Augustus Under the Horseshoe

Chapter 579

Chapter 573 : Come out

Before long, Aetius secretly allied with the Visigoths, changed his political stance in the court, joined the anti-tribal faction headed by Kiliman, and waited for a series of major events that could not be hidden. In the ears. The warchief gave a bitter smile-in the end, Aetius stood on the opposite side of him.

But it doesn’t matter, history has changed, and now there are three heads standing on top of each other in the Western Roman Empire. The provinces of Gaul, Britain, Spain, and the Western Islands rebelled against him, but Placidia, the regent dowager who controls Italy and North Africa, and his mother-in-law, are a firm ally of the tribe.

The warchief is busy like a spinning top, spinning around the various departments of the Senate. The soldier statistics work has finally come down. When the spring blossoms in the coming year, it is estimated that a total of 10,000 soldiers will be available for the expedition in Gaul.

Among them, the main force is of course the troops. A full eight million households are ready to go, and all of them are carrying two lances on the prairie that are more than five meters long. The melee weapons include a halberd, a short axe, and a kite shield. The large composite longbow as a long-range weapon is also equipped with three bags, sixty iron cone-shaped piercing arrows, and five hairs that are so thick that they are creepy. Heavy throwing spear.

Among the eight million households, there are 70,000 heavy armored centaur human parts, wearing heavy chain armor, Persian scale armor, grassland mixed armor and other iron armor armor to protect the vulnerable human body, and the horse body is also covered. With a layer of flexible leather.

And the last 10,000 costumed fearless men dedicated to the warchief, like pale horses, were armed to their teeth. The flexible chain mail and leather soft armor, densely woven with countless iron rings, covered their six limbs and a hundred skeletons, with only their eyes and four hooves, exposing them to the air.

And their front human torso is additionally wearing a chest armor with scale armor. The defense power brought by the triple armor is so terrifying that these fearless people don’t need a shield at all.

They wield a halberd or a great axe together with both hands, and with a full blow, they could even smash an iron helmet, or use the warhammer side of the halberd to smash the bones of the experimental product through the two iron armors. A full 80,000 heavy riding torrent, once it hits at full speed, it is enough to make the earth tremble.

At the same time, Peanna has trained bards on a large scale in the past few years and successfully trained a group of novices who have just started. But this is enough. The people and horses have achieved the same feat as the Roman Legion: each hundred households wear one or two bards, and use their singing voices with magical melody to boost the morale of the whole army.

Immediately afterwards, there were two special clans, Wind Howl and Withered Bones, both of which provided two thousands of men and horses to participate in the war. The two thousand horses and horses in the front are all warlocks, and the two thousand horses and horses in the back are all druids.

In addition to the 84,000 main combatants, all the tribes also participated in the war.

The two undead kings, together with their ghouls, vampires, and more than fifty thousand skeleton zombie troops, are responsible for logistics supplies.

Painhurs unlocked the true use of the undead in the mixed army: these skeleton zombies are really embarrassing. If they are the main force, they are not enough in combat power, movement speed, or breakthrough ability. If they are cannon fodder, they really don’t lack cannon fodder. .

But there is a mission, the necromantic army blasts other races.

The ghouls killed a large number of heavy workhorses with a daunting expression, and resurrected them in undead form, and put the shackles on these tireless undead steeds and let them tow the carriage full of grain and walk along Laetia. The main roads of the province kept going back and forth, sending the grains to the Danube River continuously, working 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The vampires held their foreheads and sighed, a large army of skeletons that looked like machines and didn’t understand what rest was stationed in the watchtowers and fortresses on both sides of Letia Avenue. According to the zero and seven work system, this lifeline linking Norikum and Gaul is constantly guarded.

Anyway, skeleton zombies don’t need to rest, the best way is to make the best use of them, isn’t it.

At the same time, the rangers of the cats, the light cavalry of the Sartre, the nomadic Germanic nomads, the evil sun light cavalry of the orcs… all the light cavalry wearing leather armor, or no armor at all, there are also eight Many. They are equipped with compound short bows, three bags of arrows, sabers to deal with light armor targets, and bones to deal with heavy armor cans. Of course, there is also a standard lance.

