Auntie toasts the VRMMORPG

2.55 Homebody – Part 2


Happy Christmas Holidays!


Thursday One was the Mad Science convention. Flora was torn, whether she should leave her time dilation and waste the chance to level her stats just a bit more or go and check out her peers.

"Aito, do you have any new information on the class?"

*beep, beep, beep* (It's complicated)

Aito posted a link to a forum entry: "How to find out more about Hidden Classes."

The article explained that if you had the class's name or vague hints about a hidden class, you could pilger to an oracle who could help you out with finding it or even creating one for your needs−or you could ask the System. While Flora was intrigued by the first option but wasn't willing to leave her bedroom, so she chose option two.

"System-Request: Please tell me everything about the Mad Scientist class."

Name: Mad Scientist

Branch: Crafting


  • More than 100 S rated creations
  • More than 10 SS or 1 SSS rated creations
  • More than 10 entities terrified or awed because of your creations or methods
  • More than 3 crafting abilities above your tier or 1 two tiers above
  • At least 1 entity has to accuse you of being a Mad Scientist
  • More than 1 Administrator visit because of your creations or methods
  • One recommendation or condemnation of a Mad Scientist

Start of the quest chain: Science and Novelty Exhibition, Thursday Two 18:00, Undistructable Convention Center, Talpica, the Cradle.

Flora laughed at the requirements. "Cute! So, we need some more S rated creations, which is no problem. Aidan, do you know how many? Maybe we can bother Doc Brownski about a recommendation. I really don't know how to terrify people… and I don't want to! But aweing might be more difficult… hmm. I can get someone to call me a Mad Scientist with some leading questions."

"I'm unsure whether modifications count as creations, Milady. However, you could ask the System about which requirements you fulfill."

Flora complied.

  • More than 100 S rated creations (41/100)
  • More than 10 SS or 1 SSS rated creations (Check)
  • More than 10 entities terrified or awed because of your creations or methods (Check)
  • More than 3 crafting abilities above your tier or 1 two tiers above (Check)
  • At least 1 entity has to accuse you of being a Mad Scientist (Check)
  • More than 1 Administrator visit because of your creations or methods (Check)
  • One recommendation or condemnation of a Mad Scientist (0/1)

Flora coughed when she read that she already accomplished the Terrifying/Aweing requirement. "I'm sure I only awed them." She mumbled.


"Really System? You chose this topic to provide extra information for the first time?"

You have expended your daily limit of system requests. Please raise your limit in the Cetviwos-Shop.

Flora decided to complete the requirements before visiting the convention next week.

In the evening of Thursday One she had internalized the 500 runes of the rune section. While she was swimming against the strongest current available in her pool, Aidan tested her extensively by showing her only the picture, the name, or part of the meaning, and she had to provide the rest. For four hours, Flora exercised her body and mind to the max to reach the Persevering achievements and a 93% rating on Aidan's examination. Opposite to the other achievement hunt, she felt refreshed afterward.

Additionally, Flora bought two dexterity games from the Cetviwos shop: One puzzle for a Physical Micro Control achievement and one for an Ambidextrous and Physical Perception achievement. With a bit of training, she solved them.

To her astonishment, the System had attached achievements to the Stehaufmaennchen game for Sychnronisation Training. When you managed to hit 100 of the randomly lit areas in 100 seconds with your body, you would get + 1 OV Physical Micro Control, 250 hits in 250 seconds with a melee weapon + 1 OV Physical Macro Control, with a ranged weapon + 1 OV Physical Micro Control and with a focus + 1 OV Magical Micro Control.

No wonder the game was so popular!

Flora only managed to complete the challenge with a focus and was incensed that she couldn't beat her own game in all modes. So, she trained hard, but at least for the moment, the other achievements were out of her reach. Unfortunately, the game didn't accept rocket launcher hits. Their explosion spread too far into the neighboring areas.

Overall the days in her bedroom had been a lovely little holiday. She even gave Aidan, Haidan, and Aitoshuri 20 hours off, not at the same time, of course. Aito spent them working with Eddie on their pirate movie, Haidan hacking, and Aidan begging her to cancel his holiday. After his third tearful message, she gave him some suggestions for filling the time: creating poetry and designing business and production plans for the toast business she planned to start.

Of course, she crafted a lot but worked only on passion projects. Even the weapons training with her Riverstones teachers was enjoyable. Thanks to Aidan's reminders, she took many breaks and naps, so her stressed brain recovered.

The patching would commence on Thursday at 16:00 CET, that's Thursday Two 8 o'clock Central Cetviwos Time. After Flora had a good night's rest, she still had about eight hours of dilated time left to order her issues.

Flora had procrastinated choosing an entourage for the Champion Competition long enough, although not as long as Minos Irden, the stout Martial Monk, had taken to send her his suggestions. Aidan spammed him with reminders, and when nothing came back, all his acquaintances and fellow council members, too, until finally, he sent his selection.

Because everything is solvable if you have a spreadsheet, Flora had Aidan create one.


"Alright, we only have a pool of nine different people. That's pretty amazing if you consider the maximum possible could be twenty. Secondly, everybody but Irden suggested themselves. I like that they show initiative, but on the other hand, if they want to mess up my run, they would put themselves forward, as well."

