Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 600

Chapter 593 : Reverse reality

The flat and fertile Shalong Plain turned into a **** of blood in just one afternoon. Hundreds of thousands of brave athletes fought desperately on this tens of kilometers long battlefield. The sound of metal crashing, the maddening roar of battle, and the wailing of ghosts are intertwined to play the first movement for the new era.

And in the center of the battlefield, where you can’t see the end, the leaders of the two camps, two former close friends, are fighting to the death for their respective futures. Aetius is so crazy that he gave up all defenses, but all offense, offense, or offense!

Two clones, four personalities, guiding four psychic lightnings at the same time, just like four giant pythons composed entirely of thunder, biting at Painhurs, the silver current is so bright that the light is At the first glance, his eyes will be burned.

However, this was equivalent to the combined force of four legendary psionicists, but Painhurs blocked it. A pair of amethyst dragon wings that covered the sky and sunk out from behind him, like a crystal structure. His cloak blocked the howling of the Destroying Thunder.

The two Aetius who were fully engaged in the attack, too late to defend, were attacked by the scarlet Magnus. Their red claws shredded their armor and penetrated their chest. When they were pulled out, there were two still in their palms. A beating bright red heart.

“You are too reckless, friend. And you Romans are really not interesting enough, Wings of Sanctuary, this little second-ring spell can completely block all damage! Such a good magic is only circulated in the royal house! But, now I will do this too.”

Seeing the two psionics slowly falling, Painhurs let out a sigh of relief. Although extremely dangerous, he still killed the war commander of the empire. Then, it is only a matter of time before the tribe is away from victory.


As soon as the pale white horse turned his head, four more silver psychic fires burst apart fiercely! The soldiers around did not know what was happening in the middle of the battlefield. They could only see where the two leaders were fighting, and four mushroom clouds mixed with silver flames rose one after another.

Pain Hess dragged his burned body, his eyes widened in disbelief, and Aetius, whose heart was taken out, stood still intact, with no damage to his armor and flesh and blood.

However, in the next second, he knelt on the ground with a pale face, and a trace of red blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

“Reverse reality! What the kid used is to reverse reality! You can reverse all the unfavorable conditions including injury, death, and eradicate the nine-ring psychic power! But this trick will greatly damage the soul, more than the soul that makes a scroll. Much too much!”

Magnus roared and set off a winter storm, swallowing the opponent with icy frost and snow, while Aetius’s four personalities, one supporting a shield engraved with 120 frost runes, and the other three Once again, the psychic sound wave was shot, and the invisible psychic scream almost smashed the bones of the Red Devil’s body.

The warchief transformed the two seven-ring spell slots into two flaming spears of evil flames, and joined the battle again regardless of his injuries. The Eternal God’s Choice was so unrecognizable that he cut down the Roman warlord with a sweep. Another spear broke out of his head, and while it pierced through another clone of Zhanshuai, it repelled it dozens of feet away, and was severely nailed into the sea of ​​blood.

However, the other party once again manipulated the power of the subspace, distorting everything that happened in the present, future, and past of the real universe. Aetius once again erased the fact that he was near death, roaring out four psychic flames!

Painhurs was extremely uncomfortable fighting him. This guy was in a posture of injury-for-injury. Once his injury accumulated to an unbearable state, he immediately used a reversal of reality to wipe out all the injuries on his body!

He is not in his heyday at all. In order to kill Ymir, he has consumed four nine-ring spell slots in a row, summoned four chaos great demon, plus the loss of killing the Visigoth Supreme King, the nine-ring arcane slot It has all been used up. The action of beheading the barbarian kings afterwards also consumed the high-level divine skills.

And now, even the only second-ring arcane protection wing that can keep him is completely exhausted under the frenzied bombardment of the psionicists.

On the other hand, the use of energy transfer, avatar, and division of mind, the consumption of psychic energy is almost non-existent, the more you fight, the more braver you fight, the more you fight! The Nine Rings Psionic can throw it out like death, bombarding the entire battlefield frantically. The only thing he can’t erase is probably the huge damage to the soul when using the reversal of reality.