The light cavalry can’t be compared with the heavy armored horses in either its charge momentum or its lethality, but its victory lies in its lightness, swiftness, and superior endurance. Basically every tens of thousands of light cavalry is mixed with a tens of thousands of horses and heavy cavalry. Together, work together.

With the cavalry alone, the tribe dispatched 160,000 people at once.

In addition, the tribe’s infantry strength is also frightening. Julian’s Renegade regiment had the most difficult task and the heaviest losses in the Battle of the Utus River. However, relying on excellent logistics supplies and massive amounts of spoils, it quickly recovered to its former size-a full 20,000 wearing imperial armor. , Roman soldiers trained in full compliance with the rules of the Empire.

Among them is the alien Hercules heavy-step battle group composed of a thousand ogres. The per capita wears two layers of heavy chain armor, a scaled chest armor, a thick-spine dagger and an iron-plated tower shield, plus a cyan cloak and helmet, which is just like a **** of war.

As the traditional ally of the tribe, the Eastern Goths also provided a total of 30,000 elites. Among them, forty thousand are the Gothic war regiments, armed with chain mail, holding kite shields, wielding tomahawks or long swords, and fighting bravely.

The last ten thousand people are vows warriors wearing double chain armor and holding a two-handed giant sword, recurve broadsword, or giant battle axe.

The infantry strength of the orcs should not be underestimated. However, this time the warchief only brought their most elite gangster infantry to the battle, the boys did not carry them at all-now the tribal cannon fodder is gone, there is no need to waste these elite forces that may become gangsters in the future.

A total of 10,000 big orcs are ready to go. Arming them is much cheaper than arming others. These big guys don’t wear iron armor at all, and give them all kinds of garbage and waste, and in the blink of an eye they can piece together a strong protective armor.

The Thirteenth city-state of Tefrin in the Caucasus region provided 30,000 powerful archers. These terrifying half-devils were dressed in scales, armed with composite longbows and two bags of arrows. At the same time, it is also equipped with a mace, if it is stuck on the face, it can also beat the work of the infantry-because of Teflin’s wonderful tactics, these archers have really been trained in close combat.

The ogres also dispatched 10,000 heavy infantry wearing heavy armor and armed with heavy weapons to fight with 1,000 ogre magicians.

The last elite infantry who joined were the hill giants from the Caucasus Mountains. They were few in number, and made up 300 of the tallest, strongest, and most ugly giants. Their shoulders were loaded with green-skinned garbage. Coming from afar with a shocking pace.

In this way, Painhurs’ elite infantry force reached a terrifying one thousand three hundred. With the addition of light and heavy cavalry, the number soared to 265,300, and the armor coverage rate was even more terrifying. Only 80,000 light cavalry were not equipped for tactical reasons, instead of wearing iron armor.

With such a huge army, it is impossible to afford 50,000 undead troops alone. The northern kingdoms of goblins, hobgoblins, bear goblins, as well as the huge slave groups in the tribe, as well as the auxiliary armies pulled up in the Roman provinces in winter training methods, are all responsible for transportation.

They rotate in two shifts to ensure the safety of the transportation hub of Letia together with the undead creatures who are tireless and will not rest. If a war breaks out, they will also serve as cannon fodder to participate in the war.

These cannon fodder with weapons, only a handful of officers were equipped with armor, the Senate accurately calculated that the number was 690,000. However, they are scattered on both sides of the 660-kilometer-long avenue, and with the continuous advancement of the Gaul front, they will become longer and more dispersed.

In order to grab the Gaul region, the tribe invested a million manpower, and the amount of food and grass is too much to calculate.

The warchief was reviewing his army vigorously, the cyan dragon flag obscured the sky, and the sharp spears rushed into the sky. They were like a blanket of steel, stretched to the end of Painhurs’s field of vision.

“I can’t think of how the Western Roman Empire will defeat me. Send a messenger to Milan! Ask the regent dowager Placidia to take her central field army, and when the spring blossoms, join us in the battlefield of Gaul! ”

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