s the killer? Who’s Wollter got done with?” A middle aged man enthusiastically asked.

“No one knows! Despite a number of investigative methods and Artes used, the culprit left no trace. That’s why Ajoss is in a frenzy right now.”

People were talking among their little groups, speculating, analyzing. The fervor by the Cockatrice hunt was nowhere to be found.

“Sis Len, this is...” Oliver struggled to find the right words. He was obviously happy but somehow it felt like there’s a black lump in his throat.

“Shuush, don't speak about it. It has nothing to do with us.” Lena whispered.

Paul looked down to his mug, then glanced at Cain.

Could it be him? No… it couldn't be… could it?

Cain felt Paul’s gaze but didn't react. His face was still as incomprehensible as ever, no one knew what he was thinking. What was outside his expectation was not just Paul that eyed him, there was another.

Now why would Irene be suspicious of me? Coincidence?


Viers decided to take a shit.

It meant he decided to act.

After he separated from Paul during the night’s watch, he went hunting. His prey was clear, of course.

Viers had foreseen the future. The pattern of existence, the flow of events, the clichés… It all led to one thing: Wollter was an enemy.

According to his future sight, if Paul didn't die because of the Giant Chicken, then it would be because of Wollter.

Scenario after scenario transpired in Viers’ mind and whatever Wollter’s actions were, it would be disadvantageous to the party and also to him.

So he would nip the problem in the bud.



Hunting for Wollter was a simple affair. He knew Wollter came for Lena and to make trouble so she wouldn't succeed.

That meant he and his henchmen wouldn't be too far from the area.

And sure enough, Viers saw Wollter’s campfire from afar.

The tiger had come to hunt.


“Gyahaha! Finally she will be mine. For a mere village girl, she is really playing hard to get.”

“Yes boss. Your scheme to create an ‘accidental’ fire at their storehouse worked out perfectly.”

“Now we just need to give a little shove before another beauty falls into your arms. Congratulations, boss Wollter.”

“Huahahaha! What can I say? I’m Wollter, the illustrious money-lender and woman-eater! Bahahhaha!”

The three were gathering near a fire pit, a chunk of deer meat was being grilled above it.

“I just rememb- Ghweekk!?”

While making a ridiculous sound, Wollter dived face-first to the fire.


“Who the fuck are you?”

Viers hit Wollter in the back of his head using a jumping knee kick. He’d already empowered his body with Victa so it was more powerful than it should be. Seeing their boss kiss the burning earth, the two henchmen were moving aggressively. Unfortunately for them, Viers was more aggressive.

Henchman A was in the middle of standing up but Viers already cut his arm off with one slash. He screamed like a squealing pig.

Henchman B's danger instinct kicked in. He realized the youth that just came was not playing around. Before he could unsheathe his sword Viers gave him an elbow straight to the face, breaking his nose and a few of his teeth.

Wollter pulled himself out from the fire pit. He was seeing stars, his face burned, and he had a severe headache. Before he could differentiate which way was left and which was right, Viers blasted him away with a water Arte. He landed five meters away after rolling on the ground a few times.

“Close your eyes,” Viers said to the head of a dead deer lying nearby.



Henchman A came first from the right, raising his remaining fist. Viers dodged and directed the punch to hit Henchman B then he plunged his sword into Henchman A’s heart in one uninterrupted flow, leaving the sword embedded in the corpse. Henchman B was reeling. He turned his head up and found Viers was right in front of his face. He let out a desperate punch which Viers caught with his right hand and stabbed him in the throat with a burning dagger with his left.

Seven seconds since Viers first attacked, Henchman A and B were no longer alive.

Viers threw the dagger that seemed to be made of lava to the ground and pulled out his blue sword from the newly made corpse as he walked in Wollter’s direction.

Still on the ground, Wollter’s eyes were as wide as humanly possible. He was consumed with extreme dread and panic.

“Y-y-you! What the fuck do you think you’re doing!?” The loan shark yelled like a frightened boy.

Viers decapitated him before answering in the most badass tone he could muster.

“Killing monsters.”

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