The two sides desperately hit the final blow. The Eternal God chose to call out the midnight death, and the dark tentacles that covered the sky and the sun shone fiercely, crushing the two clones into countless pieces of broken meat, accompanied by dripping blood. Shot in all directions.

The brain remains of the imperial war commander, spinning in the air and flying into the distance. Before his consciousness was completely lost, he was able to show psionic energy. By reversing reality, he once again pulled himself from the edge of death, and used a spirit. Can storm, tear the blood and blood of the warchief.

This time, Pain Hess, who had almost exhausted his spell slots, was no longer able to stop him. If it weren’t for the desperate protection of the blood, anger and fearlessness, he might even die on the battlefield of the two men’s decisive battle.

“Aetius! I give you the victory on the right-wing battlefield, but this battle is not over yet! All soldiers! Retreat to the banks of the Marne! Hurry!”

The warchief coughed blood and retreated at full speed with all the cavalry on the right-wing battlefield. In the chaos, a large number of light cavalry could not receive Painhurs’ orders and separated from the entire army.

The imperial war commander who killed the blood man roared and wanted to lead his troops in pursuit, but found that most of the imperial cavalry in the red robe beside him fell under the halberd of the centaur, and the rest were surrounded and annihilated by the centaur. Under the tactics, the organization was all broken up. There were fewer than twenty company commanders of hundreds of cavalry companies that could be contacted by Dove, and there was no one who could regroup his soldiers.

“What should I do now, retreat?”

Abhuos clutched his left shoulder in pain. He wanted to kill Aetius from the air, but his shoulder blade was shattered by a scream of psionic power from the opponent.

“Can’t go! Absolutely can’t go! Now the retreat is likely to turn the battle into a rout! And we are gone, what about the infantry? There are almost half of the tribe’s Senate members! Do you want the tribe to collapse from within?”

Painhurs gritted his teeth, judging the current situation based on the psionic communication. It was true that Aetius had won the right-wing cavalry battle on his own. However, the damage of Rome was much higher than that of the tribe, and the existing cavalry was not as large as his own.

Damn it, can that psychic be called a reversal of reality? It’s really ironic, I was about to reverse the entire historical trend and won the victory of the Battle of Sharon, but the opponent used a psionic energy to turn the battle around! Re-correct history with a thing called reversal of reality!

Without a master to carry, no matter how many people and horses, he will be burned to death by the psychic flames he used to cover the sky, and no one in the tribe can counter his psychic anger. Not retreating is pure death.

On the left flank of the battlefield, Christian occupies a high ground by the river. He set up his chariot and stood on his guard. Hundreds of thousands of Rome’s most elite infantry were besieged on three sides. On the outermost side, the tribe’s infantry also tried to open a gap.

The governors of the six provinces of Spain personally supervised the battle, stopping the tribe’s infantry while storming Christian, and at this moment, he received a psionic communication from Aetius.

“Kiliman! Good news! Bad news! I repelled the Horde cavalry on the right flank!”

Etius panted and said that under Painhurs’ strong attack, he had reversed reality nine times in a row, and the damage to his soul was fatal. It is purely a miracle that he is still sober now.

“However, the cavalry of the tribe just retreated and did not disperse. They went to you! And my cavalry establishment was broken up! It is being reorganized!”


The Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds was horrified, and before he could react, tens of thousands of scarred cavalry had appeared in the distance with the sound of shaking horseshoes.

Behind them, Aetius regrouped the cavalry, the Persian heavy cavalry of the Romans, the armored Paladins of the Franks, and the Gagitine cavalry of the Visigoths mixed together, chasing the fugitive warchief.

“Step aside!”

Painhurs rode the dragon to the forefront. Under the blessing of the dark gods, his wounds were almost healed, but the lost spell slots could not be recovered.

The breath of the ancient corpse dragon, the contemplative fear, and the full-speed charge of the centaurs, the cooperation with the ogres, greenskins and other infantry, plus they chose the weakest part of Giliman’s defense. The chief easily tore the front of the imperial infantry, and the remaining members of the tribe swarmed up, all rushing to Christina’s high ground.