"Irden suggested Babra Pikame, Milady. She is one of his proteges."

"Right. However, I have to admit I have a good impression of her. She made fun of Irden before we confronted the pope and helped immensely with the fallout. Show me the contribution list again, dear."

  1. Flowing Flowers – 52%
  2. Ellaciel Zander – 16%
  3. Tomos Ceart – 9%
  4. Afstira Nomizo – 8%
  5. Mino Irden – 6%
  6. Babra Pikame – 3%
  7. Tali Rondas – 2%
  8. Deriga Ticet – 2%
  9. Konstantin Kuvetli – 1%
  10. Ursula Yl – 1%

"Nearly everybody suggested Konstantin. Tell me more about him."

"Konstantin Kuvetli is a Divine Shield. He served as paladin captain in the Converge until the old pope sacked him because of 'inappropriate behavior'. I found out that he used the guards to defend the city of Haros during a monster siege. The perimeter was breached, and the Church of Evalyn's temple ransacked because all the guards and clergy were busy at other parts of the city walls."

"That's all right with me. What about that Vatten guy, Zander suggested? Have we encountered him before?"

"No, Milady. He works with an army of the Earth High Faction on the High Grounds. He is popular with the council, including the old pope and the other traitor, and hailed as the most likely candidate to join next. He and Ceart share a history. They served together on the Converge and had frictions."

"Oh, dear. We have to check him out. Invite everybody to the Talpica Temple on Friday One 12:00. And please ask Mia if she has time, as well. I need her for the group composition. I want a good synergy between us. At the moment, I tend towards Deriga's team for the sole reason that I'm trusting her judgment the most. Let's do one more analysis of the spreadsheet under the lens if their suggestions have the potential to harm me."

Flora stared at the list.

"Let's skip Deriga. First, Nomizo. She suggested herself and two other council members, Zander and Irden. Konstantin has the same race as her. Any relation?"

"Not that I know of, Milady. Konstantin is from the Fruit-Tree sub-race, while Nomizo is from the Tree sub-race. They may share ancestry, but it's not likely."

"That she stacked up the selection with Council members is in her favor. She doesn't try to dominate my team with her cronies. If she's dirty, then all three of them are."

"Next, Zander. She selected Nomizo, which isn't a good pick with her recommended group size of just three, the mysterious and suspicious Vatten and Konstantin again… why the latter?"

"Konstantin seemed to be the only tank available if you don't want to choose Ceart or his protégé Ursula. We know that Ceart is an outsider in the council. Nobody but Minos picked him, although he has an RGS of 20."

"Right. Ceart supported me early on when the entire council was against me. Nonetheless, my opinion of him sank due to his reaction to the attacks. I don't know what to make of him. Let's look at his selection: himself, his protégé Ursula, Babra, who shares his race, and Deriga. Wow, why did he pick her? To appeal to me? Or because he thinks she is young and naïve and can't counter his nefarious plans? To be honest, I'm highly suspicious of his picks."

"Babra is married to his cousin, Milady."

"Urgh, even worse. Last but not least, Minos Irden. We have his protégé Babra, Konstantin, Ceart, and Yl. That's very close to Ceart's pic. If you disregard Babra and himself, he chose the best candidates regarding their RGS. If he had suggested himself instead of Babra, I would have applauded him for a non-partisan selection. Can the entourage die? I mean, is there any danger involved accompanying me?"

"No, Milady. Dead entourage members respawn after the competition. It's a highly coveted position because they often rise in levels, rating, and RGS."

"Most peculiar. Please ask Irden why he didn't put himself forward and an explanation for the entire pick."

The answer arrived timely.


Hiho Champion!

I'm delighted with my monastery and bored with council politics. I haven't any aspirations to ascend. Tomos has the highest chance of any council member to make it past level 250 and is the best candidate for the new pope. The rest are the members with the highest potential.

Those competitions have a way of excavating potential, so I've chosen the rest with people who are the future pillars of our church. Maybe Ursula Yl is at her current limit of rating and RGS, but it's good to include her to strengthen her loyalty to the church and you.

Best wishes and delicious toasts, Minos Irden


"Ok, now Minos is my favorite council member and elevated above any suspicion," Flora stated with conviction. "He doesn't have to come on Friday if he doesn't want. Please ask him what he thinks about Vatten. I'm curious why he hadn't picked him."

"He says that Vatten's mission is currently in a critical phase, and he doesn't want to distract him. They are at war with a demon lord and fighting against the invasion of a hallowed place."

"Rent a Riverstones squad to substitute for Vatten on Friday. I don't think I'll hire him, but I want to check him out."

Flora spent the next hours relaxing and planning the rest of the week. She needed more experience in competitions and combat and tried to make room for it in the few days until the Champion event.

30 minutes until the scheduled patch.

Please stay logged out until 20:00 CET.

Flora asked herself if she should look at her stats one last time. 210 hours of training plus additional 70 hours of training time of her body in her flat had to amount to a ton of progress. However, with the upcoming patch, the numbers would change. Maybe she would be better off not having a before and after comparison.

Curiosity got the better of her, and she took a quick peek. Every attribute but Magical Perception crossed the level 100 mark. Quickly, she closed the tab and sighed.

"Fair-well my pretty stats." She mumbled before logging out.


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