“Hold the battle line! Put away your bitter faces! We are not defeated! I am not defeated! Go to the reversal of reality! You only need to hold the battle line for one night! I can reverse the battle again!”

The great chief who rushed into the Christian line of defense, with four hooves weakened, almost fell to his knees, and cut several barbarian legends in a row, and fought hard against Aetius for days, which had already brought him to his limit.

Painhurs panted and immediately closed his eyes and entered a state of meditation. Desperately recovering the loss of spell slots.

The soldiers on both sides fight from noon to night, and they are exhausted at this moment. As long as they can stay on this hillside for one night, they will fill up all the lost spell slots by themselves, and then, like the beheading of the barbarian kings, they will face Aetiu in their heyday. Si, then, the victory of this battle belongs to the tribe! belong to myself! ! !

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Department of Mind Prophecy

Level: Psion/Crazy 9

Exemption check: see description

Psionic resistance: see description

Power points: 17, consume XP

It is like “distorting reality”, but with broader effects. “Reverse reality” can achieve one of the following effects.

· Copy any psionic power of no more than eighth level and non-forbidden power system.

·Copy any psionic power (but not a spell) that does not exceed the sixth level, such as the psionic power of a psychic warrior.

· Copy any psionic power of no more than 7th level and any power system.

·Remove some harmful psionic effects, such as “microcosm”, “management” or “contemplation”.

· Create a non-psionic item with a value of no more than 25,000 gp.

· Create a psionic item, or enhance an existing psionic item (see experience point consumption below).

· For an attribute of a certain creature, give a +1 intrinsic bonus. If you show multiple “reverse reality” at the same time, you can get the same attribute to get an intrinsic bonus from +2 to +5 (showing two “reversal reality” at the same time is regarded as +2 intrinsic bonus, three for +3, and so on ). The intrinsic bonus takes effect immediately, so it cannot be offset or cancelled. The intrinsic bonus of the same attribute cannot exceed +5, nor can it be accumulated; only the highest bonus is valid.

·Remove injured or bad conditions. One “reversal of reality” can help one creature per manifester level, but it can only target the same bad state. For example, you can heal all the injuries suffered by you and your team members, or detoxify everyone, but you can’t heal some people and detoxify others at the same time. “Reverse Reality” cannot be used to restore experience points lost due to manifestation or casting spells, nor can it restore physical attribute values ​​or levels lost due to resurrection after death.

·Resurrect the dead. “Reverse Reality” can resurrect the dead by copying the spell “Resurrection”. The psychic power can resurrect the deceased whose corpse has been destroyed, but this requires “reverse reality” twice, once to restore the corpse to its original state, and another to resurrect it. “Reverse Reality” cannot prevent level loss during the resurrection.

·Transfer staff. This teleportation ignores local conditions. The start and end points are any place on any plane, and one creature can be teleported per manifester level. If the subject is unwilling, he can make a will check and psionic resistance, and if he passes the psionic power is invalid.

·Recover disaster events. “Reverse reality” can undo a recent event. Demonstrating the psionic power can cause any roll of the previous round to be rerolled (including your previous round). Reality shapes itself to match the new results. However, the result of the reroll may be worse than the original. Before the reroll, if the subject is unwilling, a Will check and psionic resistance can be made, and if passed, the psionic power is invalid.

You can try to use “reverse reality” to achieve a stronger effect than the above, but it can be dangerous. This kind of performance will give the DM the opportunity to respond not exactly according to your wishes. (Your request may be misinterpreted, literally conforming to but deviating in reality.)

The copied psionic power has the same saving and psionic resistance as the original psionic power (but the saving DC is calculated by the 9th-level power).

Experience point consumption: The minimum experience point consumption to show “reverse reality” is 5000 points. If you copy a psionic power that consumes experience points, you must pay the required experience points for the psionic power, or 5000 experience points, whichever is more. If you create or enhance a psionic item, you must pay twice the experience value normally required to create or enhance the item, plus 5000 points.

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